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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Sonora: Cartulina message with dismembered bodies in Cd. Obregon

LeChef for Borderland Beat  from FR4NCI5C0 L4ND3T4 and Menytimes

Cartulina Message translated by Sol Prendido:

Here I leave you to the Poli (Police). Another asshole you sent to the slaughterhouse. Jorge A. Gaxiola Castillo aka Pariente or Inge. This will happen to all those who support Los Salazar. Hit men, informants, distributors, and police. We’re here for whatever you want. We have no fear. And to all those who walk outside the corral. Get into formation or we’ll get you into formation. Pariente, we're still waiting for you. And we’re coming after the ones that are missing. Child murdering pigs.

WARNING EXTREMELY  disturbing images of dismemberment and facial flaying on next page
A twitter reporter posted these pictures of one man and a woman, severely tortured and executed with a narcomensaje in Otancahui and Guerrero of Ciudad Obregon in Sonora.

Those executed are presumably members of the narco band of Jorge Alberto Gaxiloa Castillo AKA El Pariente or El Ing detained in 2017.

From BB Commenter ESliero:  The guy they are threatening El Pariente is who “runs” the Prison in Cajeme, Sonora he’s incarcerated for murdering a cop. At the same time , Jorge Alberto Gaxiola aka El Pariente is considered Plaza Boss in southern Sonora because his reputation precedes him.


  1. I just got the green light my team will be arriving in Sonora very soon via HALO Jump.

    1. Mijo you got a lot of broken promises to catch up on, town's people, we're counting on you to, to rid of the criminals, pheasants are getting killed. You are behaving like Mr. T.,promise, but does not deliver.

  2. They grabbed anyone on the street, and claim he was a cop.

  3. CJNG came to clean Sonora

    1. This wasnt the CJNG in Obregon its Chapo Trini's people from Navojoa who are fighting the Salazare's in South Sonora...

  4. Split cell from cds?

  5. Not for nothing, but in michoacan they just tie you up and shoot you.. this stuff is HORRYFYING ..what are these demons thinking..

    1. The killers could stick their excuses and explanations up their ass, it could take some work, but upon their being found and convicted they should suffer the same fate of dismemberment but while alive. How would you catch the perps?
      Who would be the usual suspects?. El inge buddies should know and report to da police or exact retribution on the whole gang.

  6. internal so was the case of miguelito in cln at guadalajara pharmacy.

  7. Cjng just taking over

    1. You mean baby killer cartel is taking over, oh no more dead babies to come.

    2. 7:11 given your infantile statements,
      you should be a prime candidate for baby killing,
      What, mommy won't give you your milk bottle?

    3. 2:30 You really take offense to them being called the baby killer cartel? You must be the most emotionally invested cheerleader I've ever seen on this site. How incredibly pathetic of you. Lol. You actually got butt hurt by 7:11's comment? Bwahahaha! I can totally picture you... writing cartel members names surrounded by hearts in your trapper keeper. Staring longingly at their pictures on this website. Shaking your pompoms in your bedroom mirror while you practice the choreography to go with the cheer you made up. How close am I to the truth? Don't be shy kitten, you can tell us. Did you want a milk bottle? You obviously want to suck something. Ahahaha!

  8. I wonder how long after doing this. Does it take for someone to sleep well without nightmares or living in some surreal mindset. Woooow


    1. Only when remorse kicks in. Rather a spiritual awakening to his evil doings.

    2. I'm not sure but I think I depends on whether there is a religious aspect. I think a person can justify doing almost anything if they believe it will satisfy their God, bring them safety and good fortune in life and guarantee their place in the afterlife.

    3. 5:58 yeah, getting persecuted for your being such an animal would awaken your spirituality, even Stalin prayed to the lord on his last minutes alive, but never while he was killing hundreds of millions of his country's men and women, many from plain old fashioned hunger...

  9. It’s the remnants of chapo trinis people trying to fight the plaza from Los Salazar from Navojoa the guy they are talking about in the cartulina is in el cereso en Obregon he switched sides from Los trino to the Salazar’s

    1. Lol has nothing to do with the caros it’s between los Salazar and what’s lefts of chapós trinis people everybody in Obregon knows that lol

    2. 7:09 aliniensen con la gobernadora Claudia Corichi
      y no sufran chingadamadre, paresen nuevos, pinchis tarados.

    3. Lod chapos trinis siguen en obregon. Pero quin yira el crisyal blanco y quien el cristal azul? Esa es mi duda

  10. The person wearing the white glove while holding the cartulina must’ve been hiding some tattoo so as not to be easily identified. It would’ve just made more sense to have given that cartulina some tapaso (duct tape) in the back to hold it in place there. Nonetheless smart individual to have gloved that hand. - Sol Prendido

    1. 7:49 som peepol sey Michael Jackson lives, irono.

  11. @ 7:49 Dude, you keep coming here with the same line. It's Salazares vs the remnants of Beltranes.

  12. The first picture of the guy with his face peeled is different than the one with the bodies, the posters & the bottom of the wall arent the same, i think some people on twitter tried to hard.
    I wonder where the first picture is from

  13. it's the same picture just zoom on the 3rd picture and you'll see "tapia" and the prices are the same, i think the wall just looks a bit different because of the angle of the 2nd picture.

    1. Yes your right i just noticed it also thanks for being polite about my slowness lol

  14. Nobody deserves to die like this and I don't understand why criminals in Mexico continue their terror tactic of mutilating and torturing their victims - it doesn't stop their competitors from operating despite the risks of being caught. Un-educated observor from England.

    1. Interested how toy guys look at this?

    2. Dismemberment of people, enhances the terrorism effect.
      The butchers get to vent some rages too, see what you made me do syndrome, people used to get quartered back in the day, but alive in the Holy Inquisition lie Detectors or on the stake while Getting burned, the only new thing is the bodies these days, it to really murder by umbers you need to bomb and bomb and bomb the infidels cities and towns, then let the survivors kill each other for food or to die from pestilence and other Sick illnesses. Iraq, Syria, Yemen, the Rohinga, are some of the latest examples...

    3. @10:39 PM
      I guess it started when I saw a TV programme with a former SBS soldier meet with people of the Sinaloa Cartel. He also interviewed El Guero Ranas, who lost his life shortly after filming, and a CSI investigator dealing with victims of cartel crime. Initially I found the power of cartels interesting. As I looked into it further it is the innocent victims and the implications for Mexico I found more compelling. Now I check this excellent site daily for the latest news.

      @12:34 AM
      Thank you.

  15. Todo empezó en Obregón!!!

  16. No bullet wound, and it doesn’t seem like he received any immediately fatal injuries.... this dude had one very fucked up death 😱

    1. 1:16 maybe the Saudis and their bone saws have come into Mexico. They also have some famous Picahielos, ice picks, to peel off skin from the face.

    2. @1:16 the saudis can learn a lot from mexican cartel members. Saudis are bunch of camel riding fools.

  17. Quienes son los que venden cristal azul y quines cristal blanco en obregon. Son los que se estan disputiendo la venta de droga unos dicen que los salazar es azul y los trinis blanco o vicebersa. Es la duda.


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