Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The battle of the century

CIUDAD JUAREZ - A chilling general slaughter is coming this summer at the border.

The bloodthirsty Los Mexicles gang declared war on the fearsome Gente Nueva cartel of the Sinaloa Cartel.

Los Mexicles released a statement in which they reveal the names of several leaders and accuse Commander Ruvalacaba of the State Police of working for Gente Nueva.

They denounce kidnappings, people getting picked up for questioning and other atrocities being committed by the police chief. They also add him on the list.

Manta reads as follows:

For El Diario, La Polaka, and all the media in general. We are using our right of reply, we ask you to disseminate this communiqué for the Juarense and Valle Juarense citizens. The shootings and executions that have been happening in the Juarez Valley against those filthy men who call themselves Cartel de Sinaloa and the reason for this war is for the transfer of drugs as well as the GOOD CONTROL of the towns of Juarez because:

# 1: We are not going to kidnap ranchers, nor innocent people like they do.
# 2: We will not get involved with the egidatarios nor will we charge an extortion fee as they do.
# 3: We will not intimidate the innocent families that make up the Juárez Valley community as they do. The criminal group Los Mexicles make this statement so that the Juarense and Valle Juarense citizens are not alarmed by what is happening and what is about to happen. We are not coming for the innocent, nor people who are NOT involved with the so-called Gente Nueva, who are people who come to kidnap, extort and murder innocent people and families that are not to blame for this war. These scum are El Chato or El Don de Durango from Las Gallinas de Durango ranch, who is the leader of the tacuaches (raccoons, used for derogatory purposes) called Gente Nueva together with Gabina Salas Valeciano’s nephew named Leonel Salas aka El Sobrino and his father Trinidad Salas as well as his followers Chito, Chiris, El Pato, El Pecas, and Chacuas. Just as well you State Police Commander Ruvalcaba, you are the one that protects them in their private parties that they have in the town of Porvenir. You also pick up people and deliver them to El Chato to have them disappeared. Therefore it’s better that the warning be given to all these people to leave the Valley of Juarez. Otherwise the bullets and bloodshed will continue.

El 40 of the Mexicles Special Forces 
F.E.M. (Fuerzas Especiales Mexicles)

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat from LaPolaka

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  1. Same ignorance. Same objective like all others.
    Nothing new.

    1. @ 10:27 you are exactly right. From an economic point of view the Mexicles have no option, but to continue as the other do. Why? Because money and control/terror is the name of the game.

      The Mexicles will need all the money they can get to buy firepower and recruit enough (and/or quality) people. Hence, extortion/kidnappings/theft etc. will be the way for them to make enough money to staye ahead. Otherwise in the long run Gente Nueva will beat them.

      Also: control/terror is the way to ensure that the opposition has no chance of infiltrating the local population.

      On the other hand: if the Mexicles would have strong support from the local population (which I personally doubt), then they could indeed fight effectively without having to get involved in the 'dirty' side-business and without having to control/terrorize the local population.

      In the end I unfortunately think if they are successful it will be the same as before under a different name.

      I pitty the honest local population living there.

  2. Propoganda porque Los Mexicles trabajan por los Sinaloenses!

  3. Sol tacuaches are not raccoons but opossums

    1. Raccoons are Mapaches, the masked burglars.
      --Tlacuaches are possums, aka tacuache and Oppossum, the rat faced ones, Oppossum make the better BBQ carnitas, but you need to roast them with hairs and all on the grill, fried do not work.

  4. Tacuaches are possums

    1. Para que vean que hay veces que me falla el inglés compas. A ver cuando lo pueda conquistar - Sol Prendido

    2. At least you make an attempt to speak 2 languages. Munchos hablan solo 1 idioma. Animo amigo. Keep up the good work

    3. Man,we get get the picture,Sol translated the whole thing not one word

    4. English speakers fail English Sol

  5. There is only one special forces .
    Gente Nueva Special Forces elite warriors of El Señor Chapo Guzman!
    Men of valor who have been trained to the highest military standards and use the most advanced weaponry.
    I am starting to get fed up with these groups claiming to be Special Ops.
    They dont want to see me when I get furious !

    1. Stfu you have no fight to poison people, you help the poor with the intention that the poor join the organization both CDS and Linea need to be abolished by real mean of valor Marina and US Marines ha you bitches wouldnt stand a chance.

    2. Yeah, cuz when you get 'furious' (ahi si puto lol) you type in all caps lock.

    3. 11:51 what you ganna do, stomp on the ground?

    4. No one wants to see that 006. I hope you convert this warning to a manta so as to avoid the bloodshed that is otherwise a certainty.

    5. at are starting to get fed up with false claims??? That's the pot calling the kettle black! Now you know how the rest of us feel reading your ridiculous posts on here. However, it would be interesting to see you get "furious". Watch you start throwing your xbox controller across the room...kick a stuffed animal...yell at your mom or sister to leave you alone!!

    6. Help our town 006, the baby killer cartel, is killing our people's, por favor. At least bring RPGs, and we will fight them.

    7. Sicario006 for president 2020!

  6. Gente nueva is not as tough as their music claims but I'm sure the young kids believe all that hype. They join and die a few years later if not months.. gente nueva will not advance

  7. So now the lacras de los mexicles like so many others think that CDS is going to just leave because some deported tecatos got together to fight rember when los mexicles didnt have nothing and nobody. who helped toda la bola de lacras if it weren't for los Sinaloense you guys would still be stealing stereos washing car windows .Puro Sinaloa y Durango GN al💯

  8. If they kill cjng ill support them any day. Cjng are the dirt of mexico. They kill infants and children. Anyone caught as a cjng member should be burned alive

    1. Sorry to call you out on your bullshit but CJNG don’t kill kids or innocents a lot of their enemies do kill random people and blame NG for it but not them a lot of you dumbasses never been to Mexico or seen members of cartels or have family in it and idk if you remember mencho ordered his own people to chop the hands off his own fucking people for taxing people in a small pueblo

    2. Then what was that in Veracruz when they killed like 8 or 10 people (I don't remember how many exactly, think it was more) execution style at a party just cause they were related to someone. One of them was a little kid. And that was your beloved cjng. And they were ordered to do that. You should do research instead of just talk Tecocho.

    3. 10:13 even the US can't help "Collateral Damages"...
      This crime and many Others are just that, collateral damages that can't assign blame without proof.

    4. 1013 Didn't Jal send a note saying it was a setup. I wonder what type of weapins were used. Do your own research

  9. @1:30 sorry to tell you, but since Chapo went away, and mayo is like 80yrs old. It ain’t liking too good for the Sinaloa’s.. they ran it a long time and they kept it semi clean, but I just don’t see any new bad asses coming out of there .

    1. 2:48 como no guey, La Guarida Nacional is behind any and all new attacks everywhere, they see the defense budget as their private stash of money and the drug trafficking, kidnapping, ransom, property to be stolen, government positions and private security jobs as their own God given slice of heaven with even more money.

    2. Sinaloa is so much more than just Mayo and Chap . It's a network of the well-rooted trafficking families with the sole objective of moving massive weight. They're not the low life extortionists that seem to make up every other carter. Even if Mayo dissapeared tomorrow they'll always be the big boys as they always have been.

    3. Do you honestly think CDS can crumble so easily? "Bad asses coming out of there" is this football players and clubs we talking about? The traficante familias aren't even known or heard about. And this applies in all groups. As much as you hate it, cartels don't just die, not even La Familia Michoacana has been completely erradicated and it's basically without leadership. Oh wait, I forgot people still call shots from jail. Wake up, war on drugs is a business.

    4. @2:48 Do you honestly think CDS can crumble so easily? "Bad asses coming out of there" Is this football players and clubs we talking about? The traficante familias aren't even known or heard about. And this applies in all groups. As much as you hate it, cartels don't just die, not even La Familia Michoacana has been completely erradicated and it's basically without leadership. Oh wait, I forgot people still call shots from jail. Wake up, war on drugs is a business.

    5. @2:48, have you heard of El Deez from CDS? He is going to be running it soon and has been hanging around for a while now.

      -El Bori

  10. Mexicles are as dangerous as discarded chewn chicles on a hot sidewalk.

  11. TeCocho: I know you had a comment about La Becky and zetas being responsible not cjng. and my position.

    Yes I do 100 percent agree with you.

    actually I agree with you most often and think you are very knowledgeable ---either that or we are both wrong...jaja

    the la becky massacre was an easy call if you are educated in the history of zetas and Ver. and becky's story. but i heard it was the guy with the bag od coke who was the real target

  12. Damn it. Just when finally our town of El Porvenir Praxedis Guerrero, Chihuahua became calm. The people of Porve don't care about who runs it we just don't want Extortions and Robberies. Hopefully the sort this out soon.


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