Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, June 17, 2019

Video: Children "Playing Sicario" in Tepito

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: RadioFormula
                                   They catch Tepito's children "playing hit men" (VIDEO)

The children, between 8 and 12 years old, who live in Tepito, are given the chance to shoot themselves, recoil, laugh and "threaten" each other and passersby.

By:  Blanca Cortés Martínez    June 16, 2019
Through a video broadcast on social networks, you can see how children who live in one of the most violent places in Mexico City play at being " hit men ".

The children , between 8 and 12 years old, who live in Tepito , are given the chance to shoot themselves  and recoil, laughing and "threaten" passersby without any adult doing something about it.

It should be remembered that the criminal group "La Unión Tepito" has frightened the residents of the Tepito neighborhood , as the wave of aggressions has grown over the years in that area.
In addition, with the aim of taking control of the market of drug dealing ,  the group "Anti Union", has appeared who have begun a " war " to which there seems no end in sight.

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  1. I used to play with battery powered plastic machine guns( toy). And would mow everybody down. This is in the 80s . Is this not normal behavior for boys? My girl cousins had toy kitchens.

    1. I used to play with Barbies and Kens and toy kitchens as a boy. Now it is only Kens and the kitchens.-Sol Prendido

  2. That looks like one disgusting city. Also, why would they want to be a Mexican soldier if they have no gi joe like figure to inspire them. Mexico is losing the propaganda war. Everyone knows who do chapo is but do they know a Mexican GI Joe figure? They need inspiration.

    1. 7:35 send your Biker boyfriend on a toy run and get the kids some GI Joes in wheel chairs, maybe some photos of Yemeni or Syrian kids after their cities got bombed would add to the pleasures.

    2. Shouldn't it be, G.I. Jose??

  3. looks like kids having some fun thats all...

    1. No kidding guey!! Los ninos en San Antonio juegon like this everyday?? Whats big deal guey??

  4. I used to do this as a kid, we played cops n robbers or la migra correlen

  5. Just kids being kids with toy guns. All generations have had their version of playing with toy guns. Cowboys vs cowthiefs. Cops vs robbers. Marines vs terrorists. It's all a game. Alot of kids played these games and alot of kids turned out okay after playing these games. People need to chill.

  6. Meh...child's game as old as the gun. Before that it was swords, slings, sticks, and stones.

  7. Ooh puleeze! We have been playing cops and robbers and gun toting cowboys since we were young kids to impress little girls so they would want to play house or doctor or sompim', all about to make believe.
    This guys are playing for reals on their way to play Guarida Nacional the most 007 serious of the dirty cops in Mexico, denounced by the UN and their Human rights department baceuse of the military involvement AND THEIR STINKING BAD RECORD.
    --ONU-DH contra la militarization de la Seguridad Publica.
    "Con La Guardia Nacional el Estado Privilegia la Muerte de sus Enemigos" by Emir Olivares Alonso.
    El represente del Alto Comisionado de los Derechos Humanos en Mexico Jan Jarab advirtio...

  8. Remember cowboys and indians?, those kids are playing what a lot of kids play in the U.S. There is several of paint ball scenatios here where I live where a lot of kids go "play". Or should I say"train to defend this country". In the US kids train to be soldiers and defend this country, kids in Mexico train to be sicarios. Plesa give me a break. They are kids.

  9. Kids having fun and you guys make it look like gangsters in training. Shame on you.


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