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Saturday, June 1, 2019

With help from AMLO: "El Chapo's" mother, sisters, receive U.S. Visa approval to visit him

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat TY Mica for the heads up!

San Francisco Chron is reporting that María Consuelo Loera Pérez, mother of Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzmán,  says she has received approval from the U.S, for a visa to visit her son in the New York City prison in which he is being held.  She added that two of her daughters were also approved.

Loera made the comments Saturday, as she exited the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City. 

The 91 year old, appeared frail and using a wheelchair.

"Thank God, the U.S. Embassy gave me the permission," she said.

She said that although she was approved, she has not yet received the visa, and is unsure when she will be travelling to NYC.

She was noticeably exited and told reporters that she ‘wants to hug her son”, and wishes she could take him his favorite dish; enchiladas.

As for the hug, that will require special permission by the court, as Chapo is still under the ultra-strict SAMS, or special security measures, that do not allow any body contact, so as it stands she will visit him with a glass partition in-between herself and her son.

Loera asked for help from AMLO

In February Loera asked for help from the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, to obtain the repatriation of her son.  This was a week after her son was found guilty in New York, of ten counts and could be sentenced to life imprisonment.

The request of Loera was addressed to López Obrador through a letter in which she explained that it had been "more than five years without her seeing him" and that he was extradited to the United States illegally.

Humanitarian visas

She also asked him to ask the United States Government for the authorization of humanitarian visas  for she and her daughters, Armida and Bernarda Guzmán Loera. [below]

"The lady is almost 90. She was going to hold a press conference in the city of Badiraguato (Sinaloa State), but she felt ill and returned home, but she handed us the letter," explained lawyers José Luis González and Juan Pablo Badillo at a press conference in Mexico City.

López Obrador then visited Badiraguato, in the town of La Tuna, the birthplace of El Chapo who was born there in  1957. The president said he intervened out of empathy for the mother. When El Chapo was convicted in the U.S. in February, López Obrador said: "Let this serve as a lesson to show that money doesn't buy true happiness."

The two lawyers explained, at the time, that both the mother and the sisters of El Chapo, would soon travel to  Mexico City to appear at the embassy of the United States.

After hearing the guilty verdict of the jury in New York, Mexican lawyers said they will seek before international courts to declare the nullity of their trial in the United States and to consider it "illegal."
Appealing the sentence.

González and Badillo maintained that the transfer of El Chapo to New York in 2017   was illegal, given that the extradition was only authorized for the courts of California and Texas. Badillo said that they will argue that "this trial is null and void" before the International Court of Justice of The Hague and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, in addition to exposing this situation to the High Commissioner for Human Rights of the UN and Amnesty International. 

Reforma reports that it was in fact a “Humanitarian” Visa that was approved for the family.  "I thank President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the United States Embassy because they gave me permission," she told the media.

El Chapo is scheduled to me sentenced on June 25th


  1. What are the odds this trial could be declared illegal by an international court?

    1. None, USA is the international court.

    2. The Hague is in Netherlands

    3. None and there's no legal reason to do it

    4. 1:25 The US pulls rank, rattles the coins and moves the strings of the International Court in the Netherlands, anytime they decide to do so. They assist the operation with many secret levers.

  2. No way they will be able to visit him once in the ADX. Awww poor ladies, for once they don't get what they want. How terribly sad it must be for them! Lolol

    1. Bullshit, they get visitors in Florence as long disciplinary record is contact, but they do get visits

    2. Man be quiet 🤐. No matter what, that is her son. You never lose love for a kid. It doesn’t matter what they do.

    3. What of the other mothers that by fault or collateral damage have yet to see Their Child? So this lady is specail, Did you guys forget the Lives he took? Now he crys like a bitch he is a Rat/Snitch, And you guys turn a blind eye now, His Mom is justified w/ that pathetic excuse, What of the Other Moms Who Dont even Know where their child is except maybe disinigrated, buried somewhere god knows where, or eaten by animals in Clandestine Graveyards

    4. He's not going to be a normal ADX inmate, he's mostly likely going to be housed in Range 13. The only visit he gets is his attorney and that is over a screen. Aside for the jailer who bring him his food and maybe a doctor, he will never see another human being again for the rest of his life.

    5. @11:19, I hear you but none of that is her fault.

    6. Man @1122 adx isnt as bad as your saying as far as "never seeing another human being" - they see people everyday

    7. They only see the gaurds for a few seconds sometimes minutes a day.

    8. @12:53. Not on Range 13, they do not. Do your research, it consist of only four special isolation cells. The only other person housed who was in there was Ramsi Yousef.

  3. That motherfucker is going to hell anyways.

    1. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
      -John 8:7

    2. I'll cast the first Stone, Im truly without sin.

  4. Im still waiting on my visa to visit el Señor . I wish to shake his hand, drink a bottle of Buchanan Whiskey and listen to some corridos while we remember my missions in the golden triangle .
    Animo Patron !

    1. Please come to the good ol United States so i can put my foot in your ass while drinking some Buchanan.

    2. They should let people visit Mr Guzmán. My friend works within the cds in Europe. People say this and that about him but he’s done for for the poor people of Mexico than the government has.

    3. The guy pushing the wheelchair looks like you sicario! Jajaja

    4. @2:54, I thought the guy next to him with the funny eye brow was sicario

  5. chapo will apply for treaty transfer to serve his time in mexico after serving a few years in the USA

    1. If the us govt is on his side then yes.

  6. Great news for El Patron....y arriba mi Sinaloa plebes...

    1. Haha pobrecito el güey ya no va a probar las enchiladitas de su mami hahahahahaha. Hojala El güey que viva a los 90s como su mami pa que se pudra.

  7. I would love to know that enchilada recipie.

    1. I guaranter you theyre northern mexican enchiladas...stacked in red chile and cheese like lasagna...

  8. This is a bunch of bullshit just because Chapo is locked up he has rights just like every other criminal thats been locked up befor him like all the NY city Italian mafia guys they didnt treat them like this and especialy ther family .

    1. Very true and i stand with you 💯

  9. My favorite dish is enchiladas too! LMAO so nice I can drive to my mom's ANY day and she can make me bomb encbiladas with queso fresco with cebollita picada on top of them. Yuuuum! On my bday I ask my mom to make me chilaquiles in the AM, enchiladas for lunch, and Chile's rellenos for dinner. Damn freedom is nice my friends. :) Pobre chapó encerrado. Pero el se la busco!

  10. Amlo personally paid a visit to chapos mom? Helps with visas? This wreaks of corruption!

    1. Mexico has been corrupt since time in memorial and that's supposed to change with a leftist? In your dreams pedro in your dreams.

    2. why you hating ?

    3. Not only Mexico is corrupt so is the US people make it seem like the US has nothing to do about it let’s be real DEA has been on this shit since forever don’t sit on your ass and even think that the US has clean hands on this shit.

  11. Fuck the UN and the other courts. No one other than US efforts brought this individual to justice. While all else stood graciously for someone to stand up.

  12. No matter where I AM in Mexico--that is what i order for lunch, sometimes dinner. and at my Bday parties they always make sure enchiladas are on the menu. Perfect food

    1. Enchiladas used to be of queso, with diced onions, but these days people use ground meat, potatoes, and in some places even possum and raccoon for the filling,
      The worst problem is people that use flour tortillas, I think they are from monterrey and they need to be pushed until they fall off the face of the earth.

  13. There are many other punishments in prison. To see only channels of religion on the television, strict restriction of books and other forms of entertainment. No one outside the family allowed.

  14. Sicario is just somebody that we use to know

  15. An ‘Eye for an Eye” Justice is what should happen! Someone who lost their Mom or loved One to Chapo and Sinaloa Cartel should take his Mom and Sister out! Before the visit! And make them suffer like Chapo did to countless others. Why should this loser! Get to see his mama! And make him watch the video after! That’s justice

    1. @11:32 you sir are an IDIOT at its finest.

    2. 11:32 one visit, is for the mother, not for the son,
      any pinche animal would understand that.
      I get pendejos are a lower class.

  16. Does anyone know if a treaty transfer from a federal U.S. prison for a inmate on drug charges is an actual thing that happens regularly or is it something that is very rare

  17. She said he was extradited to the u.s illegally. The irony

  18. Pos el chapo va a comer puras enchilargas ahora todos semos hijos de dios todos tenemos derechos humanos pero también las familias de todos los inocentes que este señor mando a matar o que fueron arándanos de sus vidas pos sus gentes aki no ay sentimientos por ese señor ya no volverá a mexico

  19. El chapo is trying to scheme up a way to get out of prison. Lets see the king of tunnels dig his way out of his manhattan penthouse suite. Hahaha

  20. Replies
    1. He our man. How much did get paid????

  21. Those guys with chapo's mom look like they dont sleep well...

  22. This is great news for senior Chapo, especially his mother. No matter what crime he did, his mother is always going to stand beside him. I think every mother can say the same.

    1. So if your son was a serial killer you would stand by him?

    2. 6:15 most fathers and mothers do visit their sons and daughters in prison, not because they or their children deserve it, but because humanity likes to give itself a chance and another once in a while.

  23. I would guess it might be a good time for Senor Alfredo to visit Badiraguato to congratulate grandma.
    El Oj

  24. News item of the year -- AMLO has found a use, signing exit visas for cartel family members to visit abroad.
    Better to do something than nothing at all.

    1. Of course it benefits him, h is getting healthy bribes.

    2. Wow chivis makes enchiladas, when is the next party? Just please don't invite Sacario 6, as when he is drunk, says the most outlandish comments, as lately he said he and the ninja turles will conquer the moon.

  25. What info did he give to amlo...the government the dea. To get such special treatment. From the God dang president. This wreaks of corruption collusion. Followed this story a long time. How can Mayo be a boss. If his flesh and blood's dropping dimes. The whole reason that war started. Was cause they thought chapo told.

    1. 11:04 What info can AMLO get from El Chapo incommunicado?
      Maybe his mom is about to start her own lingerie line of adult diapers and she gave AMLO a one year stash. No pinchis mames guey!
      Eat your shorts.

  26. What does that say Chapo still has the power and Amlo knows it

  27. Report says Cartel controls 80% of Mexico. U wonder How????? I know Who Has the Guns?? Soldiers Natioal Guard don't have a chance

  28. Chapo is a killer and that what he told Amlo

  29. Passed the prison in colorado where he will be living. Good luck breaking out of that place. Dang!

    1. El Chapo could help Guatermalans, Salvadoran and Hondurans to stay in their country, for free, if he gets released, go tell daddy you have found a solution to his racist problem...


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