Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A mans heart removed and human remains found in Guanajuato

Acámbaro, Guanajuato - Citizens found the body of a man without a heart, as well as human remains inside a bag on the side of a road.

Human remains inside a bag, as well as the body of a man without a heart were located by citizens last Sunday on the Parácuaro-Tarimoro road, in Acámbaro, Guanajuato.
According to first reports, authorities were alerted to the discovery of human remains in said highway section, located in the community of El Piloncillo and La Meza.

GRAPHIC image below

Ministerial authorities found two bodies in black bags, and a third body with a large hole on the left side of the chest, from where they apparently extracted their heart.

There was dog food near the bodies, plus a message from a criminal group.

So far nothing has been mentioned about the identity of the victims, however, in an image you can see that the individual had their heart removed, would be between 25 and 30 years old. He wore black shorts, Adidas sneakers and had a goatee beard.

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat from Elimparcial

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  1. And the poor in Mexico continue to be on the frontlines of impunity,corruption.

  2. Yikes, that’s vicious.

  3. Gruesome..probably over pennies too.

  4. Nasty! You know I have to ask (sigh).... why the dog food? Dr K

    1. Stray dogs tend to eat whatever comes their way. Up to and including humans. There was a story a few months back out of Chihuahua where a woman who was murdered was thrown to the dogs. And sure enough they ate away.

    2. Thanks, Sol.

    3. What’s the point of your avatar picture?

    4. 9:32 it is like a confession, to blood on his hands...

  5. El Chupacraba Cartel!! Thats Thats like a perfect cut!!!!

  6. Why leave this guy without a heart like the Tin Man. Why does it look like a ritualistic murder of some sort. Doesn’t really matter whether people believe or not. It’s happening with or without their beliefs. Someone once mentioned on here that there was more to see on Twitter. In passing I read your words without giving it too much thought. Only to be reminded much later of where to look once I decided I’d go snooping around. And yea, it’s all there. It’s all there like pieces of a bigger puzzle just waiting to be put together...

    1. Anxiously waiting your reporting on the subject

    2. Don’t stop now Sol, you were on a roll....thanks Sol. Been reading your comments and recent work with BB and I’d like to say “job well done”. So, job well done brotha. Keep up the good work. Thanks for the time and dedication you and the rest of the crew put in. Chivis, keep holding it down. Que apenas esto va enpesando!

    3. Oh no Sol, your going to have nightmares tonight. Thanks for telling me, of no heart, I will not see the video.
      Anna de Michoacan

    4. Ethnic cleansing Sol. Social class cleansing.

    5. What do you mean, it's all there, Twitter, can you give us an example link or two so we can be enlightened, ?thanks.

    6. Sick pic, btw, poor guy wonder what he did wrong to endure that...

    7. Hola Anna de Michoacan. Es normal cuando uno tiene miedo. Todos conocemos el miedo. Quien te quiera decir lo contrario miente. La cosa es controlar el miedo y no dejar que nos controle.

    8. I've always wondered if serial killers or devil worshippers like to go to Mexico just to kill? Ita easy to get away with doing something like this. The authorities will just blame some cartel.

    9. @10:56 If you look around on Twitter there’s more pics and videos there that aren’t censored. Majority of media’s are reporting but with images pixelated or no videos. They sanitize it so as not to upset the public.

  7. Really need to legalize to stop this stuff... Where are all the folks who put flags on Facebook when bad stuff happens in a country?

  8. That's heartless.

  9. Damm what a way to go

  10. To advance in their criminal careers, people must excel at what they do or nobody will believe them, we don't know the pressures sicarios go through. Please people, some understanding,
    if you were in their shoes, would you be the heartless dead or the heartless killer?

  11. This some diabolical shit

  12. As always sol, excellent reporting! Borderland Beat reporters do a kick ass job!

  13. @B.B. Editors—

    As grisly, gory, and nightmarish as this is, do keep up the good work; you report REAL news regarding Mexico and “the business” that’s never reported in the mainstream media in the States.

    And yes—this poor bastard probably was eviscerated over a couple bucks.


    1. 1:45 if the M is for mother,
      We don't have to ask what about the F, rait?

  14. Maybe harvested for someone else

    1. I was wondering the same...was the heart taken in a condition where it could be surgically removed and replaced into someone needing a new one? All u needs a cooler of ice and move fast

  15. I cant believe some of the awful messages you guys have if this was happening in your neck of the woods, Im sure you wouldnt be so crass about it or if it was one of your family members(one you care about)that went to Mexico for a vacation or honeymoon. It's a trajedy no matter who the person is!! Grow up & have a little compassion!! Ranking on someone who seems to be somewhat more informed about the situation or who has stayed intop of the information shouldnt be belittled ir made fun of...just grasp whats being said & move forward.Name calling & making fun of others just goes to show your age & ability to deal with something maturely. Thank you for the input of those who are familiar with these cases & who can report maturely without bias!! SMH to the rest, grow up!!

  16. My dad's side of the family is from paracuaro gto. That's literally like 5 to 10 minute drive from where this dude died that's crazy acambaro gto. Has some good raisin bread though

  17. That is someones grow up you guys

  18. Sol, i agree with a possible ritualistic murder. Leaning VERY heavy on that side of it. What better way than to hide it in plain site, and in these days, blame it on the cartels and/or border issues.


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