Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Cártel Nueva Plaza: El 85 and El Cholo fight against El Mencho for the Guadalajara Plaza

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat Infobae-SillaRota thank you slappy

Érick Valencia, "El 85”, regained his freedom in 2017, after he was arrested in 2012, allegedly because "El Mencho" betrayed him and handed him over to the authorities to keep him in full control of the cartel.

The Jalisco New Generation Cartel in less than a decade has managed to seize control of criminal operations in 22 states, according to the DEA and Intelligence reports of Mexico.

With violence, alliances and betrayals, this criminal organization quickly escalated to become one of the most dangerous in the country. According to reports from the Mexican authorities, the Jalisco Cartel Nueva Generación which is led by Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, aka "El Mencho", unblocked the Sinaloa Cartel in the territory control.

However, as his strength of this criminal enterprise grew, his enemies have also grown.

Currently, in the metropolitan area of ​​Guadalajara (ZMG) the violence has intensified, just a week ago an armed group murdered 6 men who drank in the streets of a popular neighborhood in the south of Guadalajara.

Another violent event in the town of Ixtlahuacán of Membrillos recently residues 20 people were located within a rain water channel.

According to reports from federal officials, the ZMG is in dispute over territorial control, between the CJNG and a recent organization identified as the Cártel Nueva Plaza.

According to reports, the municipalities covered by the Guadalajara metropolitan area: El Salto, Chapala, Juanacatlán, Poncitlán, Tlajomulco de Zuñiga and Ixtlahuacán de los Menbrillos; They are the plazas in dispute.

But not only in the state of Jalisco is this battle for control of the drug market and other illicit activities carried out, the conflict has also spread to the states of Colima, Nayarit, Michoacán and Guanajuato.

In Guanajuato, "El Mencho" is also fighting for control of the territory against his former partners, a cell that was part of the CJNG that specialized in the theft of fuel from Petróleos Mexicanos pipelines.

Cártel Nueva Plaza is a group of men, Mexicans and Colombians, whose leaders at the time were close to the leadership of the former cartel of "Los Valencia", which then converted into the CJNG.

Cártel Nueva Plaza leadership

Reports indicate that since April 2018 the Cártel Nueva Plaza has been growing with support from the Sinaloa Cartel {Mayo] in different areas of the state of Jalisco.

Enrique Sánchez Martínez, "El Cholo" and Érick Valencia Salazar "EL 85", who were members of CJNG,   have been identified as leaders of this new criminal group.

Érick Valencia, "El 85”, regained his freedom in 2017, after he was arrested in 2012, allegedly because "El Mencho" betrayed him and handed him over to the authorities to keep him in full control of the cartel.

"85" since he was released he reintegrated into organized crime and for his revenge against Oseguera Cevantes.

Enrique Sánchez Martínez, "El Cholo", was one of the closest and most trusted people of "El Mencho",   but declared war after differences after the murder of "El Colombiano", (financial operator of the criminal organization) and resulted in the separation of Sánnchez Martínez from the CJNG in March 2017 and since then he dedicated himself to recruiting people to form the CNP. According to official reports, "El Cholo" uses several aliases, including Luis Emmanuel Rodríguez Cerros and Miguel Ángel Sánchez Solórzano.

The territorial dispute between several of the operators of the CJNG and members of the Cártel Nueva Plaza, has generated violence in the state of Jalisco and does not rule out that the human remains that were located in past days, are related to piso/tax, extortion and treason..

In the first quarter of 2018, 79 cases were registered, three times more than those in 2015 when there were only 23 events. So far this year the figure is 732 wrongful killings in the state of Jalisco.

The violence in Mexico, beset by bloodthirsty drug cartels who are also engaged in fuel theft, extortion and kidnapping, reached a new record during the first quarter of 2019 with 8,493 murders.

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  1. Nueva plaza 85 and cholo are going down you heard it here first.

    1. I’ve heard that for almost a year now. Since Karton got killed.

    2. The only thing that's needs to go down is ur pom poms cheerleader lol

    3. On each other? On Mencho, one at a time? A dangerous path? A one way street?

    4. They are the only ones that will be able to take mencho down it’s happing in Jalisco just ask around Chang doesn’t run Jalisco anymore

    5. Only a coincidence, but the new governor of Jalisco is striking out on all his at-bat's, students taking streets, plazas, battling bus fare increases and general authoritarianism of this pinche mierda de Gobernador, he is fighting back with his new Cartel Nueva Plaza unless he somehow proves his love for El Mencho.

    6. 8:41 Movimiento Ciudadano, and "federal senator" la samuelita garcia aka el senador chafa can't speak about mister fack up governor Alfaro, who has expressly said he is not Morena or PRD but MC, Movimiento Ciudadano specialist in brainwashing with appearances of rectitude and demands of accountability all over Mexico with special emphasis in recruiting women, as recommended y the religious precepts of NXIVM that has come out from dark ess for recruiting women, televisa actresses, daughters of big high billionaire businessmen like the Bronfmans of Seagrams and the daughters of Vicente Fox and the DIRECTOR of REFORMA, Rosa Laura Junco, nice going for the franchise of the communist cult La Luz Del Mundo and associates of Gilberto Lozano of MC associate of the Chihuahua Mormon Mafia Le Baron, "niega vinculos con la secta NXIVM" whose leader Keith Raniere was captured in PUERTO VALLARTA. --Vicente Serrano of Sin Censura says he was threatened for investigating too much the deaths of women in Cd Juarez, where Cesar Duarte has been accused of having krgjes with kidnapped wome that were then assassinated after the party.
      --Honorific mention to the kidnapping and disappearances of women and girls and boys in Mexico, suspected of links to these communist sects.

  2. N who said mencho is not a traitor..?

    1. 10:03 traitors always get betrayed sooner or later,
      Nacho Coronel was No Traitor, unlike all the degenerates that followed, including high value businessmen and "politicians" with military and police help.

  3. Really?? as far as we all know cjng is responsible for the murder of those 3 students so what u talking about chivis??

    1. calling me a Willis? :) I did not author the post. that said as I have written when 85 was released this is the story that mencho snitched and 85 jumped shipped. time may tell but it does add up to me

    2. Chivis he should have been polite and said “I’ve always read it was cjng was responsible for it. What are your thoughts?”

    3. It's ok he/she wasn't t hat rude. Fact is I agree. it was a cell of cjng that were the perps. unknowingly the students were at a safe house belonging to Diego Mejía a member of CNP

      i think this is a reasonable explanation. Although CNP was responsible indirectly, by allowing the students to be on the property knowing CJNG was watching the place, they did not do the monstrous deed.

    4. 10:05 The present CJNG had associates suspected of murdering the students, and the Colombian, and other things, and they are not associates anymore, apparently...
      It is like your two fathers, when you least expected they were 10 of them, formerly and presently married to each other some with nothing to do with others' whatevers, capisci?

    5. new fav saying I see

    6. Chivis Willis... NOOO!!!

  4. El 85 isn’t fighting Mencho he’s with them he’s a Valencia El 53 is CJNG too they are good idk why y’all making shit up

    1. Chivis just said Mencho snitched @ post 11:19. Read it

    2. Sorry to break to you but mencho definetely snitched on 85 to gain full control of cjng. Its all over Mexican news. Very scummy move.

  5. Chivis have you seen the mantas thar Carrete left? He had allied with cartel de Culiacan...

    1. Yup el Carrete has an alliance “truce” with Los chapitos

      Mencho talked when he was in county jail in San Francisco. He snitched on lots of norteños and gave info to the DEA about the people from Mexicali in the mission district who where working for CDS.

      The guy has a green light for taking too much.

      -the guy who knows nothing

    2. You my friend knows what you talking about, all these pendejos here writing bullshit

    3. If true it only shows who the strongest cartel is, cause all the other cartels are teaming up to go against them, just my 2 cents

    4. It's on forum

    5. So he talked but ended up doing 3 years and deported? What people from Mexicali? Norteños from what block in the mission? He was getting work from michoacanos from the beginning. From Redwood City. No digas mamadas compa 😂 se nota que no sabes nada

    6. Cartel Nueva Plaza will be composed of poorer more broke ass grameros maruchaneros and car washers with unsharpened knives.
      All the big money plasas de a peso have owners!

    7. @5:09 We had it here in May and the ones in the beginning of the month i thought you all were speaking of something new....

      BTW a link REALLY helps which is why I asked


      THAT SAID the recording is the same as in may and really no news with this one that is different.

    9. 12:27 if that's the case then u already know who the strongest cartel is after cjng be teaming up with all kinds cartels,left over cartel or cells...cjng is only in Jalisco,in other states like michoacan,bc, Nayarit,cdmx etc they're cells that only took the name...

  6. Paisas being paisas. The United States will unintentionally fix Mexico by deporting gang members that have rules and structure.

    1. Your little stupid gang members your talking about will most likely be found dismembered idiot.

    2. ***you're talking about

    3. You know nothing... The gang members you talk shyt about are against murder on innocent people kids and woman... Problem is hard to find real gangmembers now in days... But wait till this sets them of because to much is to much and watch hell brake lose..sad part its taking to long and innocent people are dying...

      I also know nothing though

    4. Most latino gang members on the US are American Citizens and they also speak English properly, specially to say Fackiu Bitch to anybody bothering them, prison do not particularly bother them either, unless they have really facked up, then they run home to mama on their motherland, volentarnily.

  7. Holy Macrol! CNP vs Baby killer cartel, I cheerlead that CNP stands up and fights the infedils,

  8. Replies
    1. Hahahah cjng fan boys are in disbelief their hero is a huge snitch

  9. Mencho snitched, I don't hear the jalisquillos or michoacanos saying anything there, everyone snitches on enemies

    1. CJNG taking out the trash

    2. 12:47wow you got el 85 con los culitos de Sinaloa snitching their asses off and you think that was a big blow to the Nueva?

    3. Jalisco area has always been sinaloa, from Gallardo to Coronel, cual jalisquillo ever owned Sinaloa, ninguno

    4. @3:28- jaliscienses don't care too much about the drug trade. They're sort of like Americans. They let others do the dirty work while they "enjoy" the fruit of others' labor. They think they're mexicos elite. Let others kill each other and go to prison. They just want to party

    5. Ya fucking stupid cjng is the trash ive seen it and lived with in it and nvr did they realize i was standing infront of them...funny part i even got to fight one of them and im from u.s.a and i tossed that guy up...

      I also know nothing

    6. 11:13 - sounds like they’re the smart ones. But, if that were true Jalisco wouldn’t be a battle ground.

    7. It’s whole different thing to sit in a courtroom crying and telling on someone. En ese negocio todos ponen a sus enemigos. You won’t see Mencho crying like a lil girl like chapo in the DEA office getting finger printed 😂

    8. 11:30 then you woke up,
      and felt like it had been rainin'...

  10. It can't be possible because 85 is family with Los Cuinis Mencho's bosses.

    1. He is not family with them, he is family with old school Valencia cartel. Different Valencia’s

  11. Is Erik Valencia (el 85) the brother of Mencho’s wife or ex-wife Rosalinda?

    1. Dont think mencho is a snitch

    2. No, different Valencia’s. Valencia is a common last name in Michoacan/Mex

    3. There is a very nice song called Valencia,
      among the verses it says: "Valenciaaaaa! No te durres en da cama porque da la pedtilendsiaaaa!" my guess is it is a Spanish thing.

  12. this guy know what will really hurt him

  13. Mencho the snitch heated up Guadalajara cause of greed.

  14. Here is the solution. Buy surveillance tech from the USA and pay people in the USA to operate drones 24/7 over hot plazas. When a group of assassins takes someone down trace the morons back to their hideout then carpet bomb the hell out of the place. Napalm would be best.
    One or two examples and the rats would be forced down a hole. These pendejos are not really brave, just guys with guns.

    1. What the fuck, I didn’t know the michoacanos were around in the 1500’s 😂😂😂😂

    2. Millions of bombs were dropped in Vietnam,
      killed millions of Vietnamese,
      It gave the bombers nightmares,
      Many still have them, others have died,
      But they never found out why their PTSD.

    3. @810 Los Tarascos the only tribe to kick ass learn history

  15. You Chinolas are funny, siempre le tiran a los de Michoacán, talk is cheap, u rat bastards, just remember this . Michoacán and their native people are the only ones to not get over thrown by the Aztecs, also Jose Maria Morelos is the equivalent of the “THOMAS JEFFERSON” of the US.. he michoacanos always been on the map, u chinolas are new news. Michoacán been coming out to the topon since the beginning..

    1. Who gives a rat's ass, mexico only became relevant when Bush senior, while in the CIA closed off Florida to the Colombians, they went to partner up with the "chinolas".... that put mexico on the map and made mexico relevant, you can latch on to montezuma, and what happened in the 1500s, or better yet lets discuss el porfiato during the late 1800s when mexico was a laughing stock, cmon buddy money is power, stop being a simpleton, Thomas Jefferson???? Really?

    2. @ 3:44

      Y tu sigues bailando banda y cantando corridos. “Rat bastards” read the damn article. If you don’t comprehend, here is a little recap;

      Mencho is a snitch!

      Look up the interview with el ‘El Molcas.’

      You always post the same shit and talk about history. Find your self a blog about history and post your shit on that blog.

      Now got back into your beatup truck and sing along the corridos and banda you have on your play list and every time you hear the banda at your family parties just remember where that music comes from. Culo

      -the guy who knows nothing

    3. Sinaloas just want all the shine

    4. I agree and disagree pri...tengo sangre michoacana vivi ahy un buen de rato y mire de todo pri...
      violencia entre si
      Asecinatos entr si
      Guerra entre si
      Literal mente de todo y me dolio que la jente que yo mire y mi familia que conosco deade nino vivan asi con miedo y todo todo eso yo ya tenia un chingo de rato trabajando ponle como animal...un valdo...y fuimos y apoyamos a michoacan...asacar toda la basura de ahi... Diamantes y calaveras se miran apoyando no es violecia es una enfermeda que nunka muere

    5. Michoacán people got heart but Mencho is a betraying rat, that's why he is called El Torcido. Why people don't get his nickname or what.

  16. So 85 is against Mencho.

  17. Michoacanos are envisious people and dedos like mencho Who betrayed El 85 fucken rat but michoacanos would defend this coward no matter what cause thats how low they are lol I wouldn't support no criminal even if he was from my state San Luis Potosí

    1. Michoacán in charge of you get over it and stop crying like a bitch

    2. 6:57 San Luis Potosi HAS A LOT OF CRIMINALS.
      STARTING WITH Enrique Francisco Galindo Ceballos corrupt murdering sanababich.

  18. Thought Mencho didn't snitch🤔🤔🤔

    1. He does, just not as much as chapo or other cds members do, just look at damaso and vicentillo, prime examples

    2. lol come to find out menchos rise was all from ratting out his family and friends. Wheres all the cjng nuthuggers now?

    3. A snitch is a snitch no matter how much they do it at the end of the day all cartels snitch

    4. TO all u retards on about snitches , this isnt sum gang banger bullshit lol , this guys are at the top of the drugtrade at this level you take out your enemies and competition by any means when u kids gonna learn

  19. traian un salivero que chapo entrego y el mencho canta igual y es mas la mayoria son dedo
    ando leyendo mucho que viven en negacion y no lo pueden creer.

    1. Seas mamon puñetas! No los compares mencho entrego a este guey y chapo a todos sus compas menos al mayo porque savia bien que el mayo es el mas pesado, pero ahi otros igual de pesados o mas que el mayo pero pues esos si no se dan a conocer esos gueyes si son inteligentes lo que pasa es que ustedes se enfocan en una persona y no ven todo el panorama, crees que nomas el cds y cjng mandan droga? No! Ahi un chingo de gueyes que mandan mas pero no andan causando guerras! esos si son capos

    2. @12:56 Seas mamoon!

    3. @12:56
      Camarada, gracias por hablar con sabeduria , inteligencia y verdadero conocimiento del tema. La mayoria de la gente creén que si no te han conpuesto un corrido entonces no calificas pa ser narco. No saben como los verdaderos narcos jalan. Cualquier pendejo puede causar una guerra/batalla/conflicto. Es la gente con cabeza/sabeduria inteligencia, que tenga vision y pueda mirar y planiar lo de mañana y no nomas pensar en el hoy, sin calentar plazas ni traer atencion a si mismo ni a su gente, que sabe valorar y respetar…Esa gente si son capos de verdad y traen lo que se ocupa, aunque a una gente en este forum les duela

  20. The best thing to happen from all this....let these idiots slaughter each other!!

  21. Mencho is a cockroach who needs to be eradicated. His cartel kill infants and elderly. Death to cjng

  22. Let these Assholes get a real job and work and stop trying to extort everyone and make easy money...Their all pieces of shit and the cartels are a bunch of followers.
    Chapo will be back one day and get these idiots in order.

    1. @5:54 are you even with us right now in 2019?

    2. Back one day? Please explain how.

    3. Just like he had everything in order when he was out???…Seriously, people should think before speaking.

  23. El 85 taking back what is rightfully his. He aint no punk, kickin ass and takin names

  24. Ca. you elaborate on 85?

  25. El 85 is real Jefe de CJNG... el Menso is un Car washer.


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