Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

CDG and CJNG tempting F.P. with an offer of almost $2K a month

Federal police blame President Andrés Manuel López Obrador for cartels becoming more dangerous and tempting.

The Gulf Cartel offers almost $ 2,000 dollars ($ 1,840 dollars, or more than 35 thousand pesos) per month for federal police to join their cause of drug trafficking. This was denounced in an anonymous interview by an element of the police corporation that is in dispute over its disappearance and change to the National Guard promoted by the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO).

During the interview for La Jornada, he assures that the government will not give dialogue to negotiate or discuss what is being exploited by the drug cartels who are already intervening. And that there are many people from the corporation who have been approached.

He also details that "they are already offering monthly amounts with the Gulf Cartel, and the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación. Right now they are offering us 35 thousand pesos ($ 1,840 dollars) to 'work' with the Gulf Cartel. In fact I am one of the persons that was able to resign, because I’d rather be with my own people, with whom I was born and grew up with ".

The policeman also denounces that he was one of the survivors of several ambushes, "now I have diabetes, I am hypertensive," he reveals.

After being questioned about what decision he will take, he says it is too early to decide, "and President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Mr. Durazo (Secretary of Public Safety) is directly responsible for what befalls my comrades."

It’s not the first time that they’ve condemned the drug cartels for trying to recruit police to join their ranks of crime. In fact those who started with this strategy were the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG). Through instant messaging and social media networks organizations have made the call to increase their power, by offering juicy economic sums to join them and their bloody criminal battle.

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat from ElSolDeCaborca

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  1. The Federal Police make a fortune here in Mexico. I was extorted by them recently for $3,000 pesos and did nothing wrong. They want more every time I pass North. There is only one route to go through, and they have something going on with the checkpoint maintained by soldiers. They have informed me I have to pay every time I pass that checkpoint. These Federal Police officers really rake in a lot of money by extorting and more.

    1. Y tu por pendejo.
      Expand your knowledge by reading the Mexican constitution & always record when interacting with government officials!
      Some on here might say regardless citizens in Mexico have no rights or LE/military do what ever they want.

    2. Some of them dont want to join guardia nacional because they know extorsion and bribery will end for them. People are happy with guardia nacional and some PFP will go to one of these cartels unfortunately.

    3. Through Laredo?

    4. did the math(estimate more like) one day when we got stopped for speeding. they took 300 but were asking for more (gotta say youre broke) then i started thinking, with the bare minimum of say 10 stops a day, 50 a week, 200 a month= 60,000 pesos. (anything above 25,000 i think in mexico is living the high life.) and thats not counting the people that they get for more(they start off with a threat of taking away the car and its a 4,000 peso fine, blah blah blah)

    5. to add, I think theyre just mad their powers to extort are getting diminished.

    6. @8:03, that’s crazy. Living the “great” life in Mexico can be had for 3k a month. Not to say, you wouldn’t be comfortable in the states with that amount but it wouldn’t be the high life.

    7. To 6:06. They took us to the Federal Police headquarters and held us for two hours. We were told by the government here that we were doing things right, and what the Federal Police did was wrong and illegal. But they also said it would be hard to stop them from doing it. They said even following the laws to the letter would probably not stop them, as they would just make the laws up as they go, like they did with me. You pay or you lose your merchandise, and possibly get thrown in jail. They could care less.

    8. Lopez obrador is a wimp has no balls to go against bad guys what kind of president drives around in a station wagon and never talks about fighting crime like calderon did he had balls.the bad thing is we get all the bad shot from mx here in usa.

    9. 11:30 Calderon? the alcoholic who was suppose to be the "president of employment" but then started a war on his own territory that nobody asked him for?

    10. 11:30 - Calderon? Arguably he’s the one who stepped the level of violence up. I’m not a huge Amlo fan, but at least he said he’s trying something new... Now if he lives up to what he said is one thing. He did let that chuky lady off which goes against all his anti corruption rhetoric. So fuck him for that. But acting like Calderon wasn’t on CDS payroll is hard to believe.


  2. Now what happens when you quit before your 90 day period? Do you have to give back that $2K Bonus?
    PTO? FMLA?

    1. What is PTO and FMLA in Mexico?

    2. There is no such as pto or good Mexico.

    3. 10:11 90 day period?
      Only la Gilbertona brags about that kind of thing.

  3. You have to understand that the police in Mexico are actually just normal criminals who steal rob lie cheat assault and extort and kidnap people. They just managed to be hired as police. Many police aren’t even real police but just put on the uniform and badge and gun and drive a police truck or car with no license plates. Their vehicles aren’t even registered. Not even real cops. And if you fight with them, you better hope luck is on your side.

  4. If the Mexican police would get a fair pay they would honor their job

    1. If the government did not encourage corruption then maybe things would be more better in Mexico.
      Nowadays political positions are money making techniques for many. Its greed and total misrepresentation of authority in most political positions everywhere.

  5. Por eso "cdg el yankee" se fue a trabajar con los del golfo porq los azules no pagan bien

  6. Must be a political tactic not to discuss these problems so that they can just come and say they are no more and move the military in. If I'm not mistaken that is what happend to the PJ did it not? Total collapse can not be the answer.

    1. Many will call it a collapsed government now. U just can't flick a switch and expect things to be good again.
      The corruption within Mexico will take years for results.

  7. If they join a cartel, they would have to meet a daily quota of extorting, kidnapping people for ransom. Not a good life, also kill and dismember innocent peasants. You would develop post tramatic stress syndrome. Better to stick with the government.

    Luna Apagtha

    1. They’re already doing it why not get paid more

  8. Its stupid that they blame a President for their corruption. During the war in Juarez there was an occasion where they squared off against the military because each one was getting paid by the opposing side. Was that AMLO? He was not even in office.

    1. That's basically what the war in Juarez was/is, (cdj-municipal) vs (cds-sinaloa). There were several high profile incidents around q0 years ago where one side of police fired on the other side because of "mistaken identity" (wink wink). The incidents that stick out to me were the people responding to a mass murder at cereso and the cops firing on the federal police playing basketball outside the hotel they were staying at.

    2. AMLO just happened to step into a world of shit when he got elected. Straightening ones house from the infestation of corruption will take years. Not overnight.

    3. In Coah ive seen Gates VS municiapals !

      Throughout several mexican states ive seen locals vs military !

    4. This lack of trust between locals and military are its citizens rebelling against an inept government.
      Just a matter of time when all its citizens rise against its political powers.

  9. All about federal police it's corrupted anyways why not getting paid for kidnapping rape and extortion anyways

  10. Since I was 4 years old the mordida has always existed America just needs to take over Mexico and make it part of America cops over here don't fuck aroundyou shoot one of theirs in the whole country will be on your ass nowhere to hide so if you want peace that's what needs to be done

    1. Nypd didn’t do anything to stop Jeffery Epstein

    2. Lmmfao
      A los Green goes les punsa entrar a México y si entran solo en bola por qué los wevos de Nosotros los Mexas son de titanium no Mamadas por eso es que te disparan por qué les da miedo enfrentarse a la grnte!!!!!
      Y más de lo que se robó usa todavía quieres más?????

  11. I'll make more money selling elotes on the corner..

    1. Best u have a corner building for that endless supply of elotes. With taxes here and there to operate. Most officials don't take well with IOU's.


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