Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, July 19, 2019

El Chapo transported to Colorado after sentencing via helicopter and plane

Mica Borderland Beat from NY Post

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, Shorty.

The feds wasted no time in getting rid of Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman — tossing the Mexican druglord into a helicopter to start his journey to the supermax prison in Colorado almost immediately after he was sentenced to life plus 30 years behind bars, The Post has learned.

“He went from a helicopter to a plane,” an astounded source revealed Wednesday evening. “He’s no longer in the state.”

The speedy departure occurred despite a request from Guzman’s defense team that their client be allowed to remain in New York City for 60 days so they could work on his appeal.

Following the request from attorneys Jeffrey Lichtman and Mark Fernich, Brooklyn federal judge Brian Cogan said he would recommend the Mexican kingpin be allowed to head back to the Metropolitan Correctional Center, where he’s been held since he was extradited to New York in 2017.

But instead of heading back to his cell, Guzman was escorted into a chopper and whisked away.

“He’s either already arrived in Colorado, or he’s still in route,” the source said.

Note:  I confirmed this is true and that he was transferred to ADX.  I also confirmed this is highly unusual.  Typically the transfer takes a few weeks.  

It is expected SAMS security measures as imposed prior to conviction will remain in effect.  The only visitors will be his minor twins but restricted to 5 visits a month.

US District Judge Brian Cogan agreed upon issuing his sentence and recommend that the unit allow Guzman to remain in federal prison in Manhattan for two months for his attorneys to prepare the appeal. BOP did not comply with the recommendation, see below click on image to enlarge--Chivis

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  1. Dont let the door hit you wtf is that stop trying to be sarcastic

    1. Hey Willie, NY Post can't read your strange comment here, try using the link to their post and say it there. 😒

    2. Chapo Snitched Bitch!

    3. Chivis- While I understand this response was very valid and deserved, I just want to question the publication of this anonymous user's name. Is this something I should be concerned about, or this a larger use of "Hey Willie" that I dont understand?

      -The Australiano

    4. Hey take it easy is freedom of press.

    5. Mfs listen to one corrido and think they personally know Chapo. Calmate “Emma Coronel”

    6. I'm just here to clarify that "willy" is nefarious while "millie" has a charm that extends from his apperant earnestness to inform yet somehow ends up being comical too.

    7. 1:11 since you signed anonymous, who'd have thought you would be upended, I mean offended, Willis.
      We his friends care about El Senor and wish him all the best, he kept the peace on his turf without American or Mexican budget, and no excuses for failures either, but greedier former associates think because they have all the powers now they can get away with murder in the Orient Express forever and railroad their former parnas, same way they silenced John Gotti and Fat Tony Salerno, even their Goodfella Sammy "the Bull" Gravano didn't escape their clutches the first chance they had. Silence is being imposed to protect Arizona to New York mafiosos heirs to Joe Bananas who first colonized Arizona.


    8. El Australiano:

      from the expression "What cha talkin 'bout Willis?" ala gary coleman's character on Different Strokes"

  2. Sicario006 in shambles! time for him to jump ship Again and root for the next cartel on the rise!

    1. Well he still has his other boss, Mayo Zambada.

  3. CDS has Regrouped and are more united than ever Mayo Zambada has given Ivan Archivaldo La MV full Support...LM10

  4. Mr. Chapo Guzman welcome to Colorado, I am sure you will love it here. We have snow here.

    1. We have snow in mexico to, specially in the high mountains.. dont think your special because you got snow lol. Very ignorant comment.

    2. FYI there's plenty of snow in areas of the golden triangle where he use to hide out.

    3. So on one hand the U.S government wants to show aspiring druglords that the same can happen to them as what happened to Chapo. On the other hand the government is showing you that you have a better chance of keeping your wealth and life if you become a snitch for the DEA like all of the witnesses that testified against him.

    4. Oh I’ll remember to bring some ski’s next time I visit the golden triangle then 🤔

    5. you don't travel much right 1:01? it snows in about a third of the mexican states especially high altitude. we get snow in the northeast as well. not often in coahuila but sure do, check out these fotos then go pack your skis or snowboard.

  5. Off topic but does anyone believe that lazca is actually dead I think he may be the smartest of all the cartel bosses faked his death paid big money and is living in peace because he knew the heat was getting too much on all cartel leaders

    1. Chivis said she is 99% sure he is dead. She stated she knows the mortician where they did his body. It was his body they stole from the place.

    2. 12:56 PM The would be Nazario Moreno Gonzalez he is still alive died 4 times but somehow managed to live.

    3. He's dead. They got him by accident. I believe they got DNA. And the photos sure as hell looked like him. A guy like him woulda popped up by now. The world is smaller than it was 10-20 yrs ago. He was a good killer for sure. A leader? When you can out kill everyone else it makes you a leader, not necessarily a good or great one. JMO

    4. Peter griffin ( who the hell cares!)

    5. Dont forget amado carrillo

    6. Err dude guess what,there are pictures of Lazca dead,lying on a slab ? And yes good riddance to that sinister fucker..How much reality do you want ?

    7. @4:13 it was not me that knows the mortician [family business] it is another reporter, who lives there and knows the family who owns the mortuary .. but yes he is dead, they had to get dna from his dead mother to match---but like elvis the stories go on and on and on

    8. Why didnt they make Z40 spill the beans about where he is buried?

    9. Dead and gone. The US spooks cut of his pinkie finger before his body was taken by his compadres. His DNA was thus confirmed.

    10. Don Zaferino is or might be the only Smart one. Btw ive heard a story from a friend from Mty that said lascas body was eaten by fellow Zetas to inherit his powers....idk if it's TRUE and if it is, they into some diabolical shit.

  6. Helicopter straight back home! You cant fool us!

    1. Maybe he did say in court that this is the last time we hear from him

    2. He had arrangements with the us before coming here I assume

    3. antes eran como 20 porristas del chapo ahora son menos, de seguro los demas lla cambiaron al cjng igual que muchos gueyes que de adeveras eran cds y ahora cambiaron bandera a cjng

  7. Whats the over/under on how long chapita lasts in Colorado??

    1. I say 4 yrs. I think he's gonna get sick. Stress does that. Now he is assured he's done. As long as he wasn't sentenced, he probably saw a glimmer of a glimmer of hope. Now he is there, and total reality has set in. It won't be long.

    2. Depends. How long will it take for him to dig a 650 mile long tunnel through the Colorado Rockies to Mexico?

    3. Less than 10 years. There are those photos of him in US custody and he is crying. Despite the image he presented when he was free, if he is crying at this point then he is too soft to last long.

      He's like a chihuahua sin huevos... shaking and scared.

    4. 6:25 you are like a dancing dog, trembling for some longaniza.
      El Chapo has had about 10 years in different prisons, training for this day, he knows as long as there is life there is hope. I would add if he becomes an evemgelist he will get saved, even if he doesn't repent...
      El chayo also got abandoned because other religious Communist Cults that were moving in hard on his turf, like La Luz Del Dia, witnesses and other "narco-evangelists" and latter day competitors for the religious bones left behind by marcial maciel and Co.

    5. Without all the dumb asses that did his dirty work and died for him hes is nothing, like 6:25 said he wont last more than 10 years, hope? The only hope he is got is rat on some one who is above his and get transfer to a less security prison, but that will never happen cause he was at the very top, the only guys who were on top of him are the government but those guys cant be touched so hes gonna die in jail for sure in less than 10 years

  8. Watch out for sicario006 with his elite team to rescue el chapo.

  9. That fucking sucks honestly! No matter who you are

    1. If you can't do the time don't do the crime

  10. Will he do his life sentence in Florence?

  11. Is el trigillo Arellano in the prison? I know osiel is..
    At least they will be out someday Chapo will die there..

    1. No, Osiel has been transferred out of there and Javier snitched and was taken out and put into the Witness Protection Program within the BOP.

    2. 8:19

      Osiel was transferred out of "H" Unit, or the hardcore portion of the Supermax to the regular maximum security prison in the complex.

    3. El Guero Palma is back in Mexico in the same prison with arch-enemy Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo who caused the death of El Guero's wife and children, Rafael Clavel had an horrible death in prison, and I hope el Guero finishes his job in Almoloya or wherever they send EL Padrino por culero.

  12. His kids will end up there with him sooner or later

    1. No they won’t nobody is looking for them, they are known to move around Sinaloa and Colombia freely. That’s Mexico for you.

    2. 10:06 Ever heard of the DEA wise guy?

    3. You mentioned Columbia and then say "that's Mexico for you???
      What a sorry as person.
      What about the U.S. alsocnot having rewards for any of these people also? Then Chapos kids post their wearbouts online so anybody can see and yet the DEA and CIA can never capture them??? Sounds impossible to me.

    4. 11:44 they dpnt have any social accounts just troll accounts

  13. Replies
    1. He will be fine, now run along.

  14. Out of all the drugs lords locked up this guy had it worst

    1. Juan Garcia Abrego also got a life sentence & so far no dirt on him trying to work a deal with the Government.

  15. Lol USA trying to scare people when in reality chapo isn’t in prison

    1. Where else would he be mr conspiracy

    2. And then you woke up.

    3. Yep he has been on vacation in Cancun.

    4. Hmmmm what planet are you in? He has been in prison and now is at another prison.

  16. I’m going write him

    1. I second that

    2. I third that

    3. He'll never get your letter

    4. They will screen all that stuff. Chapo nut hugger mail will just be tossed or sent back, it' s security risk and it's too time consuming for the staff.

    5. Your not wrong- i wrote 3 people there- the unabomber, supreme mcgriff, and i forget the 3rd- they sent them back

    6. if they were sent back it is because the nmate was not interested.

  17. What if they have a Chapo look a like but turned out the real Chapo is out free later in the future it come out?

    1. Aja y luego? O what if they have the real chapo and hes gonna rot in prison?

  18. So I'm leaving on a net plane, don't know when I'll be back again...

  19. I guess they weren’t taking any chances him getting either escaping or getting injured or killed in NY..

    1. 3:55 overkill, just because prison industries has too much budget and think showing off makes them look better, it is all steroid fueled 'roid rage...

  20. He done next step his sons

  21. Wow. The U.S. government really do hate Chapo's guts to send him to ADX so soon.

  22. Anyone think he got one last chance to go back to Mexico handle things then head back to Florence ? Or why the fast and unexpected leave ? A lot of different ideas

  23. ur cartel killed 4 of my cousins bcs ur sicarios thought they were contras....hope u live along time n die slowly.
    rip mario, diego, omar, n oscar

    1. And theres a lot of people who think this cartel doesnt kill inocents or babies! all cartel do the same shit, aunque sea por accidente todos valen riata

    2. 6:15 Your cousins chose their sides, how about you?
      I hope somebody deliver their mamilas to you.
      I mean their spoilers.

  24. It's gonna be mayhem in the streets of Sinaloa after El Mayo dies & El Chapo is out of the picture, more splintering & more violence. Take it to the bank

    1. The ball is already rollin. No pasa nada. New boss(scapegoat) already in place

  25. No tengan miedo, Sicario 006 and his crack team of commandos are now digging a tunnel from Juarez, Mexico all the way to Chapo's cell. They have plenty of money because everyone knows nobody is ever going to see one pinche peso of the El Chapo Treasure. The commandos are using the latest earth-mover technology licensed from Elon Musk's Boring Co. and they plan to spring Chapo out with an underground rocket sled painted leopard-skin camouflage and a red racing stripe to make it go faster.

    Imagine the power and the glory when Chapo returns to his pinche pueblo in his pinche estado in his pinchisimo country! He will be even more of a folk hero than La Llorana and El Chupacabra and Los Aluxes and all the other fantasmas and brujos that everyone in Mexico believes in.

    What's left of the BLO will cower and surrender, as will Arellano Felix, the remnants of the Zetas, Mayo and Chapitos, basically everyone except CNJG. Sean Penn will visit, hat in hand, and won't fart in front of Chapo out of respect this time but may shit his pants when confronted with his snitching on a snitch.

    I could go on, but only unless you pay me. I suggest a nice round figure of $12 billion US = $250 million pinches pesos mexicanos.

    1. 250 million Mexican pesos is about 1/4th of 1/20th of one billion dollars, if you buy the dolares.
      I doubt you could buy 250 PEISOS...

    2. It will not cost Chapo anything to dug the tunnel. His nutthuggers will dig it for him!


  27. Now that el Chapo is locked up, El Viceroy will take over the Juarez Cartel.

    1. I thought that dude retired.

    2. That dude got captured years ago. Looked like a mess

    3. He's in jail.

    4. Viceroy looks like Vin the Chin Gigante who spent like a hundred years walking the streets in his pajamas misleading the cops about his meningitis... He was never done in like he deserved, after being a lowly pistolero for the greatest of the greatest mafiosos.

  28. That's crazy how people think they know , ADX doesn't mean he is dead, prisoners still give orders from there to the outside and the media and government claim it's so secured but there is still hits there and interaction among prisoners.

    1. I wouldn't be too sure about that. If that was the case, then Juan Garcia Abrego and Osiel Cárdenas Guillén would still be in charge of the Gulf Cartel, Francisco Javier Arellano Félix aka El Tigrillo would still have weight in CAF, El Guero Palma would still have been running the Sinaloa Cartel, and many other of the fat cats of organized crime would still be running the show in their respective organizations. It's said that even the O.G. leaders of Nuestra Familia are powerless in there.

    2. Especially not if he is in Range 13, do your research.

    3. They arent putting him in a regular cell#1- hes getting the worst possible cell on range 13 with all the terrorists- and theres only been 1 hit there since adx opened- some old la eme head- some info might slip out like how the aryan brotherhood was writing notes with urine etc-- but im pretty sure theyre on all that shit at this point- no more slips- and no more contact for chapo- hes finished/cooked- hope that kate del castillo pussy was worth it

  29. 2:19 Yea me to . I wanna start a new line of condoms called El Shorty . Neeed to see if he will give me permission to use his image .

  30. Time to start charging the US government $5 000.00 an hour for guarding El Chapo, wuuuh!

  31. I'm sure many will. Always trying to get a hand out for work or money.

  32. If he has any luck. His plane will crash and end his life instantly and not become a walking dead.

  33. All Gente Nueva Special Forces teams and Tier 1 operators be on the alert . Do not disconnect your Secret Service earpiece .awaiting orders from El Señor Ivan, Don Mayo and Señor Azul.

  34. I can only hope that this bring some comfort to the family who lost their lives because of Chapo. Karma sure caught up to Chapo.

  35. Nah nah nah nah nah hey hey hey goodbye

  36. This will solve nothing and everyone knows it. The business goes on and the fact that personalities are arrested is neither here nor there. It's just going to move the price up by a few cents. If these stupid governments wanted to do something they would legalise drugs!


    1. Good afternoon Chivis,you should do a story on the latest indictments against the Aryan Brotherhood & Nuestra Familia,the CDCR seems to be cracking down on Prison Gangs,ALL of them.
      Seems alot of their followers & groupies are'nt into spending time behind bars.

    2. I only see 63 comments

    3. Let's try this:
      I can't post this message on the post that j has no more room for comments------because-----it has no more room for comments.

      So I posted it on this post and another chapo post because it has room....see? it worked because most people understood the message and stopped sending in comments for the CHAPO SENTENCE POST

  38. Osiel made it out of adx

  39. El viceroy active or not in the Business Any more?

  40. As soon as he is move to another prison, that will be the time he started snitching for better privileges.

  41. Iv done about a year in solidarity confinement. And it SUCKS. At least chapo gets a TV and a shower in his cell. We got a shower 3 times a week. And at a specific time. No TV. I remember playing with ants and spiders. Just to entertain my mind and not go crazy. Talking to guards is a big no no. But damnnnnn that’s the only other human you see. You have your good days and your bad days in there. Weeks I wouldn’t say a peep then I’d go crazy and slam the door for 48 hours straight. Chapo will die soon in that place. It’s designed to kill ya faster.

    1. a black-and-white television that shows recreational, educational, and religious programming. .

    2. Listening to a bunch of religious programming all day sounds torturous

  42. Silent prayer is the best in prison, listen to God's voice, real peace there. Enjoy it. Lucky Chapo.


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