Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, July 1, 2019

Narcos Welcome National Guard: "Let's See How Many Come Out Of Here Alive"

Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat
Organized crime in Tabasco responded with a highway blockade, 5 incinerated vehicles blocking lanes, and a narcomanta in which they reject the arrival of the National Guard in the area.

“Welcome #GuardiaNacional(.) We know that you’re coming with everything but let’s see how many come out of here alive, align yourselves or we’ll do it for you. Atte: Pelón de Playa…Rosa (Illegible)” was what could be read on the narcomanta that was found by authorities at the blockade.

The blockade was located on the federal highway Villahermosa-Teapa.

On both lanes of the highway, cars were left blocking the lanes.  They were doused with gasoline and burned.

Through videos on social media, the flames of the vehicles can be seen near the bridges known as “Majahua”, located at the entrance and exit of the city that goes towards the areas of Villa Parrilla and Playas del Rosario.

Federal and State Police, as well as personnel from the State Attorney General’s Office, accompanied by tow trucks, arrived at the scene to remove the incinerated vehicles and carry out investigations.

Yesterday, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador formally initiated the operation of the National Guard.  “Good accounts will be given to the people”, he said in an event held at Campo Marte.  According to authorities, initially there will be 70,000 troops who will start with security tasks.  It is expected that the number of troops will reach up to 150,000.


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  1. thats what they need to do go in by the 10’s of thousands and exterminate these coward ass murdering drug addicted dirtballs. so what if a few innocents get hit along the way....collateral damage....the casualties of war. the cartels have no problem killing their own friends and family. so let us get them eliminated and killed then go into the prisons cell by cell and kill them. they ahve no human rights for the atrocities they have all committed.

    1. You are so right..I hope your mom and kids are a few of the innocents..We can agree you wouldnt complain,right?

    2. Easy for you to say because you don’t have to experience it you simple minded psycho

    3. Like the United states is any better they send people's children to die and make bankers more money. WTF do you think the US government is you dumb bitch. The government is the biggest fucking cartel on earth and I'm sure your stupid ass votes for it too smh, fucking sheeple go get your news info from CNN I bet you think you get the truth hahahahahahaha what a fucking joke. there's a heroin epidemic in America hhmmm how did it get here what wasn't the middle east a big producer of heroin oh wait didn't America decimate the middle east and now we have a heroin epidemic fucking think for one please it so sad that we are slaves to a Luciferian cult and none of you have a clue.

    4. As long as the innocents that get hit is you or your loved ones, then I guess you could say "so what if a few innocents get hit".

    5. @5:34 you are absolutely correct, American goventment is the biggest cartel player. They let American drug company saturated the street with opioid. From what I heard is the DEA with the approval from higher up deals with the sinaloa cartel.

    6. @534 serio real talk excellent post!

    7. He's not wrong about a few innocents getting hit along the way.

      Here's the thing. These monsters only understand one thing. Ruthless brutality. They fear nothing because they know the Mexican government is bound to play by the rules. So whatever the government does, they can do worse and the military can't equivocate with their response. Let the military take their gloves off for a sec. Go after their families the way the cartels do them. Instill some fear into these punks and see what kinda tune they're singing after they realize the playing board has been leveled.

    8. 11:33 5:34 is the boss, we agree

    9. 8:50 we need to refuse to sink to the level of Mexican criminals because that where the buck stops, we refuse to become like them.

    10. No wonder crime in Mexico grew exponentially like it did under FECAL and his war ON drugs, and got worse under EPN and is fighting like a bitch under AMLO... FOERIGN MERCENARY PRIVATE SECURITY CORPORATIONS DID AND DO IT, behind their balaklavas and are fighting to stay put.

  2. El Pelon de Playas del Rosario, not sure if they're related to Los Pelones in Cancun, but supposedly have some relationship with CJNG by accusations in other mantas from a 3rd criminal group in the region.

  3. With the military you don't joke around see mencho and his b*tch ass that when military was on his back he sent a letter out we aint no joke homie pura seneda guardia nacional marina con todo perros

    1. 8:47 Sedena is all hungry dogs that love THEIR COUNTRY AND THEIR GOVERNMENT AND THEIR HOMELAND but they do not have much other than contempt about the rest of the Mexicans they believe are all criminals, drug traffickers, narcos rapists and hoes to exploit for their benefit...
      Of course, there are two or three exceptions.

  4. Hey buddy! Great seeing you posting-----

    1. It's good to hear from you too.

      -Black Stone

    2. Chiva, en que quedamos por fin,
      me quieres o no me quieres...

  5. La SEDENA se los va a chingar, y les va a meter sus carros quemados por el sunfiate, porque con El Peje No juegan, ya se los dijo:
    "Soy Peje, no pendejo"
    Mientras el senador samuel "la Samuelita" Garcia se pasea en Dubai con las jetas todas pintadas y las nachas rasuradas maldiciendo este Mexico diciendo que es un Pais chafa, con un presidente "chafa" porque el gas vale un peso menos por litro en Dubai... La Samuelita se fue de Mexico con Dinero de los mexicanos a pasear en Dubai... Pinche Perro Mal agradecido, gasto casi medio million de pesos buscando gas barato...
    --En VENEZUELA aqui cerquitas, hallan el gas mas barato del Mundo, ask Presidente Nicolas Maduro WHY.

  6. Nothing new will happen. NG will be same old thing. No Results

  7. Nothing new will happen. NG will be same old thing. No Results. The Narcos nothing to worry about. Business as usually. The Marinas only effective Force

  8. Let's hope the National Guard can clean house, of baby killers, hoodlums that roam the streets. Gather Intel. on known safe houses and kill don't arrest.

    1. They should of start in sonora and sinaloa if they wanna get rid of all the baby killings lately

    2. I think you're on to something. Sort of a long term low level tactic to support a bigger strategy that will take longer.

  9. How about you pansies face the military head on instead of burning cars and picking off stragglers who wander into the pueblo.

  10. Will government officially declare these criminals terrorists if threat is carried out against the National guard?
    A bad idea for any criminal organization to go against the government?

  11. The Marina unit that worked with the US was the only consistent effective force ever deployed in MX. The brilliant powers that control MX and US operations disbanded the unit and scattered them to the winds to ensure that no unscheduled unapproved arrests could occur again. Politics/ parochial inter agency turf wars / Puro corruption. Reassemble the Marina and their advisors and send them in! Let's ask ABL, Lazca, Cos, Taliban, Chayo, 40, 42, HBL, Ramas, Toro, Chapo, Damaso what they think? Puro Marina! You cant fight terrorist / guerilla fighters with rule of law. For rule of law to exist a society has to be capable of defending it.

    1. 8:08 All the Marinas did was clear the way for Genarco Garcia Luna and Co. Saved the hen CJNG flee to the top, francisco javier garcia cabeza de cagadas de vacas got to kill his former partners, javier "La Marrana" Duarte de Ochoa, Cesar el "Capulina" Duarte, Borges everybody got their own state death squads to kill, Extort, kidnap, rob property of their victims... Same as in Colombia, the more milicos and paracos the more and more crime, that made Uribe a billionaire and in Mexico it made, more millionaires, crime still rises all over the place. Thanks to FECAL and his marinas.

  12. @8:08 AM:Great points. Criminal sociopaths and psychopaths gotta be laughing tears in their tacos. Tell AMLO, respect for law and order disappeared long long ago in Mexico. Please tell me I am wrong. Anyone? Please!

  13. les va a tronar el culo se quien sea llamese CDS.CDG.CJNG por andar de bravos y alborotando el avispero. ni los 3 carteles mencionados pueden con el gobierno. es cuestion de querer y se chingan al que sea. llamese como se llame. J.A.G.L

  14. Heavy artillery is the answer....

  15. I see CJNG is recruiting NG now! good for them! They have the money use it to buy 10s of thousand more government officials, makes sense. Take over all Mexico for good

    1. Yes just like Hitler, was trying to take over all Europe, at the end he lost, Mencho will lose soon enough.

    2. 6:23 Hitler was one real sanababich,
      all others barely qualify for wannabes, some refusing to give their victims water and soap and toothpaste and toothbrushes to their prisoners just because... And selecting prisoners for selective prisons, next they will ship them in trains with showers for a final solution.
      But when it comes to WAR, their Bone Spurs spring to action...

  16. Read history of what happen in los filipines. Then came duterte and killings began. I think this is fate of Mexico. Pay special group of marinas $50.000 mensual to hunt sicarios and jefes and halcones and there will be many dead. I think maybe these marines to take trianing en EUA with rangers and then comes snipers and soldados calificados who then go for the bad ones. En promedio los filipinos gustan mucho su presidente.

    1. Drug addict Rodrigo Duterte is like news,
      He will be drug addicted murdering megalomaniac for history.
      Like Hitler, but the history about where he came from is what matters, how did he get to power? Promising foreign hotel casino owners to :clean up the country of "drug addicts and traffickers", which is anybody he or his Death Squads decide looks like he or she are drug dealers even in clean brand new school uniforms.
      You should get to Rodrigo Duterte news at least, forget history.


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