Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Power and dispute--The Territorial Control Fight of CJNG

The increase in homicides in Jalisco during the first half of 2019 coincides with the power conflict between the Jalisco Nueva Generacion Cartel and the so-called Nueva Plaza cartel.

The ravages of the wave of violence in Jalisco are already causing alarms among governments. The number of murders has been increasing throughout this first half of 2019 and everything points to a reconfiguration in the territorial domain of criminal groups, which highlights the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG).

The Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System registers in the entity 1166 victims of intentional homicide between January and May of 2019, contemplated in 902 investigations of the State Attorney's Office, more than 867 records of victims during the same period in 2018.

1,166 victims of intentional homicide have been registered between January and May of 2019

In 2019, the Information System on Victims of Disappearance counts 994 pending to be reported that have been reported so far this year, which are added to the 7500 disappeared persons in Jalisco.

As early as May 2018, the organization HUMINT Data Analysis Human Intelligence, warned of an unprecedented crisis, according to what was stated in the security panorama of Jalisco of its Panorama of Security Risks. There stood out this climate for the conflict between the CJNG and the emergence of the so-called New Plaza Cartel (CNP).

There were 867 records of victims during the same period in 2018

The CJNG has not had any qualms to use extreme violence to confront the state


Carlos Antonio Flores Pérez, research professor at the Center for Research and Higher Studies in Social Anthropology (CIESAS), points out that there are several hypotheses regarding the violence environment that has recently been created in Jalisco.

With respect to [Mencho] CJNG, the specialist points out that one of the theories is that it seeks to force the authorities to support with him, although another could be the reprisal against officials with whom he would eventually have agreements.

He argues that an organization such as the CJNG has been gaining power because of its logic of paramilitary organization and its coercive operation, which becomes fundamental to generate a territorial hegemony.

"Let us also bear in mind that the type of organization we are referring to does not seem to be interested only in the trafficking of illicit psychoactive substances.

"But it also apparently has the intention to cancel the various illegal activities that occur in the territories. This implies a whole logic of different operation, because it implies the permanent reproduction of violence, "explained the CIESAS academic.

This warning about the new configuration of the criminal group had already been reported by the Indigo Report on July 1, as indicated by the Mexican Commission for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights.

However, recent analyzes such as InSight Crime, Organized Crime Research Center, further detail the nature of the territorial disputes that take place in Jalisco.

"The CJNG has not had any qualms to use extreme violence to confront the state," says InSight clearly in its report Criminal GameChangers 2018, where it details that it is one of the big criminal organizations that won in 2018 in Latin America, together with the Primer Comando de la Capital and the National Liberation Army of Colombia.


According to the international organization InSight, members of the Nueva Plaza Cartel (CNP) were part of the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG).

Its leader is Carlos Enrique Sández, alias "El Cholo", who was one of the trusted men of Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, alias "El Mencho", leader of the CJNG. But his murder was ordered for having ended the life of a cartel financial operator in Puerto Vallarta.

From this separation, in March of 2017, El Cholo separated from the structures of the CJNG and created his own organization with the people he controlled in the Tapatía capital.

However, InSight points out that their presence is not very significant, because they are people who could negotiate their return to the maximum organization.

Currently the dispute between these organizations is in the western area of ​​the metropolis, where the CNP has managed to control areas of municipalities such as Tlaquepaque, Tonalá, Tlajomulco and El Salto, where its economy is limited to drug dealing, theft of auto parts and telephone extortion


The most exposed in the war between organized crime groups are those who are at the bottom of the organizations in conflict.

This suggests that the majority are young, since they are the most recruited.

Local media have reported that the CJNG and the Gulf Cartel are the criminal organizations that include the most children in their ranks.

In Jalisco these range from 8 to 20 years.

The territorial superiority of this cartel is due to the ability to recruit new members as assassins, including through Facebook pages in job offers such as interviewers, bodyguards, security guards or police officers, but then they are moved to others municipalities to be trained, as detailed in the CMDPDH report

As local media have detailed, these hirings have also been made under duress. While InSight notes that the CJNG undertook an aggressive policy of recruiting minors and criminal cells that were left without leadership after the deaths of their leaders.

"When the CJNG wins another groups plaza, those that are left have to be aligned," said one of the sources to InSight Crime.

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat from reporteindigo

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  1. Animo Cholo.
    Gente Nueva Joint Special Operations Command from Nueva Plaza Tier 1 Operators have been training with a highly decorated ex Special Air Service (SAS ) operator in counter terrorism operations as well as sniper warfare , close combat quarters and high-value-target extraction.
    El SR del Quinto Mes along with Los Chapitos have approved the merger between CDS and Plaza Nueva.

    We purchased a few trailer filled with all calibre bullets. We are still waiting for the new bulletproof vest with the CDS/Plaza Nueva insignia and dragon skull face mask.

    1. Orale 006 your the man of the year. I will wash your feet anytime you come to town.

  2. Its very obvious CJNG has been chosen to run the game in Mexico. I truly believe CJNG will have total control of every western state in Mexico and there will be truce among various remaining cartels in the next 5-10 years. This all thanks to the direct or indirect actions of the Mexican government. I would not be surprised if we see a return of the Pacific Cartel with the Valencias at the head of the organization. You're starting to see cartels obtaining support from CJNG and applying similar tactics to obtain territory from CDS and other major players(look at Isidros fight against chapitos in Sinaloa and Sonora)You're going to see a similar rise and fall of the CDS but this time the Jalisciences are going to be the main characters in the story. Inb4 " CjNG cAnT EVen conTrol A NEIghborhood IN GUaDALajara ThAT sElls StOLen cAR parTs"

    1. @ 6:18 and when you woke up it was already morning, right? bro, don't get me wrong, i appreciate that you shared with us your hopes and dreams but that will never happen. you OBVIOUS have no idea how much power and influence CDS has. you can't compare them with santa rosa de lima cartel...

    2. 6:18 that will NEVER happen,it never has,not even when cds was at its best nor when Z's were at their strongest...cjng kingdom will fall on its own weight remember than "having presence" n "fully controlling" a state plaza aren't the same thing..

    3. @ 6:18 maybe your right. One time someone on here made a comment about Insight Crime and Chivis respectfully response was Insight Crime wasn’t credible because they are a South American intelligence group even though she has admitted writing for them in the past.

      Also, according to the DEA and other law enforcement agencies have said CDS is still the largest and powerful drug organization in the world.

    4. The valencias had their own cartel. Los cuinis. And mencho probably have them up.

    5. First of all you have a lot of wrong information. The return of the Pacific cartel?? CDs IS the Pacific cartel!!! Lmao Isidro is with mayo now! If he has beef with Ivan that's between them but MZ is the boss of the Pacific cartel aka CDS. Cholo killed that fool carlton 2 years ago and menchos people STILL haven't killed him lmao in they're own state no less. I'm sorry for everyone who read your post because we just lost a few brain cells.

    6. to clarify Insight are good people, my comment was to say they were not Mexican org crime experts they are in so am. and at times it showed. I only wrote 2 posts for them. i really took issue with their implication that autodefensas were the same as vigilantes of so am. anyway they have much improved over the years with mexico and they are a group of think tankers.

    7. 3:26 mayo could never do $hit to chapo isidro eventhough he has been killing many cds in MAYO'S territory Sinaloa for over 20 years.. cholo/mayo against mencho has only been for 3 years the most so be patient this war won't be like Sinaloa style who kiss and make up
      That's how you know mencho is the man, you got ALL of Sinaloa teaming up against litle ol mencho lol you see how mencho has guanajuato and most of michoacan.. cds couldn't ever take a plaza from any cartel so your opinion is nonsense
      Cholo messed up and killed the Colombian that was working with mencho and now he has a price on his head, only a matter of time before he gets killed
      Mayo could NEVER fully control Sinaloa so he joined with Chapo isidro for support, can't beat him might as well join him on a bigger proble... mencho lol

    8. @3:26 & 1:20, you both make good points but also you both are exaggerating. I just don’t understand this whole, my cartel is better than yours argument? They both do the same exact shit, just different names.

    9. “kiss and make up” every cartel and criminal organization makes “truces” with one an other. Stop with you bs and learn about criminal minds

  3. when cjng invades tamaulipas

    1. Can’t even take control of Zacatecas much less Tamps

    2. I don’t think Tamaulipas can control Tamaulipas. Everyone turns on each other so fast there, that no one has control for long. Matamoros as well. Those are some of the hardest places to control in Mexico.

  4. lider informativo have ties with cdn

    1. Who is Líder Informativo?

    2. CDN act like cjng to scare the other Zetas/golfos cells but who knows maybe they work together

    3. Who is that, if I may ask. Never heard of them on here before.

  5. There is something to be said about new governors who come to power with new teams of State's Attorneys and police commanders bent on making the most of their six years of power and impunity under said governor.
    This is a pattern specially on the
    States with the most crimes and I suppose, a goal of the Guardia Nacional to control or disappear them, and it won't be nice.

    1. A bit extreme for Mexico to repeat the Philippines. Especially when Human rights violations have been found to be pattern.

    2. So political motivation is the root of all Mexico's problems? Society itself plays a role in decision making.
      Many players at fault with what's transpiring in Mexico.

    3. 9:31 politicians manage the money, the police, the prosecutors, the budgets, the corruption, the impunity, at the local level, and contract specialists in accounting, legislation and impunity for themselves and their regime, the criminals depend on all that to thrive.
      Some famous statesmen and their fans chose to blame dirty easy to identify car window washers, maras, tamal and orange vendors for all the crime and corruption in Mexico, that is why not much progress is made against it.

  6. Doctor Sol, ALMO keeps saying, there's no homicides. That all is fine. Dead bodies should be left in front of his palace, he needs to wake up and smell death, all over Mexico.

    1. 7:07 take your offerings to AMLO, the Palacio Nacional has big doors and a bigger esplanade in the front, called EL Zocalo.
      And good luck getting away with it.

    2. AMLO, The Mexican Bernie Sanders.

  7. I remember a while back before when cjng was called matazetaz i saw a article on this page connecting them to a private security org from canada ....

    1. Now currently they are called "Baby killer cartel.

    2. Mataninos....Los Torcidos....4 Letras....Las Jaliscas....Los Valencia....Los Nacho’s.....They have. a few names

  8. It's obvious cjng is the strongest cartel in Mexico, those who claim cds is still on top have not been paying attention. After chapo Sinaloa as a state and cartel are a mess, I read the people from there are praying every day that they release el chapo so he could bring back order..
    Mencho will have jalisco by the end of this year, while cds have been fighting Beltranes but can't get them out of Sinaloa for more than 20 years lol
    the difference is that michoacanos are more ruthless and take things more personal when it comes to taking plazas..
    sucks but many more millions of Mexicans will die in this war for drugs because the war on drugs is a joke.. just saying...

    1. Compita los michocanos aint ruthless because they got ran out at one time by los zetas thats why your gallina mencho is a joke he was the first one to run to jalisco to hide and know he has jaliscos in michoacan fighting his people trying to come home ja ja rethless

    2. What state in Mexico are you from? I’m from Nayarit, but I left when I was 3, so I don’t talk about shit I don’t know.....unlike you....

    3. 9:04 you need to read more about this topic. You way off kid

  9. “cds have been fighting Beltranes but can't get them out of Sinaloa for more than 20 years lol“

    Are you on some shit or what?

    Los Beltrán son de Sinaloa.. y hay por todo México y por el estado Sinaloense. Y no se van a ningún lado!

    Y según tu hablas de una guerra ente ellos (los Beltrán) y los otras familias o personas que forman el cartel Sinaloense de ase 20 años. Estás mal! Sigue leyendo cosas que no son. El Mencho si está fuerte y anda bien pero no es como lo pintan. En Jalisco andan muchos grupos poniendo frente de sus partes y cada uno de ellos echándole vergasos a sus rivales. El que siempre a tenido su presencia el Jalisco es el Cartel Sinaloense o como otros lo llaman El Cartel de Pacifico especialmente en Guadalajara. What plaza does CJNG have full control of? Just a simple question..

    1. Ok, 11 anos y se tienen miedo uno al otro.. pinches sinaloas resultaron lo oposito que los pintan sus corridos exaggerados.. mencho has more control of jalisco than mayo has of Sinaloa.. mencho controls more than 75% of jalisco while cds only controls 50% at the most lol
      pinche sinaloas ardidos que un michoacan les esta dando en la madre.. los cds son los informants de la DEA mientras el mencho agarra Apollo de otros carteles que se unen al cjng. En la paz cjng le Quito una grand parte a mayo de su plaza y ASTA SU GENTE DE EL MAYO MEJOR SE FUE COM MENCHO.. amigo.. el cds era chingon en su tiempo pero ya NO

    2. What plazas does cds FULLY control? Zero
      Cjng has more control of jalisco than cds does Sinaloa fact son
      Cds been fighting Beltranes for 12 years and they can't get rid of them yet they are the #1 cartel in the world according to their fantasy music lol

  10. Thers a real big difference los Beltrane leyvas were the real deal the had alot of territory in mexico and had important government people in ther pocket they were a powerful "cartel"...know lets talk about cjng that has had problems with small groups like los viagras y la gente de cholo la Nueva plaza ther not even cartels y el marro tambien ja ja what a joke pinche jotos

    1. 5:40 viagras nor a cartel? They are a local cartel like Beltranes now in days but cds can't do anything about their presence in Sinaloa
      Viagras are no joke but what would you know you only follow Sinaloa cartels and are clueless of michoacan
      Cds are #2 get over it lol cry baby lmao haha

  11. 5:40 los Beltranes had apoyo from important government people in their pocket, true, like a healthy body has a cancer up the ass... Those important people betrayed el Rey Zambada and his sons, Vicente Zambada Niebla, Vicente Carrillo Leyva and his daddy Amado Carrillo Fuentes, El Benja, El H, El Mochomo, El Chapo, Don Neto, Al Padrino, y al Rafa Caro Quintero, because when you deal with "important chilangos in government" you are going to get it up the ass, sooner.
    FECAL, EPN, Genarco garcia luna, and his partner Carlos Slim Helu got all the motherfacking business now, helped by Osorio Chon, Manlio Fabio Beltrones, televisa, the Hank Gonzalez, Carlos Ahumada, jaime camil Garza, and many narco governors. But name any associate of El Jefe de Jefes, and they fack him up in chilango land.


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