Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The killing of two Israelis gangsters in Mexico City was a settling of scores, reportedly by CJNG

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat JewishNews, TimesOfIsrae, Reforma See Sol's post on same subject...

Gutierrez said she was paid $262 by CJNG to carry out the hit....

A woman named Esperanza Gutierrez,33, wore a blonde wig, when she took part in the  broad daylight execution plan by her and two accomplices in the Mexico City killings of two Israeli men.

The woman entered the Chinese restaurant with an accomplice and took a seat near Benjamin Yeshurun Sutchi, aka ‘Johny Ben,’ and Alon Azulay in a Mexican shopping mall, before rising from her seat and shooting them.

The woman and two male accomplices fled the scene, but police apprehended her after she discarded her wig and other items of disguise in the street. The two accomplices, both armed with assault rifles, got away after firing on a police vehicle, hitting an officer in the arm.

The execution of two people in Plaza Artz began with a shooting outside, as a distraction, in which an Auxiliary Police was injured.

According to the initial investigations, the attack on Israelis Alon Azulay, 41, and Benjamin Yeshurun ​​Sutchi, 44, was planned in two parts.

"The first event is outside the plaza where an auxiliary policeman is shot who then shoots the perp who flees in a vehicle, which subjects this policeman, disarms him, and minutes later, inside the restaurant, two material authors shoot at the victims ", explained yesterday the Secretary of Citizen Security (SSC) Jesús Orta Martínez.

He said there was a third person inside the Hanun Chinese food restaurant.

"In the videos you can see that he has communication with them, although no direct participation in the killings; those are what the facts say,  that are confirmed and there is no doubt," he said.

The first action, he said, was elaborated as a distraction.

"The first hypothesis is that it is a distraction event, in order to establish the escape route of the person.

“However, having this incident where the policeman is injured, they are forced to flee, and then she (the detained woman) runs out of that escape route, which allows her to be persecuted by land and her detention, "he added.

While in custody Gutierrez told police that the killings were a crime of passion. That she had been rejected by one of the two men.   Subsequently police determine she in fact had never met either of the men.

The Israelis both had criminal records in Israel and Mexico

“The event leads us to relate the facts with a settling of scores among criminal groups and/or organized crime,” said Ulíses Lara López from the city prosecutor’s office, adding that both men were well-known in the criminal underworld.

“It could be a settling of scores in the Israeli mafia, which is why a complete identification [of the victims] was possible, along with their criminal records.”

Sutchi was arrested in Mexico in 2005 in a joint operation involving Mexican and Israeli intelligence officers, before being transferred to Israeli custody in a Mexican airport hangar and returned to Israel the next day. He was released from prison last year.

Mexican media at the time reported that he was a major player in the international cocaine business, was wanted by Interpol at the time of his arrest, and was found “in the company of his sex slave” when officers swooped.

In the late 1990s Jewish Link, a journal for Jews in Mexico, reported that Sutchi had been convicted in Israel of the assassination of Many Aslan, son of Israeli gangland boss Ezequiel Aslan, and sentenced to 17 years. He later escaped prison and fled to Mexico in 2001 and in 2004 he was arrested in Venezuela over the killing of a Colombian drug lord.

Mexico’s attorney general said that between 2001 and 2005 Sutchi built a criminal empire based on drug trafficking, kidnappings and casinos, working with Mexico’s own mafia. In the raid, police found photos showing Sutchi together with his friend Edgar Valdez Villareal, aka ‘La Barbie’ (the Barbie), boss of the feared Beltran Leyva Cartel in Sinaloa.

At the time, Valdez was moving about a ton of cocaine into the United States every month. In 2009 the US offered $2 million for information leading to his arrest, which occurred the following year. He is currently serving a 49 year sentence in a US prison.

Sutchi was arrested in Mexico in 2005 in a joint operation involving Mexican and Israeli intelligence officers, before being transferred to Israeli custody in a Mexican airport hangar and returned to Israel the next day. He was released from prison last year.

Mexican media at the time reported that he was a major player in the international cocaine business, was wanted by Interpol at the time of his arrest, and was found “in the company of his sex slave” when officers swooped.

In the late 1990s Jewish Link, a journal for Jews in Mexico, reported that Sutchi had been convicted in Israel of the assassination of Many Aslan, son of Israeli gangland boss Ezequiel Aslan, and sentenced to 17 years. He later escaped prison and fled to Mexico in 2001 and in 2004 he was arrested in Venezuela over the killing of a Colombian drug lord.

Mexico’s attorney general said that between 2001 and 2005 Sutchi built a criminal empire based on drug trafficking, kidnappings and casinos, working with Mexico’s own mafia. In the raid, police found photos showing Sutchi together with his friend Edgar Valdez Villareal, aka ‘La Barbie’ (the Barbie), boss of the feared Beltran Leyva Cartel in Sinaloa.

At the time, Valdez was moving about a ton of cocaine into the United States every month. In 2009 the US offered $2 million for information leading to his arrest, which occurred the following year. He is currently serving a 49 year sentence in a US prison.

El Universal reports that  Gutierrez said she was paid $262 by the Jalisco Cartel New Generation to carry out the hit.

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  1. Fitting end for all except the wounded officer and the two who slipped away. Going to another nation to commit crime should be a fast pass to the grave, and in this case, it was so.

  2. This wasn't a crime of passion or a girl was rejected by one of the victim. Mexico has to stop this bullshit sugarcoat everything. Mexico is a shithole where evrything goes. Anyone can die in the hand of the cartels. It's a fact. Stop that bullcrap.

    1. Nothing is sugar coated in Mexico, it's raw and in your face. Unlike the US were it's all swept under the rug.

    2. @5:36 Did you even read the whole thing??? Authorities comfirmed the woman never met any of the men. Obviously that was what the woman said to the cops fool.

    3. Passional crimes carry a lot less prison time, even if the murderer is the husband or the boyfriend, or in the case of EPN: THERE IS NO TIME TO BE DONE, NO MATTER WHAT THE GIRLBOYFRIEND SAYS
      this spurned lady will get her way, by George!

  3. Sutchi seems to be another ISrael Secret Intelligence Service provocateur agent just like Simon Elliot aka Abu Bakr al-Baghdad.

    1. Definitely Mossad killed him even if they made it look like it was CJNG. CJNG is nothing to fuck with bit Mossad is on a different level. Salute to the Sicaria....Gangster B@#tch.

  4. Allow the civilian population to arm themselves. Trust me, the u.s can supply quality weapons. Then have a curriculum teaching kids proper safety to develop a proper culture .

    1. Get them to go to school first? Build some schools? Culture..

    2. 10:36 on the US where kids and adults have been supplied with a whole lot of weapons, and some even with some gun training and "education", none of the BS has worked, specially when the NRA has been discovered to have been a tool of Bladdermir Putin and his agent Mariia Putina who used the Nara to disinform and misdirected and paid them about 30 million dollars for criminal purposes.
      Perhaps you should stay with your gun-toting and "educated" crew?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Edgar, I agree with you on arming the population of Mexico. Unfortunately, I can only see that happening after a major government upheaval/overhaul. The Mexican Government AND the cartels know that the easiest population to control is an unarmed population. I genuinely believe that this is why the people there are constantly victimized, and that the cartels are doing their dirt in the light of day. Everyone knows full well that the cartels are also in the United States, but because of a strong government AND an armed populace, the cartels have to stay hidden in the shadows like the cockroaches they are.

    5. 7:45 "you agree", really?
      And who the hell are you to agree to anything?
      Enough weapons have been supplied to Mexican criminals, and training by criminal mercenaries who won't show their face, Mexicans are already fighting with their elected government who has forbidden official corruption and is acting on it, while at the same time sending the Guardia Nacional after the blue and the black collar criminals, not after the maruchaneros and poor broke asses that piss on the sidewalks, and catching up with refugees in Andorra, Germany, Guatemala, Panama, like lozoya, his mom, La Marrana Duarte, and countless investigations on other "criminales del pasando" while tending to the nation's business.
      --Now miss madam go wash your mouth with soap.

    6. Yeah, 8:30. I agree. Who the Hell am I? Someone who has seen Mexico get progressively worse for it's citizens because a corrupt government can't...or won't do anything about the cartels that are out of control. Now who the Hell are you? You even said it yourself and you STILL don't get it. Weapons supplied to Mexican CRIMINALS. Not the law-abiding citizens. There's a difference. I got some leftover soap for you, fool.

    7. Stop what, Mota? Having original thoughts? No.

    8. A coincidence that fast and furious delivered weapons all. Over the Arizona border, must have had something to do with the Arpaio Mobsters. Nothing went on there in or out without their knowledge.

  5. $262 the cost of human lives lol fucking Mexico

    1. Right Underworld figure gone for 262$

    2. That's a jump of 500 %. Why do u think everyone is participating?

    3. $262 = 5,000 pesos. This sounds like the nice, round number that was used.
      How can life be this cheap? Makes little sense because mules can make more than this without killing anyone.

    4. 262$???? Cjng taking over with those high numbers

  6. If I didnt know better i would say she was paid 260 dollars and the 2 dollars was a nice tip Courtesy of the good ppl of the CJNG . 1 dollar per head . Nice

    1. @12:58 Obviously is what she said. If she got any peso above that is already stashed somewhere else.

  7. If the USA didn't have a right to bear arms we would have general lawlessness as well. Thank goodness our forefathers knew the importance of self defense.
    BTW, those Israelis wouldn't date this woman. Her initial excuse was hysterical.

    1. 6:15 AM Lawlessness isn't as rampant in the US as Mexico because you have the largest criminal organization with its many branches based there. Even then you still have 15,000 homicides a year. The criminal civil war we see raging in Mexico was started by that same criminal organization as a preventive measure.

    2. Um we do kinda have general lawlessness here... if you only knew...

    3. 6:15 doesn't matter, Law Enforcement is runung amok with their crimes, unpunished, with garranteed official impunity, and no accountability, unless the Mare is training to get reelected, ano no amount of private gun ownership is going to change any of that, even the NRA will be against you and your lawlessness and trying to stick your weapons up your ass "in support of their" government

  8. Many reports about the Wallace case illustrate the crime of state against the accused in the fake kidnapping, cover up, prosecutions and tortures of the accused, all under the eyes of "la senora de Wallace", including Guadalupe Lizarraga in Los Angeles Tmes.
    Jacob Tagle and Cesar Freyre may be criminals, the worst even, but in the case of la huichola "de Wallace" they are innocent, she is not. There are 7 people still in prison because of confessions exacted through torture by the likes of Marisela Morales, genarco garcia luna and their murdering law enforcement, with Brenda Quevedo tortured in prison in Mexico City and on the Islas Marias where she was sent to make her stop denouncing the "authorities" that went there to torture her again, with witnesses and "la senora de Wallace" watching, all of it was used for propaganda to the benefit of the presidente FECAL and his party
    La senora is the owner of a billboard company that has made a lot of money from pan government contracts, and she has tried to have a political career, nobody wants her ass around because of her montages.

  9. $262 dollars is a small amount for the hit, they have millions in blood money, what cheap skates.

  10. Sohe killed a colombian drug lord and was arrested for it yet servedno time? So the colombians just let it slide and did nothing about it? you would think if they not killed himat least they would tell the mexicans to kill him.

  11. Israeli gangster gets taken out by a mexican bitch that is not worth 5 bucks. Dont say much about israeli gangsters.

  12. Those hits are worth close to millions or close to it.. he was one of the biggest drug lords in the world dumbos

  13. The moment you step in Mexican soil you’re fair game, I keep telling people

    1. The minute a criminal tries to take my freedom I will shoot him

    2. No you won’t because you won’t see it coming.

    Mexico City / 30.07.2019 20:10:29
    The Attorney General's Office located the second woman who participated in the execution of two Israelis in Artz Pedregal Square .

    We recommend you...

    Morelos woman accused of firing at Israel in Plaza Artz transferred to Morelos prison The SSC assures that the attack on a restaurant by Artz Pedregal (Special) was a crime Criminal gang related to Israelis killed in Artz Pedregal identified Administrators of Plaza Artz reported that they will strengthen the security of the facilities / Cuartoscuro.
    The woman would have registered 45 minutes before the attack as Vanessa Bayer and requested the first table of entry into the smoking area for three people.

    La Güera , as this woman has been called, as she has blonde hair, however, used a wig with that color that was found by the Attorney General's Office and her fingerprints were found there.

    The authorities triangulate the information of their fingerprints in the national system and also at the local level to determine if that woman, who on the day of the attack left by the kitchen, has a criminal record that can lead to her detention .

    In addition, clothes similar to a raincoat were found where there would be a cell phone, from which the authorities also got the "sheet" of the calls.

    According to the first statements of Esperanza 'N', the only one arrested for the murder of the two Israelis, the blond-haired woman was the one who led the execution by giving orders through her phone and that could be linked to the Jalisco Cartel New Generation .

    source: Milenio

  15. @chivis Thank you for moderating that post. Youre the best.

    -The Australiano


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