Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Morelos: :Boy survives after being left for dead with father's body

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat republished from CNN

By the time he was found, the boy was barely alive. The ten-year-old's neck had been cut, leaving a nearly 3-inch (7cm) wound. Disturbing photos taken by the authorities who found him and obtained by CNN show the boy in jeans, a US football sweatshirt and a light jacket, lying in the curve of his dead father's arm.

The travelers were Guatemalan, according to President of the Morelos State Human Rights Commission Raúl Hernández. The boy, Cristian, and his father Rudy, 37, left from Guatemala on May 28 this year. Cristian's uncle and teenage cousin were also on the trip. In total, it was a small group: Two brothers traveling together, each bringing a son.

They had hired a smuggler in Guatemala that would take them all the way to the United States, but the smuggler abandoned them in Mexico, Hernández said, where they were kidnapped.

Their kidnappers were members of Los Zetas drug cartel, according to Morelos State Secretary of Interior Pablo Ojeda Cardenas. They allegedly called their victims' relatives in the United States, demanding a ransom of $12,000, he said. The family was able to send $8,000, but didn't hear back from the kidnappers.

A few days later, on July 6, Cristian and his father were found lying on the side of a dirt road in Morelos state, left for dead. The man's throat had been slit, but his son was still breathing.

Authorities later said that the uncle and cousin managed to escape, and are now in the care of Mexican authorities, according to a spokesman for the Morelos Governor's Office.

Cristian was taken to a hospital in the city of Cuatla, where he is getting psychological treatment, in addition to medical care. He "[...] underwent surgery and is currently in good health," the Guatemalan Foreign Ministry said.

Migrants traveling through Mexico are routinely the victims of crimes that range from theft and extortion to rape and murder. [12k disappear each year]

In 2010, the bodies of 72 migrants, 58 men and 14 women [BB archive foto above], were discovered in a mass grave in northeast Mexico. Mexican authorities said then they believed most of the victims were from Honduras and El Salvador, although some came from as far away as Ecuador and Brazil. The mass grave was discovered about 14 miles (22 kilometers) from the town of San Fernando in Tamaulipas state, near the border with Texas.

Los Zetas has long been feared by Central American migrants traveling through Mexico, and was originally composed of a group of former Mexican elite forces that acted as enforcers for the Gulf Cartel.

In the mid-2000s, they splintered to form their own drug trafficking criminal enterprise in the mid-2000s, but have since branched out into multiple criminal activities. Kidnapping for ransom, security analysts say, seems to have become one of their specialties.

Guatemala's Foreign Ministry has issued a statement expressing condolences to Cristian's family [above] and promising to pay for all costs related to the repatriation of his father's body.

Reporting contributed by Oscar Guadarrama Torres, Kiarinna Parisi, Tatiana Arias, and Radina Gigova.

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  1. Damm Zetas are truly scum bags.

    1. Yes zetas are very scum pero this was not zetas in Morelos and the gob know this. It maybe is CJNG, Mayas o Rojos but zetas no. I have good reason to belief we will see the public death of the children killers very soon en Morelos.

    2. Zetas is just the name local low life scum from that area use to get away with crimes like these, if anything they are working with the criminal groups from that area so they say they are z to not give their bosses a bad rep

    3. I agree with you on that. Zetas are evil sacks of useless shit. They prefer to target the defenseless.

    4. Human trafficking could have nothing to do with drug trafficking, both could be different specialties of the same cartel.
      Morelos liberated itself of Jesus Alberto Capella Ibarra and about 20 dedicated team members when he left for Quintana Roo, but he left behind in Morelos a whole team of greedy criminals with a whole bunch of innovations in crime; right before him, Julian Leyzaola was in charge of state public security, after his crimes against humanity in Tijuana, and before he left for Cd Juarez to do more of the same, which reflects his murdering military ways, Capella is not military, but wants to be on his own fascist style.

    5. @10:24
      Boycotting financial gain is unheard of.

    6. Wether it's zetas cjng rojos CDs sea lo que sea they're all scumbags

  2. What a way to die. Boy lived to tell the story. Even though they paid the majority of the ransom, they still we're going to be killed. What will the government do on issues like this occurring everyday....nada.

    1. Blaming some zetas nobody saw is real easy,
      Zetas in Morelos State is some big news, they barely exist on their own turf northeast of mexico.
      The coyote could just be misleading some worthy targets for kidnapping for ransom, and central Americans should be made aware, before they borrow to get abandoned or kidnapped in Mexico which has become part of the business of punishing immigrants to deter them from coming to the US, same as happened to the San Fernando victims, they were giving the Obama administration a very hard time with the opposition that also benefitted from catching and housing illegals in their private for profit prisons, a big reason for enticing illegals to come over and same big reason to stop them, money all over in the business...
      The present administration has extorted 4.5 billion dollars for toothpaste and toothbrushes and soap for the filthy prisoners they keep in their dog houses for profit, but they keep looking for a more permanent solution... HITLER had a final solution, railroad trains to provide his victims one lasting shower, the Poison Gases never missed their targets.
      --It would have been so easy to provide security and education in their own central American countries, instead of financing armies that degenerated into terrorist arms of the state in their own Banana Republics all over LatinAmerica.

  3. These last two posts really question what Mexicans as a whole, are willing to tolerate. Pretty sure it's time to step up and combat these criminals..

    1. 12:14 "Mexicans" do not like this shit, but they can't monitor who comes and goes all over Mexico, even the foreign mercenary paramilitary working private security in Mexico can't help it, and they had billions of dollars in Financing until AMLO said thanks but NO thanks, during this his first year as presidente.
      --Crime in Mexico increases, as rats all over try to sink the AMLO CHINAMPA, but don't blame AMLO or "the mexicans". The Prianista Dinosaurs are clawing back, but nobody wants them around.

    2. Last time I checked, people that live in Mexico are called mexicans..and no where else are kindergarten graduation shootouts taking place. So if the shoe fits...

    3. 12:14 it is not like the victimizers attacked these victims in the circus or a stadium in front of millions of Mexicans...
      --You need to train your big mouth and not just blame a whole people for the crimes of a few specialists probably trained by US disciples of the American Schools Of the Assassins left behind by the US paid war ON drugs.
      --Please note that not every American is aware of the Schools of the Assassins in spite of the SOA WATCH efforts for many years.

  4. Chivis, I’m reaching out to you.... I know that this boy is not the first and probably won’t be the last victim of such horrendous crime..... I’m humbling asking to please start some kind of donation for this boy........i will contribute....... just please keep it honest, and let’s make sure he gets it....

    1. sadly I have no sources in Morelos. and I trust no one I don't know. That is why I personally worked our family foundation and oversee each penny spent.

      maybe someone else has an idea we can implement. My heart breaks looking aat the foto.

      as sad as the foto of the father and toddler who drown this is worse. in the drowsing case it was flooded in the streets of northern mex especially tamps from torrential rains. that is why the current was so swift.

      the mother said to meican press on the first day that SHE had the baby and the baby slipped from her grip because of current and the father went after the baby and they drowned. the story changed later but those were words from her mouth the first day. there were warning signs all over about the flooding and current. but they decided it was their best chance.

      in this case this is horrific on every level one can imagine. I have worked with the kids who witness horror, they are never, ever the same. like ptsd times 100

    2. This little boy should be granted asylum in the U.S. immediately. I, don't fuckin care what any hater says.
      I, will adopt him if nobody wants to take care of him.
      If any info found on him please send me info thru here and or an email adress so I, can proceed with this.

    3. I totally agree with your post
      Chivis. This was especially horrific and beyond sad. It broke my heart seeing this barely alive 10 year old...laying next to his murdered father. I don't have a clue as to stop the violence but I can pray for the innocents who are murdered/ injured every day in Mexico. Thanks Chivis. Peace.

    4. 12:31 International help sent to genuine self pronounced Lima Group "presidente de Venezuela", Juan Guaido has rot in their trailers, economic help got spent in expensive Colombia Hotels with expensive dinners and parties and escorts.
      Help with some established charitable organization,
      --even on the US, organizations and people can't help stealing from their own charities state and federal authorities have had to put them out of business, with little punishment.

    5. I'm from cuautla, are you serious about adopting or helping him get to his people? -kao

    6. Does anyone have or know where to obtain enough information about the child to begin a signature petition requesting Cristian be granted asylum in the United States? I'm not sure exactly what information would be necessary. I'm guessing at least his full name. I would like to do something to help this poor kid. If anyone has any information or knowledge they would like to share concerning the creation of a petition please let me know. I would appreciate it.

      -Solothurn la Arma

    7. From 10:16 to @8:05
      Yes I, am serious!
      Where can I, find out more about him. City, hospital or phone number to reach his caretakers?

    8. How can we help? I would help. We can't adopt him, though. There is no longer an inter country agreement between Guatemala and the US due to massive corruption. Does anyone here know how we can help? Dr K

  5. Is a dam shame that someone can do something like this to a 10 yr. old boy.... I wish the putas can reveal them selfs In a man to man situation....... hope they pay for this.....I would cut their stomach to let their guts hang as they are all scared running around with their intestines hanging out, Then I would let her nary ass dogs loose on them......

    1. 12:34 you could invest some of your mighty furies in some real professional investigation, people know who convinced these Guatemalan to come to Mexico, and they called to get their ransom demands, then some expert in anti-kidnapping and hostage negotiation took the ransom, probably did not even share a penny of it with the killers,

  6. por lo menos los inmigrantes querían cruzar para buscar trabajo y trabajar, no como esos culeros, si se están muriendo de hambre, que se traten mi pito, qué hay para todos esos ZETAS...... son JOTOS......

  7. Holy shit poor Christian :(, fucking scumbags 🤦‍♂️

  8. This activity by those cartels is what hurts Mexico. These offenses towards migrants should not only be condemned but discouraged by all those who are involved.
    Simply appalling.

    1. 1:10 and who would be those involved?
      There is a chance even the killers do not approve of it, but silencing witnesses is sometimes very necessary, it could change if there were rewards for delivering captives alive, or work opportunities, after all the Mexican farmers got sold down the river by a Mexican government that needed NAFTA because they got paid for it and did not care about Mexico or Mexicans.

    2. Are you trying to justify the murder of innocent people by referencing NAFTA? You say sometimes it's necessary to murder a child because sometimes witnesses need to be silenced? Things could be changed if there were rewards for delivering captives alive? You mean like the $8000 these kidnappers were paid to do just that? You are the single stupidest son of a bitch I have ever seen post on this site. And you're an amoral piece of shit on top of it. Do everyone a favor and keep the borderline retarded thoughts swirling around in that cesspool of a brain there where they belong. Don't overexert yourself typing or using the computer. Just focus on feeding yourself without making a mess and wiping your own ass without getting poop all over the place. I'm sure those challenges are more than enough to keep you occupied.

      -Solothurn la Arma

  9. Another heartless cartel, all they want to do is squeeze every little dollar, from the lives of innocent people going by. Their intention once they received the ransom money, was to kill them. That's why I insist kill cartel members on the spot.
    Luna Apagtha

    1. Not a cartel but they are the lowest form of criminal that exist

  10. Los Zetas fight Calle 14 from this countries that’s why they kill

    1. that is an ignorant comment. these were poor migrants whose family could not come up with the full extortion money. the thing that is different is usually they are shot and left the level of brutality is not usual. possibly done as a warning to others

      migrants usually have money waiting with family as most get the call from zetas to send money or else. 12k is a high amount, it is usually 5 to 8

    2. 1:21 That is stupid excuse you wrote. Really? They must kill little boy?!? Only filthy scum zetas, blo, mazatlecos and these kind of hijos de putas kill little childs. No hay excuse to do this to peoples very poor who only wish to work honest jobs. Sometimes peoples like you write here of los muertos as they are a score in a game for football pero this is not true for Cristian and the padre of Cristian are innocent victim peoples of los puta madre criminales.

      DEP el padre de Cristian

  11. Sad and disgusting story. The ten year old boy will forever be changed. The neck scar will always remind him of the horrors him and his dad went through. Unfortunately, this story is just the "tip" of a huge iceberg of violent incidents throughout Mexico. The vast majority of these psychopaths and sociopaths will never be caught.
    .... I can't go on! What's the use?

    1. While the Guatemalan government gives Cash Luna millions of dollars to build his temple...
      Nothing is left for the poorest of the poor who then must emigrate to the US, and work like slaves if they don't get killed on their way over.

    2. Totally agree with every word Mexico Watcher.What this boy has to live with the rest of his life.Bottomfeeders who did this and I mean right at the bottom.Couldn't go any lower.

    3. I agree with you my friend. It's incredibly sad and disgusting. I just don't understand how someone could do this to a completely innocent child. Why not let them live? Why this senseless destruction of humanity. To leave a dying child in his dead father's arms because $8000 wasn't quite enough? These inhuman pieces of shit didn't each get a big enough cut of the money to buy their meth and Buchanans for the weekend? To buy a Hermes belt and an ugly fucking watch to post on Instagram and impress some narco-skank with a big dumpy plastic ass? I hope the people who did this get caught by another cartel and they are killed slowly. I hope they peel off their faces before they cut out their hearts. If there is anything like justice in this world the people who did this will die screaming. Yet their pure physical suffering wouldn't equate to the soul crushing experience of watching his father murdered that they put this poor child through. Their loved ones would need to be killed before their eyes before things were actually square. But I will not wish the death of innocent loved ones even on these people who are so deserving of that pain. Would these mentally defected psychopaths even care? I doubt they have the capacity to care about anyone. I suppose a life without the ability to feel love is its own special kind of hell. Yet incredibly far from the type of hell I would inflict upon them if I had the power. The staggering amount of psychopaths and sociopaths in Mexico boggles my mind. Is what's happening there with such frequency an accurate portrayal of our society as a whole? Is this what happens when laws are no longer upheld? Are so many members of the human race this inherently flawed? I refuse to believe that Mexico breeds a disproportionate number of morally bankrupt individuals compared to the rest of the world. If Mexico is an accurate portrayal of the state of humanity once the threat of punishment is removed the implications for society are both terrifying and heartbreaking. We've evolved into something worse than animals. Almost all animals only kill out of necessity for survival. Only humans kill for such pathetic and selfish reasons and with such unnecessary levels of brutality. The only consolation I can find is knowing that the good people of this world far outnumber the monsters. And for every innocent they kill turn that person's family and friends into their bitter enemies. Each murder strikes fear in the population just as they intend, but in that handful of loved ones fear is replaced by a driving hatred that is far more powerful. Someday there will be a reckoning when the righteous have had enough and the good people band together. When they've killed enough innocents that the scales tip and and the vengeful far outnumber the fearful and the dead. When that happens their vests and armored SUV's won't save them. After they've spent every bullet in their arsenals the righteous and furious will still be pouring in through their doors and windows to demand they pay the debt of justice with their lives. And like the hands of an angry God the decent people of this world will deliver all the pain and suffering the evil have worked so hard to earn. That is what it's going to take to end all of this once and for all. The police can't stop them and the Marines can't stop them. Even if drug consumption completely disappeared these people wouldn't change. They would just ramp up their kidnapping and extortion rackets. This scum is completely dedicated to making money off the suffering of others. The only thing that can put an end to all of this is us. And we can only do it together. When is enough enough?

      -Solothurn la Arma

    4. the sort answer is the money. their thinking is if they allow those to go without payment asked for word would spread that there is no consequence to giving less.

    5. Paying ransom to kidnapping extorters is a very bad move for all involved, it should be outlawed and replaced by very stringent laws, investigations and death penalty.

  12. Poor souls. I do hope the son was not forced to watch his father being killed first, but in cartel style this was probably true

  13. Only filthy scum will do this to children and innocents who only look for work.

  14. The lowest of the low. Where are the people that fight back against this garbage? All this bad in the world, and no recourse anymore. Planet earth is circling the drain.

  15. Do we take the authorities word as truth, blaming the Zetas. Wouldnt be surprised if local street gangs did this. Even authorities do sick shit.

    1. Zetas would kidnap at least 20 people at once, one father and boy means one coyote, there were even two who escaped and should know who done did the dirty deed. Telephones were used, at that level only Mexican specialists get away with it,
      could it be pesos or quetzales?

  16. Wonder how many cases like these go unreported 1000s

  17. They are on drugs themselves when they do this I suppose.. tells you how the drug problem is not just the trafficking for the gringos to get high, they themselves are crazy high on it. I wish all hardcore drugs would disappear from this sick planet.

  18. This one is easy, thug mansion i . follow the money. Kill the person who's name the account was under. Its time to start putting some pressure on these cowards. It is Cuautla not cuatla.

  19. I am tired of seeing these sad and horrible stories each and everyday, and nothing is being done to prevent this or at least decrease it by the Mexican Government. Something has to be done! Seriously how much more can the government let this go on for? I guess the answer is simple, they really don’t care. A day of reckoning will come to all these scumbags, they will someday pay for these horrendous crimes. God bless these poor victims and protect everyone that is traveling through Mexico as we speak.

  20. Son toda la bola de mierda we are here stop take over and do the same shit acuerndese que Les Paso cuando comensaron a sacrifice see Les callo El Canton a toda los pinches indios

  21. Y’all ever wonder why the Migrant Caravan from Honduras and Guatemala goes to Tijuana instead of going through Zeta territory up to Texas (despite the trip would be shorter) because the migrant caravan carried associates of 18th St Gang that are known enemies of Zetas.

  22. The mexican military should kill every suspected member of organized crime from the top down. Starting with Zetas. Everyone merely suspected of being a Zeta should be summarily executed. Along with their families if they get in the way. Period

    1. But the heads of the snake remains!

  23. How are you gonna have the softest government and civilians in the world when you have the most ruthless criminals? This is what happens in such an event. The Mexican people are too weak to do what needs to be done.

    1. 1:52 AM The reality is Humans don't care unless someone they know is the one that gets killed. Americans don't care that their government kills hundreds of thousands of people every year. Americans don't care that their are 15,000 homicides in the US each year. Its the same with Mexico people just don't care.

    2. Unfortunately, comic book heroes are being displayed for criminality than good. As if nothing was sacred to these people to make a point.

    3. 152. You're weak.

  24. Do you think this caught the attention of the human rights group? What the government of Mexico?....No that's what I thought, after a few days, this news article will die down, and crime will continue, until the next crime grabs our emotions. The victims can't defend themselves, because government does not want them with weapons, therefore will always be easy targets. It's a never ending game of death.

  25. Pinches culerooos...a fuckin boy.. they paid half of the ransom...

  26. Horrific! What would it take for this amlo character to get on national television and make a plea for the killers to be brought to justice?
    I think leadership in Mexico are cowards.

    1. He won't do a thing. If he does a hit man will kill him.

  27. Mexico and other countries south have a lot of god people; however, their governments have been corrupt for decades or even centuries. Unfortunately, their people are also afraid of their police. Sadly, many years ago their citizens rights to buy and carry guns were taken away, so only the police and criminals have the money and easy access to guns. Also, the Liberal Human Rights groups compound the problems inflicted on the poor by not allowing justice to be carried out on the criminals.

    Combine this with the new administration of Manuel Lopez-Obrador and you now have the disaster now hitting Mexico. The only way Mexico is going to change if its good citizens arm their selves and revolt. Unfortunately however, many innocent people will perish in the process.

    The US is not immune to the problems going on in Mexico and similar crime will happen there too, if the Liberals gain in power. The only different is that many Americans are already armed and more will do so, if the crime escalates there!

    1. Yes I agree with you, while many Innocents of citizens, pheasants die everyday, nothing will correct itself. Autodefensas was done by Mireles of Michoacan it worked for a while, until the government put him in prison, was brainwashed, let out after 2 years, and now remains low profile.
      El Perin de Tamp.


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