Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, August 8, 2019

CJNG interrogation of Sombra boss, "How many innocents have you killed?”---"lots"

Video translation is as follows:
Sicario : Tell me your name loud and clear. 
Detainee: Antonio Cervantes Hernandez.
Sicario: Whats your job?
Detainee: I’m in charge of Grupo Sombra.
Sicario: Who’s your boss?
Detainee: El Marro.
Sicario: Tell me who killed the ministerial policemen from Tampico?
Detainee: It’s was done on El Marros orders. 
Sicario: Tell me how many innocent people have you all killed?
Detainee: Lots. 
Sicario: Give me specifics. 
Detainee: The Quinta Cacaramba family. The lady from the San Gabriel (street, neighborhood?) And the family at the junction of Pueblo Nuevo. 
Sicario: Who’s left from Grupo Sombra and where do they live?
Detainee: El Zeta lives on Benito street. He’s the one in charge of recruiting and taking the people to work in Celaya. 
Sicario: Who’s in charge of charging the businessmen extortion in Irapuato?
Detainee: El Zeta and his crew sir. 
Sicario: Give me an example. 
Detainee: The Taqueria in Irapuato, which is the most historic one around ended up having to shut down. 
Sicario: Who are the ministerial policemen who support you?
Detainee: José Luis Pérez aka El Irasagas, Marco and El Jarocho. They live in the Floresta neighborhood.
Sicario: Who supports José Luis ?
Detainee: We do. He’s the one that set up the ministerial policemen in El Cortijo so that we could kill them. 
Sicario: To all the citizenry of of the municipality of Irapuato. You  are hereby informed that we are Grupo Elite from the four letter group (CJNG). And we are here to give peace and tranquility to all the state of Guanajuato. This will be the fate of everyone who attacks against the government. To every extortionist, kidnapper, scum and gang of thieves. And everyone who bothers innocents. This goes for your dirty ass Marro. We’re coming after you and all your dirty ass people that are still around. You’ve all been located. We are in Villagran. We’ve arrived to give peace and tranquility to this municipality. And we’re here to cleanse this municipality of all El Marros dirty ass scum. Remember, Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación is inside all Guanajuato. And our priority in this state in general is the peace and tranquility for the citizens. 

We are Grupo Elite from Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación. 

- Sol Prendido Borderland Beat

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  1. Video is safe for everyone to see. No murder. Just a simple interrogation video. Big boys quaking away in utter fear at times. Plus they beat the mud flaps off his ass beforehand.

    1. Ahhhh thank God!

    2. Tell me your name (recio y claro) loud and clear.

    3. Realmente no le se mucho a la vida pero pues hay voy yo... - Sol Prendido

    4. His hands are cut off

    5. These elite Jaliscienses looked real cool but there may have been a crossfire safety violation with the two overkill (pun intended) rifles pointed at the handsome underwear model ratting on his homeboys guey. No CJNG would ever rat b/c CJNG are hard and we only show our homies love 🥰. My non-snitching homeboys also don’t wear briefs because we only roll Commando guey!
      Attn Puro Commando

  2. They can't even beat El cholo in jalisco Las michoacanas only capture this guy with help of the government , them puss*s had to used and fake narco mantas so the government would go after cartel de lima cause their sicarios couldn't handle marro , supposly they elite and they can't kill a simple hit man in their own backyard lol michoacanos stay barking

    1. Hate is bad for your health boy

    2. That’s right michoacanos bark the loudest but no bite weak asf in North and South Cali lmao

    3. Watch how fast they gone star saying and talking about sinaloa them fools can't keep us out of their mouths LMAO sinaloa Ain't Even worry about them but every time someone says the true they think is some Sinaloense lol

    4. Ay vas tirandole a los michoacanos, de donde compran el jale? A los viagras, michoacanos, always hating

    5. The most ruthless cartel to ever form, tears wont stop them.

    6. Marro is just a farmer too with no military experience thats the funny thing.

    7. Sinaloas better be worried about them because last time I checked they were taking the Sinaloa plazas lol

    8. Too many girls crying about Michoacanos in here. How is sinaloas relevant to this post? Why even bring up sinaloa, that cartel has resorted to infighting over a few plazas they have left.

    9. Mas puts los de sinaloa digan lo que digan ahi estan las plazas conquistadas, dime una plaza que cds le a quitado a cjng? O al reves dime una plaza que cjng le a quitado a cds? Los numeros estan pa un solo lado, y siguan llorando

    10. You don't need military experience to carry high powered weapons or traffic illegal products (stolen gas, drugs, human trafficking). Most farmers fall into cartels because of pressure they'll take their land and are become well connected

    11. el marro es un pinche huachicolero, botijon, pa que chingados quieren tantas pistolas y rifles y paramilitares? no mamen, otros gueyes ya hubieran acabado la guerra con sus puros pichis retratos...

  3. El CJNG es exactamente como la gobernación. Infinitas promesas de todas las mentiras y sin entrega. Es como mi vecino que rompió un lente rojo atrasero en mi carro.

    Tu Jeep elevado ha roto la lente roja de mi carro.

    Ese no fui yo

    Encontré lentes rojos en tu parrilla

    Alguien me tendió una trampa

    Pero la vida humana no es una lente rota. Todos los narcos mienten.

    Con suficiente Chile atado a Tehuacan en la nariz, puedes hacer que alguien grite
    Soy un elefante! Soy un elefante!

    1. This guy JEEP. Jeeps are unreliable pieces of shit that the only reason idiots buy them is loyalty to the bailed out American junk auto makers.

    2. @12:46, that’s what you got out of that comment? Interesting

    3. 10:59 te dieron por atras pinche Gilbertona,
      Pero otra vez no fue accidente.
      Eso te sacas por andar ahi de caliente.

  4. i expect more videos of him during the next weeks.

  5. What a bunch of idiots. These guys wouldnt last two seconds against the marines or la marina.

    1. Dumb comment Marinas got a lot of men out Michoacan. I was once in a USMC platoon with guys mostly from Michoacán or their families are from there. You sound like the idiots who think the US would be dumb enough to go to war with Mexico when you know damn well the US has a lot of troops of Mexican descent who would not choose sides.

    2. 12:41 with the hating idiot in charge and his idiot team helping, you just never know...
      --AMLO sent word, keep facking around with your pinches tarifas,
      and we won't buy one more ear of corn, y me vale madre y que!

  6. Grupo Elite !!! What type of military training do these guys have??

    1. I thought you knew everything (sarcasm) lol

    2. CIA/MI6/KGB all combined

    3. They’re Michoacános. Los Tarascos are the elite of all the native tribes you ever heard about. Michoacán has the most ruthless cartels and sicarios low key and extremely deadly

    4. apparently more than the snitch groups that you cheer for!

    5. Apparently better training than your guys

    6. None lmao. Just jokers with good guns. Probably killed a innocent family right after this. Clowns.

    7. They were trained by German SS.

    8. They have mexicsn shit police o mexican shit militaru training. So this assholes cldnt win a shootout with a well trained swat team much less with American military. Theyre mostly ex police. And for the one that said something about tarascos or whatever. Cdg took over michoacan and gave it to carlos rosales. So states mean shit. Its about training balls some smarts and equipment. Thats why the zetas were so deadly. They were well trained miltary ex police and american army with the backing of oziel so they were well equiped. From then on to now no group can match that group. Not even when they became independant.

    9. @1:25 us micoacanos train in huaraches, and buck naked. We eat garbanzos , nopales, frijoles, buches, tripas, gaspachos and cañas for weeks on end. For training we chase lizards, and carry very heavy rocks up and down hills. Still, we will never be rats, Sinaloa was created in 1830, whilst Michoacán is the home to the actual TORTILLA and guacamole, and everything else that is really MEXICANO . y’all rats descend from a crappy bloodline of German/French merchant rats and refugees who fled Europe and went to Mexico to steal rob and rape. There’s a reason why they call u guys the Mexican Jews, you guys have no real culture, diet, or race., nor home, that’s why u guys hide in the Sierra when trouble comes, for decades you’ve mastered the art of fleeing, and hiding. Just like rats. Just a bunch of wild Indians , looking all Chunty in your “ABERCROMBIE and Fitch “ shirts wearing Aeropostale jeans. Selling chapos logo to a herd of pendejos. All you guys cook down there is “POLLOS ASADOS” and Maríscos. In fact the native tribe of people to Sinaloa are the YAQUIS, who were literally called the “GOAT -FU—ers “ so chill back, and realize you guys are what you’ve always been. NOTHING CLOSE TO REAL MEXICANS... hahahah puro padelante VALES

    10. 12:37. Mencho was the boss of Los Torcidos...named because they snitched out their own crew. El 85 left CJNG because Mencho turned him your big hero turns out is the biggest snitch of them all. Made you look dumb didnt I... Ahhahah

    11. None...they usually only kill innocent kids and random nobodies. Plus their boss is a huge snitch.

    12. These guys all look built with big ass guns

    13. Aquí están sus opciones para Michoacaneros. matlazincas, tecos, mazahuas, nahuas otomíes, chontales, si crees que Michoacán no tiene problemas, entonces ve al mercado y mira el precio de los avacados. Puedes encontrar coyotes en todas partes en los centros de abastos en Uruapan y morelia

    14. More than you clown 🤡

    15. They played with G.i joes and children and they played war the card game...shouldnt that be enough

    16. @335 post was deep and true👌👏🏻

    17. @3:35 Padelante? Rumbo a donde? La puta ignorancia o que. Trato de imaginar me como fuera Mexico si no hubiera tanto Macuario que pensara así, seguido midiendo se sus corbatas como siempre. No mames wey. Un mexicano no deja de ser un mexicano no importa en que parte de el país

    18. Sol prendido, shush your face. You’re not even Mexican. And yes, people from BOSTOn are definitely more AMERICAN than people in CA. So don’t act dumb.

    19. 335 woo pow... you just insulted Jews Germans French and Indios... and the whole state of Sinaloa.... chase lizards jajajaja that’s funny...
      Wild iguanas are fast I’ve tried that...
      Best to use a shotgun....

    20. Is that so 4:52? Does ones ethnicity really matter here? Because if it does then we’re all screwed. And no one should complain at all about what went down in El Paso. That young guy just threw his fucking life away over some ignorant bullshit. And just as well destroyed the lives of countless others. If any one person thinks of themselves as more than the next guy then yeah we’re fucked. We really are. Can’t really complain if we’re too damn busy measuring our ties against one another.

    21. Sol, I dunno who you are or who u think you are. This is a simple rivalry. I don’t mean any harm, malice. or “tie measuring “ . if you’re offended by my opinions I’m sorry, I’m still entitled to them. And WTF does El Paso have to do w any of this , why are you trying to put a spin on my comments . That’s a whacked out lunatic who “TRULY” has hate in his heart. I’m just a proud MICHOACANO, on a blog who has many friends from
      All over the world, and my statements were fairly accurate, unless you can state differently?? in fact IMO , all these cartel guys are scum, they’re top
      Tier predators praying on the weak and innocent, capitalizing by either selling poison, extorting, or kidnapping. nothing really to be proud of here, they represent 0.05% of the REAL Michoacános.. I’m
      Proud of the rich, culture ,cuisine, heritage and history that runs through the blood of ALL the people from central Mexico. In fact, tell us where you’re from sol. I’ve seen your translations. They’re ok. What makes you a qualified “judge” , and wtf does “sol prendido” even mean anyway ..”Lit sun” ??

    22. 8:39 used to be from Aguascalientes and el DF, MEXICAN.
      Michoacan is also the land of the burras pardas like most of Mexico, and their michuaca emperor came to meet the Spaniards without calzones, there he got his name Calzonsin. He surrendered to the Guero God's without a fight, Michuakan Tarascas became the first Indian slave people Vasco de Quiroga used to save from the whip, but "for a price"...

    23. @452 your not American unless u have Native American blood. Those in California are mostly of Mexican descent which have native blood. Those Irish and polish of Boston and others are not Native to the Americas

    24. @235 is another mamon who doesn’t know history. Just because you come from some conquered tribe don’t be making shit up about Michoacán aka Tarascos.

    25. Sol prendido is short for horny soldier. Sol joined the US army to get a green card. He was too pussy to join the Marines.

    26. @235 conquered tribes are like gringos in the US that don’t like it when you bring up how he US is native land. Except with conquered tribes they don’t like to talk about how they were conquered. Michoacan (Tarascos Purepecha) was never conquered you fool

    27. 10:34 Tarascas became enslaved after surre dering the city keys to the Spaniards, and probably after becoming infected by all the Spanish rats and diseases and microbes they brought into Mexico unawares, because back then biological attacks were not known or common, it was not known science. Same shit happened to the Aztecs, beat by disease brought over by Spanish "conquerors".
      Same shit happened to the American Indians.

  7. I wonder what Hipolito Mora is going to do once these guys start showing up around La Ruana. They are already smashing the Viagras in urupan. Just a week ago they were in Los Reyes.

    1. i can help out on that question kinda, i live close to la ruana (apatzingan), and the cjng has been constantly harassing the borders of the town, a cousin of mine that lives there says that every couple days or even weekly tens of dozens of trucks both from CJNG and allied independents siege and block all entrances of the town but never enter, which he says is weird because the viagras have a small garrison in town comparison to what the Cjng brings those days, so its always potshots and a stalemate till the jalisco people go away, and the government comes in. most people in town think its a game of cat and mouse, a show of force or something is keeping both groups from causing gun battles in town, luckily they've been kept on the edges of town for now, hipolito mora has been super quiet for a while now and most people who live there rarely see him move around. its known hes in cahoots with the viagras in some way so whos to say what will happen when the CJNG or the independents they are supporting move in to town for real. sorry for the bad writing. if anyone has any questions about the ruana and buenavista i can answer if i can

      on a side note, the reyes part is weird, ive not heard much about the recent details, but los reyes is known to be a bastion of the CJNG in the region, its been for years, the town of cotija is known to be templar filled, but tinguindin was CJNG too, many here are thinking that the templars are bing besieged and they are trying to stall the expansion into their region, either that or independents from los reyes turned against the CGNJ and other loyalists by suport from the templars.

    2. Thank you 2:17 for taking the time to give us a Birdseye view



    3. @ 2:17 Thank you! Very interesting info!

    4. 2:17 the viagras were partners with El americano whose shenanigans cost hipolito's son his life, why would he ba a partner now?
      One more question, dead or alive, where is el Americano?

    5. 2:19 PM You just answered your own question. CJNG doesn't go into La Ruana for the simple fact that once they go in and the Viagras run the Policia Michoacana and the Sedena show up. CJNG interests are the Viagras and whoever supports them they don't want to get into a shooting war with the State or Federal Government.

      In Los Reyes they killed El Cochiloco and his family members for supporting the Viagras from Tancitaro.

    6. 1:43 The Viagras and El Americano weren't partners. The Viagras were afraid of El Americano and his group. Hipolito didn't like El Americano because he sleeped with a niece that Hiplito wanted. Their were also economic interests where El Americano called him out for not returning the Huertas de Limon they took from the templarios to their rightful owners.

      The shoot out that cost Hipolitos son his life happened because the Garrison of Police that were based next to Hipolitos house kidnapped one of El Americanos guys relative. Once the groups were outside Hipolitos people were on the walls with rifles. When the shooting started Hipolitos people and the Police Garrison opened up on the guys outside and so the shooting started their were many injured but only Hipolitos son was killed. It was Hipolios sons fault he died once the shooting started everyone ducked for cover then started shooting back while he was the only idiot standing in the open.

      The Police Kidnapped El Americanos guys because the Viagras payed them 3 million pesos. What happened there was a ploy the Viagas planned to get el Americano out the way which almost worked because after that happened El Americano was arrested.

      All this was said by El Sargy from Grupo Arce who was also present during that shoot out as well as other groups that hated the Viagras.

    7. ---They were absolutely partners. Remember the video with americano and carlos? later they split when americano was taking control of too many labs

    8. 12:53 PM Chivis let me just leave it like this their were no partners in the Narcodefensas only interests. Simon El Americano was most likly sent in by El Mencho and El Cunni.

    9. 2:17 here again

      got some more info on la ruana, supposedly the ruana fell under jurisdiction from the people from tepacaltepec but a separate faction from el abuelo but still under his control, and for a time it was controlled by them taking it from the current plaza jefe "la sirena" about last year, which they held for months but with constant harassing gun battles in town from viagras entering from an edge of town colony called el cerrito, which housed many supporters and safe houses, la sirena retook the town months back due to infighting from the tepeque faction, they pulled out and he rolled in, been there months now, the problem is that the CJNG stopped relying on local independents and rolled in the region officially, using border of jalisco to enter and escape any michoacan government, currently they have been sending massive convoys of "white trucks" to the regions surrounding la ruana, buenavista, punta de agua, and at times a push for santa ana and pinzandaro (the home viagras bastion) and so far they've only kept to the edges, blocking roads, sieging for a couple of hours, calling out viagras to fight and then leaving, tho gunbattles have been frequent in the massive fields and wooded parts of the region. back to la ruana , the sirena is known to have about 20 to 30 people tops stationed there to defend, some say hes got a max of 10 trucks seen so far patrol around, but a family of mine from there said that the convoy from the CJNG that sieged the about a month back numbered well over 60 trucks split in various groups, who knows how many people, and the difference in equipment was like night and day with the CJNG looking like it was preparing invade an army base with various armeored trucks and mounted 50 cals versus the lightly armed viagras seen driving around on normal days, when ever that happens the viagras are always seen buzzing around town but mostly hide in the cerrito colony and the CJNG rarely enters save for a small column of trucks driving supposedly HUNTING out the viagras, and leaving, actual firefights have been super sparse with skirmishes lasting minutes in the outskirts and back roads, but eventually the CJNG is gonna stop hide and seeks and truly start hunting viagras wherever they are hiding, even if it means a full blown battle in the middle of town,many say that townspeople are starting to get pissed off because of this constant game they have on and sadly about 5 people have already been killed by lost bullets falling from the sky,

      sorry if my writing is abysmal, not much of a writer and neither am i a great story teller, but i want to help give people a clearer picture of the situation in the region

    10. Mencho is going use his favorite strategy of supporting local groups to fight it out for him and weaken his competiters then his main force will just swoop in and eleminate his now weakened rivals then hell just fuck over the locals he was supporting.

  8. CJNG bringing light and eliminating the darkness that makes shadows

  9. Are his hands cut off?

  10. And all of those mercenarios , sniff on cricko i presume....
    Thats a must when you talking about cjng or michoacan

  11. And all of those mercenarios , sniff on cricko i presume....
    Thats a must when you talking about cjng or michoacan

  12. I know they're trying to be tough and scary but the way they all had to hold those heavy ass guns with one arm the whole time looked almost comedic.

    Their arms were very visibly trembling.

    1. I dont see what you see..they seem to have as much control as possible for the position they are holding the weapons..I hope you dont come back and say you have seen american troops holding them the same way but completely thing i do know is if tge 2 guys squatting with those big guns were to shoot,they would end up shooting their buddys standing in back.

  13. Damn this guys are not to mess with

    1. Yeah they will have you arrested like they did el 85 jajajja

    2. 1:13. They are really brave in packs of 10 armed men in costume showing the fat man what’s up!

  14. People will say anything when they have you beat to a pulp and tied up.

  15. How many innocents jaliscas killed?

    1. All these preachers preaching sermons; only to embrace the same.

  16. CJNG vs CDS/CDJ/CDN coming soon

  17. Chivis why do cjng groupies always say CDS snitched when Mencho is one of the biggest snitches in the game? Are they really that dumb or just trolling?

    El Borrego

    1. Any groupie!
      Apparently like their favorite soccer team but for cartels.

  18. This has been one of the funniest thinks to me that alot of michocanos swear that ther the most killer elite and all this bullshit but then why would the Zetas invade michoacan did what they wanted with your women charged plaza in some areas made los valencias&mencho run out of michoacan and this went on for a few years and say what you want but its facts so stop lying to your self

    1. 4:20 pinches zetas los agarraron Frios a los Michuakan,
      Pero cuando se calentaron los Michuakas, pinchi zetas salieron todos cogidos a corri y corri la tamalipaz, y ni por la silla volvieron, les salieron patas en el culo y alas en las nalgas que volaan pal golfo... LOL

    2. That’s right Michoacán was zeta for years and Michoacános we’re taking it in the rear until who helped them out ? El Del Sombrero de lado.... zetas never made a push like that into Sinaloa or Chihuahua or Durango ... y’all talk a good talk pero al final michoacan aquí en el norte se sienta en la riata !

  19. Fuck standing there holding those guns for that long. And dude with the belt of ammo pointing at dude. Lol big guns and little boys

    1. His hands are cut off

    2. 5:10 how about you try holding your rifle like that for one minute?
      these guys have been trained and have discipline.

  20. Are his hands gone? I can't tell but it looks like hes just got wrists but no hands. Am I imagining that?

  21. Wait.. So CJNG are the good cartel?

    1. Your dorky, they are ruthless, they also kill babies, teenagers.

    2. Yes. They only kill the scum that do bad to the Pueblos

    3. Any links or info on that of the babies being killed? @7:51

  22. "And our priority in this state in general is the peace and tranquility for the citizens."

    ROFL!! yeh rite.

  23. What dumbasses would stand behind the dude in the chair, the line of fire of the two pieces of garbage who are pointing their rifles at the soon-to-be-corpse?

  24. For all the super Indian michocanos that are the elite de todo mexico just remember when the zetas came to michoacan killed your people took advantage of your women charged you guys if you sold drugs and had los valencias running with ther mencho hidding in jalisco but with permission of course Los SINALOENSE are the ones that help you (super indios)por que no puedan con los Zetas and it's the truth primitos ja ja

    1. funny because you never helped with anything but now getting whooped on by zetas and CJNG. la Familia michoacana was the only ones to whoop on zetas when no one else could with no help from Sinaloa what so ever


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