Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, August 17, 2019

"Los 28", the death squad sent by CJNG to hunt for the sons of "Chapo"

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat Infobae

fter the arrest of Dámaso López, El Licenciado , in 2017 and the subsequent delivery of his son to the DEA, a few months later, the organization of Los Dámasos, which was one of the fractions of the Cartel of Sinaloa , were left unresolved in the removal Jesus Alfredo and Iván, the children of Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán with whom they had entered into conflict over the leadership of the criminal organization.

In the war against Los Chapitos, Los Dámasos hired an armed wing of the same criminal organization, called Los 28,  however, the hitmen could not accomplish the task, and with the arrest of their bosses and the struggles inside the cartel, the cell disintegrated.
Now that El Chapo was sentenced to life imprisonment in the United States, and in the middle of the rearrangement of cartels, Nemesio Oseguera, El Mencho, head of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG), would have reintegrated and hired Los 28 to perform the same task of eliminating the “Chapitos”.

Los 28 were operating independently in Baja California Sur, from where they were contracted as hitmen from the Tijuana Cartel or from one of the ten groups operating inside the Sinaloa Cartel.

Now they were hired by the CJNG to search, capture and execute the children of Guzmán Loera.

On one occasion, both CJNG and Los Dámasos had had the opportunity to execute Los Chapitos, when they kidnapped them on August 16, 2016 at the La Leche restaurant in Puerto Vallarta, however, they were released after Ismael's intervention El Mayo Zambada and Rafael Caro Quintero. 

In the video of the security cameras of the restaurant it is observed how hit men overwhelmed Ivan and Jesus Alfredo, beat them with weapons and then force them out of the restaurant.

El Mencho had warned the children of Guzmán Loera not to approach the plaza, but ignoring the warning they decided to celebrate in Puerto Vallarta the birthday of one of them in the company of friends and a group of sicarios.

The group of hired thugs was integrated in 2014 under the command of the brothers Felipe Eduardo, Jorge Alberto and Carlos Guajardo. [above image]

Under their orders, one of the most dangerous women in drug trafficking in Mexico, Melissa Margarita Calderón Ojeda, La China, arrested in 2015 and who played a fundamental role for the association with Los Dámaso, for whom she also worked. 

China distinguished herself by being a sicaria whose fellow members feared for her bloodthirsty methods.

Even her boyfriend was afraid of her and ended up handing her over to the authorities to prevent her from continuing to commit heinous acts.

Although she initially disputed opposed the presence of Los Dámaso in Baja California, she finally chose to take care of the interests of the organization, mainly in the tourist areas of La Paz, Guerrero Negro, Mulegé, Comondú and Los Cabos, where they were engaged in drug trafficking.

In 2016, when the war between Los Dámasos and the children of Guzmán Loera began, a group of the fifty best hit men of Los 28 were recruited to go to the Los Chapitos hunt.

The hit men had learned military tactics with Nahúm Quintero Manjarrez, El Grande, boyfriend of La China , before he was arrested.

The previous investigation PGR / SEIDO / UEIDCS / 059/2015 indicates that El Grande trained those recruited by Los 28 in the handling of weapons.

Antonio Morales Uriarte, El Lucifer, who was arrested by federal forces on March 6, 2017, was appointed at the head of the group, however, from the maximum security prison in La Palma he would have negotiated with El Mencho to cede control over the "squadron" of death" to be deployed in different cities of Sinaloa in search of Los Chapitos, who continue to dominate the Plaza de Culiacán, in Sinaloa.

In addition to fighting the pursuit by Los 28 and El Mencho, the children of Guzmán Loera also have to fight a battle against the Sinaloa Cartel cells that disagree that they become the new bosses of the criminal organization, since the current ringleader, El Mayo Zambada, is 70 years old.

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  1. Los Chapitos are under the security and protection of Gente Nueva Special Forces.
    A highley trained team of 300 Operators trai ed in the art of war by the CIA Special Activities Division and the British Special Air Service !
    We have technological expertise from Mossad and the NSA as well as highly advance training in VIP security from a retired Delta Force Alfa Team A Tier 1 Operator ex Colonel .
    We have the sophosticated arsenal
    Los 28 or CJNG Elite is no match

    1. "Traemos tostón
      RPG tumba avión
      Granadas de fragmentación
      Parque ilimitado
      Balas expansivas, ya saben
      M60 una Glock
      Cuerno con tubo
      Rifle de huevos
      Parque ilimitado
      Balas expansivas, ya saben"

      Animo Sicarios al Mando del 006

    2. Bunch of nonsense lol
      sounds like a Sinaloa style corrido, nothing but fantasy hahaha

    3. You play too many video games. What's all that.

    4. Maybe this guy ain’t full of shit after all

    5. I didn’t think you will say so many ridiculous things all at once. I guess I was really wrong. No one is bulletproof. Sooner or later the Chapitos will make a mistake. And you so called special forces are only effective in your hideout. Sinaloa.

    6. If CJNG can't kill El Marro what makes you think you guys can have a chance against a true Elite?

    7. 9:26. Because CDS exists is no reason to believe anything this guy says. Specially comming from a single nutthugger.
      Believe that first and foremost CDS began the drug wars in Mexico with both U.S. and Mexican governments help. This is how they were able to attack the Golf cartel, Zetas, Juarez and Tijuana cartels almost at once and continue growing during Calderons term as Mexico's President.
      Pom pom boy here wishes everyone would join CDS and apparently BB allows his silly ass remarks to do this as well.

    8. TE voy a recordar kuando esten acribillados y aver ke dices,, x ke no protegieron AL chapo sicario.

    9. It’s sad to come here and read the ridiculous comments from this cheer boy. No truth to anything he writes. Really hurts the journalism integrity of BB.

    10. This the same guy a few years was saying chapo couldn't be caught because he was protected by 300 armed mens🤣

    11. Sicario006 , and where was your elite group when they got kidnapped ? Got caught slipping eating flan in the kitchen

    12. Nicely done! peeeeeeeeeple it flew over your collective heads

    13. 8:30. Its sattire bro..its a bit refreshing to hear 006s comedy when everyone else here is so serious. Maybe lighten up a bit.

    14. I don’t like to be aggressive but this guy most me on drugs. He always write ridiculous stuff. CDS has lost so many key players over the years. They are not invendible. CDS is only effective in Sinaloa and maybe Sonora. This guy is just a clown in my own personal opinion.

    15. sicario 006's a savage

  2. What are the possibility of mencho taking these guys out without his son getting wacked right after???
    Mencho desperate
    Los 28 isnt a professional hit squad
    They were done when El Javier got killed in culiacan
    If cjng can't kill marro,cholo not get rid of Los akiles he has no chance at killing Los chapitos

    1. El Javi was killed by Dámaso.
      El Javis. Cell The Tegoripenos are with Chapos

    2. Did you forget that he caught them before ????

    3. Cjng has made more progress than cds with Beltranes or CAF

    4. Javi was not killed by Dámaso he worked for Dámaso mayos people killed him for entering a plaza that was his when warned he didn’t not listen

    5. Exactly...cant kill cholo in his own state they would have absolutely zero chance now. They missed their opportunity already.

    6. 657 how are you gonna tell me what happened.
      We are from tegoripa.
      El Javi was betrayed by damaso when he realized how much money he was making on the side.
      Tegoripa was gonna side with Damaso. But they had a meeting with The Chapitos
      To talk things out, about what really happened

    7. @11:50, you know your stuff! I heard Damaso was the one behind his killing but I didn’t know it was because of the money he was making on the side. I thought it was because Javi was working with another group on the side, that was in conflict with Los Damasos. Thanks for clearing that up!

    8. Tegoripa took a good decision for not siding with Damaso. They would have been exactly where Damaso is today, meaning fucked up.

  3. best off chapo’s kids, family and an relations are exterminated. none are innocent of anything even the children.

    1. How can a 5 year old kid not be innocent in this? Please explain.

  4. It’s over for the guzmanes! Chapo made a lot of enemies on his rise to power!

  5. Que es que andaban bien enfiestados ese día. Y en menos que cantara un gallo los tenían bien enchorrizados. Jajaja. De pura chiripada se escaparon esa vez. Pero para la próxima se la van a pelar. Dejen que se les duerma el gallo de nuevo.

    1. Hablando de enchorriados, encuanto el Mencho recibio la llamada de que los soltara como que tambien se enchorro, o estoy equivocado...

    2. That's a tough gamble. If Mencho winds up killing chapitos which I doubt will happen, then Menchito runs the risk of being killed in prison.

    3. Asi es best bilieve it was don rafa that got them free ni que mayo ni k la mencho n his wolfs dont respect or give a shit about mayo,it was the respect that mencho has for don rafa that got those spoiled sapitas free and not killed.

    4. en la mafia no existe la chiripada compa. los soltaron por que asi les convenia a su captores. siento desilucionarte pero ya no habra proxima porque si agarraron escarmiento y se andan mas cuidadosos pura verga los vuelven agarrar asi. y siempre finalmente les ira mal a sus captores. esa afrenta se cobra y recureda SOL bien claro......... gavilan que agarra y suelra no es gavilan

    5. No se escaparon, mencho los los solto.

    6. Fue suerte o fue miedo ..... Si yablos tenian por que no le atoraron . si la asen de tan bravos ..... Puessssssss .

    7. they are now pretty low key---it will more challenging next time. What do you think of the RCQ aspect? for me that scenario makes sense because of his history with Mencho...the money trade for chapitos never calculated with me.

    8. Mencho and RCQ got history together?

    9. Chivis,

      There won't be a next time. They had their one and only chance and got spooked by the consequences. I will bet that Mencho will be arrested or killed before anything ever happens to the chapitos.

    10. That is what I was suggesting

    11. You all are underestimating the power they have. Mencho is the new target and everyone is breaking alliances with him. He's losing allies and loads left and right. Chapitos are protected by powerful people. Only way chapitos lose the political power is by Senor guzman snitching. This will never happen and agreements have already been made. 100

    12. Chivis has ALWAYS underestimated mencho and OVERESTIMATES sinaloas power lol I don't blame her though. mencho has always been low key until recently. Cjng should fill the airwaves with their cartel fantasy music like cds and I bet everyone will believe it lol

    13. Thank you chivis..poor delusional cds cheerleaders cual quier takauche se creen la grn vrga nowa days specialy them culichi cats lol

    14. 2:08 right on the nail!if rcq wasnt in the mix best believe the galivan would of devoured those lil lames...its called vieja escuela compita..u know what shotcalled those days "RESPECT" and thatis what don rafa n mecho have for each other REAL RECOGNIZE REAL PESE A QUIEN LE PESE BOLA DE TAKUACHES. And that compita is what freed the sapitas(lol sapitas good one)..NOT OLD FART MAYO,NOT MENCHO BEING A PUSSY..BUT GOOD OLD FASHION RESPECT WHICH MOST OF CHINOLAS DONT KNOW ABOUT y ariba guanatos!

    15. Do you want some pom poms?

    16. you have not been paying attention 8:05

      I have long said, way before people were speaking about Mencho , that I thought he was the greatest threat that Mexico has seen. HJe is a different kind of crazy narco.

      however he has a long way to become as powerful as cds worldwide. that is factual --not cheer leading. cheer leading is insulting. imo to the people of mexico

    17. Chivis Mexico has seen this kind of crazy narco it just wasn't as published as it is today because of social media lol. Ramon Arete, the man was as crazy as they come hunted his enemies, shot politicians in broad daylight, was responsible for the Cardinals death ect. I've said it before and I'll say it again a lot of these new narcos would not last in the wars of the 90's and 2000's

    18. The problem with mencho he’s hot headed,z40 was way ruthless then mencho!! Mencho don’t do a 1/4 of what 40 did

    19. 6:58 different cray different times. Mencho is not only bloodthirsty, willing to kill without boundaries, he is strategic and has spent a fortune in war weaponry that can take down aircraft, mass kill by targeting stadiums etc. A mad man with war weapons is something mexico has never seen.

      think of an analogy such as Hitler vs Hitler with a nuclear weapon.

      The potential with predecessors was there but what existed and what the limits were at the time was very different.

      Mencho is capable and armed to do some horrific damage not possible before.

    20. Chema I think one can define that more precisely by saying he is vindictive to a fault, in fact blinded by it.

    21. 9:10 tu si saves se respeta al que respeta rcq pidio un favor y mencho save que rafa es derecho por eso le iso el paro, pero orita siguen con sus mamadas los chapitos y pues nomas les dio una chansa mencho en la proxima se les va a acavar su corrido de fantacia

    22. Lmao chibis has been covering mencho since before many of you even knew he existed and now all of a sudden you want to criticize her and say she underestimates him??? Wash your pedoroo before you speak on chivas

    23. Los Chapos fueron soltados por el Mencho porke no habia bronca directa entre ambos grupos en ese entonces. Aparte matando a estos tipos sin provocacion directa no es bueno para loa negocios y a el unico cartel que les hubiera valido matarlos serian los Zetas si ellos hubieran tenido la oportunidad. Estos cuates solo con sangre se ganan la vida por eso Chapo los ataco primero porke E.U. y Mexico sabian lo saginarios que eran y sabian que Chapo y su CDS eran el unico grupo interesados en expandirce hacia esa frontera aunque no lo lograron.

    24. not making excuse for him or anythin but some people really can't help it..
      CDS nutthugger

    25. Thank you 6:29!! a quick search in the archives proves that. My interest began in the AD movement. His name was prominent with viagras. I began tracking him. Not much reporting outside the region at the time.

      I recall when I reported he was in TJ...OMG people wanted to hang me jajaja

    26. @Chivis, 4:38 -- RCQ and his siblings have always been known to be swift and very good negotiators. You are correct in that Don Rafa helped with this situation, and both him and Mencho are in good standing. Working with the CQs always meant money and low retaliation risk. These people use money to leverage power, connections and fix uncomfortable situations.


    27. I dont believe Mencho was scared when Mayo got involved, what I believed happened was that Mayo being the Brain he is came up with a proposal and Mencho took it. Why kill the Captives and start a proxy/ full scale war when you can use them as a bargaining chip. Ellis por pendejos they thought that Papi Snitch was high and mighty but we all know Chapo has always been a fall man. The true boss is Mayo the wise old man that lives in the shadows. The Chapitos will never be like their father. They where spoon fed with a golden spoon they never lived in the gutter like Mayo or Chapo.

    28. Chivis I remember the conversation we had about Mencho when he was mata zetas, we both concluded he would start with tijuana as his first crossing, long before he had the publicity he has now.

  6. To hunt them where? In Sinaloa? Ya, right. They did sh*t when Damaso was still in power. What makes you think that they will achieve something this time? Let's not forget that Damaso had influence in Sinaloa compared with Mencho. I see them as cannon fodder if they'll even try it.

  7. Pura Gente De Ivan Archivaldo CDS #1 🇲🇽

  8. Sucks to be that popular lol...

  9. The restaurant scene reminds me of the godfather scene with micheal corleone he resembles ivan alot

    1. It’s a movie, you know , just actors. I guess you have a point.

    2. There's a scene in the godfather where Michael gets kicked in the ribs and kidnapped at gun point? Thats weird I've never heard of that scene before, must be in the blooper real huh mcfly.

    3. 1:30 there is a scene when micheal gets ruffed up by solozzo men

    4. 1:30 lol good one. Cds groupies are in live with this chapos that the see them everywhere

    5. 1212 he gets punched in the face by a cop, that scene is not anywhere near to what happen to chapitos at la leche

  10. Sources for a story like this come from? I’ve heard about 10 versions of that kidnapping now.

  11. Pa que vean como roza la cadena. Hasta la cocina en casa ajena. Y los contras ni se arriman de nayarit parriba. Todos esos de los Cabos acabaron enterrados y asi mismo los sacaran de ls Tia Juana. A pesar de ser violentos, el CJNG carece de numeros en gente y control del gobierno.

  12. Should have killed them in PV. Now it's too late. They'll probably never leave Sinaloa again voluntarily. And good luck to outsiders trying to hunt them in Sinaloa.

  13. Funny how la China's boyfriend turned her in to authorities for fear but he was supposed to be a sicario lol
    Ok guys so you still think there's not a war with cjng and cds?
    Mencho is no joke man hes going after everyone, he has to be the most ruthless capo so far.. chapo, botas Blanca, lazca el mas loco were ruthless but nowhere near mencho's level.. not even the Zetas in their prime dare take michoacan or a cds plaza..
    These mocosos are not respected in the drug game after that kidnaping that cost them plazas and a big ramson $$$.. narco juniors are nobody without their papi chapo.. one thing is fore sure, they need to step their game up or end up dead.. just saying..

    1. Shut up you would not last a day in there shoes..10

    2. Didn't zetas run michoacan? TilI lfm kicked em out? And they've arrested zetas in sinaloa.there are articles on BB about it

    3. When mencho goes up against 200 marines then he'll be someone of respect. with only 8 gunman arturo made Cuernavaca tremble. They can't even be in the same sentence. Arturo was not a man be played with Manuel torres didn't want that smoke and heven was crazy as they come. H2 was way more ruthless, that's why they sent the helicopter because they knew them Mazatlecos were not with all that nonsense.

    4. lol always funny to reas delirious cheerleaders posts on here.

    5. @703 Not even a Mencho fan but based in facts Mazatlecos don’t stand a chance against Mencho’s top hit squad maybe some local cell but not his trained men. The Marinas are paid off stop posting stupid shit!

    6. @910 zetas never ran Michoacán. Michoacanos that worked with zetas or CDG we’re trying to get a deal worked out where zetas would be allowed access to parts Michoacán without repercussions but when the deal took off zetas went in and came out slaughtered because they tried taking advantage. La Familia Michoacána split their wigs with no help from no outsiders.

    7. Mazatlecos are all gone my boy 9:49. And the opposition didn't do them in. They needed the military and feds to take them down. They were ruthless and effective, took down 12 elite officers due to their guerrilla warfare tactics not to mention what happened in sonora with gente nueva so they were trained my boy. I know you want mencho to be this bad ass narco or maybe you hate sinaloas but the facts are there Mazatlecos held Their own against everyone and they still had a hard time dealing with them.

    8. That's why CJNG took the Nayarit plaza from the BLO mazatlecos

    9. Zetas NEVER ran michoacan, they RAN from michoacan..
      el mas loco, el chango and other high ranking members of golfos/Zetas were working for Zetas but had the michoacan plaza with michoacan faction. The Zetas tried taking the local michoacanos lands and tax them and that's when the michoacan faction went independent and creaded familia michoacana..
      Kind of like with michoacanos (cartel jalisco, ka familia, CT) working with cds but the sinaloas never ran michoacan.. true story don't listen to cds groupies they make too much sh!t up lol specially sicario 066 and Michelle Miller...

    10. 12:58 exactly, after the government got rid 0f them. Pura verga le entran a los vergasos con los Mazatlecos el CJNG in their prime, nayarit was their stronghold. They knew them boys was with it. Si tienes duda preguntale al Chapo Guzman como le fue. Esos si le entraban a los chingasos y cualquier terreno, respeto al que se lo Gano y honor a quien se lo merece mi apa.

  14. So the RQC & mencho truce paid off for the chapitos

  15. Bottom line los 28 are or were a group of sicarios that couldn’t get the job done. Especially if they were trained by la China’s boyfriend who turned her in for killing? It seems like the story got worse and worse as it continued. Something I do find interesting is the amount of hired assasins working independently. If you’re hired, how do you know who your rivals are and who are they fighting for this week?


  16. Hopefully the Chaputos get eliminated soon...

    1. Hopefully not we love them

    2. They are the legitime leaders,young,full of energy to run the cartel,their power comes from people who underestimate their intelligence.

    3. I translated a lot of articles about Los 28, use the search function on the BB main page for Los 28, there are many about them and their leaders before La China got her paws on the outfit

  17. There's some rumblings that El Mayo may be looking to kill El Chapo's sons, because he sees their incompetence as a threat to his safety. Any thoughts?

    1. rumblings or mumblings?

    2. What in the world is "rumblings"?????

    3. Rumblings: an early indication or rumor of dissatisfaction or incipient change. Any other questions?

  18. I've noticed that it's rare for a major Mexican cartel boss to be killed by their rivals. They're almost always arrested or die in battle with the military. Rodolfo Carrillo Fuentes is the only one I can think of who was actually assassinated.

    1. That was different They caught Rodolfo slipping because he didn't feel threatened in his home state. Chapo could only catch him por la Espada.

    2. Ramon Arellano Felix and Rodolfo Carillo Fuentes were both killed by Chapos goons in Sinaloa.

    3. Actually it was Mayos goons who killed Ramon

    4. Yeah say what you want about El Chapo but the guy was one of the only ones to have other top capos wacked. He had some of the best intel and assassins in Mexico working for him at one point. Like Escobar all the action finally caught up with him.

    5. Would anyone here agree or disagree that Amado was the biggest and most successful capo, until his death, the history of Mexican drug trafficking?

    6. “ El pollo” Guzman, brother of el chapo, was killed in jail..

    7. @522 hell no! Mencho been surpassed that fool. Mencho and his war treasury is worth more than Pablo Escobar did. That’s why chinolas hate on mencho so damn much

    8. Pablo Escobar is a household name same as chapo Guzman, the beltranes and Amado. Mencho ni en su rancho lo quieren 😂😂 you must be from Michoacan and think mencho can stop bullets and walk on water. If he came in a cup you'd probably drink it. Puro ridiculo hayou Aqui 😂

    9. Well, assuming what has long been written is true, Amado really didn't have any other Mexican competition except for the Arellano Felix brothers. It seems that the power was more centralized then and now is more splintered amongst more groups. Thoughts anyone?

    10. 1:49. Chapo was always the security wing guy with all man power and the assassins at his disposal. Even if Mayo ordered the hit it was most likely carried out by Chapos people.

  19. Ja ja se el mencho es muy bravo por que no mato los hijos de Don Guzman when he had the chance cause he knows better.and know mencho wants to talk about a hit squad de los 28 first get at cholo, or marro ,el gordo viagra and the only reason cjng even got the Chapitos was because los damaso y los28 going to end up like el tony,chelo, damasos brother all dead and for what just so mencho can betray los 28 like he does ever one else he works with

  20. Hmm..seems like Mencho is going to spread himself too thin. “Úsese y tirese”

  21. Todos al suelo que nadien se mueva!!!! Stupid move by Mencho cause en caliente chapo let him know you got my sons I got yours. El tiempo vuela como los caballos pero se detiene si lo ordena el Mayo.

    1. Tu mayo ya casi anda en silla de ruedas! 😂😂😂

    2. El Quinto mes sigue fuerte como un roble ... el no es se Sinaloa...Sinaloa es de el

  22. Replies
    1. Keep dreaming LoL 😂

    2. You can't possibly be this naive

  23. Its hard to tell now who will win you just NVR know.we r niw seeing mexico take place in the u.s some one really pissed off the wrong person...

    1. Will it even make a difference who wins?
      Same garbage being pitched by these PR campaigns. The end result is always the same, poison in our communities along with death and suffering.

      Its pointless to keep shouting to those to stop this madness. It's part of life. Just hoping that ones loved one will not become a victim nor statistic to this epidemic.


  24. I highly doubt this would ever happen now. Should have killed them the first time, if it was a top priority. Now they have no help cause the Damaso are done. Ain't no outsider bout to come in Sinaloa and take out the Los Chapitos🤣

    1. Cjng has been on Sinaloa, just last 2 months ago cjng killed 2 capos from there in culiacan where ACCORDING to the cds GROUPIES it's supposed to be UNTOUCHABLE.. what happened there? Lol those pendejos were drunk and acting tough shooting AK 47 in the air that night and early in the morning cjng sicarios riddled them up with more than a hundred shots.. where was their military artillery they were showing off the night before?...

    2. 12:10 stop making up stories and go take your daily nap kiddo.

    3. @1210 you must be a CJNG GROUPIE??? I am with @1126 cjng can kill some random Capo's but the ain't getting the Los Chapitos

    4. 1210 those guys were definitely not caps cds yes but not bosses

    5. If cjng comes in to Sinaloa they aint coming in like any caravans they might come in a few at a time but they aint coming out .they getting killed or picked up by the local police that are on the pay roll and those 2 guys they killed weren't no capos or higher up members they were just affiliated way diffrent from el Chapos boys the only way they can get to los chapitos is if a CDS member makes a deal with cjng and thats not even for sure look at el damaso he failed even with cjng helping him

    6. Funny how cds groupies get so angry at facts when most just talk nonsense here like their favorite guy sicario 006 hahaha

    7. They were bosses and one just escaped from prison, not just anyone can walk out of prison.. you have to be someone big.. that proves Sinaloa is not untouchable like you pendejos claim

    8. 817 how did he escape from prison if he got killed that day? You make 0 sense

  25. Pura gente de Ivan Archivaldo

    1. Arriba con la gente de los menores. Guiados por el sic 006 que fue entrenado por mufasa en Israel.

    2. ARRIVAAA!!!!!!!!!! Pero de un palo no mamen oinches morrillos caguengues sin su sapa digo papa no estuvieran donde estan pero como ya no esta el sapo digo el chapo no van a durar mucho por mamones

    3. 8:42 seguro envidioso

  26. SICARIO 006, Get some new lines! We the best special forces blah blah blah talk is boring.

  27. Los Chamacos going down... new Cartel is rising.

  28. Really shows the power Chapo had...even his damn sons are powerful...

    1. They underestimate them,this is they real power,they are full of surprises.Ivan deserves to be the Padrino!

    2. the only reason chapitos still have any kind of power is because of their fathers wealth left behind in real estate with those properties they negotiate cocaine loads back and forth because it's washed money that can be moved in bank accounts or assets chapo bought all that with the tons of coke he stole by killing his partners and giving up guero palma it's a dirty ass business whoever has been there knows I'm right!!! there is at least 200 properties in buildings like shopping centers hotels and huge luxury condo towers in mazatlan Quintana roo and Cancun if the government really wanted the chapo cartel to be done with that's where they should go look in one month I saw how they bought 3 mansions that where millions of us dollars that are now owned by politics that bought them cheap off the narcos to help them wash their money same thing happens with all the huge condo towers all along Mexicos beaches everyday they build new ones that's how all the drug money gets washed and used again to generate violence all over the world with meth production al low cost

    3. You know what's up

    4. At least its better because the war is between the groups,i hope no innocent injured there.

    5. Lmao @ Ivan deserves to be el padrino 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣

  29. El Chapo was setup by the sinaloa cartel! Its in the news! Mayo and Caro behind it. So chapitos might be next.

    1. they will use chapitos because they have the financial support from all the money chapo left behind in properties like hotels and apartments all over Mexico do you really think ivan ovidio and alfredito have bags of money left and right stashed or tons of cocaine just sitting there never has that happend as soon as chapo would get his cash he would count it and send it straight to a lawyer in culiacan that would purchase his agriculture land and lots along the beach so he could build all those low key condos and later sell washing all the drug money

    2. Thats the stupidest thing i heard if anything Damos lopez set him but if you want to blame someone blame El Chapo for being careless by seeing kate &sean pean that's what got him caught

    3. 10:00 You dumbass, kate and sean did not capture chapo. He was caught by local police handed over to Federales who then gave him to la Marina. El Mayo owns all state and local police in Sinaloa. They even refused his bribes, the order had been given! El Mayo knows what hes doing. Keep your enemies closer.

  30. Sicario y x ke gente nueva no protegio a Cesar Guzman kuando lo acrivillaron

    1. Cesar or Edgar ?

    2. Cuando murió cesar?

    3. Cesar Ariel died the same night Edgar did, eran primos hermanos.

  31. I'm sure trying to find Chapo's kids is like looking for a needle in a hay stack. For the most part whenever someone gets caught they don't look like they do in their wanted fotos.
    Another thing to consider is they're out and about. They have the liberty to move as they please where as Menchito is in prison, easily accessible, one of them dies and so does Menchito.
    Lastly, how credible is this information. Just a couple of days ago the supposed Mencho recording was debunked as it being his voice and that was an actual recording. This is pretty much just hearsay.

    1. Chapo is not in mexico any more, back then they were considered kids not anymore now they are in the drug trade 100% if they get caught they will get killed best blieve it, plus like i said they dont have his father back up, so they better grow up or they wont last long

  32. Cjng against cds... we all know cds will win at the end due to government protection and VC working directly with DEA

    1. That was before cds has never gone against a monster like cjng, ive followed every caetel war but this one is different, not saying cds is gonna loose but cjng is way different than all the other cartels

  33. The chapitos weren't picked up by either cjng nor los damasos it was Edgar Veytia exfiscal de Nayarit!

  34. Why can’t everyone play fair and nice? It’s greed that is behind all the killings! Why can’t the cartels operate under more of a free market economy? And not be so hell bent on ruthlessness. Think about a bagel shop. Is one bagel shop trying to kill the other because It moved into the same block? No! In advertently the bagel shops help each other. Because everybody knows what part of the plaza has the best bagels! So based off those two shops people know where to go for the best 🥯 bagels. (Perhaps inserting Taco 🌮 instead of bagel 🥯 lol)

    So what if one group is moving more weight than the other! Doesn’t have to be a direct competition! Each group is as free as the other to do as much as they need. And By keeping things quiet and on the down low with no black body bags it allows the groups to operate moving away weight with less attention! Maybe I am the only genius here.

  35. chivis, en Petatlan al ruso le mandaron apoyo de sinaloa. es un chinola y le apodan el 28, traen buen grupo de elementos y les ponen sus verguizas constantemente a los torres de la morena que son apoyados por el pez y su gente calentana. Lo trajieron espicifamente a pelear, seran los mismos??


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