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Tuesday, August 6, 2019

M1, El Carrete and El Fantasma publicized narco manta

This weekend a statement was given in the Sierra de Guerrero state, where El Carrete was captured. Allegedly his armed wing Juan Castillo Gomez, El Teniente has been killed. However, his death is being doubted by his adversaries. If so, he could very well be living up to his Ghost moniker. His death hasn’t yet been confirmed. Which leaves open the possibility that he’s still alive. 

The message is addressed to the opposing group who cornered the self named El Señor de Los Caballos in the municipality of Leonardo Bravo, Guerrero. They played a role in his arrest:

Manta reads as follows:

Salvador Alanís, you fucking faggot ass backstabbing jerk off piece of shit! This is how you pay us? After we gave you a hand  so that you could free the passageway from Filo de Caballos to Tlacotepec from the Cartel del Sur. 

It seems like now you’ve forgotten, could be you’re playing dumbass, or that tractor trailer thief has finally met your price. You lazy fuck! You really fucked up. Now you’re accusing us of having instigated that conflict by making shit up that has nothing to do with the truth. 

You know damn well that this rupture that has taken place is the end result of you and your people having aligned yourselves to Cartel del Sur. Among them are El Guacho, La Cabra, La Mina, and that faggot Jaleaco. The only one you’re missing is El Robatrailers (The Tractor Trailer Thief). 

Have the nuts to be brave about it Cocho. And make known the truth on your stank ass web pages. 

Only you and your dumbass followers believe your bullshit. Everyone from the sierra is well informed of the actual truth. And how shit really went down. 

You are gravely mistaken if you think this shit will end like this. This shit has just begun. Let it be made clear to you. That when there’s a verbal agreement on something there’s no room for bullshit. Because you have the balls to keep your word. 

And you Nencho, you allowed this dumbass to brainwash you. Let it be made clear that you will be manipulated. 

For the time being there are many of us who have united to fuck you all up. As well as those left over from Cartel del Sur. 

Let it be made clear that from now on all the chaos that follows. Will be because you couldn’t keep the agreements we made.

Sincerely, El M1, El Carrete, and El Fantasma

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat from VXT


  1. Theres another video of Cjng grupo elite who are interrogating el tony plaza boss of grupo sombra in guanajuato they came to back up marro but are getting picked up by Cjng, that fool is almost shitting his calzones hes been beaten, the cjng guy look like real sicarios no bull shit so yea these guys are going for the top guys not killing innocents in guanajuato

    1. Grupo Sombra are no joke as well.As we all know CJNG are some serious crew,who can step to them right now?Grupo Sombra supposed to be an armed wing of CDG or started like that,anyway aligned with them but they seem as tho gone indy,most of these cats of Sombra have been popo,surprise surprise,how many cartel players have been police ? Even Mencho is an ex cop,caught slangin brown in USA,deported,becomes a cop in Mex(it looked good on his CV) ?

    2. Jaliscas all they do is kill innocents.

    3. 6:27 yea cause killing innocents wins you the plazas, your comment makes no sense if it was true than all cartels would kill innocents to win plazas but since the other cartels are doing just that and extorting hard workin people cjng is taking their plazas

    4. there is always collateral damage in this

  2. I’ve read it was community police from FUPCEG that captured Carrete and handed him over to Guerrero State Police. Also read that FUPCEG is going after El Señor de la I from Cartel del Sue next. Interesting considering Carrete and Señor de la I are fierce enemies.

    1. Shit, typo. Meant “Cartel del Sur”.

    2. Cjng paying really good plus they dont snitch like cds so people rather work with cjng than cds, i dont blame them if i had to choose between cds and jalisco i would work for jalisco i wouldnt want to get snitched on

    3. Oh so mencho don't snitch? What happen to 85 and lobo Valencia, not to mention piolin jp and el gross and a lot more, you just a jaliska nutsucker

    4. 7:03 That’s exactly why Cjng is controlling so many plazas, the corrupt government wants to continue making dirty money without getting snitched on

    5. 7:03 be real please n admit that cjng are pussies too starting with's formed by traitors,rats, kidnapers,etc just as any other...cjng would kill ur own family including children that's the difference

  3. I know everyone loves Amlo. Amlo things r getting worst, please help we r in Reynosa its bad. Army does nothing they r scared. Help Help Help

    1. 636 while your city is getting slaughtered, you cry you love ALMO, he is a senile president, that just offers riddles and jokes

    2. Whats going on in reynosa?

    3. Governor Francisco Javier garcia cabeza de cagadas de vacas knows what is going on, his brothers, one of which is a federal senator and his mother, know what is going on, Alejandro Hope formerly a member of CISEN who now works for the governor, after trying and not making it in BB who complains about AMLO's treatment of the corrupt policies of the Mexican police departments should know,
      --Tejas knows mommy cabeza de vacas deposited 5 million dollars in one Tejas bank, and is investigating the governor and the family for money laundering...

  4. I'm so confused. I thought M1 was killed in a shootout because Mayo snitched and gave him up. Is M1's crew aligned with El Carrete or there is a new M1?


    1. Different m1 and different fanstasma than cds

    About whats going on in chihuahua

  6. Too late carrete, your cartel is officially replaced by cjng

  7. This is an official Manta for all Cartels!!
    " M1 "and "El Fantasma " are code names of CDS soldiers . Do not use these names.
    Animo Sicarios


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