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Saturday, August 17, 2019

Michoacán: 2 More Bodies Hung from Bridges, Another Decapitated

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: LaVoz de Mich y Infobae
Two hanging on bridges and one more beheaded: Friday in Michoacán, the hours before the weekend.
One of the victims was dismembered inside a white sack that hung from a rope tied to the rail of a vehicular bridge.

The state became, in the last two weeks, a scenario of account adjustments between three cartels operating in its territory, with levels of violence higher than those before the war on drugs.

The Attorney General of the State of Michoacán (FGE) reported that it initiated an investigation folder for the discovery of two bodies hung on different bridges and one more dismembered in Morelia , the capital.

Personnel of the Specialized Unit in the Scene of the Crime moved towards the Morelia-Cuitzeo section , at the height of the bridge that connects San Agustín del Maíz to Copándaro, where the body of a man who was beheaded was found suspended.

   Another body was located hanging from the vehicular bridge of the municipality of Tarímbaro.

In Morelia, in the Valladolid neighborhood, the decapitated body of a male person was located.

The three murders were perpetrated in the early hours of Friday and in an area considered "the huachicol route", controlled by Los Viagra cartel. All bodies had signs of torture and bullet impacts.

After performing the investigative proceedings at the scenes, the bodies - so far unidentified - were transferred to the Forensic Medical Service to carry out the necropsy of law and continue with the acts of investigation.

Just eight days ago, in the municipality of Irapuato, 19 people were found hanging from vehicular bridges and another one dismembered in another part of the city, allegedly killed by the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG), in a revenge action against their rival, The Viagra Cartel.

On August 10, in conversation with Infobae Mexico , the former leader of the self-defense groups of La Ruana, in Michoacán, Hipólito Mora, said that in the state the cartels already lost their fear of the authorities.
"We are talking about the cartels already exceeding the extremes, that they have already lost fear of the authorities. We are what cartels want to do with the citizens," he said in an interview.

On December 11, 2006, the so-called "war on drugs" began in Uruapan until January 30 of this year, when current President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said it was time to move towards peace.

The so-called "Operative Joint Michoacán" deployed 6,500 soldiers whose objective was to end the dominance of the missing Familia Michoacana  that had sown terror among inhabitants of different areas where it broke and expelled people from their homes or ranches to appropriate their lands.

Although it was possible to catch or kill important heads of the criminal group, to the point of their disintegration, the Templar Knights Cartel was born from their remnants , even more bloody with their predecessors and with them dyes of a kind of religious fanaticism that led them to name "saint" to one of its founders, Nazario Moreno "El Loco".

Once the leaders of the Templars were imprisoned or killed, new cartels emerged that took over the entity such as the CJNG, the Jalisco Nueva Generación and Los Viagras.

Hipólito Mora points out that neither the "war" waged by President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, which left more than 100,000 dead, nor the peace of AMLO have prevented the entity from ceasing to be a territory taken by drug cartels.

Hipólito Mora in Michoacán: "we are worse off than when the war against the narco began".

Although the violence generated by drug trafficking in Mexico is not exclusive to Michoacán , Mora considered that the cartels seek to remain in this territory because "it is a rich state that has everything" - maritime, land connections, mountain areas, logging and mines.

He pointed out that the paradox is that the war on drugs began to exterminate a cartel and now there are three that divide the square (the CJNG, the Viagra and the former Templars).


  1. El rifle viagras boss killed in apatzingan

  2. Se dice que hoy la seguridad de la gente es mucho peor que cuando Enrique Calderón estaba librando una guerra contra los carteleros.

    Al anochecer, casi todos los militares y la policía federal se van a sus casas o a sus bases. Esto deja la noche completamente abierta a los terroristas.

    Los puntos de control militar se evitan fácilmente y los gritos por la ayuda de los ciudadanos traen a la policía después de horas de espera o nada en absoluto.

    Esto no es una democracia o republica. Este es un estado narco sin protección. MORENA va a perder todo lo que ha ganado porque AMLO no ha logrado abordar esta crisis.

    Los carteleros pueden atacar a turistas extranjeros en antiguas áreas turísticas seguras como medida de castigo contra un gobierno que no coopera.

    1. La unica Razon que Calderon desmantelo la familia michoacana es para alludar a cjng.. no existe la guerra contra la droga, mucho dinero gana el govierno

  3. Te aseguro que yo no voy pa' allá.

  4. Lata que ese paraíso se cagó.

  5. Was hamburger man working that day?

  6. All that fighting is in tierra caliente, I'm from michoacan bordering guanajuato and it's peaceful there now that marro's people got taken out.. it was violent months back but it's not anymore


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