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Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Mini Lic testifies about ‘hit’ put on him in Chicago’s federal jail

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat ChicagoSun Thank you GP and Mica

While he was locked up at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in the Loop in April , Serrano testified Monday in Chicago’s federal court, he learned that gang members had been offered $25,000 to severely beat him.

The alleged “hit” had been ordered by Serrano’s former drug trafficking associate, Jesus Beltran Leon, who wanted someone to “split his head” as punishment for cooperating, according to federal prosecutors.

Serrano’s testimony came in the first day of a sentencing hearing for Leon, who pleaded guilty in Aprilto importing thousands of pounds of narcotics into the U.S. on behalf of the cartel. The hearing was set to conclude Tuesday.

In asking for a sentence of at least 35 years in prison, prosecutors said in a recent court filing that Leon was secretly recorded by another inmate in May talking about the planned hit.

How Chicago became a key hub in El Chapo's massive U.S. drug operation: Chicago twin testifies in historic trial »
Security was tight for the hearing Monday in U.S. District Judge Ruben Castillo’s courtroom, with metal detectors set up by the entrance and cellphones and other electronics forbidden.

Dressed in green prison garb, Serrano, 31, testified through a Spanish interpreter that he was drafted into the cartel by his father, Damaso “El Licenciado” Lopez Nunez, who at the time was one of El Chapo’s most trusted associates.

Serrano said he’d personally ordered at least 15 killings and more than 20 kidnappings of rival narcos in his time with the cartel. He said he knew Leon mostly though drug trafficking networks run by Guzman’s sons, known in Mexico as “Los Chapitos.”

In 2001, Leon was with one of the sons when they went to pick up Guzman following his spectacular escape from prison, according to Serrano, who testified that Leon told him the story personally.

So they went and picked him up, and Chapo told (his son) not to worry, that he was going to get lost for a while, but that everything would be all right,” Serrano testified. “And then they just dropped him off somewhere.”

According to Serrano, Leon was known to be brash and undisciplined in his work. He would carry a gold-plated AK-47 onto the dance floor at parties, snort cocaine and go on dayslong drinking binges, Serrano testified.

Years ago, Leon was exiled from Sinaloa’s capital of Culiacan after he fatally shot a politically powerful person during an argument at a party, Serrano said.

On cross-examination, Serrano acknowledged that he had no firsthand knowledge of the alleged killing and couldn’t remember the victim’s name.

In asking for the minimum possible sentence of 10 years in prison, Leon’s attorneys say prosecutors have vastly overstated his role in the cartel and ignored compelling evidence that Leon was brutally tortured by Mexican marines after his arrest in 2014 — abuse that was allegedly witnessed by U.S. federal drug agents.

El Chapo's wife: The former beauty queen describes a life in the heart of the Sinaloa drug cartel »
“(Leon) was tortured physically, brutally, and repeatedly,” Leon’s lead attorney, Beau Brindley, wrote in a filing last month. “If one must choose between being tough on crime and tough on torture, one should choose the latter as the more insidious evil to root out. Unlike crime itself, this kind of torture erodes the very respect for our institutions.”

Castillo had previously heard evidence about the alleged torture as part of a defense effort to dismiss the indictment. While Castillo declined to toss the charges, he said in a ruling that the allegations painted a “disturbing picture” of tactics employed by law enforcement in Mexico.

The judge also said he was “deeply disturbed by the accusation that American law enforcement agents may be condoning or turning a blind eye to these tactics.”

Leon, 35, also known as “El Trebol,” which is Spanish for “The Clover,” was added to an indictment in 2014 against the notorious Mexican cartel that has been described as the most significant drug case in Chicago’s history. He pleaded guilty to narcotics trafficking in April in a declaration that carries no agreement with prosecutors on a possible sentence that could be as much as life in prison.

The indictment, which also names El Chapo and several of his top henchmen, alleged that the cartel used jumbo jets, submarines and tunnels to smuggle massive amounts of drugs into the U.S., much of which was later distributed in wholesale quantities through a network built by Chicago twins Pedro and Margarito Flores.

The charges alleged that Leon acted as a lieutenant for El Chapo’s son, Jesus Alfredo Guzman Salazar, and helped coordinate vast shipments of drugs into the U.S. for distribution. The cartel members then laundered billions of dollars in proceeds back to Mexico, according to the charges.

Guzman was convicted in New York earlier this year of murder conspiracy and drug trafficking charges and sentenced in July to life in prison.


  1. No ke muy Chingon ! 😄 hahaha

  2. El Lic and El Mini Lic are traitorous cockroaches .They betrayed El Señor Guzman ,They attempted to kill El Señor Mayo and Los Chapitos. They were the ones that had los Chapitos kidnapped in Jalisco.

    Mis respetos para El Trebol

    Gente Nueva Special Forces will always enforce Guzman's law

    1. These gente nueva forces you speak of...are they the same guys in the dancing video?

    2. This guy is definitely a drug addict.

    3. Your boss is the king of snitches lol

    4. Sicario 006, where are the British Special Ops, you promised our town? The baby killer cartel, is killing our babies and teenagers. Please help us.

  3. Man all these guys with corridos and shit now are ratting each other, maximo grado has a few corridos for trebol, but now hes gonna get a lease 35 years in jail, if he rats on other cartel members which will most likely happen hell get a reduced sentence but hell have to watch his back from then on, for cds guys theres only 2 ways do time or snitch and we already know what they always choose

    1. I’d venture to say 8 out of 10 people will snitch when facing a 35 year sentence. Doesn’t matter if you are with CDS/CJNG/CRIPS or BLOODS. Most people will snitch to save their own skin. Don’t act like this is exclusive to CDS, because it’s not. The government has rigged the system with mandatory minimums that make people snitch. Doing 5 years is one thing, doing 45 years is another.

    2. 3:14 was being modest. 9/10 i’d say will snitch... like he said dont matter what clan you belong to.

    3. Couldn't agree with you more, everyone snitches. Bloods, crips, CDs etc. When facing a lot of time in prison majority will snitch

    4. Yep...they all drop dimes at one time or another. Chapo didn't snitch at his trial, because the US wasn't playing ball. He was the biggest name. I guarantee if they offered him something, he'd give up something. The cartels don't seem to care if you snitch in US court. None of them want to be there. In Mexico the big dogs live pretty good. Not in SuperMax.

    5. @3:14 you Rats are funny, “8/10 people snitch.” Yea if you’re a PU**Y.. John gotti didn’t snitch, Meyer lansky never snitched, el mochomo never snitched , Rafael Quintero, lucky Luciano , never did either , REAL MEN DONT SNITCH .my dad got busted he was offered a “deal”and a chance to “watch your kids grow up” and he still DIDNT Snitch. If you want to jeopardize your family’s well being, and live like the rat you are then go ahead and be a snitch, or else take your hit like a man and do the time. I walk the streets of la and have no fear, I still bump into my dads old homeys, and when I do they have major love and are always sure to send him stuff down to Mexico , stuff like shoes , whisky , clothes, boots, they even gave him a corvette. It’s HONOR , RESPECT..some people still have it.

    6. @5:14 you must of bumped your head, “cartels don’t seem to mind if you rat in US COURTS” u are insane. A rat is a rat, no matter how u CARTEL DE SNITCHES slice it. It’s because of millennial weenies like you that people no longer have honor, or dignity. Not EVERYONE will rat, and believe me YES THEY DO CARE WHEN U RAT IN US COURT. #estaspendejo #baboso

    7. 8 out of 10 of every cartel sounds legit, but sinaloa cartel is 10 out of 10 lets be real every cds dude thats been caught snitched, thats just how it is im not making it up, just look at chapos trial all the witness were cds snitching and they still have the balls to calle him compadre! Then again thats what chapo thought them so no surprise to me

    8. What or who is EL Chapo supposed to snitch about?
      Now he CIA, GODMOTHER of the Mexican and all LatinAmerican drug trafficking cartels? Or his friends and former employers in Cartel de Guadalajara, commanded by CIA'S evil stepdaughter the DFS?
      The CIA refused to testify, as they did in the case of Vicente Zambada Niebla, chosing to give him less time, a chip El Chapo may cash later on, you can be prevented from defending yourself while getting railroaded in any US Kangaroo court anytime, but making shit stick forever is a whole 'nother business.

    9. Is snitching on a snitch a snitch? Asking for a friend...

    10. lol 7:32 Chapo snitched literally runs in circles in your mind all day...sad

    11. 6:59 shut up pendejo...ur dad is nothing compared to these guys...ratting is a huge part of the cartel wars. I swear nothing more annoying then fake tough guy cholos on borderland beat talking about snitching..

    12. Tekashi 69 king of snitches still going to make greatest comeback ever

    13. @6:59, I work a 9-5 so I don't have to worry about snitching on anyone because I don't live that life. However, for every name you mentioned, I can name 10 that did snitch. From a statistics perspective, 8 out of 10 DO SNITCH. BTW, my pops took a 35 year bid on the chin, and that is why I never got into the "game". That bravado "real men" stuff is a joke, a real man gets up every day and goes to work and makes money from the sweat off his forehead.

    14. The “romantic” describement of a man being a man because he does not “snitching” (a word in Mexico criminales do not use) and you also write a criminal being a PU//Y if he “snitch” is childlike and only how stupid, nacos at bottom of criminal organización talk. Also peoples that only watch cinema and know nothing of nonfiction (that means not real).

      When a narcotraficantes decide to “snitch or no snitch” this is ONLY decisión of business. When narco is important and makes agreement that dea and US customs provide safe way for the wifes and childrens and let them keep some money, he makes business decision. He may understand his parent, brothers can be tortured, or maybe with assets in their name from his crimes they go hide in España, Bolivia, Chili. Whatever he decisión criminal makes it is only business because business is business. As Adam Smith write - a rational man will make rational decision and the rational criminal will always make most rational and best decisión for his interests IF HE IS RATIONAL and not a dumb naco who becomes brain wash by these stupid “snitch” theory people as you say. Or maybe they believe cinema not only as entertainment (irrational)!

      Where I am over past 30 years we have known many hundred children’s and mother of criminales and narcotraficantes who do not “snitch” and the family must beg and do prostitution made by the criminal compadres when the father goes to prison. If the father in prison has money his criminal compadres do not help but even make family give money, sell their houses only so they cans be alive and even young daughters will not be raped. I see too many times how they make relación with the “no snitch” compadre’s wife and little girls and if they do receive money it is only pesos enough to eat frijoles, tortillas and have a Telcel for to call and prostitute the children and wife’s.
      You 6:59 perpetuate fantasy with stupid talk. Most criminales who no snitch remain too low for help from dea and la migra, and just as much they have to money to keep family hided - it is 100% business decision.

      6:59 The “love” you believe crimínales pretende to show you is fiction like your cinema and if you or your father had money the criminales would extort you for it, but instead they lead you to perform crime for them and your father return to be their servant. This has nothing to do with “love” naco but it has everything to do with business

    15. @6:23 Lol, u guys are haters, and trying to justify snitching. I never said my dad was big, he was busted, arrested , imprisoned , and then deported, my point was he had a chance to roll over on his homeys, “pick up an order w marked bills” and “they” would never know. He missed a lot of stuff here w his kids, but he knew it would be better than us having to fear for our life’s or my kids lives, You guys don’t even know what a naco is. No soy cholo, ni soy dedo idiota. BTW , No way on earth a Cholo can spell this well. My dad was smart enough to send us to school, and keep us as far away from what he HAD to do to give me and my brothers/sisters a better life, which we have today thanks to his sacrifice. Unlike you fake Narcos , and all u Tacuaches hediondos, we aspired to be more than our parents , Taking people’s souls by selling them poison is really nothing to be proud of, but being better, smarter and more educated than your parents is. And as far as “LOVE” goes, yea it’s love, anything I ever need is there, party’s , events that my dad couldn’t attend (like my moms funeral) his homeys were there In support, and representing him how ever they could, w money, anything. So for anyone to say that not snitching is fantasy, you’re a joke. So keep your asses out there in the Midwest but if you ever want to come to CALIFAS and take a stroll with some real people, please feel free. “Snitching is part of the business” I guess it is .
      Hahahah #idiots

    16. @3:53, all them words and you still didn’t say nothing 🤦🏽‍♂️. Congrats to your dad and the rest who don’t snitch but you are naive to think that most people on the street will tell on you. In short, trust no one and if you are gonna do some dirt, follow two rules: do it by yourself and leave the smart phone at your house. Most people self snitch now a days anyways.

    17. DurangoAMazatlan @ 8:29 mejor
      Callate el osico, estas pero bien pendejo wey, ni sabes de lo ke hablas imbecil. Mejor ponte a estudiar o lavar los pinches Cuacos ahi en tu pinche rancho apestoso, por ke
      Ni escribir sabes puto, Parece
      Eres retardado mental asi como
      Escribes en andes con mamadas , a mi jefe lo torcieron Aki en
      Sylmar, y Los narcos ke eran Latinos le ofrecian “amnestia” y le prometian tratos, simplemente para ke les pusiera dedo a sus compadres, o a los chakas ke le entregavan la merca. Los placas le querian dar billetes marcados, para asi comprobar ke en realmente el trato fue con el y Ellos , pero siendo buen Gallo, los Mando A LA VERGA.asi es la vida compa, Mas te vale que te
      pongas las pilas, o ke vengas aka a CALIFAS y me
      Peles el

    18. @3:53 “leave the smart phone at home” shows how stupid u really are , when doing dirt u ALWAYS have a burner phone . Super easy to get at METRO PCS. Also when and how are u gonna be able to re up when working by your self.. just slap your self now. And go back to call of duty. #pendejo #REALWINNER #checkoutthebigbrainonbrad

  4. I wonder what kind of deal he is going to get?

  5. Mini Lic never had the makings of a varsity athlete!

    1. Looks like he’s gonna snitch a couple two three things...

    2. @4:57 that’s an Uncle Junior quote The Sopranos best TV show ever made. But your right he never had making. Puro Michoacán desde Sur Califas X3

    3. Small hands, that was his problem! Damn, I miss the Sopranos...

  6. El Senor Guzman Loera didnt drop one name during his trial but these people will say hes a snitch haha..thats how you lose credibility by saying stupid things out of envy and jealousy.

    1. One problem with that theory---the gov didn't want anything to do with a deal or even talking about one. So he had no where to drop a dime

    2. Chapo would have snitched on sooooo many people if a deal had been offered. He whined about his cell, the noise, the food, visitors, the type of toilet paper and size of the soap.....he would have rat on everyone to get out of there. People need to stop making him out to be some underworld saint. The less jail time offered in a deal....the more people Chapo would have given up.

    3. Let’s not forget he pointed all fingers towards mayo, the u.s. wasn’t having it.

    4. I guess when you are bias then nothing goes!!

    5. If Chapo would have snitched his entire family (new and old) would have a permanent target 🎯

    6. @Chivis So if I’m understanding correctly then DEA CIA didn’t want Chapo talking about the mess they helped him create.... they shared the same bed.... imagine being one of those crook agents right now....

    7. Only one problem with your statement Chivis. His lawyers said he wasnt going to cut a deal with the govt no matter what.

    8. Mencho led a group called Los Torcidos lmao...yet his groupies will say hes a 7ft tall super narco saint who has never ratted on anyone and only kills enemy sicarios with fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lightening from his ass.

    9. Not so, I was given the info directly from attys...there was never an offer, not even a talk about going into negotiations. Any grandstanding after that solid fact is just that for people that don't know the situation giving them have an unrealistic impression.

      Mochomo was offered negotiations and the court was notified there would be discussions with the gov, but mochomo turned talks down flat. that is how it works. and documents are on pacer.

      With chapo ou will find zero offer.

    10. 6:16You can actually buy all the statements not sure were or how much but can always ask in your local court, jesus esquivel went to all of his court days and said they never offer him to negotiate cause there was just no one higher than him, his attourneys did say mayo was the real boss and also they also blame some DEA agents to having deals with el chapo, and he also snitched on peña so he did snitch but to no advantage to him

    11. @Chivis the US Goverment and México let Chapo become as big as he is let his fortune rise to the billions then come in and take it with clean hands.... His money if very well hidden and the US has been ruff on him because he won’t cough up the moo-la... is my theory

    12. @6:20 los torcidos can mean many things, and yes it’s true, he is 7ft y’all, and shoots fireballs. Still has a better reputation than being a RAT . Like all u Sinaloa’s.hahah rat bastards

  7. Mini lic, scared like a little b... hahah CDSNITCHES

  8. A rat is a rat .. Los tores manuel y javier ..el mochomo all got ratted out by ther boss. Patas cortas... N many many more n rivales la neta el dinero oblia y compa a pendejos .. Nada mas loyalty n morality r out the back door... SCANDALES...

    1. Yeah that is why he was the only one that kept his mouth shut.

  9. A rat is a rat .. Los tores manuel y javier ..el mochomo all got ratted out by ther boss. Patas cortas... N many many more n rivales la neta el dinero oblia y compa a pendejos .. Nada mas loyalty n morality r out the back door... SCANDALES...

  10. I’m sure Gerardo Ortiz feels like an idiot after composing that stupid song about Los Damaso.

  11. I know a lot of people that did the crime and paid the time no need to snitch even paisas dying in prison too


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