Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Uruapan Mich: 20 Bodies Found Dismembered or Hanging from Bridges Thanks to CJNG

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Zeta y Aristgui

Michoacán Public Security Secretary Israel Patron reported that on early Thursday morning 20 murders were reported in Uruapan , some of them appeared hanging on bridges and others dismembered. These events follow last weekend's bloody tally of at least 9 murdered, most in the vicinity of Uruapan, Mich.

In an interview for #AristeguiEnVivo, he indicated that "we are aware of 3 different events in the municipality of Uruapan": the first for the location of a lifeless body by shooting; later, various bodies located on a bridge, hung from their extremities; and various bodies dismembered more to the center of Uruapan.

"In total there are 20 bodies," he said, but clarified that one of those murders is unrelated to the rest.

He said that "it is the rivalry that exists between criminal groups" because the CJNG, Jalisco Cartel disputes the square , ie Plaza, with another criminal cell known as Los Viagras.

This morning neighbors of the area gave the report to the authorities, after observing the bodies in the Magnolia Prolongation Street. The bodies presented traces of violence and bullet impacts.
Several bodies were hung from bridges and others dismembered; all, located along the Industrial Boulevard .

The section of the Industrial Boulevard where the first findings were recorded, went from the intersection with the Libramiento Oriente until the exit to the “Siglo XXI” highway, which connects with the cities of Pátzcuaro and Morelia.

Police sources, cited by the same local media, detailed that eleven of the bodies were in the area of ​​the overpass, and the other six at the height of the local Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) plant.

“In addition, in the La Mora neighborhood, three more bodies were thrown halfway down, bringing the total count of the criminal killing on Thursday to 20 in Uruapan. Of the  20 executed 4 are women and 16 men, ” said La Voz de Michoacán, which says the city is "paralyzed by violence". Sin Embargo calls it "All out War".

After the discovery of 20 bodies in the second most important city and the second most populous city of the entity, the authorities of the three levels government ordered/ deployed an operation in the area, with the promise of “not lowering their guard”, as he wrote In its Twitter social network account, the State Public Security Secretary.

The victims were left messages signed by a criminal group: “What is clear to you is that everyone who collaborates, helps the Chatarra, Ronal, Ratón, Moto, Mono Verde, Maniaco and Filos in some way. This is how they will end up. Pretty people follow your routines. Have patriotism and kill a Viagra C. J. N. G." read both mantas deployed and signed by the CJNG (Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación )”.

“Lo que si es claro les dejamos es que todo el que colabore, ayude en algo a la Chatarra, Ronal, Ratón, Moto, Mono verde, Maniaco y Filos. Así van a quedar. Gente bonita siga con su rutina. Han patria y mata a un viagra”, se leyó en ambos desplegados firmados por el C. J. N. G. (Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación)”.

The Attorney General's Office opened several lines of investigation this Thursday. Among these, the struggle between the Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG), Los Caballeros Templarios and La Nueva Familia Michoacana cartels stands out. This last criminal group operates through a group of hitmen known as Los Viagras.

The three drug trafficking organizations dispute the control of the production and trafficking of drugs, kidnappings, theft of vehicles and extortion of avocado-producing entrepreneurs.

Adrián López Solís, Attorney General of the State of Michoacán, confirmed this morning that the bodies of 20 people were found in three events linked to the disputes that the cartels maintain of the drug in Uruapan , Michoacán .

"The Attorney General of the State of Michoacán reports that it has begun the investigation of three events recorded this morning in the municipality of Uruapan, " he told a press conference.

Likewise, he explained that the multidisciplinary team of expert services of the regional Prosecutor's Office moved to the Libramiento Oriente neighborhood of that city, where it located nine lifeless bodies, which correspond to seven men and two women.

Israel Patrón requested a strengthening of the presence of the National Guard in the entity.

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  1. Cjng too brutal, cjng took most of michoacan now
    Tierra caliente is where they are struggling but that's where the war lords hide at with their hundreds of sicarios.. el gordo doesn't want to back down even though cjng killed his brother last year in a fake accident and got lit up when he stepped out the car

    1. 10:40 would u back down if they killed ur brother??? U would if u a pussy...ambush is the only way they can kill rivals..

    2. Fool that wasnt last year that was in 2017, happened in Apatzingan. Funny thing is the vato was riding in a armored suv, and still ended up getting killed.

    3. @12:49...Wow. You're obviously a really tough guy and you cant imagine the respect your post has earned you from the BB commmunity. Very brave of you to promise the slaughter of your children, parents and everyone you've ever known in the imaginary event that CJNG kills one of your brothers. Great admirer of yours here. SMH

    4. Gordo is next in my opinion

  2. Cjng killing innocent people to put fear on their enemies just like viagras do the same all that state is full of cowards no surprised they kill each other bunch of traitors and envisious cowards who have turn a beautiful state into a sh*t hole , no sympathy for those narco supporters who support criminals like mencho
    Durango Pancho Villa

  3. Not all heroes wear capes. Thank you CJNG for cleaning 🧹 Uruapan

  4. Memories of zetas in Nuevo Laredo 2011/12!
    But Menchos people are the bloodiest in Mexico !

  5. Must have taken 50 or so henchmen to logistically set up all these bodies.

    1. 10:57 and I bet at least 25 were cops or soldiers, aligned with michoacan government helping the viagras, their private paracos.

  6. Filthy viagras are limited to uruapan apatzigan and atunez boxed in from all sides

  7. Cjng killing innocent people :(

    1. CJNG is killing anyone associated with the Viagras it doesn't matter who it is. That is what the Viagras have been doing since they took control in 2015. The Viagras have probably killed between 5000-15000 people in Michoacan.

    2. Si they also kill ladies, teenagers,babies, for no reason at all.

    3. They did that in Veracruz, to scare people, sick bartards

    4. I doubt very much these people were innocent, based on the CJNG statement.

    5. 1:25 it has been proven that in Veracruz it was the Secretary of Public Security Arturo bermudez Zurita alias "Jaguar" in cahoots with Governor Javier, "La Marrana" Duarte and the State Police bossing everybody around that made the clandestine mass graves and killed innocents claiming they were zetas to show work for their money, they sold the plaza to every cartel and helped them kill each other. But bermudez Zurita is free these days, don't ask why the murdering keeps going on, also with complicity of new Fiscal General del estado, jorge winckler, a criminal named by many.



    1. 12:13 I think you could suck and egg, or two, while sentencing that everybody gets killed for something, you could get it for being one big sanababich like that.
      Blaming the victims of crime as "at least partly guilty" is one more pendejada I am not happy to hear, read, see about.
      Fack you bich.

  10. Cjng are scum. Don't trust what they say. They are just like everyone else. They kidnap & kills innocents to send a message, they rape and kill children, they kill their own recruits. These people are nothing but the worst of the worst criminals. Most of these people murdered were innocent...

  11. And AMLO gvt made a complaint to the UN for America to protect Mexicans in America!
    Oh! Those crazy Mexican Presidents!

    1. He is senile, looks the other way, at the high homicide rate, that continues to happen everyday. Total big hipocrit.Wonder if his cabinet members help him put odd bulletins.

    2. 7:36 EPN was soo young, and Salinas, FECAL, FOX, zedillo so we schooled and sophisticated but their biggest asset was their pinche corruption...
      --One thousand times Better AMLO older and honest and trying his best to do better for Mexico.

    3. 12:38 AMLO also said "NO More Weapons Trafficking to Mexico,
      under no excuse", the part about protecting Mexicans is more about stop badmouthing people with racist comments because some idiots are fool enough to see the illusions and the allucinations of feverish US leadership turned into reality.
      Luckily, people are waking up and bringing back ghosts from the past, like suing white Supremacists for all they might be worth, even their calzones cagadas, last victims of Antifas' revenge, the organizers of Aryan nations March in Charleston...
      --don't let nobody catch you with property in your name when the shit hit you mista' Shitty Sturmerkampffertruppen.

  12. Makes you think if those federales took that offer to work with cjng

  13. Didnt hear about no big shootouts in michoacan so who knows really if those people are viagras ?could be like when the 35 people that were supposed zetas in veracruz they kilked and like only 5 zetas out of the bunch .

  14. 11:12 viagras are not innocent, and it has been a while but killing innocent to force the government to come to their help, accusing CJNG of everything seems to be working, in your mind...

  15. If cjng just went around killing innocent people why would other cartels fear them?
    I think they would ALL put mantas saying it.. the people saying that are saying it because their favorite cartel is losing plazas to cjng lol

  16. What happened to those sisters that were shot and murdered at their spa in Uruapan two weeks ago? One sister survived, I believe.

  17. Come on chivis CJNG is Better off being the leads they got way more experience and turf they discipline their own people to respect the communities

  18. *Hagan Patria Y Maten Un Viagra*


  19. Heating up the plaza. Kill some random dudes, hang them, then start doing stupid shit and hanging banners signed by opponents, so they look like they are the guardians of the people coming to stop all the evil things they actually provoked.

    Seen it hundreds of times, only happens when a newcomer gets to a controlled plaza.

    1. Can we ever go one comments section without someone going "heating up the plaza"

  20. At first I thought that photo was from the infamous Nuevo Laredo massacre of 2012.

  21. You can just barely see it in the corner, but there's this dude running his hamburger stand with the bodies hanging there!!! It's so absurd it's darkly funny. But I can't laugh. Pobre México, we are so fucked.

    1. I have a better foto that depicts that, you can see someone is actually working the food stand. with bodies hanging. I remember when seeing my first narco manta. It was morning traffic and we just pulled into Monterrey at one of the first pedestrian bridges that cross the highway when I looked up and saw 6 or 7 zetas hanging the manta. a couple had guns pointing towards each side to hold up traffic, and the other guys hanging the banner. It was professionally printed. What was more shocking was how everyone around the action acted completely oblivious to what was going on, city workers working painting of posts, people walking, taxis picking up fares, kids walking to school, traffic flowing etc...I think I must have been the only one staring with mouth dropped opened.

      i will see if yaquji wants to use my foto. i have the manta words as well

      surreal moment but this is taken to the extreme

    2. I don't think yaqui will mind I posted the foto above

    3. Of course I wouldn't mind; I saw it this morning , it was referred to as a Taco stand, absolutely surreal.

    4. 9:40 I was excited you wonder if Yaqui wants to use "your photo" Chivis, now I'll keep the faith instead.

  22. Mexico needs more cleansings. Right in CDMX. Everyone seems to agree the politicians are the real problems so what needs to happen ie a campaign og targeted assassinations against their politicians. En masse. If their children are the ones being hing from bridges I bet thinge finally change then.

    1. Yes El ceso one of them, without mentioning his name is senile, to what's happening in Mexico, he claims all is fine, when in fact all is not fine. Furthermore he has rehired a creepy lady(after being caught stealing lots of money from the education board), yep she got to keep what she took, and still has her job back.

    2. 10:05 you want someone young, but governing Mexico by young people, got too old since about 30 years ago,
      Women used to adore young pretty EPN BUT HE DID NOT FUCK THEM, he fucked up everybody else. AMLO old and all still beat the motherfackers out of power, you could do better than talk shit outta your maff all the time and really do something better than bitching...

    3. 10:05 la doctora Elba Esther Gordillo alias "La Chaky" has her followers, and power enough to get her son in law, daughter and son elected to pubic office, all that from NEVER HAVING GONE TO TEACHERS' COLLEGE, all she did was get a plaza teaching Indians in Guerrero some basic Spanish as a second language before arriving to el DF where she struggled to get her ass accepted by then teachers union boss doctor Carlos Jonguitud Barrios who would pay for the indulgence with getting ignominiously fired later on, as payment to la Gordillo for supporting "el chamuco mayor" Carlos Salinas de Gortari.
      --pueblaonline/ora quien me va a llevar a la escuela?
      For 30 years of narco-corruption of PRI, PAN, PRD, and other mini-cartels, they worked at making public corruption a lesser crime, with support of thousands of congressmen and senators, Supreme Court and narco-governor's.
      AMLO IS FIGHTING TO SET THE SHIP RIGHT ON THE RIGHT DIRECTION, and it is not an easy job, if you want speed get a faster bildo...
      Thanks for your help and patience.

  23. Look CDJ cng .Go to every city in Mexico an kill who ever .doesn't work for them it really bad if you ask me.TJ Baja C.A over here Sinaloa is fighting against New Generation.

  24. Pretty hard to capture 19 cartel peeps without a single shot fired or any resistance at all...most likely innocent people paid for the cjng blood thirst since they can't get at the real narcos...

  25. Dude in the taco stand was about to go soy of business from lack of 🥩 si he said “send me a sing that I should keep selling tacos!” 🌮 and dead bodies started to fall from the sky.

  26. When I saw the bodies hanging I thought of the Nuevo Laredo hanings but much fewer bodies....

    But when I see anything from Uruapan where many horrendous killings happen I think mostly and immediately of this one


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