Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, August 12, 2019

Zhenli Ye Gon's Mansion Sold

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat from Reforma

The house that belonged to the Chinese-Mexican businessman, Zhenli Ye Gon, was sold yesterday at 102 million pesos [5,189,913] to the "Butaca Enlace" Foundation, headed by the regional businessman Carlos Bremer.

The value of the luxury property located in Lomas de Chapultepec exceeded the starting price of 95.4 million pesos, although it was far from the goal of 150 million.

In 2007, Ye Gon's residence was seized along with 205.5 million dollars in cash, as a result of the sale of chemical precursors to drug cartels.

The sale was completed by telephone after a six-minute bid in which seven potential buyers participated.

The "Butaca Enlace" foundation started in 2008 in Monterrey with the aim of supporting the best students of the ENLACE test (National Assessment of Academic Achievement in School Centers).
The winning students attended professional football, baseball and basketball games.

Given the success and with the support of President Felipe Calderón, the program was extended nationwide and reached 75 cities.

Bremer has been an important supporter of Mexican athletes.

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  1. ENLACE sounds like so much BS,
    But I don't do sports or academics, maybe these rich know something about their business, unlike Ana Guevara who quickly spent all of her budget and was demanding More from AMLO, ATHLETES AUPPRTED by the government are supposed to collect $204 000.00 PEISOS from this money, which could do more for more sports if it stops trying to create some kind of Mexican ROBOTHLETES, or Cyberchamps in an environment os International Steroid Champs.

  2. Need to investigate such fundation; most in México are frauds that launder money funneled from government programs badly administrated. Specially coming from Monterrey, current governor is the biggest current crooked.

    1. 1:49 la Mula Rodriguez is not as crooked as Rodrigo Medina who left behind almost nothing to steal, but he could steal the Cerro de la silla if La Mula finds a burro BIIIG ENOUGH.
      --Mexican politicos are suffering under AMLO, he won't part with the centabos, in the name of Saint Austerity, and keeps counting every penny. I am affraid of becoming a politician now.

  3. That house must have deteriorated during the time it sat on the market. Probably needs 15 million USD in repairs is only reason it would sell so low.

  4. Just another enrichment technique perpetrated by a corrupt government that is backed by one of the cartels...

  5. Any news on Zhenli? Is he back in Mexico now or did his team successfully fight extradition? This was an amazing story, all that cash stacked EVERYWHERE in his house. Absolutely amazing.


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