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Sunday, August 11, 2019

Zhenli Ye Gon's seized, infamous 'Palace', auctioned Sunday

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat from Reforma
Zhenli failed at attempts to stop the sale

The house that belonged to the Chinese-Mexican businessman Zhenli Ye Gon, where 205.5 million dollars were found in cash in March 2007, is auctioned this Sunday by the Administration and Disposal Service of Goods (SAE).

The starting price of this property located in Sierra Madre 515, Colonia Lomas de Chapultepec, Mayor Miguel Hidalgo, will be 95,483.510 million pesos, although the federal government seeks to raise up to 150 million pesos for its sale.
A portion of the money discovered in Ze Gon's Mansion

This property, which was declared abandoned since November 2007 after Ye Gon did not claim it within the legal deadline, will be one of the 25 properties that the SAE will auction at the Los Pinos Cultural Complex.

Proceeds go to athletes

The money resulting from the eventual sale of the luxurious mansion of more than 1,500 square meters will serve to finance a support of 240 thousand pesos for each of the more than 500 athletes that make up the Pan American delegation.

It is the fourth public exercise of this kind that the SAE conducts. SAE Previously auctioning off vehicles, houses and jewels seized from organized crime.

Other properties that will be auctioned are an urban land of 26.2 million pesos in Mexicali, Baja California; a house of 15.3 million pesos in Los Cabos; and a warehouse of 21.4 million pesos in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua.
Also a rural land of 13.3 million pesos in San Juan del Río, Querétaro; an urban land of 6.9 million pesos in San Luis Potosí; as well as lower priced goods such as an urban land in Gómez Farías, Jalisco, of 105 thousand pesos.

Zhenli Ye Gon filed an amparo lawsuit with to prevent the auction of his house , however, a federal judge refused to suspend any act carried out by the authority.

The house was seized on March 15, 2007 with more than 205 million dollars in cash.

Zhenli fled to the U.S. from which he was extradited back to Mexico after a long legal battle.
He remains in Altiplano prison number 1 in the state of mexico.

Below is a video of mansion as it exists after years of neglect


  1. That guy has too much money, he didn't even care about that mansion lol he was working with cartel milenio now cjng AKA mata Zetas

    1. Your right there’s roumers that cjng leaders are Colombians or the chinos. Templarios were mad that the government didn’t do anything to the Chinese gaining control

    2. He leaders are Michoacanos

    3. Relay the message to Zhen Li I need 2 year Job if hiring

    4. 205 million dollars seized, plus all the truck fulls of money genarco garcia luna stole and failed to report, production of Meth and other Opioids must have been going real good for a long time, even before FECAL took over.
      There were others like the Contreras Amezcua Colima Cartel before Nacho Coronel mysteriously pursued and exterminated, for benefit of the winners who got addicted to the earnings from amphetamines trafficking, the Mexican military among them, the same who protected Nacho Coronel until El Mencho arrived to take over suspected ly for new powers in the Mexican military.
      Amphetamines have been one good business of military contractors since WWII when the inventors had no better way to send the German soldiers to their deaths for their motherland and their Fuhrer, but it belongs to the innovators now with Krokodyl competitors trying to improve their own loot.

    5. PS Google meth and amphetamines Cardenas/Contreras cartel.
      >Colima Cartel, Wikipedia.
      >Jesus Amezcua Contreras and his brothers Adan y Luis, what became of them? Supposed to have contacts in Switzerland, Germany, India, but the family of general Marcelino Garcia Barragan sec of defense for Gustavo Diaz ordaz or Luis Echeverria in MEXICO 68 MASSACRE OF TLATELOLCO, then governor of Jalisco was heavily involved, along went his son Javier Garcia Paniagua DFS involved in the murder of Kiki Camarena by 85 whose son got murdered in Guadalajara. They had a lot of business in Colima and Nayarit Drug trafficking at the shadow of presidential power.

    6. 9:59 The Garcia dynasty are still there! Some fund CJNG and some are their enemies. War among family, imagine that, its a big dynasty thats why. And some of them are not involved in crime at all, or so it seems, like Omar Garcia Harfuch head of the AIC. These are the true drug lords the bosses of Mencho and many others.

    7. There was a Michoacán family before those Amezcuas that’s where those guys learned how to cook. It started in Michoacán

  2. I wonder where the 200 million pesos went?

    1. It was 200 million US dollars not pesos. It was probably pocketed by politicians and police

      Is this Chinese guy still locked up or is he now free?

    2. You mean 200 million DOLLAR$

    3. This freakin house probably has some caletas, it would be worth a gamble to buy it, if the government has not found them yet

    4. 2:33 wins, dollars, no peisos, even in Mexico.
      If you going to collect peisos you better give your shit away.
      But Chinese?

  3. SOLD,$ 110,000,000

  4. Cjng are the extortionist baby killing cartel

    1. Chapo snitched on this guy

    2. So what? They are still the strongest in Mexico

  5. When this guy 1st went down it was a big deal on mexican news outlets and even some U.S news outlets also. He threated to take down high level mexican officals, once he made that threat everything quieted down amd little by little he was forgotten. It's very surprising that he is still alive, he must of had some big cards hidden in his sleeve to still be breathing.

    1. I agree this guy is big business

    2. COPELAS O CUELLO, worked, he stopped talking, then was sent to the US where he compels o cuello voluntarily and was allowed to come back to Mexico, his new country where he can have good maiden service and other benefits like spousal visitations from a hundred wives. Other suppossed singing shit birds do not have it sooo nice just because nobody told them whose s ass to kiss or how to do it properly, "returned to Mexico" after getting processed for losing hundreds of millions of dollars in Las Vegas Casinos, like a prior PEMEX Union executive... And without prisoner exchange...

  6. He probably is still operating in the shadows

  7. this guy probably had connections to precursors from Asia. importing them by the tons and selling to cartels to cook up. A lot of chemicals come from china/asia to mexico

    1. No sh*t Sherlock. This guy supplied people in the U.S. then came down to mex looking to trade precursors for bricks. Ended up supplying everyone!

  8. 12:18 pos a guebo! He even qualifies for a green card now,
    if he buys a ten million dollars worth of Condo from the right people.

  9. Apparently he wants an interview with Ciro Gómez Leyva. He wrote him a letter from jail.


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