Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, September 29, 2019

7 Charged in Connection With LA-Based Drug Trafficking Ring That Used BMW 'Trap Cars' to Distribute Drugs

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat TY Gus from NBCLA

In the Thursday, Sept. 26, 2019, take down, law enforcement seized 44.1 pounds of cocaine, multiple firearms, three trap cars and equipment for making butane honey oil, which contains a much higher percentage of THC than found in traditional marijuana products, prosecutors said.

Authorities are continuing to search for defendants Milton Ponce, 31, of Paramount, and Jonathan "Thiago" Ortiz, 30, of Downey, who are believed to be fugitives, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office.

In the take down, law enforcement seized 44.1 pounds of cocaine, multiple firearms, three trap cars and equipment for making butane honey oil, which contains a much higher percentage of THC than found in traditional marijuana products, prosecutors said.

Villegas and Moreno, the operation's alleged ringleaders, obtained kilogram quantities of heroin and cocaine from Mexico for U.S. customers, according to the indictment.

Prosecutors allege that Villegas and Moreno were found in possession of cocaine and guns in their homes at the time of their arrests. Villegas is an alleged drug distributer who obtains drugs from a Mexican supplier and distributes the narcotics from the Los Angeles area to customers throughout the United States, using both trap cars and commercial shipping companies, federal prosecutors said.

According to the indictment, Villegas directed co-conspirators to buy two 2005 BMW X5 SUVS so they could be outfitted with secret compartments to carry narcotics. Villegas allegedly also arranged for the shipment of two crates containing 55 pounds of marijuana and honey oil to Orlando, Florida.

He also advised other members of the conspiracy that commercially shipping, rather than mailing, marijuana and honey oil "better ensured that law enforcement would not intercept the packages and seize the drugs," the indictment alleges.

The two BMWs belonging to the Villegas organization were stopped on the same day in April 2018 at the U.S.-Mexico border, where officers found hidden compartments inside the engine manifolds, containing multiple kilograms of cocaine and heroin, intended for distribution throughout the United States, prosecutors allege.

Last year, law enforcement seized at least $71,000 in cash, along with pound quantities of cocaine and heroin in connection with the organization, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office in Los Angeles.

If convicted on all counts, the defendants would face sentences between 10 years and life in federal prison, prosecutors said.

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  1. Los Michoacános are still deep in California
    Nuff said

    1. Who said they’re michoacanos idiot.

    2. So are drug addicts walking around around like Zombies.... ive met many Michoacanos hooked on cristal... rolling it up to pc yard.

  2. There getting between 20-40 years

    1. My boy been out since that year 😂

  3. Those dudes are fucked.

    1. LoL yup. W the guns at their house??? 360 months lol...

  4. Look like twins 'cept for the manscaped brows in left pic and permed curls in right pic

    Canadian girl fashionista 💋

  5. Free Compa thiago...10

  6. Are they on the run? I thought they where arrested it said

  7. They are probably on there way to Mexico

  8. Someone tatted them out

    1. Are you the same guy that says nuffy?

  9. Continue to build the wall and shoot these scumbags wanna trying to cross

    1. Easy there Rambo

    2. Calm down just because your parents and you are here now you think you have to right and say no more immigrants you are the same.

    3. 4:50 those vatos with their names, Milton and Jonathan, and age are from here. Observe and think critically. Villegas and Moreno may be Mexicanos as they're being called the ringleaders with the source of supply.

  10. No more women, parties or just enjoying life in general. Nothing to look forward to. They will spend just about all of remaining years in a cell. I would rather be dead. To make less and be in the company of friends, and be poorer would be heaven compared to a jail cell.

  11. The engine manifolds on BMW's are hard plastic. In my 99 Fire-bird, I used to hide it under the flip-up light canister, both left and right sides were packed full of 🙊😳. I was always paranoid. Did it for 6 months then walked away. After catching up to my back-pay child support.✌

    1. Props for doing what needed to be done to get your account balanced. Can’t hate on that.

    2. I'm a female and boy I tell you. If you're behind on child support it's because you can't support you're child. I'm tired of hearing about these dudes getting their drivers license suspended, whole paychecks revoked and all this impossible shit. Like how do you even get to work to pay what ur behind on without a damn car ?!!!! How do u even pay ur rent or eat, without an entire paycheck ?!!! This govt is shit. Props to u for doing risky business to get ahead quick.

    3. Gotta do what you gotta do! Props to you for not going that path To make a living. Smart man

    4. I think the bravest thing you did was walk away only a few do that. You are one of the lucky and smart ones.

  12. Balls of steel to handle that rush sittin in the border line..

  13. How interesting… My first question is were they converting cannabis from Mexico into concentrate. If they were it would confirm my suspicion that Mexican DTO’s are only trafficking in cannabis these days in the form of concentrate because it’s the only way they can compete in the US market. You can take some Mexican cannabis that may not be of the best quality and turn it into something that’s 90+ percent THC if you know what you’re doing and it appears that is what the Mexican DTO’s are now doing and will probably continue to do with their cannabis crops in the future... it’s easier to transport, more difficult to detect and can compete in the US market to some degree

  14. Milton is for sure from Central America or PR or DR or Cuba. Def no mexican child is named Milton

  15. Them paramount cats seles cosina aparte saludos michoacanos sinaloense dgos la union ase la fuerza

  16. No mention of seized cash huh? I never met real dealers who weren’t flush with cash. Those guns protect more than the drugs... just sayin..

    1. The money has to be harder to find, lose it and the jale gets seized you're done. Calmer and smarter dealers understand that the money is worth more than the clavo because it's already been made, you get hot or hit and everything gets shutdown. April 2018 the ABC boys were already on them.


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