Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, September 14, 2019

A Boatload of Weed Washes Ashore on an Oceanside, CA Beach

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Fox5 y Google!!
Oceanside, California:  A 26-foot boat abandoned and loaded with bundles of marijuana was found near St. Malo Beach Sunday morning, U.S. Border Patrol agents said. The marijuana on board had an estimated street value of over $4 million.

The boat was discovered around 11:30 a.m. and phoned into the Department of Homeland Security. Witnesses told agents the white vessel came ashore with two passengers who ran along the shoreline.

Once agents responded to the area, the vessel was discovered beached with no sign of the occupants.  Agents discovered several packages of marijuana hidden in the cabin of the boat.
The weight of the packages totaled 1,079.82 pounds and has an estimated street value of $4,319,280.  The vessel was seized by the Border Patrol and the narcotics were turned over to the Maritime Task Force for further investigation.
“Although the State of California has legalized marijuana for recreational use, we still see criminal organizations attempting to smuggle illicit narcotics in elaborate methods,” said Chief Patrol Agent Douglas Harrison. As of Tuesday, no arrests have been made.
“I was really surprised to see a drug smuggling boat here in Carlsbad,” Zachary Boyer, who witnessed authorities unload the drugs, told the cable network.

“I noticed a few cops around,” Boyer said. “Then when they started unloading the bundles of marijuana, we knew it was something different. “They were throwing bundle after bundle of marijuana off the boat.”

If you have information about maritime smuggling or suspicious activity along the coast of California, call 911.

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  1. So which is it it? Saturday or Sunday?

  2. Yes, I have a lot of information regarding drug use in California along the coast: I'm reporting that most everyone there is using! Am surprised this was ever reported to police as a large populace there are stoners, most of them lawyers on holiday, just kidding; now the stoners are probably kicking their own collective asses for not waking up Sunday morning to the find. Jajaja.

    1. Excellent investigate reporting, Sir. Where do you get such startling insights from?

    2. 11:34 you know perfecly, his own rear end "archives".

    3. God this is fun in the "thunderdome" --as the most eloquent BB author of all put it-- and thank you for yet another opportunity to slash and burn, yeah. Morons, in your fogged-out haze, you don't even recognize tongue-in-cheek humor n'est-ce pas. Jajaja 7:40 was obviously a joke from a jocular BB author having some fun that none of you Sad Sack politician types (11:34 and 7:18) could possibly grasp due to the unfortunate mishaps falling on your freaks during your formative years, ouch. So now y'all take your time to find your own butts from a hole in the ground. Oh, oh funny. Love the B-Beat, good stuff, great fun, gracias, bring it on.

  3. 4million worth of stems seeds spider webs and dirt.

  4. Not a good day smugglers
    A panga full of weed was also found near Malibu
    Which is very common in Ventura County

  5. This gotta be a hoax ain’t no body in California smoking that “Acapulco gold” anymore over here in KILLA CALI we smoke the worlds finest BUDS..🤔

    1. It gets distributed in the hood primarilly. A lot of the weed smuggled through Tiajuana and Sonora is also pushed to wholesalers coming from the Midwest and east coast. Some of it from that region of Mexico can be descent but definitely not stuff that people with money would smoke. Guys come from other states and will buy 500 pounds at $300-$350 a pound and bring it back to sell for $700-$800.

    2. Living and yeilding that California dream I say

  6. $4K a pound for Mexican weed? LOLOLOLOLOL

    1. I thought this happened on September 15th in the morning about 10 10:30 what's this about September 14th

  7. 4k a pound for some mexican dirt. Yeah ok mr law enforcement. Why do they always pump the numbers up?

    1. Its all sinsemilla no more dirt weed buddy

    2. I was surprised to buy some Mex in Annapolis this summer. It was OK and I was very very happy to have some smoke!!

    3. The fack you know, there must be money there if there is that much grifa there, and it must be making it across somehow, with the most evil intent to make your ass sore.

  8. Over $4-million street value? What street is that?
    If you live in S. California and pay over $4k a pound, you're being robbed.

    1. Chicago and New York pay those amounts,and this was most likely some Arizona sourdiesel strain

    2. Ny DOES NOT pay 4000 for a lb of ANY strain of weed,especially mexican gold or even the sinsemilla...I cant tell you about chicago,i don't live there.

    3. @5:42, no Chicago hasn’t paid 4000 for a lb in a long time. The “rapper weed” as they call it is the most expensive and that tops out at $2800 a lb. Maybe 10 years ago someone would pay 4000 but no way in hell are they paying that today.

    4. Designer weed such as runtz,gushers etc etc wholesale $3500-4 k even in Cali where comes from

  9. There is ABSOLUTELEY NO WAY the value is 4million.that's almost 4grand a pound.that's can get em for2 and less all day in Cali Michigan or Colorado

    1. I call it Midchigan. For some reason, they don’t have that bag like Cali and Colorado.

    2. For sure. Only maybe rappers and rich people pay 4K, and that’s just to smoke it. I wouldn’t pay that for anything UNLESS it was that 💯% NY purple haze. But it has to be the real deal purple haze, not that GDP, or Purple Erkle ish. Don’t get me wrong, GDP is awesome but it don’t got nothing on that real NY Purple Haze. The real deal is a little stringy and almost silver and purple. Haven’t seen that since 07-08.

    3. I remember thr haze ur talkin about 171 n audobon shit. I used to go over from jersey across the bridge to get it. Ill take thst haze over anything they grow these days

  10. Well at 4 grand a pound I guess with the their prices of weed I can see why there is still a black market for herb.

  11. wtf i live in oceanside

  12. I surf that area all the time, dam, of all the rotten luck

  13. Say what! Our beaches have real names?

  14. I love when the agencies so dramatically inflate the value of their busts.

  15. Government pricing..
    Like a $4000 toilet..

  16. “Narcotics”. More fear mongering. Preparing the tax payer to buy another chopper and finance a 1/2 million dollar gun boat.

    1. 4:05 the taxpayer buys shit, the US government gets credits and loans to spend lavishly on their toys and bombs to submit the world to their evil aims, then go around robbing and exploiting other countries to make ends meet before the taxpayers wake the Fack Up and kicks them out of office.

  17. These guys grew it, processed it, smuggled it, then abandoned it once they found out ain't no one smoking that shit in cali.

  18. Es clásico y muchos de ustedes fueron por el cebo en lugar de por las ratas. Mota que nadie puede vender. En sus mochilas había quizás 4K g de fentanilo o kristal. Esto es una distracción. La policía llega al barco por el gran premio, pero el gran premio genuino está en algún lugar seguro. Incluso yo un campesino lo sabe mejor.

  19. As far as the dollar estimate goes, the Government always breaks it down to the smallest scale then works up. For instance, they are breaking this bust down by the ounces, so they figure $250 an ounce and work their way up. Just like with Coke, they say 2 Kilos are worth $200,000. Which they breakdown into grams, say a gram is worth $100 and then multiply up. It’s their way of adding “wow” factor to the war on drugs. When Sue from the suburbs sees that the Government has taken down $1 million in Pot, she thinks they are doing a swell job. But we on the other end know the true value and realize this doesn’t mean shit!

    1. Everything the federal government (aka the lies factory) tells you is BS! Its all politics and manipulation.

    2. @1:25, I completely agree. As it evident with the valuation they put on this bust.

    3. Never mind billionaires that owe all their imaginary billions to Russian Credits with German Banks and money laundering from drug trafficking and call stealing from their investors a good business practice...

  20. I smoke that stuff, I'm a low end weed smoker cheap and gets the job done

  21. This is the classic smoke and mirrors. For
    Some of you who
    May not know or heard of this at all. they do this exact same thing at the ports of entry’s,.. you semi
    Expose some
    Dirt weed , shitty blow, or even some meth two lanes down, so that all the SUPER HERO border agents get all excited, once the word is out that the dog barked or that they “may have a big one” all the lames charge over to the “hoax” lane super distracted and full of adrenaline, and voila back over in lane 4 you have 80/90/100 keys of coke , freely passing thru. Possibly even el mencho in the car as well. If not, it’s cheaper just to bribe a CBP agent. They’re the easiest ones
    To grease. Usually the lieutenant gets paid and will
    Designate a lane , and make sure that “la camioneta gris” with license plate ending in
    6723 at or around 2/3 pm is not To be sent to secondary inspection. It’s too easy, everyone loves cash and everyone has a price
    -Joe daddy


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