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Tuesday, September 3, 2019

AMLO appoints Doc Mireles to medical supervisory role

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat

Mireles supervises the ISSSTE Clinics of Uruapan and Morelia; urging improvements

As followers of Doctor Mireles know, since his release from prison, three years after his arrest, the court acquitted him of all charges in 2018.

When he was released he was a different man, less sure, less strong.  While he was in prison he suffered a fracture of the spine and was not given medical treatment for a long period.  He also suffered two heart attacks, which may have been linked to being improperly medicated and diet.  “I had two heart attacks, I still have diabetes. And I have spinal problems.  I gained that here, from the inside; I didn’t have that outside".

During and after his release, the new president of Mexico Andres Manuel López Obrador, has been an ardent supporter and worked for his release. 

Upon his release;

“I am happy to see you all, I thank you all for all the support you have given me, because the struggle must continue,” said the former autodefensa leader of Michoacán.

As time went by it was evident his days of leading autodefensas were over.  It is a high probability he made an agreement to stay away from autodefensa activity.  If you take a look at his twitter page you will find political tweets, and medical tweets, missing is autodefensa news, not even about the violent new war in his home town between El Abuelo and El Mencho.

So, it is as though we see him now where we found him, a medical doctor, working the clinics, working the career he loves-----he appears happy and well, and for us who respects and cares about him, that is a great thing.

Article about his appointment from Advance Michoacán

Morelia, Mich., - As of September 1, 2019., - Dr. José Manuel Mireles Valverde, Medical Sub delegate of the ISSSTE in the State, led this weekend a series of tours of the ISSSTE hospital clinics, in which the objective  was very clear: to review the operation of the first level clinics in the entity and the treatment of the beneficiaries.

Fulfilling the assignment assigned by the President of the Republic, Andres Manuel López Obrador, Dr. Mireles Valverde, has led permanent tours of hospital clinics, including weekends; So on this occasion he visited the Uruapan Hospital Clinic and the General Vasco de Quiroga Hospital in the capital of Michoacán [Morelia].

Similarly, Mireles Valverde accompanied Javier Huerta Jurado, deputy director of Human Resources of the Normative Directorate of Administration of the ISSSTE, during the observation he made of the Regional Hospital of Morelia.

During these tours, both agreed on the urgency of maintaining permanent monitoring of medical areas throughout the state, and on the urgency of promoting professional profiles in each of the medical posts.

Finally, Mireles Valverde commented that these supervisory tours will continue, and instructed the medical staff to maintain the highest standards of quality to the public and recalled that the most important thing is to ensure health and provide quality service to the beneficiaries.


  1. He started it, let the young ones finish it. With your head held high live free, live healthy, live long Dr. Mireles.

    Canadian girl

    1. That’s right he almost paid the ultimate price. He was the voice for all the oppressed people of Tierra Caliente . Sad that the government can’t pickup the slack and keep the peace.

  2. Dam how y’all is Doc Mireles???

  3. I'm glad he's still alive and well, he went through alot.. survived sicarios trying to kill him, plane crash and the malnourishment the Mexican prison has and going without medication.. he's one tough guy, but unfortunately everyone has a limit.. I'm sure he's happy to be out and about and free.. arriva michoacan!!

  4. I am delighted to hear Dr. Mireles continues to contribute to the rehabilitation & betterment of his country ( y mi tierra y poblados amor ). You Rock Doc.
    This bit of great news ... reknews my faith in the courage & the decency of mi familia del sur ... : }

  5. This guy is a freemason

    1. Freemasons are respectable citizens who are taught to conform to the moral laws of society and to abide by the laws of the government under which they live. They are men of charity and good works. They remain unchallenged as “the World’s Greatest Philanthropy”!

  6. Por fin, el reconocimiento merecido. Otro mas estadista heroica como Hidalgo, Morelos, Madero, Carranza, Lazaro Cardenas, y Benito Juarez; los brillantes joyas de la corona de la Republica de Mexico. Dios te bendiga.

  7. Totally a different man not involved in autodefensas, whatever they did to him in prison worked.

  8. He's being mentioned as a potential candidate for Governor for Morena in 2021, but it's probably a long shot. Chivis, post my photo of him in the crowd after the AMLO meeting the week before the election last summer!

    1. I heard that. I looked for the foto can't find send via email and I will post

  9. I feel sorry for mireles he went from being a total bad ass to being mentally slow in like 1 or 2 years of imprisonment. I wonder all the bad things they did to him while he was there. At least they didn't kill him I guess.

  10. Will his frustration of political correctness and actions be met with favorable opinions?
    The political theater in Mexico has a huge overhauling like most nations.

  11. Co-opted out of the movement and brought (bought) into the fold. All that glitters is not gold.

  12. It must really suck for him to not be able to help out in his home state. But hey, at least he is alive.

  13. He was beat until submission. They broke him... live his days quietly as he began. The only reason he lives is because it would have been worse had they killed him.

  14. Now what is Papa Smurf's comment?

    1. Man, does anyone know about Papa Pitufo? I’ve been wondering about him for years now.

  15. Hipolito Mora has been badmouthing Dr Mireles for a while, accusing him of ties with narcos and shit, bitter for ths son's death, and his own lack of intelligence and avocados to go about the business of staying free and triumphant in spite of his own freedoms nobody threatened even after he went to Mexico City for his brainwashing with El Americano who chose to disappear.


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