Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, September 5, 2019

CDN: Tropa del Infierno members killed in Nuevo Laredo

Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas - 8 sicarios from Cartel del Noreste were killed today after an aggression was made against the Tamaulipas Special Forces of the Seguridad Publica. They were all wearing cloned military fatigues. The events transpired on Calle 7 in the Colonia Valles de Anahuac. 3 female sicarias were among the dead hit men. High powered rifles were secured as well as an armor plated Toyota Tundra truck. 

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat VXT

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  1. Rip to these lost souls

    1. RIP? There is no “Peace” where they put themselves you Dip Shit.


    2. This trash got no souls

    3. Why do dumbasses try to put nicknames after pointless comments?

    4. That was beautifully put Queso. My sentiments exactly.

      -Solothurn la Arma

  2. AMLO “investigaremos eran niños veganos que usaban el camuflaje como seña de protesta iban por las tortillas”

  3. These guys look malnourished, the fatigues are way to big for some of them smh nothing but cannon fodder.

    1. 3:14 PM - probably teenagers kidnapped off the streets and forced to fight.

    2. 3 of them were females

    3. 9:28 pos a guebo, the idea is to make up the numbers to make the bonus pay and vacations, probably in Cancun.
      Showing work is the only thing that counts here, back in the day on the US all it took was to present the "Indian looking scalps" of children, women or men to get your dollar paid,

  4. Replies
    1. Taking credit for something you had nothing to do with??

    2. It a bit difficult to have "animo" when your dead.

    3. 006 this is your mom, don't forget Friday is laundry day.

  5. Nice, bueno. Bye bye chicos malo (bad boys) jajaja.

  6. good kills need more shit eliminated like this

  7. Wounder if that’s the famous tundra takia drives from el comando exlusivo songs

    1. Keep a eye on there YouTube account comando exclusivo will make a song if its takias tundra

  8. The cartel dresses em up like puppets, gives them high powered weapons, sends them out to tangle with real marines who have been taught how to battle. This is the outcome

    1. The days of real sicario training are long gone.. Most these guys do is practice chasing each other in vehicles shooting paintballs at each other.

    2. Not marines, special forces of the police. Still you’re correct most of these sicarios are nothing but cannon fodder

    3. Just like our country: where kids are sent to die for political purposes (money / ideology).
      Footnotes: Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and the middle east.

    4. 4:24 what has "the cartel" to win from putting these skinnies in uniforms and giving them weapons and sending them to their deaths?
      Fuerza Tamaulipas gets a lot of credit for killing "sicarios and sicarias", and if they have to create them that very same day, no problem. You are supposed to have a brain, try to find and use it.

    5. 1124 political purposes and drug dealing kidnapping extortion terrorism are different. Political purposes can be evil in intention but not to the degree of the latter. Communism Sadam Hussein gaddafi osama bin laden talibán ...
      You know you trippin, rite?

  9. Can we see lots more please, yipee, yahooey. Oh happy day, oh happy day. Gone to Jesus . . . .

  10. Replies
    1. 5:19 Tamaulipas Special Forces of Public Security is not "army"
      They are the governor's own dedicated special death squads, not even real State Police or municipales.
      Their professionalism is reflected in the dedication to their cause, killing their victims in brand new cammo uniforms after dressing them up.
      I hope you can still go around kissing army ass all you want.

  11. I'm guessing the Tamaulipas state is getting paid by another cartel to fight against Cartel Del Noreste?

  12. Guess this is what happens when you play dressup

  13. Nothing of value was lost. Keep eliminating this scum and do the world a favor.

  14. Sad but those Zetas aren't made like they used to, scrawny teenagers on drugs playing the sicario roll.. unfortunately there is no coming back from that game..
    just saying..

  15. Was looking at additional pics on twitter of this same shootout.. They even shot up the Santa Muerte statue in that safe house LOL.

  16. The gun does not make you invisible. Tarde o temprano les llega su hora.

  17. ala madre so far thats what close to 25 dead from the "tropa del infierno" in less then 2 weeks by the estatales??? damnnnnn somebody is paying good $$$$ to have em wiped out!!!

  18. Totally staged photos, makes one wonder what really went down.

    1. @8:16 EXACTLY RIGHT!

    2. Whether it’s staged or not....anyone associated with a cartel should just be killed on the spot. That’s what you do with cockroaches.

    3. 10:55 too often the cockroaches are nothing but Fuerzas Especiales death squads full of two legged rats, starting at the governor's mansions in Tamaulipas or in Tejas where millionaire Francisco javier cabeza de cagadas de vacas was born or in Reynosa where Osiel Cardenas financed his campaign for mayor.

  19. Thank you tamaulipas special forces ,por ezoz pendejos no anda 1 aguzto, echenles cal

  20. Will CDN fly their flag half staff to honor their fallen soldiers and their families?

  21. Tamps Special Forc3s must be highly trained..nothing but headshots

    1. 9:16 you know something?
      You are right, special death squads are notorious

  22. "Conocio el gobierno, ala tropa del infierno."
    -El Escorpion

  23. Hey Sol! Are they all headshots? Did you notice the lack of mangled limbs and intact clothing? The brain matter on the first photo is a nice touch to the mystery.

    - Black Stone

    1. Pareciera que si. Hasta las mujeres quebraron.

    2. Rifles look staged 2. Judge, jury, and executioner on site

  24. Look like headshots convienently placed rifles after the fact

  25. By the way tropa del infernos teams usually have it posted all over their trucks. Like if it's a special unit of CdN.

  26. These people had decent equipment. Looks like they forgot to add hard plates and proper helmets. Probably the best looking professional cartel I've seen in a minute.

  27. Didn't even have a license plate!
    No respect for the law!

  28. It looks like the geniuses forgot to do the side windows with that metal plate reinforcement! Whoopsie! Now we are all dead!

  29. Maybe they blew some meth and thought they were in a video game!

  30. Mexican marines are badasses they the real killers

    1. The seal six teams special signature head shot "canoeing" has traveled to Mexican death squads to show professionalism, but it does nobody justice, much less in fabricating Falsos Positivos.

  31. Every gun looks planted the dude in the car is still holding his gun lol...

  32. It’s always good to see dead cartel members regardless of which one it is. They’re all pieces of shit equally. It’s just a little weird how Nectar Lima keeps getting hit hard! Maybe another cartel is paying the government to clean the plaza?? CDG? Old school Z? CJNG?

  33. You can dress like me, act like me, even talk like me but without the proper training and combat experience you still just a filthy Zeta Peasant.

  34. Anyone else notice that there are no shell casings near the bodies? Looks more like an ambush/execution than a firefight

  35. Always a weapon in the pictures.... probably the same weapon....

  36. Lol guess their little attack didn't go so well.

  37. Lol guess their little attack didn't go so well.

  38. Animo animo Sicarioo la tropa del infierno nunca se raja seimpre listos pal topon y que chingue a toda su Madre la furia prieta pinche bola de putos ay vamos por todos ustedes alv

  39. You guys comment but never ever notice the pictures they talk a thousand words...they all have headshots and the weapons look like they were put on the side of the thugs!!!

    1. Who gives a fuck as long as they are dead.. they want to play that game well these are the consequences

    2. These are basically teens with no military training whatsoever. They think their invincible, given guns & tactical gear and told to kill. The photos are proof of what happens when these tweens go up against people that are trained to do their jobs.

    3. These are basically teens with no military training whatsoever. They think their invincible, given guns & tactical gear and told to kill. The photos are proof of what happens when these tweens go up against people that are trained to do their jobs.

    4. Why do so many fools think every dead cartel member image was somehow staged so they looked like a cartel member by supposedly planting guns by the bodies? I know corruption is bad there but not every single god damned cop is corrupt in mexico! Believe it or not once in a while they do actually do there jobs and eliminate trash like this without being on any cartels payroll or having ulterior motives but for some reason you still get halfwits acting like every kill the police do MUST be in some way suspicious.

      Shit has gotten silly.

  40. I feel like these guys are just getting wacked and wiped out now. All young folks, no old heads to really lead them. CDN is done for.

  41. Funny how there's no shells. I think these guys were executed after giving up.

  42. They join the cartel cause they look cool with the mask, head gear and uniform with american made high power riffle. It doesn't look cool once your face is full of blood.

  43. Truck’s side picture shows 4 Clean shots no damage to the body just windows, either they were parked or done from close range, these all look staged, just my humble opinion


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