Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Ciro Gómez Leyva Exposes Cartel del Noreste

Video translation is as follows:

Newscaster #1: And in follow up another very controversial case. One in which soldiers appear there and policemen appear as well. Last week you’ll remember the human rights committee of Nuevo Laredo denounced that 8 people were executed without reason by state police in Colonia Valles de Anahuac. 

After this complaint we present here the photo of one of the victims, a young man who on social networks presumed to be a member of the Cartel del Noreste. But, well he is not the only one. There are other Facebook profiles that indicate that more people around this supposed information were related to criminal groups. 

Cassandra Treviño: My dad told him no. That he had nothing to do with anything, that he didn't know. He was asking for them not to do anything to him. And that he didn't know what they were talking about. And that he only worked at Coca Cola. But they ignored him. They had him dressed in boots, pants and donning a helmet.

Newscaster # 2: According to Cassandra's testimony her father Severiano Treviño had no relation to organized crime. However, in photos that Severiano uploaded on his social networks, he appeared in military clothing, tactical equipment and with rifles. And a uniform similar to the one he was wearing when his body was found inside his home in Valles de Anáhuac.

But not only did Severiano appear like this on their social networks. One of his daughters who identifies herself as Ceci Trevino also appeared in military camouflage blouses and communication radios. Hours after the death of her father she said that if Serveriano could’ve defended himself he would have killed several policemen. And there is another case. Ceci's husband also uploads these kind of photos to his profile. 

Dressed in military type clothing and carrying weapons. These publications predicate the photo of a young Luis Fernando Hernández who even appears in a tactical vest with the Cartel del Noreste insignias. Uniforms also appeared like those used by sicarios from this cartel who have been killed in recent weeks by state and federal forces. Imagen Noticias reviewed the public profile of Luis Fernando. Where he has more than 4000 friends. 

In addition to ensuring that he is an operative of the Cartel del Noreste. In some publications he mocked the presence of sailors and military in Nuevo Laredo. Within Severiano Treviño’s circle of friends on Facebook. Ceci, Luis Fernando and many others also show their support or claim to belong to the Cartel del Noreste. 

Many of these profiles are those that have shared the note from the Nuevo Laredo human rights committee for the past 6 days. Where the alleged extrajudicial execution of the 8 people is accused.

Cassandra Treviño: They told him to bring out the weapons, bring out the weapons. And my dad said no sir, I don't know what you’re talking about. I work at Coca Cola. I have my badge, I have my uniform. They told him not to play dumbass to bring them out. And they were beating him up in the kitchen.

Ciro Gómez Leyva: The Facebook profiles of Severiano Treviño's daughters have already been removed. For now, we are still waiting for information on these facts from the Tamaulipas state police. And on the army’s behalf. Where we also saw on video reconstructions of army elements where at least they were doing the effort of peripheral work on these facts. 

Moreover neither the Tamaulipas government nor the army has clearly said what happened that day on September 5. Nor has the version of the Nuevo Laredo human rights committee refuted that this was an execution. And they have not even been able to give authorities proof to think that this was about a confrontation with the Cartel del Noreste.

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat Source

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  1. Leave them alone already gosh!

  2. so they were cartel operatives after all but still doesn't change the fact that estatales kidnapped them, made them put on the uniforms, whacked them, then put the guns on em for foto ops.. in this war there are no good guys.. ughhhh i bet you CDN is even gonna go lower and will now go after the families of the estatales... there's already a public list of the estatales specifically CAIET agents their names and pics are out there... and after CDN kill their families the estatales are gonna return the favor.. smh pinche desmadre que triste lo k a llegado Mexico pais de maleantes

  3. He didn't do nothing. I hear it all the time. Even with proof to the contrary, the family member is blameless and misunderstood, accordingto the family. Social media is not a vaccum. People look up, with little effort, others online, to get a glimpse into the lives of others, including law enforcement, opposing attorneys, and employers. You can be shocked and astounded at what people put online about themselves -flashing drugs, money, weapons, using the same. Bunch of idiots...pull your head out. The ones that outlast are the ones that don't give appearances and fly below the radar.

  4. Your out there doing “dirt” and publishing it on social media. Smfh


  5. I give it a week or two before she ends up on a video or hung or something

    1. It's looking that way.

      A legitimate asylum claim. To be persecuted by police and cartel!

    2. No for the asylum send her to europe or some other place. The U.S needs to first attend those men who served along our troops as translators with the Afganistan Army and Iraqi Army, alot of these men risked their lives to safe our troops from danger. That young girl can go kiss the Santa Muertes ass, she low life anyways what can she possibly bring to our community? A dozen of kids and food stamps?


    3. 5:36 what IS your excuse for losing these Iraq and Afghanistan wars for about 16 years after W, the US army, marinas Air force etc, won them in three months?
      No way you are going to blame it on this woman and her future 12 kids who surely will be members of a Cartel del Norte, the US...

    4. Ciro Gomez Leyva (of the Beltran Leyva Cartel, LOL) specializes in doing reporting hit jobs for the well affluent payers of chayote.
      This exhibition of Cartel Del Noreste wearing u informs and sporting all the guns in the world forgets one thing, there is no death penalty in Mexico, no matter how long it has been applied by criminals and cops and the Mexican military in extrajudiciary executions, many times of innocent people, this public relations effort to clean the putas nalgas cagadas of governor Cabeza de Cagada, whose public roll sicarios fucked up one too many times, 8 Fuerza Tamaulipas members have been separated from the job for their part in this Crimen de Estado, nothing justifies their falling that low into assassinations without even a kangaroo court but it has been their practice since cabeza de cagadas de vacas started his political career, CHAYOTE ANYBODY?

    5. @5.36
      Sarcasm is what it was.

      As for those foreign civilian allies who have assisted our troops in foreign countries? I think their financial compensation was generous enough. Let's face it; many hard working Americans don't even see half of what these individuals earn in a year. For some a lifetime. There input should rely solely for the better of their country.

    6. 7:52 "their input" deserves a lot more,
      residency for example,
      After all the US is good enough and we do not need to get into betraying our allies anymore, after all Stalin assassinated enough Cossacks among many others back in the day, the US did bad enough sending them back to Stalin. Could have left them with their German allies or taken them to the firing squad themselves instead os sending them to a death by hunger or torture, American Allies and collaborators and interpreters deserve a lot much better. If you want blood there are Blackwater criminals to prosecute.

  6. Can't wait for her head to be inside xoxo cooler. It just how the narcos work.

    1. 3:16 callese guey o lo hago menudo con patas de puerco,
      Your patas of course.

  7. So its illegal to post pictures with weapons? Let me tell all my friends here in texas to take there pictures off before somebody thinks there in organized crime

    1. In Mexico the only ones with those weapons are cartels.

    2. Weapons are illegal in mexico, so if you have an assault rifle your are most likely involved in something shady other or people could just think that way either way dont show off your weapons keep to yourself in mexico

    3. Shit, Comandante Borolas got video taped wearing military jacket while surrounded by all the Mexican military, police and navy damitt! Presidential candidate, Dukakis also got taped driving a tank property of the US Military, and nobody raised a stinking fart except to say he looked like Topogigio.

  8. New to the world? Never say anything on video never report your name in a country that is full of murdering cartel members...hmm..unless its not the truth?

  9. Even if they were the biggest pieces of shit in the world, you can't just go around killing people. THIS is why the police have no efficacy in reducing violence, because it will take generations to repair the damage to people's trust in the police. If no one trusts the state, then what good is the state?? A faithless state will continue to do whatever is necessary to maintain power and enrich itself through any means it can. This is what keeps Mexico in a quagmire with no end in sight. This is why there will continue to be corruption. This is why the violence will continue to get worse. It's not just about the guilt or innocence of these particular people, it's about the ability of the state to uphold the law. Extrajudicial killings are an abdication of that responsibility.

    1. 5:10 when the governor chooses to ally with criminals all his life and then chooses to hire worse criminals with official badges to clean out his former sicarios and drug traffickers to silence them and have a clean record, there is no government there but a mafia that got to the top of the shit hill of Tamaulipas criminals.
      Don't let go of this motherfacker that has made crime in "his state" worse than before with his "Fuerza Tamaulipas" and other sicarios. The Tejanos in power in Texas support him, WHY?

    2. @ 6:33
      You mean say the government is the criminal. Its interesting how many refer to these individuals (citizens) as the culprits of what's happening in Mexico. Where its evident that government officials are the people responsible for their crisis. Filling their pockets with money while its citizens suffer.

    3. 7:58 most Mexican governors are all about the money and little Else, crime is a way to get there and everywhere including cleaning their tracks and the landing marks of their shit.
      Cabeza de cagadas de vacas has been practicing the mafioso style of Alvaro Uribe Velez who betrayed his godfather Pablo Escobar until he got him killed, same as cabeza de cagadas de vacas did with Osiel Cardenas Guillen who financed his campaign to be mayor of Reynosa before he got arrested and extradited.

  10. Such are the poisons of current society.
    - Sol Prendido

  11. haha the soldiers came and said stop playing dumb were not stupid and shot him up. Good for them.

    1. 5:46 good for you, accepting the "soldiers" did this crime,
      Now defend them and their evil illegal acts in courts that believe they need to pay for their crimes directed by the "governor".
      Francisco Javier Garcia Cabeza de cagadas de vacas is running around trying to clean his mess, because he knows he stepped on the shit big time this time...
      You are free to kiss anybody's ass, others may chose not to.

  12. The pictures of the slain men look photo shopped... if you look at the neck line and compare it to the head, it doesn’t look right. Especially the young kid with the military helmet.
    Follower since 2009.

  13. All of a sudden I don’t feel bad for the victims. I just hope they were all cartel members. I wonder if the killings were ordered by a rival cartel.

  14. You can tell this was an execution.. not just these deaths but many more photos shared on BB. The way the bodies are placed, the weapons and other props. Compare them to pictured where they where actually at battle and the differences are obvious. But I guess that’s the only way you make sure they don’t come back.

  15. I don’t understand why people publish or records crimes in progress and then when they get caught they try to deny everything.

    1. Not all criminals are smart!

    2. Because the murdering law enforcement agents get caught once in a while, as this woman says they were forced to wear their uniforms and then they got murdered... I hate zetas and most criminals, including their heir apparent in the CDN, but I do not approve of extrajudiciary executions of Falsos Positivos, and nobody should.

  16. Hah
    I guess they never thought the police were monitoring there social media! I guarantee neighbors are glad this threat is no longer.

  17. So the daughter is lying for the dead father, he posted pics of himself in uniform, belonging to a cartel. Who did he expect at the door? Girl scouts selling cookies?

  18. Cdn are the child of the old zeras who got whacked
    Now the cartel hire them
    To revenge his old ass relatives
    And they accept

    1. no they're not. CDN are mostly kids from poor areas of Nuevo Laredo who serve as cannon fodder to Z-40 family .

  19. Is this true?

  20. These are the same guys that claimed the war wasn't against the community and its residents but against the military and then they go on to threaten them and say if they catch anyone selling food, goods or gasoline they will be dealt with.


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