Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Mencho expands his drug empire internationally

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat LaSillaRota  TY Gus

Contrary it what he does in Mexico CJNG chooses to keep a low profile in Europe where its cargoes are rarely detected.

In just a few years CJJNG has had an important expansion in Mexico because of controlling the transfer of  drugs in Jalisco, Colima, Michoacán, Veracruz, Guanajuato, and Mexico City.

However, they are now expanding globally.

According to the DEA CJNG is now operating in the markets of Asia, Europe, and Oceania.

“CJNG is coming one of the most powerful transnational  drug organizations in Mexico and in some cases rivals the Sinaloa Cartel in operations in Asia, Europe and Oceania” states the DEA

"CJNG, by virtue of its growing power, continues to expand its operations in the U.S., with police agencies increasingly reporting the cartel as sources of drug supply”.

Contrary to what it does in Mexico CJNG chooses to keep a low profile in Europe where its cargoes are rarely detected.

According to intelligence reports from the DEA, one of the main people responsible for the global expansion of the cartel led by Nemesio Oseguera aka “El Mencho”, was Abigael Gonzales Valencia, “El Cuini”.

Before his arrest in February 2015, he partnered with traffickers from Colombia and other South American countries sending cocaine to Europe.

Also for trafficking into the U.S. CJNG quietly arrived in Juarez.

The people of Mencho and Cuini remained on the sidelines of the violent war that Juarez cartel and a faction of El Chapo’s group fought for control of the plaza.

With this, CJNG entered the US market who along with the Sinaloa Cartel  traffic the most of the synthetic opioid called fentanyl, according to the DEA.

Fentanyl is attributed to the dramatic uptick of overdose deaths in the United States.

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  1. Who invented and franchises fentanyl?
    I am sure Los Cuinis did not, Nacho Coronel or the Cardenas Amezcua did not invent it either, but Big Pharma sure created all the addicts they then left to their own devices when it came to sustaining their habits on the street by buying from dope dealers... Purdue and Johnson & Johnson are paying hundreds of millions of dollars for their part in the State of Oklahoma only.

    1. Only pennies to what profits were made from pharmaceutical companies. Moreover, appealing the decision to only come out paying less.
      That's your lobbyist for you. Always redefining the laws and regulations.
      That is America at work. Greed and power like these cartels.


    2. Big pharma created this epidemic

    3. Big Pharma are the biggest cheerleaders in the WoD, because the worse the cartels look the better Big Pharma looks.

    4. Given the bulk comes from the PRC I would say this is simply a continuation of the Opium Wars. Soft power attack on a population...MX is getting the more kinetic variety of attack I am afraid

  2. Mencho also wants to currupt the whole world. Those cheerleaders of his, better not cry, when he gets caught and serves life in jail.

    1. Thats all changing with Amlo

    2. As long as chapos cheerleaders dont cry, menchos cheerleaders wont cry either

  3. Its interesting that these individuals of death are still roaming to do what they do. Anyone can be found if wanted to.
    Enough with the bullshit of informing everyone of their presence when government collaborators are the cause.

    1. I dont know though he's likely always moving and never staying somewhere long.

  4. I thought the whole point of Mencho and Cuinis was that they'd been in Asia and Europe making little noise which is why they were able to get away without attention for so long ?

    1. A news article from Australia described the drug trade industry very elusive. A problem overlooked and unsupervised from officials.


    2. Lobo ratted cuini and mencho thats why they found out details of europe and asia etc etc

    3. They are forced to make little noise. Europe takes security very seriously, which is why they have so few murders in “mafia countries” like Italy (even in the mafia wars of the 90’s they had like 1000 omicides per year in the whole country. While only in the last month we’ve had 2,290 murders.

      El Cabrón de Tamaulipas

    4. I always find it funny when people say Mencho keeps a low profile...he is the exact opposite of a low profile starting countless wars and killing everyone under the sun. He is the worlds most wanted narco yet people still say he flies under the radar lmaooo

    5. Maybe check out the Years of Lead, Anni di piombo, which was where many of the tactics being used in MX now developed...just like those deaths were planned to shape the public towards fascism so to are the tactics in MX...funny the same people running the ops in MX were involved all those years ago in Europe. Think it's just a coincidence???

  5. CDS cheerleaders quiet on this post hahaha

  6. “Contrary to what it does in Mexico CJNG chooses to keep a low profile in Europe where its cargoes are rarely detected.“

    Well, of course.

    In Europe, not being a corrupt shithole, his shit wouldn’t fly.

    El Cabrón de Tamaulipas

    1. I respectfully disagree...I am afraid all that you see in MX is directly tied to Europe and the US for that matter...ever thought where all the Nazi dispora ended up??? Is it possible just a few ended up in and around beautiful MX???

      Color of law operations...who is the richest man in MX and what did his brother do for a living??? Stealing assets with State support. No greater way to riches...outside Heroin

    2. 1:55 got the history

  7. Pretty sure we all seen this coming but I feel like this is going to be short lived

    1. Short lived? Where have you been? This has been going on for more than a decade.

  8. Mencho is a Pedro (from Napoleon Dynamite) doppelganger.

  9. No way is CJNG operating in Juarez without La Líneas consent.. Juarez nor CDS would allow jaliskas to ever have the upper hand in Chihuahua

    1. He who has the gold(meth=money) makes the rules. All about the business, not NCDJ/LL vs CJNG.

    2. There have been mantas in the big J of ncdj and cjng working together

  10. Now the U.S wants a piece of that money so he will get caught eventually $$$$ all about the money, if Mexican capos were not rich the U.S would leave them in Mexico to continue their criminal career

    1. Or perhaps their handler has decided to move on to other groups to support...funny how they been grinding through groups in a quickening pace since the days of Kiki

  11. Replies
    1. Mencho and Bosses laughing at the bank while all the filthy rats squealing dying and living doing the most to throw many levels in a mindfuck? Lets all ask ourselves...3

  12. It's so sad because if it's not the cartels poisoning people..its the pharma companies here in the US..

  13. The real cartel drug is the pharmaceutical, who creates the drugs without controlling the distribution


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