Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Mexican Children at Greater Risk than War Zones

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Infobae
Children in Mexico are at greater risk of violent death than in countries at war like Palestine or Syria
In Mexico, four children die every day due to violence. The Save the Children organization launched a campaign to try to reverse the situation.

Mexico is not a safe place for children. Every day, girls, boys and adolescents are victims of murders, lost bullets and kidnappings. The risk of an infant being killed in Mexico is much greater than in countries where there is an armed conflict, such as Palestine or Syria .

Save the Children, an international non-governmental organization that aims to work for the rights of children, revealed that four children die every day in Mexico because of violence.

The reality of childhood in Mexico: 6 out of 10 children suffer violence inside and outside their homes:
“In the homes, the violence experienced in the social fabric is somatized, and children, in addition to being subjected to this situation, also suffer structural abuse such as unaccompanied migration, abuses in residential care institutions, and it deals with people for work, sexual abuse and pornography, "said Gabriela Ruiz Serrano, of the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

Violent discipline in the home is a broad concept that encompasses multiple forms , so that its differentiation is more complex, since not only do parents and guardians use it, but siblings, grandparents and uncles, among others.

The problem is that there is an 'adult-centered ' perspective , which puts the little ones in inferior conditions, which have somehow legitimized the parenting styles that we have repeated generationally, said Ruiz Serrano.

One of the most everyday imagery is that a spanking in time is always necessary, because we believe that the blow transforms behavior; However, studies show otherwise: "the coup does not correct the behavior, it is installed in the memory and makes it prone to repeat these patterns of violence, because there is an impact at the neurological level when it occurs systematically" , he emphasized.

The 2017 Annual Report of UNICEF Mexico indicates that nine out of 10 children who speak an indigenous language are poor; 80% of infants do not reach the required knowledge in their educational level and more than four million do not go to school; 65 percent do not have access to children's books and eight out of 10 attacks against them occur in school and on public roads.
María Josefina Menéndez, executive director of Save the Children Mexico, estimated that at least 30,000 children were kidnapped and threatened to work actively in organized crime gangs . He said that by collaborating with criminal groups, children are forced to be observers of brutal executions and a series of criminal acts marked by violence, blood and death.

"They are subjected to toxic stress, which will affect their psychosocial development and damage their physical and emotional health" and highlighted the official figures of the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System, which indicate that 8,195 people - between zero and 19 years old - were kidnapped or disappeared during the period between 2007 and 2018 .

In Mexico, four children and adolescents die daily due to violence, more than those who are victims of war in Middle Eastern countries, the Save the Children organization warned (Photo: Archive)
He added that for at least 12 years, children and adolescents have also been beheaded, corpses and shootings in their schools; They suffer the death of friends, colleagues or relatives , events that seriously damage their development conditions and generate emotional crises, anger, hatred and desire for revenge. "Violence generates violence," he said.

Violence and its risks are not only on the streets:
María Josefina Menéndez warns that schools and homes are not always a refuge for infants. 60% of Mexican children are raised violently, are beaten, humiliated and insulted; 64% of those who are five years old or younger have suffered some form of sexual abuse ; 63%, from zero to six years old, are being violently educated, where physical punishment and humiliation are part of the formative process; and only in 2017, more than 12,300 children and adolescents reported serious injuries due to abuse.
60% of Mexican children are raised violently, they are beaten, humiliated and insulted (Photo: Archive)

Gender violence is also a scourge in Mexico. During 2017, more than 10,000 girls between 10 and 14 years old had a son, as a result of sexual abuse. Between 2015 and September 2018, 225 women - under 18 years of age - were violently murdered . The data only corresponds to crimes classified as feminicides, because in that period 800 more homicides of minor women were documented, considered as malicious murders.

# AltoaLaGuerraContraLaNiñez:
In the face of this child protection crisis, Save the Children launched the # AltoaLaGuerraContraLaNiñez campaign , to demand the Mexican Government to improve mechanisms to investigate, measure and process data on violence against children and a renewed impulse to public policies, in prevention and protection matter; as well as sufficient resources for the National System for the Protection of Girls, Children and Adolescents, corresponding to fiscal year 2020.

María Josefina Menéndez pointed out that although the Secretariats of Public Education and Governance push early childhood and comprehensive protection programs, in fact there is no official agenda for the sector." The call that Save the Children makes is for awareness and transformation, we have to change the way we treat boys and girls, otherwise we will continue to affect their physical integrity and mental stability , violating their rights to be and grow in full plenitude, he finished.

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  1. Yaqui, what a sad story about the most vulnerable, the children and especially young girls. I know many Latinos North of our border. Hopefully, they import the values they know are best, as they return to their motherland. Wonderful parents, diminished by the few. I love Mexico, the familias, and the hijos/hijad.

  2. Until a revolt of the mind and unity of the people occurs, Mexico will suffer for generations to come. Most of these children will suffer the same fate and lead the same way of life until there is a reckoning with greed and lawlessness.

    1. A revolution is needed. The people need to rise up against these political parties who are the truest villains in this story.

      Mexicans may say they're opposed to a dictator but in reality it would be the best thing to happen to it at this point.

      And I'm speaking more of a Putin type not the Sadam type for the record.

    2. 10:38 one dictator type you need not forget is Mohammar Khadaffy, his country had the highest standards of life, education and health under his dictatorship, but the Arab spring inspired by the US Foreign Policy King Magicians chose to fabricate terrorism crimes and get rid of him to steal the Lybians money and resources worth billions of dollars, now all they have is a country bombed back to the stone age and "Benghazi", another jobless US mercenaries fabrication to burn the Obama presidency and help republican candidates get elected.
      Mexico has AMLO and his anti-corruption programs and needs no more revolutions right now, thank you.
      It would be nice if the US helps by Extraditing Mexican runaway rats and returns the MO eys they have stashed in US banks and delivers their property gotten with more mexican funds stolen from Mexican states and state owned enterprises, I mean, if children are soo important...
      John F Kennedy and Adolfo Lopez Mateos had the Institute for Protection of Infants with free lunch programs at every Mexican school, but wiser heads needed to buy more bombs for Vietnam where the war was lost anyway and support for Mexican anti-communist fighters and Nicaraguan contras with drug trafficking cartels throughout mexico ... Never mind the kids.

  3. Simply heartbreaking numbers. These children are the future. They are smart and their voice is strong. I truly believe they will unite and rise above all of this darkness. We just need to continue to fight for them and show them the way.

  4. Yaqui: Thanks for posting this important report.
    It is alarming even if half accurate. Many in the next generation of Mexican adult is already damaged goods! What does this fact mean for the future of Mexico?
    Clearly, the violent "pozole" or stew that Mexican traditionally wallow in portends more of the same things the article describes. Effort to change things for the better seem totally inadequate given that violence in Mexico is culturally ingrained. And, as we know, "cultures" cannot easily be changed.

    To me, Mexico is stuck in "primitive" mode concerning the welfare of its people in general and children in particular. I fear that twenty years from now, things will be the basically same as 100 years ago, yesterday and today.
    P.S. It seems to me that the Catholic Church bears some of the blame. Where has it been in "materially and substantively" changing things for women and children?

    1. My pleasure.......pues, I suppose that is not the correct word, but I am glad to see so many of you reading this. BB is not just about gory/ sensationalistic videos. The human rights issues are the true toll of the drugs, the violence and the war on drugs that perpetuates this, and I agree the Catholic Church certainly bears some blame.

    2. This the first honest conversation i i've seen on this blog. We Mexicans in the US have ignored our home land.

    3. @ 9:12
      Ignored? Rather, turned a blind eye to what's happening in Mexico.

      Let's be real!

    4. Low Intensity Conflicts tend to have the same or worse consequences as real fast and furious wars, and some people Decided Mexico needed a good one LIC, They even financed the Mexican War on drugs with about 36 billion dollars stolen from the US Treasury for Mexico only, never mind all the other countries that have received similar US aid around the world and show similar results from US methods than do not seem to be much about to change.

  5. i expected the numbers would be high but not this high...

    1. 3:54 well, the numbers will be higher when all the clandestine mass graves get discovered, right now the modesty of Mexico's modern criminals like zedillo and FECAL educated in Harvard still works in a Mexico screwed a little bit more by presidentes educated by buying their professional certificate in "La Merced" like EPN and his guud buddy Miguel Angel Assorio "El Chino" Chon.

  6. Worse than a war zone.....right next door...if gov officials weren't making a bunch of money, this shit would've been stopped long ago.

    1. 5:42 on the US, the young still get killed by legalized Assassins who never fail at obtaining high powered weapons in flea markets or normal licensed stores, thanks to corrupt politicians influenced by the Russian owned NRA.

  7. Mexico is so great tho.
    Good thing President Trump won, Hillary wanted Open Borfers with th

  8. I believe there is no dispute that Mexico has become a major threat not only to itself but to the US national security.

    1. 6:39 there is no threat to the US around the world even out together with all those threats, like the domestic homegrown greedy chicken hawk warriors, (US born and raised) whose only aim is to get millions of dollars from the US Treasury, at least as soon as they retire from the service...

  9. They house then in unsafe facilities, where if there is a fire, they burn, since they always lock the emergency exits.

    1. 8:59 I think you got wrong ABC guarderia fire in Sonora.

  10. And our US mainstream media keeps quite! Just like in Nazi-Germany nobody speaks up to the atrocities because it is uncomfortable and there is nothing to win.

    The mass-slaughter next door is allowed to go on even though it is a direct consequence of policies which we DEMAND from the regime next door.

    If they do not adhere to our requirements we will withdraw our support for their political and economic elite and maybe even impose sanctions!

    But again: its only brown people (this time), so they brought it upon themselves, right?

    1. It's not a US problem, it's a Mexico problem. Ok Mijo.

    2. Feel the same way its been going for 14 years. Nothing happens. I pray that Almo would fix it, but he be worse than past President

    3. The UN is a country club like your American president states.

    4. 12:38 paternity tests say the US is the mother of all of Mexico's Problems, starting with Joel Poinsett, who named the most Mexican of all the flowers "Poinsettia" when he came to Mexico to conspire for its independence from one master to replace it for dependence from another, namely the US who has always made sure the Mexican government is a bought and paid for puppet who stays bought.
      The three billion dollars spent in Mexico for the wars for the drugs over 12 years of FECAL/EPN narco-presidencies totals at 36 billion US dollars unwisely spent that leaves this red balance in Mexico, and we are lucky much of that money was just stolen...

    5. 12:3 . If they were truly a puppet state they'd stop shipping their worst and dullest northwards in a ever ending deluge.

  11. obviously live in the US, so if you don’t like the policies, you are welcome to leave. Maybe one of those “brown” people can take your place and actually be grateful for where they live.

  12. I don't think it really bothers the Mexican people by and large. If it did their anger would lead to the election of a strong arm government. Until such a time as Mexican citizens care enough about their children being slaughtered to do something about it then guess what.....nothing will happen about it.

    1. 4:55 AMLO IS PROOF.
      the Mexican people are doing something about things,
      but governing in a democracy does not involve mass killings like the US, Philippines, Brazil, or the Arab Springs or miracles from the vatican.


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