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Thursday, September 19, 2019

One Narco Lab in Sinaloa Employed 43 Workers

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Riodoce y RevistaEspejo
The Ministry of Public Security of Sinaloa secured the assurance of four clandestine narco- laboratories, three of them active and one inactive, where chemical precursors were found for the production of synthetic drugs. The head of the SSPE said that of the four laboratories, one of them was already inactive.

The findings were made through overflights and land routes north of Culiacan and in coordination with the Mexican Navy Secretariat.

In one of the laboratories insured by elements of the Navy in Culiacán worked at least 43 people, as there was a facility for 43 people; informed the Secretary of Public Security of the State, Cristóbal Castañeda Camarillo.

He noted that it is estimated that more than 43 people worked there, but could not be located when they discovered the laboratory. The laboratories were located near the Sanalona dam, near Culiacán.

In the first laboratory were found 23 reactors, 37 gas tanks, 23 drums with liquid methamphetamine, 22 soda bags, 110 sacks of 25 kilos of tartaric acid, 15 drums of hydrochloric acid, approximately 3,000 liters of toluene, seven drums of toluene distillate, among other artifacts.

In the second one there were about 22 gas tanks, seven tubs with a capacity of 2,000 liters with a substance similar to crystal in the drying process, 40 sacks of tartaric acid, 35 drums of wine, 22 sacks of soda, 16 drums of 50 liters with acetone, nine cans of toluene and 10 centrifuges.
In the third laboratory they secured four reactors, 32 drums with liquid and dark product, 22 drums with acetone, 15 drums with what looks like liquid crystal, two power plants and 200 empty plastic containers.

The chemicals, the material and the equipment were protected and made available to the Attorney General's Office for the integration of the corresponding investigation folder, who will also be in charge of officially quantifying what was found.

In this regard, the secretary of Public Security of Sinaloa, Cristóbal Castañeda Camarillo, indicated that the findings occurred last week, while elements of the State Preventive Police and military personnel of the SEMAR of the Fourth Naval Region deployed security devices nearby of the Sanalona Dam, when they managed to locate these laboratories.

In total, more than 3,500 liters of chemical precursors, similar to methamphetamine and more than 2,000 liters of alleged amphetamine, were secured.
Four labs:
He explained that in the first laboratory there were 23 reactors, 37 gas tanks, 23 drums with liquid methamphetamine, 22 soda bags, 110 sacks of 25 kilograms of tartaric acid, 15 drums of hydrochloric acid, approximately 3,000 liters of toluene, seven cans of toluene distillate, among other artifacts.

In the second camp/ lab was found about 22 gas tanks, seven tubs with a capacity of 2,000 liters with a substance similar to crystal in the drying process, 40 sacks of tartaric acid, 35 drums of wine (Yes, that is what it says :) , 22 sacks of soda, 16 drums of 50 liters with acetone, nine cans of toluene and 10 centrifuges.

In the third laboratory, four reactors were protected, 32 drums with liquid and dark product, 22 drums with acetone, 15 drums with what looks like liquid crystal, two power generating plants and 200 empty-type plastic containers.

There were also around 43 cots in which the workers slept or rested, so it is estimated that more than 43 people worked, none which could not be located in the area.
                                                               This is your meth
42 and counting ...
So far this year the different security forces have managed to secure 42 narco-laboratories in Sinaloa, the majority being methamphetamine.

Total secured: 42 ;  Methamphetamine =  38,   Fentanyl = 2,   Heroin = 2


  1. Fentanyl is a disgusting business. Diversification is one thing, but Fent is a game changer. Once the kids of US politicians start dropping, the ramifications for the bosses will be severe. It may prove the undoing of clandestine deals with government agencies to keep the drugs flowing across the globe and guns/money back

  2. Employed lol yea right we know the cartels logistics LoL cartels wannabe soldiers hardly get paid and they are supposedly fighting I say supposedly because they go at it with the marina and they don’t last long unless they fight each other that’s the only way the fighting goes on for a while but because they can’t shoot their target lol..anyway back to those people on the labs probably don’t even get paid and if they do it’s not enough. “Cartel employed” sounds like if that cartel is making a change in the community lol those two words sound ridiculously stupid together I’m sorry lol

    Just my two cents


  3. Who cares the cost of employees. How many arrested AMLO?

  4. It seems anytime some pressure mounts against mencho, sinaloa labs start getting busted. hmmm.

  5. These are the alleged super labs that people believe cook the peoducts they use in Mexico. Breaking Bad dedinitely bears no resemblance to the way it really works in these labs.

  6. Serious question, why are there so many labs in the Sierra? How hard would it be to build a lab in the city next to an industrial area where you have alot of legit chemical work going on? Somewhere you wouldn't raise eyebrows. A meth lab out in the mountains sticks out like a sore thumb to the military. Who knows, maybe the capos easily set up two meth labs everytime one gets taken down.

  7. I been seeing a lot of labs in Sinaloa getting busted on here recently 🤔 Siciaro006 what's been happening?

  8. Amlo says be nice and kind to Criminals and they will be nice to u. Hope he right. Not working in Tamps. Pretty bad.

  9. Here Tamps Amlo is not concerned about Security. I guess save in DF

  10. Workers, or forced servitude?

  11. Now the state owns its own facilities and precursors to continue the uninterrupted service with the same or better quality garrantees from governor Coppel.

  12. Is this a stupid question but where is all the pseudo??

    1. Good question cuz im tried all different kinds and it all sucks! Not like it used to be!

  13. Before Chapo went down I cant remember constantly hearing about CDS labs getting busted. Now it seems to be a weekly thing. If El Mayo was the big boss why is everything going down the toilet now?


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