Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Audio: "El Marro" and his Mama; Phone Call Intercepted

Yaqui for Borderland beat from : Infobae y ReportIndigo

A call between "El Marro" and his mother was intercepted by authorities.

"Is not my 'Marrillo' there?": The call of the mother of "El Marro" to her son, who is one of the most wanted criminals in Mexico. Authorities intercepted a family conversation of the leader of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel. She says that a mother always cares for her children, no matter what they do.

That was demonstrated in a telephone call intercepted by federal authorities between a woman identified as “Lucha”, mother of José Antonio Yépez Ortiz, aka “El Marro”, leader of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel, and her son. YouTube Audio next page:


According to the Mexican newspaper El Universal, the mother of "El Marro" asks her son to "pick them up at the house" since " we are all here waiting ". He is mainly engaged in huachioleo or theft of hydrocarbons. However, he replies “No, I'm not going there. There are the gendarmes, there in La Virgen ”.

Although the date and time of the call is unknown, the authorities located "El Marro" near Rincón de Centeno, in Guanajuato, but he could not be arrested. The feds explained that after intercepting the telephone call of ''El Marro'' they were able to locate the signal through the Rincón de Centeno area. 

They have been preparing a plan for their search while he is still a fugitive since after the incidents in past months in which inhabitants expelled the authorities in Guanajuato.

"By chance is not my 'Marrillo' there?" Asks Mrs. Lucha to another identified as Chona or Chola.

"He  has here been with us since yesterday,  he was here in the house," they respond.

To which the mother of the alleged huachicolero leader replies “Oh, and you can't send him over to me? Oh my Marro! " She insists.

“They are going to grab him. You are better off over there, ” replies the other woman. "Did he eat?"  "El Marro's mother  asks her son to answer his phone. "Can't you come over to  the house, son? ... Now it's time", but "El Marro" refuses "Oh my love", he replies.

She reproaches him, why don't you carry the cell phone?  ''You don't answer my calls, son ”.

In the final part of the call "El Marro" promises to answer and keep the mobile phone on.

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  1. Marro is a dead man walking.

  2. This phone call way funny

  3. Corruption on both sides of the border! How was this interecpted call released to the public??

  4. Christ this is hard to read

  5. Dude sounds like you average paisa Funny how his different when talking to Mom but when he sends the message to michoacanas his totally different this is a bad hombre here folks he kicked the dog shxt out of michoacanos in Guanajuato Respect

  6. Marro would probably beat the michoacan shxt out of mencho in one vs one fist fight toe to toe mencho to short and skinny plus his a coward

  7. El marrito has been paying his bills good for him

  8. A concerned mother for her kid.

  9. Doña el Merro will die or get arrested sooner or later. Don’t worry any more.

  10. Some these cats really are hardcore,but when mother talks she melts it away,remember Mamito tearing up thinking on his madre,his regret not having seen her for ages,we all cant hurt mother unless your a snide rat

  11. This was hilarious, his mom asking if he had already eaten, then talking down on him because he had his cell phone off and wasn't answering lmao

    Only a mother could love a criminal like that; damn.

  12. the mom tryin to set him up lol

  13. Who the heck translates this,my 2 year old translates better

  14. Aqui esta el buey.. Pobre marro

  15. damn he sounds bothered by his mom, Didnt even wanna talk to her, probably doesnt give a fuck about her

    1. The same way I was thinking too

  16. Hilarious conversations. La Chola called him a guey and his poor mom wants him home. Man, what a tough guy.

  17. The translation could be a lot better

  18. Es lo que pasa cuando un gallo chombon quiere pelear un pura sangre, con el señor mencho no se juega

  19. soon this little boy with a fucked up hair cut will be getting good old
    verga del demonio satanas

  20. When they find him will they have to wait for a search warrant to arrest him? That is what a I have been ready in some of these articles.

  21. Gotta do better with the translation lol

  22. Only a matter of time before they bust him.. Navy, police federal, national guard and cjng are after him hard

  23. No Pos ya vi que si tienen madre estos changos sarrapastrosos

  24. Whoever translated this sucks bad not even close to what they are saying lol

    1. Sorry we will refund your subscription of 100 pesos. May you better yourself on another website.

    2. Without a negative comment about how bad the translation was , and with no reason but just help you out , i literally translated the whole conversation , and posted it for you to see in the comments before there were any comments at all , and you didnt bother to post it . Im a translator and interpreter , i do this for a living ...i was just trying to help you out because i knew it was bad - real bad.... accept the help next time.

    3. Listen Willis---I had surgery and still recovering, this is first day back. I just looked for your comment wading thru 300 comments and stopped.

      Your feelings may have been hurt because I didn't immediately post your translation, but it would have been smart to resend when you saw comments were again being posted. See when you see no comments that is a pretty good indicator I am not blogging.

      Yes it is bad. and when yaqui takes a second look she will agree I am sure. We were short handed and looks like she tried to cut corners which can result in this...

    4. To clarify , im an adult , i dont get hurt" i just help .


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