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Monday, October 7, 2019

CDN: Tropa Del Infierno Kill Suspected CJNG Members

WARNING! This video contains the decapitation of three men 

The Cartel del Noreste has just released a video in which they send out a message to El Mencho and his Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación. Their cell of sicarios known as Tropa del Infierno warn their rivals of the fate that awaits them for coming into Nuevo Laredo. As drug routes go Nuevo Laredo is a lucrative plaza of which Cartel del Noreste is willing to exterminate in the most barbaric of ways anyone who gets in their way.

This video contains a brief message followed by the murdering of 3 men who are kneeling that are suspected of being members of CJNG. At 21 seconds into the video the removal of a mans head begins with a knife followed by the dismemberment with an ax. Once the murdering begins the rest of the audio is muffled. Only bits and pieces of what’s being said can be made out. This video does not contain the actual original audio in its entirety.

Video translation is as follows:
Interrogator: This happened to them for being dumb asses. For wanting to pass money to El Viejon, who works for Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación. This is for Mencho. The Nuevo Laredo Cartel detected their asses before they reached their destination. Mencho you dirty fuck you also will be captured. One of these days you will be caught you son of a bitch. We will be coming after you...


Sol Prendido Borderland Beat Source


  1. I guess now we can confirm that Mencho was never aligned with CDN or making business with them or that Mencho paid off a judge to get El Tory out of prison (by the way all of the sudden El Tory became very quiet after killing dozens)


    1. good to see you post char.
      as for cjng and cdn word in the streets is a cell of mencho hooked up with a cdn cell in NL, about 1 and half year ago. but jumped to cdg. I ma not sure and I live almost full time in nl. one way or another mencho will creep in. He usually makes pacts with weak cell to get in somewhere. but who knows, I am no expert I just know what is said

  2. Once again cjng foot soldiers captured and killed in a new terrain they are gaining ground in every state

  3. Simply Horrific. Animals behave in this manner!

  4. Pinches vatos malparidos ni el puto diablo los quiere

    1. Sí, los quiere a ellos, y sí los tiene

    2. Neta que no, valen verga estas chavalas. No mas por aser un peso y no trabajar como se deve.

  5. They have the suits and weapons like professional sicarios, the willingness and desire to kill, but don't seem to know how to decapitate effectively demonstrating a lack of practice. This video just like "El Ondeados" where he "decapitates" a man sitting in a chair show the difference between amateurs and professionals, compare them to the Zeta that decapitated a woman that was knelling with a scapel very surgically if you will.

    1. at honestly think that their "cutting" abilities is the difference between amateur or professional? So pathetic. The fact that they are cutting the head off a human only makes them one thing...psychotic. They are animalistic criminals...nothing more.

    2. The chair decapitation was of one of Barbie’s oficina managers, and was carried out by Beltran Leyvas. The only other chair beheading I’ve heard of is the one made by CDG back in 2010/2011, where they kill one of Ostion’s (OG Zeta) people

    3. 8:40 AM People who know how to decapitate properly grew up killing and butchering animals. That is the main difference.

    4. Where can I find the ondeado video? Link

    5. @ 7:38 there is no Ondeado video don't listen to this guy

    6. 12:38 They are murdering criminales, I'm not glorifying them. Compared to "El Diablos" sicarios that killed with glee, these dudes appear "tame". Hence the amateur/professional comparison.
      12:47 Since I'm a "mindless hallucinating fuck" tell me who in your opinion decapitated Manuel Mendez Leyva? I'll wait for your answer.
      1:31 Why would the BL care if Barbie was going to war against El Chapo? "Esto le va pasar a todos los que sigan/estén? contra nosotros". I'm going to reread the MML thread to see the comments, as you know some posters are in the loop. The constant sniffing by the interrogater was a telltale sign of perico? use, Ondeado. The asking MML to repeat his answers trying to prove his guilt and justify his execution, who else does PR work like this in 2011 to the present? The failure is that the interrogater doesn't finish the "job" showing his lack of "professionalism". Did you see the Golfo video where they are cutting off the fingers of a Zeta? and then he's decapitated? He was sitting.
      2:06 Yes they(psychos) have done similar things before so they know how to do it and aren't fazed by the situation. Butchers would also know.
      7:38 Manuel Mendez Leyva is the victim, search the BB archives.

    7. 1:31 that chair decapitation was carried by cds members against a blo guy with the last name of Manuel Mendez leyva if not mistaking,was one of the first ever recorded on video

    8. 1:31 Ostion was killed in the nov 2009 when Z40 gave up his location to federales, theres even the video about that operation and it occured somewhere in Zacatecas. He died few months before CDG-Z rupture

      7:38 google Mendez Leyva video

  6. Not even the D.E.A goes into Nuevo Laredo

    1. Lmfao dea owns have these people

  7. Are they all wearing Go Pros WTH

  8. Fuck that, I would have been shot in the back. I wouldn't sit there for that to happen to me 🤦🏾‍♀️

    1. They sit there and take it because having your head cut off is the easy death in this scenario. As horrible as it is, when you are threatened with being dismembered alive or having your skin flayed off, people will take a beheading as a grace.

    2. Yea that’s a nasty way to die

    3. You wouldn't have a say in the matter.

    4. I guess, when you make it sound like that @1:33. Also @6:17 my say so would be my feet running. Trust me everybody got a say so🤷🏾‍♀️

    5. @9:AM: You post bravura from a safe far removed from the actual situation. Most people is about to be executed situations go into catatonic-like passive modes (denial, shock?) that make easy in dispatching prisoners.

      IMO, somehow, I think you would not do much different than as I described above.


    6. Guy with head down is regretting every stupid decision he made n joining the cartel awaiting his turn to be dismembered,he knows is coming just don't know how fast it will be over...

  9. Couldn’t have happened to nicer guys

  10. First dude got heart, knowing death is next he doesn't cower when he's going to be decapitated. Also, if going into enemy territory don't have long hair.

    1. why noy longhair?

    2. So you're not the obvious choice to get your head chopped off because your long hair makes it easier to grab a solid hold of your head when captured by the enemy.

    3. Lol....1:55 because with hair its easier to grab your hair and cut your throat..

  11. For years, I have been telling certain people (that need to know) about depraved incidents like this regularly going on in Mexico. I immediately sense, from their reactions, that they do not want to "see" graphic evidence. So I don't show them.
    The American public (in general) is "afraid" to confront "graphic" truths about virtually any topic .... The MSM understands this and protects the viewing American public from these kinds of truths under the open rationale of "bad taste" but underlying rationale of "bad for business."
    So, my point is that the American people are basically ignorant about the breadth and depth of the depraved evils that go in Mexico. I submit that if they did, they would have much different political views and attitudes concerning Mexico.

    1. I dont think it matter because plenty of people don't know the extent of organized crime in Mexico but they still have traveled around in states like Michoacan & Guerrero without any hassles.

    2. Same bro it happens to the people that talk about it and people who do drugs some are actual rival hit man who have been handed over by police I was in Michoacán were they kidnapped a crooked lawyer and put 4 bullets in his head nobody knew and nobody cared it happens to those involved in gangs drugs or bad people

    3. 7:43 IDK if you're referring to me, 10/7 8:40am & 10/8 6pm, I'm not a killer or plan on being one. " It's fascinating and curious" regarding the current Mexico situation is what you say. Who visits a site concerning Mexico and specifically "reporting on the WoD"? I been on this site since 2009, have probably read 97% of the articles and seen 99% of the execution videos, some truly sick shit. I care because soy Mexicano. AMLO cannot "fix" the political, economical, and societal problems in 6 yrs. If he along with his fellow party members who currently "control" Congress demonstrate solid progress I believe an exception should be made regarding a second elected term. My opinion, if you're a killer a slug to the dome is the solution. Fire on govt forces, rindete o te mueres. Hard labor is what those POS criminals deserve, what else can be done with them, make their families pay for their incarceration? Jajaja, poverty of education, opportunity, morals/ethics and employment have Mexicanos in a FU situación. What has people in the USA doing mass shootings, pedophiles, joining gangs etcetera? School is mandatory, govt help is available, plenty of work and an abundance of beautiful woman. And yet "shit" happens. IDK, more recent posts mention that these dudes that got killed in the video may have been innocents. Could be the reason why the killers didn't go full sicko mode? Latin American countries are more open about death, in the USA the press shield the public from the grim reality of death. Que te vaya bien.

  12. Cdn don’t play games no one is gonna take Nuevo Laredo from them and they pretty much own tamps now too and have struck a deal with bukanas to take Veracruz there serious

    1. 10:01 the only City they control is NL That's about it.. Rest of Tampa is divided the bigger half goes to CDG... Sorry bud that's reality

    2. For CDN to take effective let alone total control of Tamaulipas y Veracruz they would have to ally themselves with the dominant CDG and a couple of the offshoots of LZ: ZVE, 35Z, Sangre Zeta or El Bukanas etc. I highly doubt that happens.


    3. u are right but it's in the border which makes very lucrative all a cartel needs is a strong politician that will hand them the keys but they won't go out with out a fight

    4. That's right hasta el gran violador de ninas heroe de los shinolas Se la pelo con los tamaulipecos what makes this pendejo think he can do it

    5. Chavo Felix group or Chapo Isidro can take that plaza if they wanted

    6. 12:22 really?so they have more power then cdg and the Sinaloa cartel if those two couldn't do it I highly doubt that some small time guys like those would be able to

  13. Cdn are now the most powerful cartel in Mexico

    1. Nice, looks like the guys in the back all have 50cal. And their machine guns.
      Even these guys are more well equipped than cholos group.

    2. 10:48 keep dreaming...cdn is the most powerful in NL but not even close to be the most powerful in Mexico..

    3. Cdn is a joke. They were about to be exterminated 2 times. Once by the zetas old school and most recent by the governor of tamaulipas. They are not even the most powerful cartel in tamaulipas. They only operate in the far north west corner of the state. They cant come east past miguel aleman. Tamaulipas is mostly cdg so its coahuila and zacatecas and san luis potosi amongst other states. My point is cdn is surrounded by cdg factions. Cdn has announced a cleansing of michoacanos for allegedly trafficking in organs. This is the begining of that which is ironic since the cdn is brutal to the point that any human being with common sense wld want them exterminated.

    4. They might be the most powerful in Tamaulipas, the Northeast region.

    5. Good joke.. Cjng has more plazas and now taking tamaulipas wichnis Cdn only plaza

  14. Another fail from sol. its the victim who is speaking dummy

  15. Why would anyone want to fight for that plaza? Those guys are some fought mothafuckers. If chapo couldn’t take it from them what makes you think cjng can?

  16. Mexico is a narco state and the federal government does not/ cannot control the majority of the land.The cartels have their very own fiefdoms and armies. It's like the middle ages.

  17. Raymundo Ramos' (Human Rights representative in Nuevo Laredo) boy scouts!

    SEDENA and FUERZA NEGRA has no rights in killing CDN law-abiding civilians, they are so innocent!

  18. A huevo putos!!! pinche CJNG se la va pelar en NL carbones! aquí Tamaulipas el CJNG no pasa!!!

    1. CJNG está rifando por todo Mexico, a esos putos de CDN los va a llevar la verga. Bola de mugrosos extorsionadores y mata inocentes.

    2. Jajajajajajaja

  19. This Happen right next to the states. Unbelievable

    1. Why unbelievable? People die every day in every nation. Many via murder

  20. And mainstream media is silent. Meanwhile they want your right to bear arms. So America can be like this place. Where only bad guys and outlaws have guns. Hard to believe this happens right next door.

    El Gayo

  21. Que onda pinches torcidas cjng hay tenemos mas pendejos de estos pero se los vamos a dejar al primito al viejon en su plaza pa que aprendan a respeta territorio ZCDN Pinches culeros. Y tu mencho sigue mandando mas pendejos de michoacan y nayarit aqui los vamos a fumar y en la riberena tambien culeros. Y todos ustedes culos de los CAIT ya los tenemos ubicados a cada uno de ustedes y sus familias. Asi como se quebraron al comandante flaco y negro asi me los voy a fumar a todos y tu pinche vieja t voy a cojer con un Palo x el culo x la memoria de los sicarios caidos

    1. 12:37 soy mencho y no me faltes Al respeto pinche maruchero

  22. Cdn just just pissed off crazy mencho, whatcha next month he makes a video like in guanajuato with a bunch of guys with guns and actually tale out the cholo zetas teenagers, basically that's what the zetas have for sicarios

    1. Yea teenagers that held down their plaza at all costs anyways I'd like to see how all of this folds out CJNG brave tweeker cartel V.S. CDN brave teenager cartel! lol

  23. savages animals scumbags

  24. CDN vs CJNG aka the two most heavily armed cartels facing off = Nuevo Laredo, Frontera Chica, and all of NL and Coahuila turn into war zones.

  25. El Señor de los Roosters (Yo soy Mencho Guey) is not happy! CJNG Grupo Elite will be arriving in Nector Lima

    1. Wow now ur dick riding cjng dude you ride bandwagons way too much first ur cds now cjng fuck out of here you mutt!

    2. I thought you were CDS nuthugger. Did you switch sides?

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Char posted the new most wanted in Tamps poster the other day. What I find interesting is listed at #6 is a photo of “Fresa” Hurtado Olascoaga. Anyone know why one of the leaders of FM in GRO is a most-wanted in Tamps?

  28. Can anyone tell if there is a tattoo on the inside of the first victim’s forearm?

  29. That was actually not bad, most cartels dismember legs and arms first.

  30. I would not wanna get my uniform all bloddy and shit why even bother???

  31. Interesting. Nice arsenal.

  32. CDN rule the north east coast with an iron fist pretty much wiped out the gulf cartel thats why have formed an alliance with cjng but that also disrupted the gulf cartel because some members didnt want to ally themselves with cjng so they have split into two pretty much, metros and escorpiones. if cjng thinks theyre going to go into nuevo laredo or neovo leon or tamaulipas they are going to get spanked so hard by CDN.

    1. I agree.. most people seem to forget about Nuevo Laredo.. NL is the last Zeta stronghold and probably one of the strongest ones they've had and it's untouched! Golfos didn't go to war for this plaza like they did the other Zeta plazas so a lot of the members from CDN are still OG players from the Zeta days. Z40 took care of this NL group, people seem to think that these guys are pure teenagers but they are sadly mistaken.. CJNG does not have the power to take over the Nuevo Laredo border plaza period!

  33. They got the equipment but they don't have the professionalism, smarts, and training.

  34. This is how Mexico manages the drug trade...

  35. All them dumb fucks standing around watching..good luck ever getting a peaceful night sleep smh that type of shit will haunt them for the rest of their miserable lives

  36. CDN are sick just like their ex commando founders

  37. I dont understand the point of such barbarity continuing till now, i mean decapitations, burning, skinning n much worse has been going on for years in Mexico, but no one is terrified of it, infact the others take revenge in similar fashion n this practice is growing, so why not just shoot the rivals n save time, effort n mess??

    1. Knives are cheaper than bullets in the long run. Plus they are going all high tech...gotta watch what they spend.

  38. 21st century tactical gear, go-pro cams, high powered .50 caliber rifles with surface to air stingers. These mf are strapped up like the marines

  39. CJNG beheadings need to happen more often, I am sure Mencho is dispatching the Mexican Army, who is on his dirty blood money payroll, to finish off some of them. Abeulo got revenge by getting some baby killers down, great.

  40. Bravo now Menchos cartel must be very upset thier own are beheaded. The tables have turned, usually it's them that do the beheadings. It's payback hope you enjoy your headless comrades.

    1. Behead the baby killer cartel.

  41. As long as these guys are actually cartel members (doesn't matter which one), then so what if they are killed. They would possibly do the same to innocents. Thanks for doing the dirty work CDN...your time will come too.

  42. The sinaloa tried that plaza a while back but got scared and ran back to snitchaloa
    I doubt cjng will run though

  43. They didn't decapitate the guy with head down,that's really wierd


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