Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The assassin of Villa Purificacion, Jalisco (CJNG)

Text with video:

Video of the murderer of Villa Purificacion, Jalisco ---- Luis Manuel Pelayo Pelayo (El Meño) South Coast regional chief, involved in illegal logging, forcibly takes ranches from innocents and steals exotic woods, thousands of hectares cut down and stripped by this character. Federal and state government involved. 

The video shows the images of law enforcement authorities that support Cjng Villa Purificación lets not forget this region costa sur was Mencho’s favorite hide out until they downed the helicopter in 2015

Translation by Sol Prendido

Thousands of hectares have been cut down on the southern coast of Jalisco. Tampiciran, Teka, Cedar, and Parota they’re all the same as they will plunder so many thousands of hectares.
Killing the owners to strip them of their heritage. The intellectual author of such genocide is Luis Manuel Pelayo Pelayo (El Meño). He currently took the position of regional chief after the arrest of his employer El 20.

El 20 Madrigal Muerieta detained. El 8 Madrigal free. Jony Madrigal free. Together with El Meño they control Costa Sur de Jalisco. Constantino Pelayo Aguilar (Father of El Meño) helps him with what’s been stolen. These are relatives and some staff in leadership: María Cristina Pelayo Guzmán (Mother), Lizbeth Maricela Pelayo Pelayo (Sister), Elizabeth Del Carmen Pelayo Pelayo (Sister), (Neto) Plaza Chief Casimiro Castillo, Josito (Sicario), Silverio Delgado Salgado (Mojarra) commissioned drug sales in Villa Purification, (El Perro) financial operator in charge of banking movements in Casimiro Castillo. 

Municipal Police in Villa Purificación who support with surveillance and security Luis Manuel Pelayo Pelayo. Caravan of El Meño. Luis Manuel Pelayo Pelayo. Caravan of El Meño.

Patrol of the Municipal Police guarding the caravan. Help us make this video viral to give justice to all those killed and stripped of their heritage. Municipal, State and Federal Government are involved.

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  1. No se metan Dejen a los árboles en paz perros

    1. el humano es un parasito que contamina y destruye todo ecosistema. agregale anarcocapitalismo y esto es el resultado. espera cuando no queden recursos y tengamos que empezar a matar gente para administrar el agua y comida.

  2. I cant believe that it's a tree that controls them, how can a tree talk, do the cut and climb it or pray as it's a Santo? I cant believe that a arbol is the leader of them wow! It's like a puto in a asshole camp

  3. Want peace prepare for war.

  4. Cds, cjng, caf, Viagra, familia michoacana are all Scumbags

    1. All criminals are lowlife scumbags POS anywhere they may be.


  5. Good riddance. If he stole from innocents he deserves 2 in the back

    1. Good riddance? So they got him already?

  6. So sad seeing this happens,

  7. Is this El Meno Ranch,this fucker being goin for a minute

    1. Meño Ranch from DGO has been dead over a uer now.

  8. Wow, Gracias a Chivis y Sol ! Grrrrrrrrr................

  9. Governor Enrique Alfaro must be too busy, people should record their complaints for a later appeal, no titles of property would go anywhere if not for the governor being involved.
    Alfaro says he is always ready to face his Accusers,
    from behind I guess...


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