Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, October 18, 2019

"There is no pact with criminals ... there is no failed state"

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat Reforma-El Debate

Security chief says; We were not informed in time of the arrest warrant about Guzmán Loera's son--Guzmán was not formally detained because the troops involved in the operation did not have a search warrant--
8 total deaths; 4 aggressors, 2 civilians, 1 military, 1 prison guard

he Secretary of Security and Citizen Services, Alfonso Durazo, and the General  
Secretary of the National Defense, Luis Cresencio Sandoval, said that the operation to capture the son of El Chapo was failed, deficient and improvised.

"There is no pact with criminals ... there is no failed state, there was a failed operation," Durazo acknowledged at a press conference in Culiacán.

The head of the SSPC assured that an investigation of said operation will be carried out to punish those responsible.

He also informed that they were not informed in time of the arrest warrant for Guzmán Loera's son.

Commander Luis Cresencio Sandoval, Secretary of the National Defense, also acknowledged that a poor operation was carried out in the Tres Ríos Sector of Culiacán in which the magnitude of the criminal reaction was not considered.

He revealed that Guzmán was not formally detained because the troops involved in the operation did not have a search warrant.

In the place there were 35 members of the National Guard and the Secretariat of National Defense, who after being attacked began a fray in which the security elements were outnumbered.

"It was a precipitous operation in which the reaction of the criminals was not considered ... there were between 30 and 35 elements of the Federal Ministerial Police, Anti-Drug Division and military personnel," he said.

"They entered the domicile where there were four people among them on whom the arrest warrant (incl Ovid Guzmán) named but they were surrounded."

"This time it was a mistake generated by a staff who rushed into their action, who also looked for the same, the security of society, the safety of all of you, we could have had more deaths,"

There two military elements were retained, while the fray continued to spread to different parts of the City, including the Tres Ríos Sector, the Culiacan Center and the Santa Fe and Las Quintas colonies.

And he stressed that the actions were abandoned in the face of attacks on the population, attacks on military units and eight soldiers held.

The head of Sedena said that yesterday in Culiacán criminal groups carried out 19 road blockades, 14 attacks with a firearm on Army and National Guard personnel.

Due to the attacks there were 7 elements of the Army and Air Force wounded by a firearm, an officer and 8 retained troops that were later released, 9 cars on fire and 8 military vehicles with firearm impacts.

A total of 39 [ other reports say 51] escaped federal inmates and 10 inmates of the common law, of which 2 were recaptured.

There were also attacks on the Military Barracks in Culiacán and the headquarters of the state C4.

Total: 55 escaped, of which six were recaptured. 49 fugitives

List of escapees: 


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah but they sure were taxed a good amount of money I guess 1 to 5 million for the release and another million or 2 on sicarios. Worth it idk yet

      -just saying

    2. Santa clause is real and the easter bunny.

    3. Luis Crescencio Sandoval said: “revealed that Guzmán was not formally detained because the troops involved in the operation did not have a search warrant”, but then went on to say “They entered the domicile where there were four people among them on whom the arrest warrant (incl Ovid Guzmán) named but they were surrounded.” So was there are warrant or not? Sandoval’s answer assumes that there both was and was not a warrant.

  2. BB Followers: I will be in L.A. again next week for a surgery, I should be back home worries I will ask Buggs nicely to cover moderating as he did this last time.

    Thanks for your patience.

    To my detractors--don't get excited I have no chance of leaving you 💋

    1. Thank your for sending well wishes already! I won't post I will keep to myself

  3. No Search warrant?!!! What a Pussy!

    The Secretary of Defense threw patriotic people under the Bus.

    A warrant isn’t needed when gunfire is being exchanged and security forces arrest those who shot at them!

    Mexico. Your Government is a disgrace and your country is a joke!


    1. The warrantless arrest came PRIOR to the shooting, yeah?

      It was the uproar that followed the arrest of Ovidio, it did not precede it, and since Ovid was arrested and hence could not take part in the shooting, without a warrant, they could not keep him detained, no?

    2. If the US wouldn’t smoke so much dope maybe it wouldn’t

    3. Exactly, they were under fire and a search warrant wasn't needed. Also, he had an active arrest warrant so I don't get why the hell he is even talking about a search warrant. Just excuses being given by a corrupt government and a president that doesn't have the balls to stand up to the cartels. What a shame.

    4. 12:12 Here's a revelation for you. The problems in the USA don't excuse the problems in Mexico. This whole "The US has problems too!" mindset people have is nothing more than nationalistic bullshit. And I'll come out and say it: Things in Mexico are way worse than things in the United States.

    5. @mexicolobredelnarco:
      Don’t compare the cemetery called Mexico, to the greatest and most prosperous country on the face of the earth since the Roman Empire.

      The unfortunate incidents in America pale in comparison the brutality your citizens inflict on its own Mexican population. One can’t even make a living in your toilet county without the threat of extortion or kidnaping.

      America assisted taking out ISIS under Trump and has no business in Syria.


    6. Mexico libre the difference is that in the US a mass shooter gets caught and taken care of. In mexico criminals pay the government to leave them alone.

    7. Mexico libre del narco: What penejada did you say?

    8. USA is no better than Mexico gtfoh with that BS.

  4. Sad that it can come to this state of affairs even when they are right next door to the greatest nation in hemisphere

    1. I wouldn't say Canada is right next door, but we are pretty close yes. We are doing what we can to help them, and will continue to do so.

    2. That could be the problem

    3. Actually Canada is more north

  5. That’s funny I that ther not saying that he was with his family get food when like 40+Agents rolled up on him and he turned I’m self in because of his and other family’s ther .and they took him that’s when the bodyguard he had with him started fallowing them and called for back up then they tried talking to them that didn’t work then the shootings started by then both the police and Guzman’s called for back up the chapitos all ther people in Culiacán and around then Los Mayos ,Azules ,limones,avendanos,leones,Fernandez y mas to block the roads from reinforcements entering Culiacán la gente de Guzmán went to were the military families live and surrounded the area got them all together and let the military know they had ther families the military sent helicopters that were shooting but they said one got shoot down por el poblado el diez

    1. Someone put the finger on Ovidio.

    2. No helicopter got shut down lol
      don't make it sound like the time mencho escaped and took 2 chopers down.. Sinaloas love making $h!t up lol

  6. Wow, Mexican Grand Prix next week for Formula 1, black eye for Mexico. They obviously photographed him but are using bullshit words like we didn’t “formally have him” through weak ass Mexican legal words. They had him. They let him go. Literally disgraceful. Now my question is why was he targeted. Who gave him up? Someone within Sinaloa or did the DEA have enough pressure on someone within Mexico to push for this. Very interesting times. A question I hope someone can answer, is Mazatlan safe for Canadians this coming February for 2 weeks?

    1. Nope. Come to Puerto Vallarta instead. Safe here and such a beautiful city. I'm an American who's been living here for 3 months now and this is my 8th trip to PV.

    2. Yes a disgrace 😁 and what kind of question is that? Ain't no part of Mexico safe......till they deem these activities as terrorist acts then that's when it gets interesting. U.S. can then parachute in like alot of other places and stabilize the country. Just saying.....

    3. 239. The rat mencho paying big money for this operation but failed. This was a tactical move by them rats but failed. CjNG cant take control of certain ports and cities across the country bc Chapitos have alliances forcing Mencho to back off. Senor Ivan has the whole city of Culiacan under him which is angering certain higher ups. Now those higher ups have nothing they can do after seeing the support and power the chapitos hold. This shows what all the haters dont want to admit.....sorry but Power is Power. Within 3 hours Senor Ivan had over 1k sicarios in Culiacan and multiple convoys of hundreds coming from all over, Montanas etc, Guadalajara, chihuahua, Durango etc. They created a no fly zone per the pre-arranged response to any future capture attempts and the plan worked just like it was supposed to. Keep helicopters from landing. Close off city, create chaos, and you know the rest. Dont blame AMLO as it was that scum security secretary who is on the jalizcos payroll. He's about to be out of a job.

  7. What happen to el chino ántrax sentencing I thought it was yesterday chivis? Any updates

  8. Does not make since...they did not have a search warrant? Why they go there in the first place, or just hogwash.

    1. They had an arrest warrant, which supercedes a search warrant.

  9. A poor planned operation? Seems to me it was the proper response to an ambush. The military and police repelled the attack and took into custody the perpetrators. Definitely an insult to those soldiers and police officers that were attacked and released those they captured for failure to secure a search warrant. A sad day in Mexican history.

  10. DEA pleaded for AMLO to help them get out of the free fire zone!

    1. Like always and then show up on T.V at D.E.A headquarters in the U.S and say The U.S wasn't involved lol bullshit the U.S government is always Involved in something I mean the War On Drugs is their big strategy so of course DEA where in mexico when it went down but they finally realized they ain't battling ISIS members who hide in the trees . never understood on why DEA or U.S government officials are even allowed to go to mexico and make arrests but never let other countries step onto the U.S soil to do the same seems to me the U.S wants to be the only one telling other countries what to do but here in the U.S lol plenty of unsolved problems here but yet they worried about other countries order of laws .

    2. DEA was never there, Mr fake news spreader.

    3. 7:37 DEA is always everywhere, but they are no more their own men since they blew open the CIA involvement in Iran contra drug and weapons trafficking, trials, presidential pardons and cover-ups, they even chose to side against decorated DEA agents like Mike Vigil, Hector Berrellez, Cele Castillo, Phil Jordan, and Sandy Gonzalez, there is also a Mike Levine telling how they do business including drug dealing and drug deals and trafficking into the US for which they have sole legal authority, unlike some in the CIA that now uses them...even Apache Arpaio was DEA back in the day, he was also punched on the snout by a mexican DEA agent he called racist names in Mexico , ask Berrellez.

  11. Of course there is NO government pack with narcos. Simply put Mexican law is different than in the U.S. and if they had NO warrant for the dude then they had to let him go. The guy was NOT the one doing the shpoting either.
    The shooters where the ones that needed to be detained but the government punked out.
    Now if the same government who has weapons and tools to defend themselves against threats do this, what can be expected of the average Mexican citizen that is not allowed to own weapons do against criminals???

    1. Great comment. One guy, or even 2 if Ivan was in fact detained, was not enough to jeapordize so many. It also shows the power and influence CDS has. Doubtful Mencho would be granted such an opportunity. Also, unarmed citizens are at the mercy of criminals, and the Govs. That's why I believe the one issue that will cause true Civil unrest in the US, is if the Gov attempts to strip us of our 2nd amendment rights. It ain't gonna happen.

    2. There was an arrest warrant for him. A search warrant was a moot point and just a poor excuse for why they let him go.

    3. Right in the feels

    4. Sinaloa got organized and no BS will fly again for free, at least while AMLO is presidente. No room for bounty hunters at the service of Corrupt Masters on the US trying to steal the drug trafficking BIZ to monopolize it while they March in lockstep goose stepping into Impeachment by the US Congress... LOL!

  12. LOL @ 'no search warrant'.

    1. 4:22 and even if they had a search warrant and an arrest warrant, there would be a blood bath nobody wants.
      Abrazos, no Balazos.

  13. wasnt he part of americas most wanted (joke) why the fuck would you need a search warrant for a known criminal. i mean white cops shoot people in their own houses everyday in the USA, why is it so hard to get this collard or with a bullet between his uni?

    1. Without those white cops who would you call rambo ?
      Another sheep talkin out his ass,if we didnt have those white cops,maybe you couldn't live safe in the US,talking your racist shit?

    2. Pendejo if your going to mumble idotas at least make a better effort.

  14. No words to explain this President oh yes dumbass


    President Andrés Manuel López Obrador assured that the decision made yesterday in Culiacán made a difference in the Country.

    "Yesterday there was a complicated event in Sinaloa and a decision was made that made the difference, there was an arrest warrant for a suspected famous criminal but there was a reaction from this gang and they were armed and the lives of many people were being put at risk, both of the criminals themselves and of soldiers, police, public servants and civilians, "said López Obrador.

    He said the decision was made not to continue with the detention action of Ovidio Guzmán, son of Chapo.

    "It was going to be a very difficult decision and the decision was taken not to continue with this person's detention action and today, I said: The lives of human beings are worth more than the arrest of an alleged criminal. Peace, not the massacres, you should not face violence with violence, " he said.

    In Tlaxiaco, López Obrador recalled that the most important thing in his Government is peace, tranquility and justice.

    "Our adversaries are going to criticize us, it doesn't matter, and we are going to change along the path of concord. Peace and tranquility are fruits of justice, evil faces good, cannot face evil with evil, this is different, we are not going to slaughter the people, we are not going to use the Army to repress the people of Mexico," he said.

    Oh boy 3.0 to 100.00

    1. Smart move.
      Think of all the innocent lives that would’ve been lost hadn’t he been released.
      Military,police civilians, it wouldve been pretty devastating.
      What would’ve been better? Arresting him anyways and have even greater chaos break-out just to satisfy the gringos needs?

      Like amlo said; he was not gonna endanger the life’s of others for one man(Ovidio).

      Patrols of CDS convoys continued throughout the night; videos posted majority all white vehicles convoy approximately 50+ trucks.

      Nobody seemed to care for Calderon and peńa nietos garbage office terms but wanna crucify AMLO a year into his term. Common.

    2. A lot of people seem to be giving AMLO and the military a hard time about the outcome, and while I agree the operation should have never taken place to begin with if it was poorly planned, I'm confused by people's reaction to the outcome.

      Do people really think Allende 2.0 would have been better than what happened?

    3. What a bunch of bs... does anyone believe this guy???

    4. don t bad mouth amlo......he did the right thing.....dile no a mas desmadre.....

    5. Dude should strike peace, tranquility and justice from that because his approach will result in none for citizens

    6. Chivis this president is blind to the high homicide rate, the country has, he said he was set free, to prevent blood shed. But what has been happening all along, recently 14 police got killed, that did not make the headlines, no major action taken when they know which cartel was involved.

    7. 5:43 In a well planed operation they would have gone for him to his house at 3:30 in the morning not in 3:30 afternoon. They should had him in a helicoper on his way to Mexico city ten minutes after being arrested,without giving any opportunity to negociate from the beginning.

    8. Sounds like Mex prez said "Go ahead narcos its yours do as you will" NARCO STATE

  16. Sea lo que sea Sinaloa es como Michoacan y Coahuila y Tamaulipas cuando atrapan a un narco. Hacen un demadre los que segun se creen muy civilizados y hacen danio a la gente innocente.
    Pinche tonta la gente de aya que decia que estos putos narcoa no se comportan como animales.

  17. Jajajaja “No hay Estado fallido, solo operativo fallido". No pinches manes, güey! 😂😂😂

    El Cabrón de Tamaulipas

  18. *Mames, not manes, damn corrector, but this is too much fucking funny, 😂😂😂

    Pajasos. 😂

    El Cabrón de Tamaulipas

  19. Sounds like the Feds didn't tell the local police because... umm, they are owned by the CDS???? Now the police are whining. lol After they kidnapped military and their families, there was really nothing more to do. I don't fault AMLO. I don't think he was in on the planning of the effort. But he knew he could not let it proceed as it had started, cuz it had escalated very quickly being in Culiacan!

    Ovidio left with the Feds voluntarily so as to protect his extended family... but it was the others who escalated everything with shootings and taking military families hostage. That was when it became out of control.

  20. Can only imagine how the cds haters must feel haha

  21. Sinaloas used the same stratagy the Viagras have been useing for the past 2 years evertime El Gordo or his brothers were captured the Viagras would start blocking roads and burning vehicles.

  22. Lol @ the list, there aren’t even 49 names on there!

    Ay ay ay...

  23. Sinaloas killing innocents!

  24. 5:02 pss yo vivo n culiacan compa y esta es la primera ves q pasa algo asi. aki la gente no se mete con los civiles no andan extorsionando ni secuestrando aki es puro trabajo. nada q ver con michuacan y coahuila y tamaulipas aya pasa casi diario aki fue la primera ves q paso. y la gente iso lo q el gobierno no iso la gente empeso a tokar en los locales y les avisaron q se iva a poner feo q se vayan pasus casas dejaron un blvd libre para el civil q se kera ir q se vaya pasus casas.

  25. ... I Know Some People Do Not Like Señor Hablador , But He Is Making Headway In Mexico And Has The Support Of The Majority Of Mexico ... So, Let Him Continue To Do Good & Possibly Some Bad ... None Of Us Here Know What It's Like To Be In His Shoes ... P.S ... Señor Ex Presidente Fox Smokes Too Much Mota To Even Compare Himself To Amlo ... Lol ...
    Be Safe Chivis In LA And See You When Your Better ... Hope All Is Good This Time Around ... Paz ... El Gabo

  26. It wouldn’t be like that in Mexico if there wasn’t so much demand in the world for the yayo

    1. Bullshit. It's the corruption in Mexico that allowed things to get this bad in the first place, and it's lack of political will that keeps things from getting better.

  27. It’s easy for anyone to talk crap do some research

  28. Nuclear bomb pass through Mexico, there're Excuse.
    We were not inform on this issue, so it's not our fault.
    Mexico politics 101, We were not informed we just didn't know.

  29. Incredibly embarrassing for the people of Mexico that this passes for leadership. Time goes on but it’s the same game, just different players taking payoffs.

    1. Such an embarrassment has been visible for decades in Mexico. The Political contributions from DTO'S have transformed Mexico. Resulting with the killings and assassinations of many. Along with the plundering of its coffers.

  30. No pact??? Then why were the f#@kin prisoners released? Wonder what DTO they happen to belong to. 🧠 👺

  31. Yuck can’t believe the shameful gov of Mexico. It’s discusting the way they try to fabricate an excuse. Ya se miro mas la corruption y lo pendejo que es AMLO. Ojalá Culiacán vuelve a la tranquilidad porque es un desmadre. RIP to those who past in the shoot out.

    -the guy who knows nothing

  32. The USA let Lucky Luciano Free in a pact to help in WW2, look it up to those that feel the Mexican president put one life over hundreds

    1. So? Lucky Luciano was a bad guy, but he didn't do the kind of shit that the Mexican cartels do.

    2. Luciano and his fam did arguably sweet fa to protect the ports in NY during the war. Same with Genovese. It wasn’t until the multiple ‘failed hits’ against Castro during the 60’s that the gov realized they been taken fo’ a long ride by LCN at every turn. You can’t make deals with the devil and expect him to keep his end

  33. People from Sinaloa does the BLO still exist? Did they make peace with the Chapo/Mayo Sinaloas? Its been years since I seen anything on them.

    1. yea theor still here in los mochis guasave area but theirs a truce

    2. Based on my own research, there are still elements of the BLO operating in the country, but they haven't been a unified organization for years.

  34. Now the real question is: if it got like this for Ovidio, did el Chapo really get caught and nothing happened? Was it really el Chapo or what kind of deal was made in order for things to stay calm? We will never know.

    1. What we do know is Chapo was reported to have around 300 bodyguards at all times.

      Does strike as odd they were all off, both times, when he was apprehended.

      Also, wasn’t Mayito Gordo attested in Culiacan?

      Yet we still don’t have a single photo of the arrest and nothing like this happened, clearly, since there was no resistance reported.

    2. Dude u watch too much X Files.

  35. So they are blaming the military for the botched operation. Always a scapegoat...

  36. Chivis, the Yucatan times has an informative article titled Culiacan.... chronicles of an attack. It gives some details about the capture and subsequent release of Guzman....

  37. Words of wisdom, suitcases full of cash. The President isn't fooling anyone.

  38. Everyone is forgetting that Culiacán, Sínaloa for that matter is “the cradle of the narcos” I believe even the civilians that are not involved in the drug business condone or turn a blind eyes. For most of their generation someway or how everyone is related or know someone in the trade. Growing marijuana and poppy is a way of life in many southern states. Unfortunately the people get more support from a stranger with a gun than their own government. Of course they were gonna rescue one of their own...just my 2€

    1. Exactly. A lot of people commenting are not from Culiacan and dont know the politics of that region. I have family who were born in the 1940's who's grandparents, parents and uncles were involved in la siempbra the marijuana o amapola. To many people it doesn't make sense and it's simply put as my mom says, "ustedes nunca a sufrido ambres!" Don't get me wrong, people plant food, but why only sell a sack of beans for 10 dollars when you can sell a pound of weed for 50 bucks.

  39. These are mostly bad takes. It’s good they de-escalated the confrontation over the arrest of two figureheads of the organization that would have accomplished nothing in terms of weakening or defeating Cartel de Sinaloa. They brought their people home safely. Good. Say what you want to about the implications of a nonstate criminal group challenging the state and the state then standing down, but doing the opposite has accomplished nothing. Organized crime hasn’t gotten better by confronting them directly, it has gotten worse. Violence has gotten worse. The availability, price, purity, potency, and dangerousness of drugs have all gotten worse. AMLO was right to bring his personnel home safely. Nothing anyone has done up until now has resulted in improving the situation in Mexico by any metric you measure it with.

    1. So you're arguing that running away from criminals is more productive than confronting them? I don't track your logic. Also, arrests of key operatives DO weaken cartels. That's been shown time and time again.

    2. @ 9:04

      Along with the bloodshed of splintering such DTO'S.

    3. 6:06 Yes, but that doesn't mean that they shouldn't be arrested. It means that arresting kingpins alone isn't going to fix things. Part of the problem is that presidents don't put enough focus on addressing corruption and judicial inefficiencies.

  40. If the military go without arrest warrant,could it be the military on CJNG payroll so they can take Sinaloa?

  41. The arrest warrant should go out the window when they start shooting at you

  42. I cant support ALMO anymore. El no tiene huevos. Cartels do not fear the government or military because of weak leaders like him. Damn I'm sad.

    Make Mexico Great Again!

    1. If the cds would just shut down this fentanyl shit and go back to the old school they won’t slowly lose political clout in the US as more and more people die, and inevitably it will reach the homes of politicians and policy makers who will cry out for military action. Dealing fentanyl is a lose lose and eventually it will be the end of the kingpins who traffic it

  43. I dont know if you guys know but the secretary of defense Luis Crecencio Sandoval is as corrupt as can be. He was stationed in Coahuila when the Allende massacre ocurred. He was in the pockets of zetas. He was stationed in Piedras Negras in charge of the prison were zetas incinerated hundreds of people while he was in charge. Also while the Allende massacre occured the military was called for help but they had orders from zetas not to inervene. So if AMLO has criminals like Sandoval as secretary of defense that means AMLO is corrupt as can look all this information up in google.

    1. If such accusations are true? Then AMLOS humanitarian perspective is a bunch of crap. How can anyone with such a stain on his record be allowed a government position. The atrocities committed by officials collaborating with such are criminals themselves.

      Then again its MEXICO!

  44. This would have NEVER happened in the u.s.the police would have just kept coming and coming with more and more of them with more firepower and wouldnt have stopped until these guys were either dead or gave up!

  45. He would have been released anyway. Crooked judges. AMLO could have requested help. The US could have used a satellite to track them as they left. Kill later.

  46. One thing is for sure though. They are after chapito.. They to flashy and like the attention.. Dumb Sinaloas

  47. Blah blah blah!
    They let this guy go because quite simply there is no money involved to bring him into custody. I, mean the Mexican Army already delivered Chapo to the Americans and now these same Americans want more simply because they cannot control their insane appetite for drugs and do not want to scold (to say the least), its own citizens into stopping the drug usage. This is why Americans prefered calling drug users addicts instead of junkies and shit so they can even get a little more respect from society.
    Mexican Armed forces are not going to keep on endlessly spilling blood with its own citizens be them narcos and armed forces just so Americans can even sing about drug usage therefore promote this and keep on enjoying themselves with these.

    1. Do you honestly think that the government can just make everyone stop taking drugs? Mexico's problems are due to corruption. These days a lot of criminal organizations focus on domestic crime because they no longer have the capacity to traffic drugs to other countries. Even if all drug addiction suddenly stopped, Mexico would still have a lot of problems.

    2. 5:35 Mexican problems have to do with poverty and if cartels were not an issue even weapons that criminals use and are illegal across Mexico would be hard to obtain there without the conciderable amount of income the drug trade provides.
      Sure not all its problems would stop and overnight either but violent deaths is one that possibly can to begin with.

  48. First of all , my condolences to all Mexicos innocents, who always pay the ultimate price.
    And to hell with all those who engage in or facilitate Dante’s inferno that is current day Mexico.
    AMLO has just made matters much worse and the repercussions will be felt for years.
    I am not trying to be glib, and realize it’s east for me to have strong opinions , sitting half a world away with no skin in the game , nor family members that have been mutilated, raped, tortured and killed. Regardless if the security forces were out gunned and out manned , once the decision was made to go in , there is no going back , especially once they took 1 or 2 of Guzman’s children into custody. All available state and federal forces should have been called up immediately to provide backup to those on the scene already. There would have been many more gruesome security forces fatalities in the short term , and my heart goes out to them and their families. But that number pales in comparison to the yearly or generational loss of police lives fighting this evil. Eventually after sometime a full contingent of highly trained military forces would have been on the scene. At that point, you take the fight to these cowards and bring them to justice , one way or another. If you have to raze the city, so be it. By giving in this time , it’s assured that the Cartels will have learned the lessen that killing innocents is in their best interest. That the good honest people of Mexico have no where to turn to Is outrageous. There is plenty of blame to go around for this mess, however honest Mexican people are not one of them.


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