Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, October 21, 2019

"We are Ovidio’s people"

With a single phrase, as if it were a code, alleged members of the Sinaloa Cartel avoid being detained in the police operations that were implemented in the municipality of Culiacán, Sinaloa, following the arrest and release of Ovidio Guzmán López, aka 'El Ratón ', son of Joaquín' El Chapo 'Guzmán.

A video of just eleven seconds circulates on social media in which a man passes a security perimeter, presumably installed in the streets of the Sinaloa capital. It seems that the subject already knew that they would not stop him so he recorded his arrival with the policemen who were performing their duties.

Based on the images, it is known that the incident occurred one night. There are at least two police officers on the road, each with a flashlight to signal motorists to reduce their speed.

When the alleged member of the Sinaloa Cartel reaches the first policeman, he stops his car for a couple of seconds to tell him that they work with Ovidio Guzmán López, the son of drug trafficker Joaquín Guzmán Loera.

“We are people of Ovidio”

When the officer hears that phrase, he does not say any anything or tries to do anything to stop him. He just signals with his lamp for him to continue on his way.

It is important to mention that so far there is no official information that proves the truth of this video, and if this recording is recent. In the images everything seen in the video is real and recent. The protection that exists with people who work with the son of ‘El Chapo’ Guzmán in the Sinaloa Cartel is questionable.

And this could have originated from the acts of violence generated last Thursday in the city of Culiacán, after the capture and release of Ovidio Guzmán López.

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat Source

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  1. Si el ejercito quisiera le daba en la madre a CDS pero no lo hiso porke estos amenazaron a gente innocente. Osea a las familias de los soldados mas aparte fuera sido una guerra urbana y podrian aver muchos innocentes mas muertos.
    El que no quiera creer esto nada mas acuerdense como se daba el ejercito topones con los Zapatistas anios atras. Esta si era guerrilla bien disciplinada.
    Pero para los lamehuevos de Sinaloa estos siempre van a ser sus idolos y segun no hacen mal y nadie va a poder con ellos.

    1. Si compa el ejército mexicano cuando quiere puede matar todo Los cárteles CDS ,cjng,Zetas ,cdn CDG todos es más todos juntos . Y pues quien les va matar el hambree a los de el ejército y los zapatistas contra el ejército ni tienen las armas que tienen todos los cárteles no digo que los cárteles pueden ganar una guerra contra El ejército pero si les mataron muchos soldados también y pa que más tarde digan el ejército nosotros les tumbamos 500 de su gente y los militares 2 muertos y 2 mas una bala en sus brazo como nunca perdí

    2. Mira la verdad, esta un poco mas facil. Tu papi AMLO esta corrumpido asta el culo con los dolares del CDS.los generales de ejercito Mexicano ,estan vendidos.mas claro no de puede.

    3. tienes toda la razon por fin alguien con cerebro

    4. 2:44 if government really cared about innocent people dying then they would go chase mencho out of his rat house cause cjng are killing innocent peeps in a daily basis but since this time it was army families looking straight in the barrel of the gun they gave in...

    5. 2:44 sin llorar mija

  2. Let me give everyone here a simple lesson in words and their actual meanings. If you look up the synonym for the word PEOPLE you will come across MOB. It’s just one of many interpretations for that word. And for the longest everyone here has assumed that Gente Nueva actually meant New People. But the truth is far from that. What they’ve been saying and were actually alluding to all along is that they are the NEW MOB.

    1. 3:16 smoking dope at its finest..

    2. What?? New mob what are you on today? LOL how many drinks have you had today?

    3. Sol that was a shitty way to explain it. But yea. Duh. I doesn’t mean mob, it means people. But yes it means group of. People of. It doesn’t really need explaining.

    4. Bro it is what it means new people LMFAO. That name comes frm where supposedly a boss told el R5 to gather some sicarios "pero quiero pura gente nueva" as in new soldiers, younger soldiers or a new group made of up of new fresh people. Something like that.

    5. Sol you really are a lunatic. Still obsessed with cinnamon tape?

    6. You can probably make em share 1, and the chonies magically disappear. What's up with all the complainers lately? I think this site has been invaded by ultra libs.

    7. When someone throws your mom in the mix they lose the argument by default. You got the best of them. You would think a "journalist" would have a better head about them.

    8. I simply do not see how Chivis tolerates such crassness and vulgarity from sOl.

    9. 3:32 comment of the day lol shit gets mead when people were like pray for Culiacan like bitch pray for Tamaulipas pray for Guerrero and Michoacán

    10. Estas mal compa, mob es "muchedumbre"
      Es español Mexicano, si eres de Mexico li debes de saber, pero si fuiste a la escuela del " otro lado" tal vez.

    11. @3:36 shots fired lmao and the comeback of the year award goes tooooo...sol prendido!!!

    12. Salut Sol, you made my day.

    13. Taking a Spanish slang word (gente) and trying to translate it as an English slang word (mob) usually doesn't work. In your example, when the word MOB is used as a synonym for the word PEOPLE, it refers to a "large crowd"...not MOB as in the "mafia." In your example, GENTE = MAFIA?! Also, considering that you're a reporter/contributor @ BB, you may need to find a way to "thicken" your skin. You should be able to take criticism without resorting to a "yo mama" joke, even if that criticism is a stupid insult. You normally stay even-keeled, I'm surprised you responded in such a way to an ignorant comment.

    14. 3:16 jajaja thats a good one

    15. So the defense gave in to you guys. That’s ok. You win some you lose some. But you gotta admit that shit was funny. Even now a day later I’m still laughing about it. Cracking on morons is my specialty. And if you can’t handle shit talking then it’s probably best you don’t say anything. Everyone should know by now that I don’t hold back. Thanks for the laughs guys.

    16. I'm so lost about ur comment Sol. And u lost me even more with ur comeback. Ur comeback almost sounded like complicated wit. Sooo witty it isn't witty. Tu solito te das cuerda

  3. Lol... if you see, he didn't even put the window down.

  4. Animo Sicarios del CDS !!!

    La Gente Nueva Special Forces and Antrax Black Ops have Sinaloa protected. No Military or other cartels can penetrate the 5 rings of security . A new operative from the KGB Alpha Group has been been training our sicarios in VIP protection

    1. What are you rambling about. They had him in cuffs. They army absolutely penetrated the 5 rings of security. You need new lines. This is getting old.

    2. Thank you for informing everyone about the 5 rings of security. Doesn’t really matter.....Mexico’s coward of a president and pu$$y military won’t do anything with the info.

    3. And then you woke up.

    4. VIP protection??😂😂😂😂😂 No mames guey.

  5. It’s fake people this shit is on instagram they are just making fun of the situation borderland beat what is going on with all these fake videos and pictures nowadays smh

    1. How is it fake? Please explain.

    2. @4:07 the window wasn't even down to a start with.. lmao

    3. @4:07, I’m sure this video is old. They just added the voiceover to match the current situation. BB gets it right 95% of the time and sometimes they miss. This is a miss.

    4. Fake means not real.

    5. First of all anyone can make a video and claim that..even me. Unless you can prove the person in the car was really who he says he was. Secondly why would they film that and send it in??? Makes no sense

    6. The the guys are not sicarios not have anything to do with cds they are trolling in full video you can hear all the guys laughing at the end

    7. Exactly my point this page is starting to post a lot of bs news with out source or verifying authenticity of the videos. I'm glad im not the only one noticing.

    8. Am from culiacan and I approve it’s fake real people don’t say that in a check point..and when they do there actually ask you what colors you run with and call in the code word to confirm your actually work for him..

    9. 4:07 it's a prank. Theyre not cartel. They basically told a traffic officer they are "gente de Ovidio" to fuck with him. The officer looks young and di gy and like he wants no problems. Especially after what went down a few days ago. It's kind of like sneaking into a concert with a fake backstage pass or something.

  6. That's dope,say the code and off u go,but those retenes r only for enemy's of my homies jaja that's crazy,the whole world is corrupt,actually I wouldn't say corrupt it's just the of the world only the simple plain people live by the law but just so long as u kot killin innocents

  7. Mob is a large group of people

  8. its not fake but he said it to a transito their iterly the last in government no1 here respects or pays atention to them. i my self have passed threw them like in the video but jus dont stop jus keep going ignore them and if they try to chase u all u gota do is keep going and they stop quick and do a u turn. their literly a joke they jus give citations to ppl or when a light dont work b in the midle signaling ppl.

  9. Typical snitchaloas just can’t seem to lie low and be cool. Always showing off what they do. This is how u get caught. #pendejos

  10. El menchito should try this next time he gets locked up

    1. Can't keep them off your mind compito, se te hace agua el hocico.


  12. Ban that Sol guy. His comments are rude and inappropriate. Don't be hypocrites.

    1. Chill dude. Not worth expressing yourself. Many here just look forward to talk shit.

    2. Hopefully you’ll be dead soon

  13. Van a entregarle al gobierno a un guey, otro para USA, y varios gueyes de los mas desechables a los soldados
    para desquitarse.....cual de los gueyes eres tu?

  14. Know Amlo wants paz with the cartels, but you dealing with Criminals. When u hug them they stab u.

    1. And the Guzman mother has the odasity, to thank ALMO for freeing his son. The son is a criminal and thanks are given to the president. What gives?

  15. That guy Sol trying way to hard to make a dollar with his translations.

  16. Thats a transit police they dont even carry guns.

  17. fake, he would of said, Gente de Ivan, since it was Ivan who created the chaos to free his brother.

  18. it looks fake. After he says the magic phrase, the passenger or someone in the vehicle laughs in the background

  19. That’s a sobriety checkpoint, probably in cdmx. The police truck logo does not match culiacan municipal or state police.

  20. Cuando la guerra empeso en ciudad Juarez contra la linea y cds asi se pusieron los de sinaloa que entraron para Juarez " la gente nueva " la mayoria era gente de Durango...


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