Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, November 11, 2019

100 Mormon group members exits Mexico for safety, after cartel attack kills 9

By Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat
Image result for Mormon community hit in deadly attack leaves Mexico"

After spokespersons for the Lebaron family vowed to stay in Mexico, others had second thoughts.  In the past few days more reports came from the group that some strongly felt the attack against women and children from the Mormon group, that left 9 dead, was not happenstance but a targeted attack.

They are Fortunate, they are Mexican citizens with dual U.S. citizenship, which gives them options to escape the cartel violence,  they believe they would confront additional attacks by cartels.

The members are from the La Mora community, one of two Mormon settlements in northeast Sonora, the other is the Labaron Colonia.  La Mora is the much smaller community of the two and where the victims of the cartel attack were from.

Bryce Langford said the community has learned more about cartel activity in the area in recent months, compelling people to consider moving for safety.  However, it was after Monday’s deadly ambush that they decided they had to move for safety.

Bryce stated he was raised in La Mora but had moved to North Dakota where is now is.

When asked about leaving long gained assets behind Bryce replied; “The assets that they’ve acquired down there are tremendous.” he said.

“And to have to up and leave your home from one day to the next and leave everything behind, there’s definitely a lot of sad people here.”

The La Mora colonia settled in the 1950s.  Lebaron colonia is over 100 years old.
Mainstream Mexican news outlets are not yet reporting the exodus story.

Reason for the attack Mexico’s theory

What has been reported in Mexican press is about the long time dispute going back decades, regarding irrigation wells.

Some farmers claim LeBarons have been accuse the family of illegal tapping of water from rivers and vital aquifers, for the commercial farming, leaving nearby farms  without enough water for farming.
The family surmises that it is that dispute, and previous attacks against the family stemming from the same dispute, is the reason they were/are targeted.

Gleaning information from Mexican newspapers archives, one can see the dispute has irrupted in violence when gunmen forced their way into a LeBaron ranch named El Barzón.

However, the LeBarons were prepared for an attack after previous acts of violence against them, including kidnapping, extortion attempts, murder and death threats including ultimatums.

The LeBaron’s fired on the would-be executioners.

Julian LeBaron, leader of the LeBaron colonia, says their group felt they had no choice but to arm themselves.

The war between the two sides has been ongoing since the attack.

This theory is feasible, and would explain why when the gunmen who attacked on Monday proceeded with the massacre after discovering the vehicles were of women and children and not rival cartel members.  

Who is responsible?

If you accept the state’s official theory, then is would be Los Jaguares. Who they say “mistakenly” killed the Mormon group thinking it was member of La Linea who they are warring with over regional control.  They had a fierce battle in nearby Agua Prieta, just  hrs earlier. 

That is impossible to accept because clearly, if not with the first vehicle of Mormons then the second and third, they knew the occupants were not sicarios.

The official federal version says La Línea, enforcers of the Juarez Cartel.  They refer to the conflict in Agua Prieta, further stating, after the conflict, sicarios were positioned on the hills of the desolate Highways 14 and 2.  There is but one travel route from that area of Sonora to Chihuahua, from Bavispe it is Hwy’s 14 to 2 to 10, making a U around the mountain range.

The children survivors say, for whatever reason some of them were allowed to go.  One boy walked 14 ilometers to La Mora to get help.  He tells the story of a mother exiting the vehicle and waved her arms in a failed attempt to communicate with the gunmen the occupants were not sicarios, but children and women.

There is no doubt they were aware it was children and women they were killing.


  1. Whomever did the killings should off done it LONG AGO they would off saved many life's of innocent people killed by this family..

  2. Is the government of Mexico really investigating? How many have they caught? A week later and no results.
    Goes to the back burner and gets forgotten.

    1. the FBI is accompanying them in the investigation

    2. They dont investigate nothing, thats why the FBI got involved to get some answers. Its like babysitting when it comes to homocides involving US citizens..

    3. Yep how outrageous! ALMO stalled at US help, while the criminals had plenty of time to get to the caves, and join the people, badly wanted by the US government. Now days later he allows the FBI
      MEXICO is a quamire.

    4. That happend in the middle of nowhere you retards how do expect them to find out who did this you act like every crime in America gets solved you corny clowns

  3. When they persecute you in one town, flee to another.
    That’s what surviving is all about.
    - Sol Prendido

  4. Their dead infants, babies, toddlers, children, and women were not "fortunate". They were likely targeted by these barbaric, demonic cartel scum BECAUSE they were seen as outsiders who ultimately belong to the 'pinche gringos' POS AMLO. Typically stubborn to a fault with foolish pride and arrogance. Blood calls for blood.

    1. Shut up man making up shit.. blood calls for blood lmfao what are you gonna do? Type tough shit on here till they die? 😂😁

    2. And vein calls for vein.

    3. outsiders???? these people been there for generations the majority born and raised in Mexico, arent you reading???

  5. Chiva
    My wifes uncle is a colonel in the Mexican army, he said that the convoy got mistaken by the sicarios. Nothing more to that story.

    1. that is mexico's talking point, which of course is illogical

    2. But unfortunately your Uncle was not able to furnish what cartel did the killings.

    3. Makes sense. That's the first thing I think about when seeing a caravan of truck/SUV.

    4. My third cousin’s, brother’s, friend’s compadre, sells tamales, and his cuñado is a cook in the Mexican Army.

      He heard Unicorns mistook the caravan for sicarios.


    5. 9:10 but by what cartel?

    6. Chivis since this story came out. I told you the family wasn’t as clean as they are portraying. I’m from Cuauhtémoc Chi. And I can tell you for a fact that they are involved with narco trade and many illegal activity’s and have a sort of security blanket of being untouchables because of them being white and supposedly religious people. And yes I’d say most of the family is clean and innocent, but there are those big dogs that hide between them. Of course the women and children shouldn’t have been shot and killed. That’s very sad and unfortunate. But the Mennonites have been linked to both the Sinaloa’s and the Juarez cartel. I can personally guarantee that.

    7. Yes Chivis this doesn’t make sense in any way you look at it. Agua Prieta guys don’t need all this attention. Now did someone split off from them and knows all the state and can travel back and forth as it’s been rumored. Governor of Sonora is quick at blaming other people as long as they’re not from Sonora. Chihuahua guys have been counterattacking everyone that is funding to fight against them don’t seem logical. Línea doesn’t want any of Sonora but I bet they will fund anyone who wants to split. Governor of Chihuahua doesn’t stand up and blames all people caught in Parral, Chihuahua, Juarez and the brechas coming from other states. But is quick at blaming Línea. All this thugs getting payed with Meth probably coming from Sinaloa. Did Lebanon’s piss someone else off and it’s Corrals perfect excuse. Mató dos pájaros con un tiro. Confusing and RIP those innocent babies and ladies.

    8. I was seeing Conexión MX on you tube. He makes different points. What do you think on all that?

    9. 11:59 These people that got killed were mormons not mennonites.

    10. I heard that they were monopolizing the irrigation and water wells in their region pissing some farmers off, that's why they were targeted

    11. Mistakes happen in any war. It was a mistake plain and simple.

    12. Are these the Romney cousins ie. Uncle Mitt if CIA fame?

  6. Amlo says no violence. Only peace. Hope he can do that before the Cartel takes him out.

    1. Nope, rather they get rid of him.. He is useless..

    2. His hugs are powerful!

  7. Mormon Lives Matter .
    Juarez enforcers people dont respect innocents.
    SENOR Chapo and SENOR Mayo number # 1 rule .
    Never attack innocents! Zero collateral damage !

    1. Sicario 006 think before you comment you fool!

    2. Pinche mentiroso. Aca en Juarez se sabe que los Chapos matan a innocentes como le hicieron con un equipo de beisbol juvenil en el 2012. Ivan por un guey y mataron a este y seis mas de el equipo incluyendo una nina de 9 anios. Y luego este anio a las tres ninas que mataron en el Valle de Juarez nada mas por tirar a lo pendejo.
      CDS dice algo nada mas para que sus seguidores se la tragen toda pero hacen la contra de lo que dicen.

    3. The only thing Chapo respects right about now is the ability to enjoy petty privileges.

    4. so why did they threatened the innocent families of the soldiers rather than the soldiers themselves???? culos

  8. This was predictable. Amlo saw this eventuality when he lifted security forces from the Mormon colonies. Call it what you like but there is a class and racial component to this.

    1. class? yes
      racial? no

      mexico has alot of discrimination in a class level, not much on a racial level. A rich White brown asian black person living in mexico will be treated better than a poor mexican. look at the indigenous communities living in poverty while the tv novelas show nothing but rich white mexicans.

  9. The Lebaron family have a monopoly of the underground bodies of water and wells of the region, this is suspected to be a water war, this family have been feudal lords in that region for quite sometime, I don't think that the massacare is ok, but there definitely a lot of shady acts from the Lebarones.

    1. They have way more clandestine wells they havent registered and paid the government for than ones that are paid for..they dry up the whole region and hardly anything is left for the legitimate farmers to irrigate with

  10. Chiva, I think that’s right...rear guard after AP action .The Detroit trial is a part of all this unrest. I knew many of the Langfords.The three wives of Dancand mass of kids would hang at my Tucson shop while the men sold mesquite flooring the cut and made dimensional . Nice respectful kids but why they still were there with all the stuff going on is beyond belief.

  11. Cieren la Puerta al salir

  12. That's good they left..just there to take advantage of Mexico

  13. Man these story had me wondering who is the real baby killing cartel? My answer all of them but as of right now cds are the top baby killers

    1. The baby killing nonsense got old, get more creative

    2. 1:06 I still read it from cds groopies but right now they are staying quiet cause what cds did these time is beyond what cjng has done

  14. My Ex Husband is from Nuevo Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, I've encountered some of the Lebaron family down there & My ex in laws are all good friends with them. No one deserves what they went thru or What any innocent people go thru in Mexico. Mexico is a beautiful place and The people down there are so kind and welcoming. It angers me that these dumbass junkies have turned the Motherland into a warzone over $$$ & drugs! The Narcos give all Mexicans a bad name, Our Ancestors are probably ashamed of all these Malinches! I say all Mexicans, Because we all get judged for their stupid ass shit! On the site Valor por Tamaulipas, Its insane how bad it is getting everywhere in Mexico. No one is off limits. I recently had a conversation with my ex suegra about allowing my son to go with her to Mexico and I told her how I keep up with the news from there area and the town's they travels thru... She said it was safe and As long as you aren't involved in drugs you are safe, She also said the Narcos don't harm women or Children! Like really, Are you fucking kidding me!? They are so gone off drugs and greed, The Narcos don't give a damn who they harm! Another thing that angers me is that Mother and their children are murdered by Narcos down there all the time, No one gives a damn because they are brown! Whole families are murdered and No US media coverage at all. But White Mexicans get murdered and Its everywhere & On top of that the media wants to dub them Americans... When they are more Mexican than American! I had one of the Lebaron family members look at me sideways when I told them excuse me, They said it was rare to find an English speaking Mexican and I told them I was a Tejana and They understood. It's so sad that they have to leave their homes, But alot of Mexican citizens risk it all to survive. Some aren't granted asylum and Do whatever it takes to get their families as far away as possible from all that danger! Why are the white Mexicans receiving so much attention, When none of what has happened to them is rare... It happens all the time! Whether it's in Mexico or the US, They show no love to Mexicans at all! Que pinche desmadre

    1. Everyone who has written in that is from the area or knows the mormons say the same thing.

      I don't know enough about the irrigation wells but I have heard of that struggle for years.

    2. Chivas, hasn't this been going on for years, all over the world? Fighting over resources. When I first read the news article, I had the feeling that this was not a case of mistaken identity, according to Mexican officials.

      Remember, the massacre outside Acapulco a while back? The news reported it as narco related. According to a long time friend,who is from the area in dispute.The real reason was for the cancelled dam project:La Parota.
      Unfortunately,with the ejido laws (or lack there of), I believe we will continue to see more of this. Not good.

      -Gringo Loco

  15. Sad story and chain of events. This is why the average citizens of Mexico do not stand up to the cartels. They will make your worst fears come true = kidnap and or slaughter your family.

    Lebaron's had their day in the sun, they were the big jefes in the town for a while. Things are different, times change, adapt or ...

    1. what? you're saying its ok? people like you are part of thd problem.

  16. After 16 years in Mexico my wife who is a Mexican national decided to immigrate to the USA. She is a proud Nortena but after fleeing northen Mexico and the violence to Quintana Roo...and to see the same violence here now plus a real hatred toward gringos growing throughout Mexico....she agreed to move because of fear for our mixed children......the hatred is real

    1. She waited to long, welcome to America.

    2. Sorry to say but anyone not of Mexican decent will be discriminated. My partner who was deported due legal issues came close to dying in Mexico. Despite his origins in chihuahua and contender for the Mexican boxing championship. His American roots were a factor. Poisonous drugs by his manager were administered to forfeit the championship title.
      Up note; he still fought and won the title. Along with a pardon from the governor in the US to grant his return.

      For those boxing enthusiasts. He wrote a book about his life. The boxer El Matador. Last I heard was he retired from boxing due to the death of a boxing contender in a match in San Antonio.
      Miss sparring with him.


    3. Clearly - this entire thread and the comments on it should be saved as a PDF file and distributed to U.S. citizens before the think about traveling to Mexico so that they understand the cultural environment they are walking into. Maybe the Mexican people aren’t so great after all, huh?

    4. I haven’t witnessed the hatred you make note of here.

    5. My Mexican girlfriend hasn't be back to Mexico in 25 years. Says she is never going back.

    6. Mexico is very extreme socially.
      You have some the most loving, kind, generous people, then you have folks that just hate gringos and want to see them dead. I see the same in California now.

      It is what it is.

    7. All people are good people. Just depends on how you present oneself. This being with respect and dignity.

  17. The cartel did not mistake a hit. That's the most pathetic excuse to hear Coward government. They should hold a revolution and cleanse the government

    1. You think they were targeted? If they were then good. Karma caught up to them racist mormons.

    2. Violence is the last resource of the incompetent but since you think you are very brave you come ahead here we wait for you in culiacan sinaloa.

      it is very easy to be brave with the pants of others

    3. Edgar Alvarado, it's been over a week, and no one, can pin point exactly which cartel did the killings. I am glad the FBI will be involved. The funny thing is that this cartel did not leave a manta behind.

  18. All Americans with money are targets in Mexico, especially if the Americans try to open businesses that directly compete with Mexicans. I speak from experience as I was robbed, extorted and almost killed. I don't blame them, they do what they have to do to survive. My best friends are in Mexico but I had to leave. Police are terrible.

    1. Mexico isnt amplace to just go open shop like nothing unfortunately. I love mex but never plan on going back

    2. Do not generalize here in Sinaloa live thousands of citizens of the USA, Canada, France, Germany, Russians, Koreans, Japanese, Chinese and all do business or vacation freely, nobody is one day in excess of suffering from crime as well as in the USA they can shoot you in Everywhere, stop putting all Mexico wrong, there are places that I don't discuss, but don't generalize that attitude is ominous.

    3. Different people have different experiences in different towns. It is better if you have protection from family, politicians, guards, criminals too. I paid the cartel for protection. Amazing country.

  19. If it was Los Jaguares, CDS would've wiped them out by now. the violence happening in Juarez is proof that NCDJ is responsible.

    1. The CIA should just order a drone strike the Carrillo compound in Guamuchilito. See how they like it...

  20. Some vicious anti white comments on this thread. Blaming the mormons for drug dealing is nonsense... it seems there is a lot of anti Mormon hate because they have the skill and work ethic to build productive communities. If the mormons leave they should burn the houses and cut down the orchards when they go.

    1. Average innocent Mexican has always treat me well, but amlo is anti American tours.

  21. There's no question what happened to these women and children was wrong. It's a tragedy. From all accounts, the victims were civilians not involved in the drug war.

    I do want to clarify the misuse of "Mormon" in this post and in the comments because it's confusing. There are two sets of "colonies" in Mexico that people from Utah settled. One set of colonies is made up of Mormons and the other isn't. The first set is near Nueva Casas Grandes in Chihuahua. Mormons from Utah started settling there in the 1880s in part at the invitation of Porfirio Diaz. When the Mormon Church abandoned polygamy in the 1890s, so did the Mormons there. Those people aren't polygamists and haven't been since the 1890s or so. The people in those colonies near Nueva Casas Grandes are correctly labeled "Mormon" and are in communion with the Mormon Church in Utah.

    There's a second set of colonies in Sonora. Those were settled some 40 years after the Mormon colonies in Chihuahua in 1924 by the LeBaron family. Those colonists were disaffected Mormons who were kicked out of the Mormon Church for continuing to practice polygamy into the 1920s. They went to Mexico and many in that group have continued to practice polygamy. They are not considered Mormon. They are not affiliated with the Mormon Church in any way. Some label them "fundamentalist Mormons" but that isn't accurate either. Calling them Mormon would be like calling people who left the Catholic Church and started their own church "Catholic." We don't do that. We shouldn't do that either with those from the LeBaron colonies.

    1. the Mormons here in Culiacan, Sinaloa sell their products freely in the streets or to shops and nobody bothers them, they are Mexicans like any other who seeks to survive in earnest.

    2. Thanks for the information

    3. @2:29 well if the Mormon church abandoned polygamy, then they are the ones that left the original values of the church. Those who maintain the original values shouldn't lose their religion name. Joseph Smith was a polygamist and a Mormon. The only resin it was denounce was because Utah was not going to be allowed in the union, a state had it allowed people to practice polygamy. They stuck to the original teachings they are the true Mormons.

  22. No one wants to hear this but gringos keep Mexico alive. They buy the drugs, their govt gives huge loans which Mexico defaults on and the tourists pump in huge money as well. One can't argue with the truth.

  23. The FBI is in. AMLO is ignorant but this is a wise decision for once.

    1. He is not ignorant, he is cautious, there are many corrupt US politicians united with corrupt Mexican politicians wanting to destabilize him and the country, do not be confused try to have some intelligence.

    2. 803 your president ALMO is ignorant, look at how many people have died under his watch. He has has 11 months, first thing he did was have solders guard the pemex pipelines. He offers poems instead of results to the high homicides that happens everyday.
      Oh brother

  24. When you start killing babies and children at point blank range and not junkies it’s news!

  25. The part about them taking water is true. I read it on one of their facebooks and other people were taking note so they could do it themselves.

  26. So glad the FBI will help get to the bottom line on these horrific murders.

    I am white, married to a Mexican. I speak fluent Spanish and I must say I have been treated wonderfully by the Mexican people. . No one has ever been unkind to me becarse I am a gringa. I adore the people and their rich culture. Never have experienced the hatred that was mentioned in above comments.

  27. funny how many people talk negative about them, saying its good that they should leave, yet these people are more Mexican than many of the commenters, they are born and raised in Mexico living off the mexican land, unlike you born in mexico and leaving to the USA,

  28. PART 1:

    First of all none of the people killed deserved to die let alone the way it happened. Imagine how traumatizing it is for the other kids after surviving that.

    Long post coming up...

    So I've been reading and there seems to be rumblings about the water wells as well as them taking over farming land that wasn't theirs.

    I don't know if taking over other peoples farming land is true. If it happened years ago or something recent.


    Here is a video from what the reporters say and scarce articles there were protests about the wells. These people weren't armed they went to protest. The LeBarons fired at them. In retaliation the people burned the well.

    For sure the wells seem to be an issue with the surrounding neighbors. Obviously the LeBaron's wont admit to drilling and taking water illegally for their crops. Obviously this affects the surrounding communities... ill get to that later. Regardless I don't think the surrounding civilian communities would orchestrate this massacre on the family. No chance in hell.

    (Regarding the wells. I know that it does happen because it happened to someone I know. The wealthy ones in the towns do drill illegally to get water for their crops. This lowers the levels for the rest of the town + it dries up any flowing rivers if any. Where some of the people do use that water for their crops.

    Without water there are no crops. Without crops there are no jobs. No money. Its a vicious circle. Add in that the cartels come in and want to take over your land. Either you go or they literally terrorize the town until its a ghost town.)

    Now when you're cutting down the cartels water for their drugs that's a huge issue. I recall reading that the communities were advised not to buy gasoline from a certain place because that money was going directly into the opposing cartel. That's another warning. That's no excuse as to what happened its just that you cant take the cartels warnings lightly.

    I don't know if this is true but that the LeBarons didn't want to pay the tariffs because they were increasing. For those that don't know the cartel running the territory in which you are in charges you for "protection". No its not guaranteed protection because people still die its just a way for them to intimidate you. If you have a business they want a cut of your profit. Either you share your profit or they take over your business. (The more I write the more similarities I see with the story I heard from someone I know).

  29. Have never see so much open anti-gringo sentiment as seen here in the comments on this thread. So many people attempting to rationalize or justify the killing of the Morman women and children. Couple facts:

    1) Regardless of how long they lived in Mexico they were American. The U.S. government does not recognize duel citizenship - regardless if Mexico or other nations do.

    2) If you understand the fact stated in the point above, it shouldn’t be a shock to find out that the U.S. government took the issue of Americans being killed seriously and demanded action - if only the Mexican government acted the same way...

    3) The U.S. government does not have any authority over the lives of Mexican citizens living in Mexico - that would be the Mexican government.

    4) I have seen a lot of people make comments to the effect of “a couple Americans get killed and it’s all over the news while hundreds of thousands of Mexicans are murdered and it barely gets any coverage” - that’s because the U.S. government cares about U.S. citizens getting murdered in other nations while Mexico’s government doesn’t seem to care about Mexican people getting murdered on its own soil. If you don’t like it and that fact bothers you, then maybe you shouldn’t vote change the way your nation’s government operates - starting with the corrupt individuals themselves.

    5) The current president, AMLO, has no plan to deal with the increasing levels of violence presently going on in Mexico. His plans for social reforms (based on socialist policies and principles) are at best long-term, big picture projects that have no chance to impact the violence killing Mexicans today.

    6) It’s ironic to read the posts on this thread about how these gringos had it coming knowing that these comments come from the same people who turn around and call Americans racist. Hypocrisy 101.

    1. Replying to your #6, they say that about may cartel members that get killed. In general, regardless of race or any other factor, there is one rule of thumb, you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.

  30. Well thank you Mr hyocisty 101

  31. MN Daily has reported , Security Secretary Alfonso Durazo, suspects in the Le Bron killings have been arrested, but declined to name the alleged cartel. I ask myself why not name the cartel? What's the secret? Perhaps as I predicted they grabbed ,6 drunks, put weapons on them and ski masks.

    1. Maybe they are hiding out the real cartel that did it.

    2. To the question about which cartel did this. Couldn't this act have been committed by an element of the government (or police or military) while they intentionally allow the blame to fall on some cartel, any cartel? While everyone is busy trying to figure out which cartel did this the real perpetrators are either standing there in plain view, are long gone or both. Almost like the Kennedy assassination. It becomes a form of game or puzzle to figure out but never will. On the other hand I could be wrong. Time will tell.

    3. Mexico observer they had ample time, for a cover up of what cartel did it, a week went by, for to finally say the FBI can come in and investigate.

  32. Would any of us truly be surprised if that or something close to it happened? Rhetorical question, the answer is obviously no and rightfully so. What does that say about the current state of the Mexican government? - and yes, to his apologists, that includes the current government under AMLO? I realize he has of course not been in office long - this is true, but what also is true is that he and his administration have already demonstrated within his inaugural first year, the same willingness to outright lie to the Mexican people, and the world - as seen in his and other senior government official’s statements and responses about what happened with the failed attempt to apprehend Ovidio Guzman and now most recently, what happened to the Morman families. Very hard to see this all too familiar type of behavior and still believe that his administration truly offers real hope for any kind of substantive change - especially given the increasing rate of murders and crime since his administration took office, and the now open divide between AMLO and Mexico’s military - which although not a world power in the same vein as the UK or U.S., is still one of the most powerful in central and South America, and which has been made to look inept and useless under AMLO.

  33. No one condones the targeting of woman and children. Unless we call it collateral damage. Then im sure millions of reasons will be given as to why woman and children dying in conflict is o.k


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