Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A.G. of Chihuahua: Los Jaguares of Sinaloa Cartel are responsible for the LeBaron Family Massacre

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat TY Gus from Sinembargo
Image result for Fue una masacre. Julián LeBarón"

The Attorney General of Chihuahua, César Augusto Peniche Espejel, said in an interview with this media that the attack on the LeBarón families occurred in the municipality of Bavispe, Sonora. There three women and seven children died; six other children were injured and one more is still missing, activist Julián LeBarón confirmed.

Mexico City, November 4 (SinEmbargo) .–  Julián LeBarón , an activist and member of the Mormon community LeBarón in Chihuahua, confirmed Monday that three mothers and seven of their youngest children were killed in an armed attack at Rancho La Mora , Bavispe, Sonora, in a mountain area bordering the state of Chihuahua.

At least six more children survived, some are injured. The children managed to escape the events, and it was reported that at least one girl was still missing until 10:30 at night.

The attorney general says that Los Jaguares of SInaloa Cartel are responsible for the massacre.

These are three families traveling in the same number of Suburban SJUVs from La Mora, in the municipality of Bavispe, Sonora, to the LeBarón community, in the municipality of Galeana, Chihuahua. They were going to visit relatives, said Julián LeBarón. However, during the journey they were attacked by alleged members of organized crime.

According to the information, in total there were 17 people in three different trucks, three women and thirteen minors - ten children and three babies.

In the afternoon, Lafe Langford Jr, a relative of the victims, uploaded a video where he initially reported the death of a mother, Rhonita Miller LeBarón and her four children: Howard Jr, Krystal, and the twins Titus and Tiana. They were aboard the van caught fire after the attack. In addition, he announced that two more women and their children were missing. It was about Dawna Ray Langford with her nine children and Christina Langford Johnson with her baby, Faith.

Hours later, Langford also confirmed to this writing that the tragic balance had risen - until the close of the edition - to three lifeless women and at least six deceased children, while other children had survived.

Julián LeBarón explained that the other children managed to survive because they escaped. According to the story, the children - some with gunshot wounds – they  walked to Rancho La Mora, which is about 15 kilometers away.

At the scene, the other two trucks were shot and the women's bodies: “We are where the trucks are, and here were the two housewives and two children who were killed. One of the ladies was lying on the ground, next to the truck, I imagine she was trying to hide to survive when she was shot; and the baby ”added LeBarón.

The activist stressed that the Army and the Police are already in place. On the facts, Lase presumes that there was apparently a confrontation and the families were caught in the middle: "I don't know if there was confusion, because they are women and children who go innocently from their home," LeBarón said.

Area of dispute

The area where the states of Chihuahua and Sonora collide is a region that is mainly disputed by two criminal organizations: La Línea, a criminal group related to the Juarez Cartel, and the Sinaloa cartel, “Los Chapos,” confirmed the Prosecutor.

"These are the criminal organizations that in some way or another have a presence in that area of ​​the mountains, and among whom we assume there could be clashes over the control of the area of ​​Agua Sonora," said Peniche Espejel.

This is a territory that due to its proximity to the United States is prone "to the activity of criminal organizations dedicated to drug trafficking and migrant trafficking," explained the Prosecutor.

LeBaron hurt by crime

The LeBarón community has been severely hurt by crime for more than a decade. In May 2009, when the state was still ruled by the PRI José Reyes Baeza Terrazas, the young Erick LeBarón, then 17, was kidnapped. Their captors asked for a million dollars, however, the family refused to pay the ransom motivated by the idea that they would not encourage more cases like that to occur not only in their community, but throughout the country.

The kidnapping  of the young Mormon raised a strong protest movement. Hundreds of citizens of Galeana moved to the City of Chihuahua to demonstrate against insecurity.

The protests were led by Benjamin LeBaron, 36, who fought against the insecurity, extortion and kidnappings that members of his community lived after the arrival of organized crime groups.

Given the social pressure that reached the LeBaron movement, the kidnappers let Erick free, but that struggle cost the lives of two family members: Benjamín LeBarón and Luis Widmar Stubbs, were kidnapped and killed two months later.

After the murder, a blanket was placed near the victim's home. It said that the crime against Benjamin occurred in retaliation for his mobilizations and activism against insecurity.

A fight for the plaza: Sinaloa Cartel, the Jalisco Cartel  Nueva Generación, the Nueva Línea Cartel and Los Salazar in dispute"

"Los Jaguares," a cell of the Sinaloa Cartel , has been reported as the likely perpetrators of the massacre to the LeBarón family where three women and six children died, Chihuahua prosecutor César Augusto Peniche revealed.

In an interview the prosecutor explained that the area where the attack was carried out is disputed by criminal groups seeking control of the "plaza."

However, it is "Los Jaguares" - as they call themselves - who currently have a greater presence in that area, so it is speculated that they would be responsible for the massacre, although this information has not been officially confirmed.

He explained that this criminal group is a cell related to the Sinaloa Cartel (also called the Pacific Cartel), which has had internal disputes following the arrests of some of its most important members, as well as other groups, which has intensified the conflicts.

The prosecutor described "Los Jaguares" as "a group that has a presence in the Agua Prieta area and that has broad dominance in that area for drug crossing and may also be involved in the movement of migrants to the United States."

He said that one of its leaders would be " "un tal Arvizu", and that there are likely to be more leaders in different factions of the group.

He added that the adjoining area between Sonora and Chihuahua has been a violent scenario since the last few years due to the strong disputes that organizations such as the Sinaloa Cartel, the Jalisco Cartel  Nueva Generación, the Nueva Línea Cartel and Los Salazar have for the "plaza".

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  1. So jaguar is alive? Media didnt cover much it seems he tried buying his way out

    1. No he's dead just his ppl called jaguars probably got another boss from agua prieta leading them

    2. He has never been confirmed dead.

    3. Hes dead. I have family in the area.

    4. Jaguar is dead and his people ran to Sonora to hide from La Linea.

  2. Fucking sick man cartels are terrorists...

    1. Yup.. and once they get that official designation they're done.

    2. Very sick!! But for as much as the u.s and it's people would love to call it..this is not terrorism. You know what is though? Those mass shootings by racist white organizations in the u.s

    3. 7:32AM - WTF are you talking about? What white organizations? Please tell what white organizations have been responsible for mass shootings? I see extreme Muslim terrorists doing mass shootings, deranged school kids doing shooting (of all races - white, Hispanic, Asian, black, etc)...that is an ignorant statement.

    4. So narcos killing hundreds of thousands in brutal ways isn't terrorism but the ocassional unhinged racist shooting a few people is?

      Narcos in Mexico are most definitely terrorists. They use threats of fear and violence to get their way and make money off of whoever and whatever they can. They basically trade human life and suffering for cash.

      White supremacists attacks in the US are so rare and statistically insignificant that it's basically a waste of time to worry about. Cartels shutdown the media in entire states and control people high up in the government. They really aren't even remotely comparable.

  3. Sicario 006 can you give us some intel on this matter since your part of this group

  4. that's a lie, CDS would never do such things to innocents, everyone known this is just cjng/linea paying up cash to pin the blame on sinaloans

    1. Really? Never? Didn’t they just take their own people hostage to free Ovidio?

    2. This is deep in CDS territory..

    3. @159 & @257 They wouldnt do it? but when ovidio got caught they said they were gonna kill soldiers and soldiers familys? Innocent people,crazy how people are sooooo in love with sinaloa like it was a favorite football team,dummys!

    4. No, they took soldiers hostage and bought junkers from locals to burn in the streets. They also destroyed two of their own "safehouses". The CDS will hurt the people but they are less likely too than the smaller cartels - Templarios

    5. 1:59 is just been sarcastic

    6. You're assuming they didn't confuse the Mormon cars for the enemy. even well trained militaries accidentally kill their own troops and civilians. You really think cartels aren't significantly more prone to making those same mistakes? From the pictures iv seen tons of these sicarios are like 16 year old kids.

  5. Que chingonas matando niños y mujeres estas plebes

  6. Mayo must be pleased with CDS being the cover news story for the past 20 days.

  7. Hay esta para la gente que eschucha corridos delos shapos y dicen que cds no se meten con inocentes

  8. CJNG heating up the plaza and putting more pressure on Los Chapitos and the Guzman family is my guess.

    1. Cds already fucked with militar familys in culiacan, its clearly these guys that are responsible

    2. It's ludicrous to think that a cjng cell would last more than 48 hours in that region.

    3. 3:23 They have their ways..

    4. @3:23 exactly what i thought.. if an outside cartel were to be involved it would be la linea.. Chihuahua, Sonora, Sinaloa these states are strongholds with historic ties to the Juarez and Sinaloa cartels.. the control shifts around back and forth over the years but in any of these states including Durango you will have one cartel or the other.. you definintely ain't gonna see Viagras or CJNG or Guerreras Unidas anywhere near this region of Mexico.. they wouldn't last enough to even set up shop

    5. Linea has no stake in Sonora. That is BS from Sinaloa nutthuggers to deflect blame of what happened here from one cartel to another.

  9. Trump has offered the services of the US military to liquidate these scumbag cartels....

    1. Yes but did you read the part in another BB article, Obrador wants no help from the USA, makes you think which cartels offer him bribe money.
      Mr.T is in a predicament of his own, he wants his image to look good for the upcoming elections, he may help quick, but worthless Obrador said no.

    2. Yeah good luck with that, US military vs Cartel De Sinaloa would be ridiculous, so many people would die, they would never have the fucking balls to go to Mexico

    3. Yeah and the Mexican President already refused help

    4. He should start in Langley, then DC and then Los Pinos...

    5. Mexico is Narco Terrorist State.A global threat, must be dealt with immediately.

    6. Leave Mexico alone. Just don't go. Mexico isn't worth it. If Mexicans don't care nothing will get done

    7. Could you PLEASE change my last reply Anonymous. Thank you very much.

    8. Which comment? I rec over 600 today and will not be able to moderate i can't spend time guessing.

    9. @3:04. It's not a question of balls, it's a question of politics. We all know the US military is not going into Mexico but do you mean to imply that it would be ridiculous because Sinaloa would have the upper hand? If the US was so inclined it could destroy the entire Mexican military and every cartel with just the fire power they have on one air force base. The biggest military on the planet versus a third world country? The idea is ludicrous.

    10. Mexico isn’t a third world country - it’s a failed state but your point is valid - nothing within Mexico’s borders be it a cartel or the military could compete.

    11. @11:21 Mexico is not a Third World Country numb nuts! Most of my drug addicted clients are white men who will gladly trade high powered weapons for a hit of Mexican product.

  10. Anyone else hear that? That distant yet approaching sound? Its the sound of Predator drone hellfire strikes. Just like what we use in other terrorist controlled failed states like Yemen, Syria, etc. The US cannot standby forever while Mexico plunges deeper and deeper into a failed state. We all know there are high level meetings going on in the State Dept right discussing how the US should respond...

    1. Yes, it’s all over the nightly news here in the U.S. There will be a response...Mexico knows it has to act and at least try to put on a show as if they care (they don’t, as evidenced by the hundreds of thousands of Mexican citizens who have lost their lives while their politicians line their own pockets).

    2. I’ve got to agree with your statements.

    3. If only those meetings were discussing the ending of prohibition and implementing: regulation, taxation, and decriminalization.

    4. That's bogus.The reason there are drug cartel wars is because it's illegal which makes 10 dollars of cocaine in South America become about 100 dollars in New York or L.A..If there were all legal,paying taxes and ID'd there will be no cartel wars.
      Money is 100 times more addicting than drugs so naturally there
      cartels gunning for the x10 profit.

  11. Someone in that area got caught with a gun, perhaps he did some talking

  12. It's well known that it was linieras, Tolteca en Toltecas people. Chihuahuas attorney general is under linieras payroll.

    1. @2:53 A.G Chihuahua helped Jaguar take over Madera you fool, there was a interrogation video of a women captive and she explained all this

    2. All that region is ran by Gn of agua prieta

  13. One thing is forsure, because of the bad politics surrounding this for CDS, they are going to pay in due time. sooner than later

  14. A.G of Chihuahua works for La Línea of course he would blame CdS

    1. Ncdj does not spew over into Sonora although Cds come back in fourth in those areas

  15. What i know, agua prieta is under fire due to gente nueva infighting. Freddy calles alias "el tolteca" or "g3" is running a crew called "los deltas" and they are fighting "los giles" i dont know if linea are involved or even cjng! But gn are in control of agua prieta and surrounding areas including Bavispe, it is likely los jaguares could've been called fof aid by either grupo and have presence in that area. Just last Night there was a shootout in Agua Prieta and a sicario was caught in Bavispe area. This looks really bad on Sinaloa Cartel in northern Sonora

    1. Lol, you got the first part mixed up. Tolteca or Barbaro is allied with G3 (Gil) and they're fighting Delta's and Tin Tin's (plaza boss) people. Thats why the shootout happened the other day. Everyone in Agua Prieta is tired of tintins and delta's BS

    2. g3 does not run Deltas g3 "gil" runs los Giles allied with la linea fighting for agua prieta plaza. It's Personal and business with g3 Tintin and Tigre

    3. 303
      Good post bro,you can come again,stay down and keep posting

    4. Agua priest IS ALWAYS IS ALWAYS BEING DISPUTED, I know because I have family there.. There is sinaloas, michoacanos, zetas and beltranes ALWAYS IN THE MIX.. A few years the michoacanos have the plaza, on other few years the Sinaloas and then zetas... It depends who pays and who has the local town presidents in their pocket

  16. Just as bad as ISIS, but not labeled terrorists.

    1. While the weapons used were probably from the USA. So who bears blame for the thousands who are butchered each year?
      Death is a commodity!

  17. Mexico will find a couple of random drug users or Sciaros to take the blame for this

  18. Seems like speculation at this point, could be rivals trying to heat up the plaza. However, if it is true a piece of advice to Mayo y los Chapitos mandenlos a chingar a su madre en el infierno a esos pinche Jaguares.... Jajaja

  19. The death penalty is one answer

    1. No it aint,it dont work in the US simple as that

    2. Death penslty DOES work!

    3. @ 7:35 so what exactly is the answer?

    4. Only the vigilante death from a buch of bullets will help!

  20. I don't understand how this could be mistaken identity. When a car enters an area like that, where its hot or controlled by cartel, immediately its investigated to find out whos car is it and who's in the car, where are they going, etc.
    Whatever the reason for the murders, i hope who ever did it pays, and we see a video online, with justice being carried out against these drug addicted low life scum bag bastards. Mormons have been living in this region of Mexico forever now, how could they be mistaken for rivals?? Why did they take one of the kids to Agua Prieta, where they found a driver of a pickup truck with a kid tied and bound in the trunk?

    1. It's not mistaken identity. The cartels always know who everybody is when they enter the plaza.

    2. These dudes knew what they were doing. how many narcos have faced repercussions for killings like this? Generally on the US side the mentality is ‘they shouldn’t be there’ but this after the CDS thing last month is just outright stupid.

    3. I don’t understand why they’d kill a bunch of American women and children. Don’t they know that’s going to make world headlines and bring down the wrath of the US? It doesn’t make sense to me. I’ve been holding the US would go in and call them terrorists for a long time. At the same time we have to legalize and regulate all these drugs, cut off their lifeline. People want to use then it’s natural selection.

    4. I wonder if this was like some of the Mennonites from Chihuahua who got involved in the drug trade to Canada. In this groups case they moved into the wrong territory.

    5. Makes no sense to have done it on purpose. It will not go away easily.

  21. If this is true, CDS just began a war.

  22. Naw they werent caught between a gun battle theres no other dead..that hit was for them ...que gacho

  23. Time stay of Mexico, until they secure it

  24. And there it is..after the embarrassing caused by is a reason to go after them

  25. Mexican Terrorists, U.S is coming!!!

  26. Drug Cartels are worse then Terrorists, look at all the heinous acts against humanity the last 30 years, from Colombia to Mexico. Millions killed, corruption reign sumpreme. A universal threat that must be met with military power.

  27. Mexican government acting like the United States now and killing innocents to cover their fucking mess

  28. That cell is done can bet money CDS eliminates them

  29. Amlo said in 6 months to turn things around. He may need another year, just be patient

    1. Fighting with hugs

    2. Hopefully, puto AMLO won't last in office for another year. Shame on you pendejo's for electing this Socialist!

  30. Bunch of Americans on here talking like they will dare to step into mexico. Stay in your lane and take care of your own problems first. Gente del pueblo y de la republica.

    1. Pretty sure cartel land swerved into the US lane

    2. Pendejo I am an ex Army Ranger who also happens to be a Mexican American, I would give my left nut to go hunting for these scumbags with my old unit. Death Dealer


  32. I think the CIA and the DEA are trying to make a play to enter Mexico and staged this horrific scene in order to have an excuse

    1. Wouldn’t be the first time.. the idiots will believe otherwise

    2. Sounds legit @11:05

    3. Why nuts?? They don't care how they get things done or who gets hurt asking as they get what they want they'll use whoever however don't matter..this the type of shit that you won't read about but know that happens

  33. Killing women and kids COWARDS! This made news in Australia media.

    1. This made news in USA on World News Tonight, Obradors government is on the microscope on this one, rejecting help has been noticed.
      Maria H Modesto, CA

  34. people are judging the group on the actions of a few. the majority are peaceful good people who love mexico.

    American press is not reporting the family has been in mexico for 100 years and are dual citizenship, actually more Mexican than american

    1. According to the US president. Its UNBELIEVABLE and non-Acceptable.

  35. I live in the u.s. I don't believe any mainstream journalist here. I don't have time to waste. That's why I turn to B.B. for the most accurate info. Thank you to all the contributors. Muchos gracias my friends at b.b.

  36. They arrested one of the gunman and recovered 2 hostages in Agua Prieta. It's being reported that he is a member of La Linea which means it was the Juarez Cartel and La Linea that was behind the attack. Not a good look for the AG but we shouldn't be surprised by now that Mexican authorities are either completely inept, completely corrupt or a combination of the two.

  37. Era el gobierno americano. CDS no va estar listo ni preparado para lo que sigue.
    EPD la gente innocente.

  38. 8:08 u clearly have never done drugs.
    My opinion: the US got local authorities to get chapos son bc of his finanil and meth distribution. They underestimated the presence and power of Sinaloa. The soft touch didn’t work so they needed a false flag to use the heavy hand. I don’t know the US’s long game in this but the two incidents r too close and to irregular to not have an outside influence.

  39. MARCO ANTONIO PAREDES PONCE aka the Marquitos. He is responsible for the GENTE NUEVA of Agua Prieta, his dad the M100 left in charge of everything they are responsible for this massacre in Bavispe they are from (Bavispe, Bacerac, Huachinera) there they have their ranches they control there. Marquitos is a resident of the United States. He lives in Phoenix Arizona and crosses to Mexico to give orders to MARTÍN SIQUIEIROS ACUÑA aka Tin Tin is a person in charge of the places that LOS PREDES have in Sonora. This person sends to JAUGARES by FRANCISCO ARVIZU MARQUÉS aka the JAGUAR that circulate throughout the high SONORA mountain together with DAVID GUILLÉN aka EL PATO who are responsible for the massacre of the LEBARON family and many more since they SEQUEST FAMILIES and strip them of their property as in Agua Prieta LOS DELTAS are by VIK ANDRADE or ARMADO LAMADRID aka EL DELTA

    1. Agree linea would get lost in sonora and destroyed by punteros in that area no way linea is responsible if they were government wouldve took action by now

  40. MARCO ANTONIO PAREDES PONCE aka the Marquitos
    He is responsible for the GENTE NUEVA of Agua Prieta, his dad the M100 left in charge of everything they are responsible for this massacre in Bavispe they are from (Bavispe, Bacerac, Huachinera) there they have their ranches they control there. Marquitos is a resident of the United States. He lives in Phoenix Arizona and crosses to Mexico to give orders to MARTÍN SIQUIEIROS ACUÑA aka Tin Tin is a person in charge of the places that LOS PREDES have in Sonora. This person sends to JAUGARES by FRANCISCO ARVIZU MARQUÉS aka the JAGUAR that circulate throughout the high SONORA mountain together with DAVID GUILLÉN aka EL PATO who are responsible for the massacre of the LEBARON family and many more since they SEQUEST FAMILIES and strip them of their property as in Agua Prieta LOS DELTAS are by VIK ANDRADE or ARMADO LAMADRID aka EL DELTA

  41. TeCocho,

    How much do you get to support AMLO?

  42. Such a beautiful area and many good people, but so much violence. The only way for this to stop are if the people organize and fight back, but many more will have to die for this to happen. I don’t know if the Mexican people have the determination to do this in today’s time, at least not yet.
    The people lost when the allowed the government to take their guns. This could happen in the US if more people like Pito O'Rourke are put into office!

    1. 11:23 Great thought, unfortunately I regret to inform you that, the same currupted government brought down a autodefensa group in Michoacan, to defend it's townspeople, it worked for a while by Dr.Mireles, a certain Cartel bribed the government to disband them, they did by sending the Army to arrest Mireles on some trumpped up charges, served 2 years he was brainwashed. When he came out, he did stay low profile, not into autodefensas, not outspoken, lastly Obrador offered him a job in the hospital sector.



  44. Señor MENCHO acabe con estos lacras


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