Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Aruba, Venezuela, Guatemala: this is the intricate route that CJNG uses to traffic drugs from Mexico to the U.S.

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat MSN-Infobae

It was supposed to be a summit of CJNG members in Bogata Colombia, to define new trafficking routes to the U.S. but it ended with 10 members being captured.

The CJNG traffic network has crossed borders (Photo: Special)

Since 2014, Mexico and the United States knew that the Cartel Jalisco New Generation would become a headache for their governments.

From a small group of criminal cell deserters, the CJNG evolved to become one of the most prolific and violent drug trafficking organizations in the world.

The key to its rapid expansion is due, in large part, to its strategic presence on the northern and southern borders of the country, as well as in areas of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

Through the use of violence and alliances with other criminal groups, the CJNG has displaced historically powerful cartels such as Sinaloa and Beltran Leyva, who no longer lead the transfer of cocaine from Mexico to the American Union.

According to the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), the criminal organization introduces drugs to the neighboring country through corridors that pass through Tijuana, Ciudad Juárez and Nuevo Laredo.

La ruta del tráfico de drogas de México a EEUU (Mapa: Infobae México)

Coca traffic includes the use of ultralight aircraft loaded with Colombian product. A recent report from the Colombian television channel Noticias Caracol reports that the planes are bought by CJNG.
From Mexico, air transport leaves to Venezuela, passing through the Aruba Island. Mexican emissaries pass through the control of Venezuelan airspace, where an accomplice of the country's Air Forces prevents narcojets from being shot down.

Once released, they travel to the top of Venezuela and land in the state of Zulia, which borders with Colombia.

At this point, the planes descend on clandestine runways and are loaded with at least one or two tons of coca, from the department of Santander, Colombia.

With the cargo on the aircraft, the CJNG hitmen return to the first point of entry: Aruba Island. There they go to Guatemala and Honduras.

In Central American countries, airplanes are destroyed in a matter of minutes, because hitmen do not use the same airplane to traffic the drug to the United States.

Once the coca is found in Azteca territory, it is transferred to the United States by sea, air, in passenger vehicles or on trucks.

The money obtained from the sale of the drug in the United States is laundered through exchange houses that operate in Colombia.

Money is passed through Panama, enter Cúcuta, Colombia and are invested in crops, production and new drug shipments. To legalize money, apartments, houses and vehicles are acquired.

El CJNG mantiene relaciones de negocios con Colombia (Foto: Noticias Caracol)

Who is who in the drug trade from Mexico to the US?

Aruba Island: Aruba's proximity to Venezuela - a mere 23 kilometers - makes it an important point for drug trafficking to countries in the United States.

Mexican cartels have used the island as a "bridge" for the transfer of coca from Colombia and loaded in Venezuela. Although the traffic is largely opportunistic and with motorboats, the drug traffickers have ventured into the air transport destined to Guatemala and Honduras.

Venezuela: The drug trafficking businesses of the Jalisco Cartel with Venezuela are not news; however, a recent investigation uncovered that the contacts of the Mexican cartel in the South American nation included a captain of the Air Forces. It was Gino Alfonso Garcés Vergara, aka “Gino”, who received USD 500,000 to prevent the CJNG narcojets from being intercepted by Venezuelan authorities.

Colombia: The relationship between criminal groups in Colombia and Mexico is long standing. However, strong ties began in 2012, a time when cocaine production had collapsed and the supply chain faced problems due to conflicts between the mafias.

The Mexicans intervened so as not to lose the strength of the business that has historically given them more wealth: the sale of drugs - specifically coca - in their northern neighboring country.

In the specific case of the US, Mexican drug trafficking has taken advantage of the high demand of the United States, which has one of the highest rates of drug abuse in the world.

A kilo of cocaine in Colombia has a value of about USD 1,000, but as it moves further north, prices multiply to reach a value up to 25 times higher in cities like New York.

Mexico does not want to get into Colombia's affairs; it just wants to take care of its favorite client.

El pasado 5 de noviembre fue desmantelada una célula del CJNG (Foto: Especial)

A CJNG Bogota meeting turned into an operation

Currently, the criminal cell led by Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, aka “El Mencho”, maintains business relations with Colombia, where for 12 days the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) followed its members through the streets of Bogotá.

News Caracol explained that one by one, emissaries of the CJNG arrived at a prestigious hotel in the capital of Colombia. Their arrival in the South American country had only one objective: to hold a clandestine meeting with Colombian drug traffickers to define new routes for sending cocaine to the United States.

The material obtained by the DEA identified the arrival of Mexicans at the El Dorado International Airport and their transfer to the place of accommodation.

The CJNG hitmen's stay lasted approximately two weeks, during which they made tourist tours through Bogotá.

Contrary to their arrival, the Mexican narcos, headed by “El Manny”, returned together on a commercial flight.

The communications intercepted by the US government undressed that through the Colombian narco nicknamed "El Hamilton", the CJNG trafficked cocaine without being detected by the authorities of both Colombia and Venezuela.

The role of El Hamilton was crucial for the business: he was responsible for getting from the municipality of Villavicencio, Colombia, the routes, aircraft and contacts in Venezuela for the passage of the planes loaded with coca,

Colombian narco contacts include Gino Alfonso Garcés Vergara, a captain of the Venezuelan Air Force.

Garcés Vergara was known within the network as "Gino". At the hand of El Hamilton, the latter received USD 250,000 for delivering the aircraft entry code and another USD 250,000 to prevent the fighter jets from pressing the landing or tearing down the narcojet.

In Colombia, other hitmen who worked for  Mencho also operated. It was the hitman known as "El Negro or Black" and "El Rolex", who was laundering money for the Mexican criminal organization.

Los puntos de envío donde el CJNG tiene el control a nivel nacional (Mapa: Infobae México)

Mexico: a route drawn with blood

With light aircraft, passenger buses, private vehicles, cargo transport, and even parcels, the Jalisco New Generation Cartel hitmen traffic drugs from Mexico to the United States.

The information available at the Criminal Investigation Agency (AIC) identifies Mexico City, State of Mexico, Puebla, Michoacán, Jalisco, Querétaro, Morelos, Nayarit, Sinaloa, Durango, Baja California and Sonora, as opioid shipping points, bound for Tijuana, the city where it enters  California.

Currently the organization headed by Nemesio Oseguera, "El Mencho" dominates 25 of the 32 states in Mexico. In them, the production and transfer of drugs, the seizure of territories, extortion, kidnapping, fuel theft, money laundering and brutal violence have been the main hallmark.

The expansion of areas - mainly in the north of the country - has helped the CJNG position itself as the largest drug dealer in the United States.

Due to the above, the US government created forces against organized crime and undertook a hunt against the leaders of the criminal cell.

But charting the shipping route has left a bloodbath in Mexican entities. The CJNG maintains an open dispute with the Sinaloa Cartel, for the domain of the border and the peninsula.

An especially violent war is the one he has with Los Viagras, more than for the control of drugs, the conflict is for theft and transfer of fuel.

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  1. Mencho is a dead man. After the ISIS leader was executed by the CIA their attention has turned to mench. Wont be long before hes like z3.

  2. Still , you won’t see, hear, or know too many names of the capos. Always better to
    Stay in the shadows and blend in, no need to
    Show off, or glorify what you know you’re capable of. You won’t see too many instagrams , or facespace post. Unless chapo
    Isidro comes out, SNITCHALOAS are done. Only thing left in Culiacan is chapos money.
    Let’s hear what the haters have to

    1. First i'll say this.. the most loud mouth all bark no bite mexicans that I know have ALL been from Michoacan.. they all talk a big game about how they know somebody that knows somebody that moves weight back home and that they are connected back in michoacaca.. and when it comes down to it they live in the united states in a 2 bedroom apartment with 10 other idiots claiming the same nonesense.. then when they get busted by the cops in possesion of a gram of cut-up stepped on three times cocaine .. sus madrecitas handan haciendo coperacha among the neighborhood to bail there asses out .. straight trash if you ask me.. on the other hand I've never met a Sinaloan that braggs or shows off without backing it up.. NEVER.. I've also been in situations where when it comes down to some serious action the michocagadas always back down and never back their shit up.. it happens here in houston time after time.. you have some michoacano talking big game about being some killer sicario.. and he get slapped around by some puertorican that shows him whose his daddy.. lmao.. only down-ass peeps that I've met that keep a low profile and are about doing dirt have been from Sinaloa , Durango, Chihuahua and tamaulipas.. other than that I've never met anyone from michoacaca back their shit up homie.

      - el zacatuercas !

  3. A key in nyc is only 25k????

    Something about this is off- price for a key is around 30k in chicago last i heard- but that was a while ago- the twins really fucked up those numbers...

    1000/key is ridiculous- i wonder how much a key is in peru- is the peruvian the "fishscale" i hear about??
    It seems like a lot of the coke nowadays is total trash from what i hear- even in la where you would think it would be good- total trash- then again, its probably more of who you know-
    I got my friend from san diego some blow when he was in chicago- and he said it was the best blow he ever had- and he wasnt some 18 year old kid- just surprised me- ive never done it myself

    1. 10:36 Reason is too much cut now a days ya no tienen vergüenza y cuando ya estás pedo te vale madres.!

    2. The price per kilo in Colombia is about 4500000 colombian pesos which is equivalent to about 1300 usd. The price can be negotiated a bit based on quantity purchased so 1000 per kilo is not really that unrealistic.

    3. And one wonders why a different supplier is utilized when shit is bad. Along with the price.

    4. Yeah I think it's just who you know I know some people who have the keys for 10k and another who does them for 18k but the 18k Is still stamped and in brick and the 10k is in ziplock

    5. Cool comment. But you prob shouldn't be sharing that. There's eyes and ears everywhere.

      18k a key, I’m calling BS.. here in LA they’re. 22-24 k .. and that’s PAISA price.

  4. Makes sense, traveled to Aruba in the past and locals said a gram cost $5usd of untouched fishscale, they don't call it "One Happy Island" for no reason

  5. It is not believable that such an important big international transatlantic organization like CJNG is so impotent and at the mercy of the viagras, also left out is the suppliers of drug precursors and the main banksters who reap the lion's share of the drug trafficking, the most fined of the refined banksters in the world, no Mexican bank has been fined billions of laundered drug trafficking dollars, ever and nobody can even find the Chapo money which could derail this whitewash campaign from the real owners of the opioid business who have farmed it to mexican producers, logistics and distribution and keep reaping the billionaire profits, same old history as the heroin and cocaine trafficking from the generators of the crack epidemic who "do not opine or testify even in their own defense and own all the impunity in the world due to "national security".

    1. Yup, cjng and cds are just the guys working for them doing the dirty work..


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