Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, November 3, 2019

CDMX: Los Burritos gang attempted kidnapping thwarted by vigilant citizen

Video translation is as follows: 

Newscaster:.. on social networks images are overflowing with crime and despair. It happened in Linda Vista, this is how an assault and an attempted kidnapping happened that a victim managed to avoid. Putting at risk his own life. But finally saying no more. Enough is enough. My life is worth much more and so is my freedom. He risked it all and managed to escape.

Reporter: In a matter of seconds a motorist managed to thwart the assault and kidnapping attempt of which he was going to be a victim. It happened the night of last Monday, October 29 in the streets of Colonia Linda Vista in the neighborhood of Gustavo A. Madero around 10 o’clock at night. 

The driver arrives at his home, maneuvers to reverse. He gets his truck in the garage. Moments later 2 vehicles approach. From the second car, a blue vehicle, 4 subjects descend. And they throw themselves under the garage door before it fully closes. All dressed in black with caps on they managed to enter and called out the victim with a gun in hand.

 The reaction is immediate. The car accelerates to run over the group of thieves, knock down the gate and smashes into the aggressors car. Observe how one of the thieves was hit and comes out from underneath the tires. Surely he was injured. His accomplices are momentarily stuck on the other side of the twisted gate. And then 2 more criminals descend from their vehicle. 

The criminals immediately begin to flee on foot. One of them tries to approach the victim's window. The victims reverses, and manages to flee. The thief climbs into the back of the smashed vehicle. He notices that there is no driver. Gets off and takes the wheel. Seconds later a luxury silver vehicle arrives. For a brief moment they almost collided. The silver vehicle passes forward and several meters ahead you can see someone boarding it. The thief in the blue vehicle starts and stops. He gets off to try to close the damaged door. 

This SUV was abandoned a few blocks from the crime scene. Just below one of the public security cameras. But that’s not all. An hour before all this there was an attempted robbery and kidnapping in the same neighborhood. These are the images. In the same manner at a residence the gate is closing. And 2 subjects arrive, pistol in hand, they try to open it. It closes and they simply walk away in search of what would be their next victim. In both cases, complaints were filed for the crime of attempted robbery and kidnapping. According to police sources these subjects belong to the criminal organization Los Burritos. Which operates in the residential colonies within the vicinity of the Zacatenco University.

Newscaster: Well, such impunity, right?  And that desperation also of course for the citizens. Just as well for the people who live in that neighborhood because men seem to be doing what they want with impunity. And it’s true that we could never give an apology for the violence. But it's good that this man defended himself. And hopefully the authorities quickly apprehend these wretched thieves.

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat   Source

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  1. De seguro se le salió hasta el menudo por el chiquistriquis a este baboso cuando lo machucaron. Jajaja

    1. Anyone that uses the word Playboy regularly never made it through CAG selection. Sol, Sicario 006, and Charlie Z the boxing troll champion are all kindred spirits.

      You rock Sol

    2. Mindstate of a gangster killer,fuck outta here,keep ye tooly close

    3. Me sorprendió que saliera caminando debajo de carro. Las dos llantas le pasaron por enésima.

  2. Jaliscas going for the rematch against el abuelo with a 100 truck convoy.

  3. Los Burritos, Los Viagras, where do they come up with these names...

    1. Them los chimichangas are the deadliest of the bunch, however.

  4. Jajajaj le dieron su buena revolcada por ratero

  5. Dude had balls enough to go to extreme violence to save his life,it worked for him using his whip to kill the motherfuckers if need be,people,we aint never runnin out of humans,we bitches aint sacred,neither is our lives,sorry but thats the truth,anyway

  6. To bad the American did not run over the scum bags in Guerrero a few months back. They caught up to him and shot him and his Mexican wife in front of their son. Bring back public executions.

  7. Run over all of them pinche carbornes

  8. Great job by the victim to act the way he did. The one thing he could have done a little better was to have run back and forth a few times over the bandito under the rear left tire.

  9. Los burritos lol, can't find a good name.

    1. How about last tortillas cartel.

  10. Shock and Awe!

    Those Pussys didn’t expect a reaction like that. Too bad the driver didn’t back up and run him over again or runs down those tuning away.

    It looks like of those thugs may have suffered a few fractures.

    A while back, I was told by the politician in Mexico City I was visiting, whose car I used, to do the same thing in the event I found myself in a similar situation.


  11. Biggest Europe bound coke bust ever


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