At least 21 people died
Monday afternoon and nine were injured after a nearly one-hour confrontation
between alleged members of the Sinaloa cartel against members of the Jalisco
and Gulf cartels, allies in this region of the country, in the community of Tlachichila
, located between the municipal capitals of Nochistlán and Jalpa.
The state government
and the Secretariat of Public Security of Zacatecas remained silent about armed
clashes, despite the fact that versions and testimonies were disseminated on social
networks about the magnitude of the confrontation.
State, federal and
military police who came to protect the area and support the experts of the
Attorney General of Zacatecas recovered more than 5,000 AK-47 rifle shells, as
well as dozens of magazines for long and short weapons, including of Barret
rifle .50 caliber.
Military, state and
federal government sources confirmed that the confrontation began around 2:30
p.m. at the east exit of the Tlachichila community.
They said that after
the shooting, the bodies of at least 20 hitmen were left in its wake. It is
presumed that the gunmen took away more bodies. In the hospital of Nochistlán,
five injured and four arrested by the National Guard (GN) in Jalpa were
The detonations of the
rifles and fragmentation grenades were heard miles around, at least to the
communities of Huiscolco, Las Presitas and El Caquixtle, whose inhabitants
recorded the action with their cell phones.
The GN arrested seven
heavily armed men between 24 and 35 years of age on Allende and Rosales streets
in the municipal capital of Juchipila when they fled the scene in a Chevrolet
Silverado pick-up truck . Four of the hitmen were shot.
Skirmishes between
criminal cells in Tlachichila continued for about an hour and resumed after
military and police left the area.
CJNG 21 sacarios dead, about time they start losing more men.
ReplyDeleteI'm not to sure CDG and CJNG are allied in that region. I thought they were allies with Sinaloa. Supposedly CDG attacked cjng in chimaltitlan jalisco last year.
ReplyDeleteNot sure either but i believe its the Reynosa faction from CDG in Zacatecas, which was reported to have alliance with GJNG. Im sure someone with real knowledge will correct me if I'm wrong.
DeleteIsn’t their a CDG faction called Los Rojos that is allied with CJNG?
Deletei heard people from chimaltitan and San Martin de Bolaños saying that it was people from Rafa caro ( los fantasmas ) who attacked the cjng in chimales after cjng took villa guerrero from cds ( los gaitan). Now cjng runs most north Jalisco Sierra and south Zacatecas ( Florencia , teul ,etc )
DeleteBasically anything north of the city of Zacatecas is cdg or cdn/z & anything south of that is cjng. Cds has more presence in Aguascalientes than Zac.
DeleteZacatecas can turn very bloody because its borders other states that other cartels are in.
8:37 CDG controls most of the state, fighting cdn in fresnillo,calera,jerez n few other municipalities,Los talibanes have presence in the aguas/Zac border n surrounding municipalities..CDG has jalpa n surrounding plazas in their pockets, as for cds it has big presence in the plazas bordering with teocaltiche which is where cjng has been trying to enter the state... CDG have alliance with CDS
Delete5:19 the CDG faction allied with CJNG is Los Metros, which operates in and around Reynosa. Los Rojos is the faction reportedly loyal to the Cardenas Guillen family and based in Matamoros
DeleteDoes anybody know who won.
ReplyDeleteThe funeral homes won .
Delete9:57 The politicians. Lmao
Delete1:08 lmao!!!! Damn right about that . lol
DeleteCdg kicked both they a**
DeleteThat whole area is surrounded by Jalisco. It leads me to believe the shootout happened between CJNG and CDG. My best bet is CJNG got their dumbasses ambushed again.
ReplyDelete9:59 teocaltiche Jalisco is run by cds believe it or not , this town borders with Zac around the same area of the shooting,cds has strong presence in this area of zac
DeleteCds don't own teocaltiche, don't be spreading lies.. Sinaloas have been pushed out of jalisco and surrounding areas for years NOW, even cds stronghold in Los altos got taken by cjng last year
Delete7:10 so ur saying that cds isn't in Jalisco no more???...I think u say that so can feel better about ur favorite cartel not being able to kill El cholo n take Guadalajara back showing incompetence to get the job done which leaves cds some towns in jalisco like teocaltiche, now u the one spreading lies... Once again if u believe cds doesn't exist in jalisco anymore u a fool...
DeleteCalentando la plaza
ReplyDeleteU mean CDS/CDG vs cjng...?
ReplyDeleteZacatecas is a cdn plaza always has been a zeta plaza this was cdn batting cjng and cdg Sinaloa don’t have presence here such bullshit biased report as usual from this site
ReplyDelete10:49 u must be lost buddy, Zac WAS a z's plaza years ago until CDG took it back n it's being that way since yes cdn does have presence in some municipalities but that's it, as of cds it also has presence in the south nochistlan n surrounding areas
DeleteMy understanding was it is mostly CDG a faction led by F1 (arrested)
DeleteThis part of Zacatecas had been a Sinaloa plaza since the 90's. Noshistlan and tlachichila were never a zeta plaza. Nochistlan was lost to Cjng I think last year. The Sinaloa group that operates in this area is based out of Teocaltiche Jalisco they used to control Los Altos de Jalisco region. Idont know about Zacatecas but in Jalisco I think they only control Teocaltiche and Villa Hidalgo.
DeleteUr wrong southern zacatecas don't have no Zetas nor cdn its panchitos golfo but supposedly had Sinaloa backing. My niece hoody messaged me last night cuz sinaloa came to clean but doesn't kno if panchitos golfo is aligned still cuz the plaza boss in juchipila mateo was killed this year chilling at an oxxo no retaliation no nothing normal next day n he was the one fighting jalisco from coming in last year so after that i lost who is who. But the ones who came in are definitely sinaloa they came n told the Pueblo n they aint there to mess with the people that they are there to limpiar they're plaza. N also to note the day after ovidio got rescued a wave of sinaloa convoys rolled through towns even took pictures in the entrances of towns through out zacatecas that this was there plaza now. In all honestly north of zacatecas it's a royal rumble every cartel is in there but outers toward aguascaliente n jalisco is where they are letting there presence known
DeleteSinaloa never controlled Los Altos that’s region is the Valencia stronghold all the heads are always seen out there don’t speak on an area you ain’t from
DeleteYou guys are talking years back, these whats going on when war broke out between cds and zs these part is were zs would go into jalisco, cds with help from nachos people aka cjng now pushed them back, cjng showed all factions from cds how it was done! Zs lost a lot people and power and thats when cdg F1 took advantage and wiped zs out, now zs or cdn only have a few cells in northern zacatecas, now here is where it get confusing cjng already took cds out and at the same time have a truce with some cdg cells but cds also has truce with other cdg cells in zacatecas, my best guess is cds and a faction of cdg went at it against cjng but that area is already fully controlled by cjng and mist of the dead are cds and cdg aka carteles unidos, jaliscos are way better at these shoot outs then cdg ad specially cds, not been a cheerleader just stating facts cjng been taking plazas from everybody, yea loosing a battle or 2 but in the bigger picture winning the war
Delete2:14 PM Teocaltiche the land where Los Hijos de Don Mario Gonzalez socio de Don Felix Cornejo El Centenario en los finales de los 70s, 80s asta el 94 cuando lo mataron Los Valencias sill walk. I wonder if they are related to the Cuinis?
DeleteThe federation dominated Zacatecas then Carrillo Fuentes. CDG in early 00s then Z after the spilt.
DeleteIt’s honestly being contested by several DTOs
6:42 nuthugging at its best,this area is controlled by cdg-f1 people n by cds....tell us how is it that cjng taking Zac plazas from CDs/CDG but can't take back teocaltiche from CDs??
DeleteZacatatatatecas es puro Golfo
DeleteAnonymousNovember 14, 2019 at 6:42 PM
DeleteDude, you really sound like a cheerleader to me.
4:09, 5:10, Are you guys from jalisco? Los altos to be exact? I am, and know for a fact cjng took cds out, they havent been able to enter Zac but are making moves recently just sit down and watch, cjng are going in wether you like it or not, shit i could care less but been seen these cenerio for a long time and no other cartel is as good as cjng at taking plazas from other cartels, all of the altos de jalisco is now controlled by cjng you guys are maybe thinking back in 2016 andthats when cds had some presence but now informe your self a little bit and will find out cjng took out all their competition, hate if you want but reality is cjng is winning their wars
DeleteZacatecas full of zetas and golfos, their corridos NEVER say what cartel they are FROM lol
Delete5:38 are u from Zac..?? I am so STFU, only people from Zac will know that most of the state is owned by cdg, n to the south it shares towns with cds which also owns some towns of ur lovely Jalisco...ur favorite cartel has tried to enter the state has gotten their ass handled
DeleteSnitching Cartel getting kicked out of Zacatuercas
ReplyDeleteYikes--that's a big body count by the usual standards of criminal confrontation in Mexico. Usually it's something like "The fight lasted for three hours, but only five people died."
ReplyDeleteLotta heavy hitters in Zac... Golfos are deep... CJNG trying to expand from Jalisco... I do know there’s some low key cats aligned with CDS in the Nochistlán area not sure exactly where they fall into all this... Zac is a very important route... you can get weight from deep in Mexico to Texas in less than a day...
ReplyDeleteA couple of the blogs say it is CDN not CDS.... not sure but jornada is mainstream not a blog so I went with that...
ReplyDeleteIts cds my family has confirmed it to me they are. That I am aware golfo was there all of el f1 crew. But everything got thrown out of course when they killed the plaza boss it was quite for all these months when it happened alot in may. But been seeing on here golfos aligned with cjng for about a month or 2 now n wasn't sure how true that is or was. But my cousin texted worried last night that dejaron un comunicado stating they are not here to mess with the pueblasion they are here to clean they're plaza n my cousin says the president municipal rafa something is denying fighting n denying everything n also have family in the presidencia that have mentioned the plaza of zacatecas was given to sinaloa due to something about selling out someone to guardia nacional. N im assuming the reason y a wave of sinaloa members have been coming through but this all begun the day after ovidio was apprehended. Idk its fully correct but that's from word in juchipila zac
DeleteMore from Zac noticias
Honestly I doubt its cdn unless alot came I personally think its Cdg vs cjng but who knows I just kno people are scared to come out they think it's gonna be another year like when Zetas were around
DeleteThere was a big cds section in atolinga zac which is 2 hrs from there but I haven’t heard from them
DeleteNo more I’ve seen more cjng in the zac -jal border than any other cartel . They roll deep in 15+ trucks in the towns of Totatiche , temastian , villa Guerrero , Bolaños etc ) there’s a big fish in that area that explains that big comando
DeleteDo you know who owns san martin de bolaños jal. Its not to far from bolanos
Cds gets to much credit
ReplyDeleteEven when they are not in that area
Cds are scared to go outside of sinaloa now in days
2:07 u sound like total cjng nutthugger...cds has presence in this part of Zac bordering with Jalisco..have u ever heard of teocaltiche Jalisco..yes,no..?? Well CDS runs n owns this town..
DeleteBig facts
Delete5:41 you are talking years back now a days cjng wiped cds out in all of jalisco reason why the rest of cds hide in culiacan and sonora
Deletein Vicente Guerrero and Sombrete and Jerez rolan los de Sinaloa..They've been there for years and never fucked with locals, quite on the contrary they are liked in those towns.
Delete2:07 got the cds groupies mad because they know it's true.. So funny lol
DeleteCds only tough in sinaloa and in Sonora NOW
10:16 onother FAIRY TALE 😆
DeleteThat got old, everyone knows Sinaloas are no saints and always mess with locals.. Just ask the people in Chihuahua where cds is present..
Sinaloas are not in guerrero lol beltranes were deep back when the brothers were strong but after their death and incarceration and the come up of michoacanos, Sinaloas got ran out of that state..
12:01 if ur not from Zacatecas u should not be talking like u know anything about it...cds in Zac never messed with innocent people
Delete12:01 he is not talking about guerrero the state there is a town by that name in Zacatecas
Delete@12:39 If he mentions Beltranes and Guerrero together he is speaking about the state, this nuthugger seems ignorant and foreigner as heck.
DeleteDon’t really know about CDS in Zacatecas but cjng, zetas ,cdn ,golfo for sure cjng was clicked up with a other group from CDG (metros)but that don’t mean that they get along with CDG maybe just a alliance with metros if anyone knows how cjng gets down they seem to need to click up with another group to fight against other cartels
ReplyDelete3:37 metros (primitos faction) don't exist in Zac... alliance is in Tamaulipas only to fight off cdn n rest of cdg
DeleteChapos had Nochis and Teocal until 2 years ago when jaliscas from Yahualica betrayed el bueno and the plaza got sold to them tweekers. Then everyone flipped and now Nochis ain’t the same.
ReplyDeleteI know there is some other cartel/narco paying to operate in the area... just don’t know who exactly.
ReplyDeleteConfidential informant from the area said it was CDS ambushing CJNG out of nochistlan area. Reason why they ended in juchipila.. in order for them to get to juchipila they need to pass by a “Cuartel Militar” in Jalpa (CDG area) which is why Guadia nacional chased them from there!
ReplyDeleteThese savages entering Zacatecas and ruining it. Zacatecas has always been superior to all these michoacanos and sinaloas who are primitive. Go back to your states and die over there
ReplyDeleteI agree with you
DeleteZacatecas is nice, I drove by there a few years back.. It's a state located in a good geographical area for cartels because of the highway so unfortunately it will be owned by michoacanos pretty soon.. Sorry buddy, don't hate the players hate the dirty drug game...
DeleteAs it stands these few years cjng have been taking plazas, looks like AMLO is working hard to give cds the UPPER hand but it's going to take a WHILE to UNDUE the A$$ kiking cjng has been putting on cjng.. Just saying....
Undue the A$$ kicking cjng has put on cds 7:23 mistake
Deletehttp://www.borderlandbeat.com/2017/04/social-media-reports-on-shootouts-in.html?m=1 heres a link from 2017 this is related to whats going on now.