Yesterday some
properties of the family of Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán were auctioned, including
the house where Griselda López, mother of Ovidio Guzmán López, recently
captured and subsequently released by federal forces.
However, said property,
located on Cerro de las Siete Gotas # 642, in Culiacán, Sinaloa, was not sold.
The Property Administration and Disposal Service (SAE) offered the house at an
initial price of 11 million 224,446 pesos.
Although the director
of the SAE said during the auction that the residence was "luxury",
for some reason it did not capture the interest of the attendees. Still, three
other houses linked to the drug trafficker were sold during this last event
organized by the government to finish off the properties of organized crime.

The house had no buyer,
so it remains in the possession of the authorities
The three properties
are located in Culiacán. One of them is in # 130 of Río Humaya street, in Guadalupe
neighborhood, and was auctioned at 2 million 54,783 pesos.
The second house is
located at # 1126 on Javier Mina Street, in the Los Pinos Section, and was sold
for 1 million 240,000 pesos. The last property is located on Puerto de Veracruz
street # 1647, in the El Vallado neighborhood, for which 1 million 64,767 pesos
were paid. In total, 4 million 359,550 pesos were collected.
Three other houses
linked to the former leader of the Sinaloa Cartel had no buyer.

During the auction,
which lasted just over two hours, a farm associated to the Arellano Felix
Brothers Cartel, located in Los Cabos, in Baja California Sur, was also sold.
It was auctioned at 6 million 250,000 pesos. The sale of this house represented
one of the biggest bids of the entire auction, along with a Mercedes Benz that
was sold for a final amount of 810,000 pesos.
On November 1,
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced this fifth exercise carried out
at the Los Pinos Cultural Complex. "Buy something good, to do something good," he said
about it, and specified that the money would go to various children's bands in
The director of the
Institute to Return the Stolen People, Ricardo Rodríguez Vargas, also invited
the population to contribute to the auction, presuming that prices would be
handled up to 20% below their value and in jewels up to 50% discount.
House was owned by
Griselda López, [above left] ex-wife of Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán and mother of Ovid.

You can never please anyone. AMLO wants to focus on social programs and educating the youth as to divert their interest away from material goods and more on long term happiness through professional careers. Is it a good strategy? I say it's too early to tell, he's only been in office for a year. Taking narco property and giving back the gains to the people isn't a bad idea. Yet, you're going to have the typical pochos and gringos who are always unhappy, beating the war drums and crying for violence from the safety of a far away land, nowhere near the battle ground and in the comfort of their own home. Violence breeds more violence.
ReplyDeleteYour racism doesn’t help. And I know your parents raised you better than that.
DeleteSeas mamon sol!
DeleteI'd be more willing to give AMLO the benefit of the doubt if numerous security experts hadn't accused him of not having a security plan. Your view on the situation is too simple. I can understand not wanting to escalate things, but when the situation is "confront the cartels" or "let them do whatever they want", the latter isn't the way to go.
DeleteHe is right, Sol don't cast judgement til you look in the mirror. I am sure your far worse than 12:32 pm. El lp
DeleteAmen! It’s been a real eye opener to read the comments on this website - especially over the past several weeks. Completely bucks the political narrative that about white “gringos” as being racist for wanting secure southern borders in the U.S. The hostility towards Americans and in particular, “gringos” seen on this website shows the political and social hypocrisy of such claims while demonstrating why many Americans think stronger southern borders is wise - if this is how Mexicans and other Latin Americans feel about Americans, who can blame them for not wanting their nation’s borders to be a revolving door for all comers. People posting these racist messages should reflect on their own hypocrisy. America has sent billions of dollars in aid to the Mexican government’s operations.
DeleteThis is how the pot gets stirred....
Deletepochos is more of a derogatory term than gringo. why did you miss that? I thought he made some good points.
Don't make something out of nothing. Ridiculous
LOL Amlo is warming up incredibly to communists. He’s looking for the approval of cartels so they can help him in his quest to be the president until he dies =}
DeleteYep! One of the first things I learned in college Mexican studies class. Now the person using the term may intend it to be derogatory, but that is in the mind of the beholder, or the ignorance thereof.
DeletePocho can be derogatory. Meaning a Mexican who is culture ignorant, tries to 'act white'
However it can and is more often used in a teasing way. and a 'give in to it' playful attitude.... "We're pochos, y que?"
I looked it up.. I guess I was wrong about what it means. I'm a Mexican and I've been called pocho but mostly cause of the way I talk, lived in the US for over 20 years and my Spanish is well "pocho" as they say. . I'm one to never be offended by words, actions speak louder than words. I'm just not a fan of people throwing out the your racist" and avoid the actual points people are trying to make. I posted @2:36 and I apologize for getting off topic.. 😕
Delete"Whatsumaras" inherited drug trafficking from the British who invented drug trafficking from India to China since the 1770s and who owned china since then and still own it along with US corporations who went offshore to pay less for a day of work than an hour of US minimum wage which usually buys a week of work in china.
DeleteWhatsumaras are called whatsumaras because they are re always asking others "whatsumara" and they really invented crack for the masses after cocaine did not sell fast enough, they even pushed and approved more food stamps and welfare queen checks to help target target market make ends meet when ronnie was "president".
Also turned the Mexican capos into billionaire grade drug traffickers known as the guadalajara cartel; no racism involved, they even selected El Azul as one pretty boy along with El Negro Durazo...
🤦🏽♂️Really! You read my comment and walked away with, "This guys a RACIST!" Uta madre, no cabe duda.. Sol, ponte las pilas wey. YOU can do better than that!...
ReplyDeleteoh boy
DeleteSince Sol post his comment I gave you a 'have at it'.
but no more..please
It's true, the US solution is always send the military but thia generation has never had a war on their own land, they don't know what its like. A military intervention would have thousands of refugees headed into the states. Where as the US doesn't have to deal with as many refugees from the Middle East.
ReplyDeleteTo stay in topic, who benifits from the sale of these houses. There is corruption at every level of this government, I doubt the people see any of this money.
This sale proceeds are designated to specific youth programs. I posted the list on another post
DeleteWay off topic --- I am not posting any other comments in reply.
Delete236 no one benefits, except the curupted government pockets, while in office, they want to reap all they can, to live a life of luxury.
DeleteWe need Security to live in Mexico
ReplyDeleteHouse sized caskets are what was sold at the auction.
ReplyDeleteALMO sold it to finance the 12 guards guarding the ex Bolivian president, and also he is staying, at one of the seized narco home. I love where ALMO is putting his priorities.
ReplyDeleteIs Amlo for real???? Should I laugh or feel sorry for the dumbass
Delete7:18 AMLO has fought for Mexico and the mexicans all his life, only dumbasses can't see it because they are too busy eating and lapping up the BS served by the corrupt empire of the Chayotero News.
Delete--There is more reason for pride in giving political asylum to Evo Morales than in protecting a mass murderer like Ernesto Zedillo or Carlos Salinas de Gortari or FECAL like the US does...
10:42 As far as I can tell, AMLO seems to care more about fighting for his ideals than for the Mexican people. The way he tells it, anything that goes against his ideals is wrong and conservative.
DeleteSold from one cartel to the next
ReplyDeleteWho bought it, perhaps another cartel, but they sure won't name which one.
ReplyDeleteChiva, why is this gob sell El Senor property?
ReplyDeleteany property acquired from dirty money or having illegal contraband can be seized and then sold by the government. the government gives times for the owner or owners to prove otherwise before it is on the auction block
DeleteGracias Mija!
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