Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Includes short Film: This is how the Jalisco Cartel took its lethal violence to 35 U.S. states

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat Infobae CourierJournal

A short film: What Courier Journal uncovered about Jalisco New Generation Cartel's El Mencho--This short film details how The Courier Journal's investigation into CJNG and its leader, El Mencho, began in early 2019 and what was uncovered.

The Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) extended its presence in the United States to 35 states, in which it "overwhelms" cities and small towns with large amounts of drugs.

A nine-month investigation by the Courier Journal revealed how the criminal organization extended its operations through the US and Puerto Rico, weaving “a sticky network that has caught troubled business owners, thousands of drug users and Mexican immigrants terrified to defy orders of the cartel ”.

CJNG has established important areas such as Los Angeles, Chicago and Atlanta.

Research The Courier Journal have documented cells where members of the Cartel Jalisco settled in a luxury condominium near the honky-tonk of the Nashville downtown district; others are located in a luxurious apartment in Hollywood near Sunset Boulevard, as well as in suburbs in Cairo, Illinois; Johnson City, Tennessee; and Kansas City, Missouri.

I t was also established in central-southern Virginia, in a set of houses in Axton , a small community of about 6,500 people.

The speed of the CJNG's growth in less than a decade has made the cartel a "clear, present and growing danger," said Uttam Dhillon, interim administrator of the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA).

"They want to control the entire drug market," said Matthew Donahue, who oversees foreign operations for the DEA. "If that leads them to kill other cartels or innocent people, they will."
The research identified at least two dozen “cells,” which the DEA defines as places where cartel members settle in to do business and live in communities.

One of its main strategies is to hire local vendors of different ethnicities, who are identified with the community.

"If it comes from a cartel, they could have sold a pound to Asians, blacks, motorcycle gangs outside the law, white trash," said Lt. Jeremy Williams of the Ashe County Sheriff's Office in North Carolina whose Testimony in 2014 helped convict a trafficker related to the CJNG.

"The powerful international union of 'El Mencho' (Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, the founder) is flooding the United States with thousands of kilos of methamphetamines, heroin, cocaine and fentanyl every year, despite being repeatedly targeted by prolonged research," highlights the research that emphasizes how the endless flow of drugs from Mexican cartels has contributed to the unprecedented addiction crisis in this country, devastating families and killing more than 300,000 people since 2013.

In Mexico, a DEA researcher said he was surprised when he learned that CJNG cells were appearing in communities as small as Axton. "What are they doing in the middle of nowhere?" He asked his team.
La Garra, one of the trusted men of
La Garra, one of the trusted men of "El Mencho" in the United States

 Upon hearing more details, the researcher, who asked not to be identified to protect his work, acknowledged The Courier Journal: "It's a great strategy." CJNG members have followed relatives or friends who left Mexico to migrate to the US to look for work. The cartel takes advantage of its connections with migrants so that instead of working on the so-called “pisca” (the field) they work for the criminal organization, said Dan Dodds, who directs DEA operations in Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia. .

The cartel's expansion into smaller communities began five years ago, according to intelligence analysts. These communities give them a better opportunity to go unnoticed by the authorities.

"The big cities have large police departments and the DEA, the FBI and (National Security Investigations) and the ability to look at intelligence and focus on their cells and contacts," said Donahue of the DEA.

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  1. Everything is good until it reaches WHITE America "Eminem said it himself.. He's absolutely correct,
    Just look at the Mormon situation now they want to call cartels "terrorist" to go after them..
    But the crazy thing is that They were killed by the SAME GUNS the U.S sent to ALL CARTELS in 🇲🇽.. WHATA JOKE... 😆

    1. With that fatalism, a bullet with your name on it is not necessary, for you are already dead in spirit.

    2. What a racist comment! All is not "good until it reaches WHITE America." America stands behind all law abiding citizens, and El Paso, not the Mormon incident, is proof of that. America stands behind all the latino families who lost loved ones in El Paso. It makes no difference where the violence comes from, the cartel or a deranged white supremist. And blaming America for the cartel shootings is a complete cop out.

    3. This comment appropriately describes truth. The opioid epidemic became highly toxic among politicians when American white people were being killed at an unprecedent rate. Despite the carelessness and greed of pharmaceutical companies to engage in unsavory behavior. Along with the lack of regulations from Congress. This epidemic opened a vacuum for others to profit.
      The Heroin epidemic in Harlem among the black communities was overlooked for sometime before black leaders took the cause.

      Truth be known

    4. Cartels are terrorist groups. You don't think the citizens of Mexico have been terrorized yet?
      -Solothurn la Arma

    5. what happened to "no race talk" on bb?

    6. I'm not racist at all I have respect for ALL races but it's the truth.. Like I said, EMINEM said it IN A SONG HIMSELF so there is truth to it, I'm not just talking out my A$$..
      There was thousands of Mexican families killed before the Mormons and 🇺🇸 could care less until that happebed.. They are WHITE but live in Mexico and are dual citizens and now it's a problem..

    7. It's been in the USA since the 70s.

    8. Thank you 3:37 you are correct and i like people that speak the truth💯

    9. Ive been clean for years and i can tell you rite now ive had akot of white friends die way b4this became an "epidemic" .its so bad cus they cracked down on pills and that sends people running to find heroin.thats now laced with or strait up phent. And not just kids or young adults.alot of 30,40and 50plus year olds fell victim to it after having drs snatch their meds away instead of weening them off

    10. The cartels are terrorists, they use violence against the civilian population to carry out their political aims, forget that no cartels now just traffic drugs, they all extort all businesses, kidnap for money, kill the armed forces, disrupt normal running of Government by bribery.
      Cant think what more than could do to be labelled terrorists

    11. Imagine being so stupid that you don't realize the war on drugs has been fought in big cities, where most people are NOT white, for decades.....

    12. Sorry “Otis” but your emotions are blinding your rationing. There is collusion by the past administrations that laid out a path for all these criminal gangs to function along with the impunity that goes with it. There’s two elements to this equation that always gets overlooked...makes me wonder why🧐

  2. Only they don't go unnoticed... You know whos who in a small town. Its no secret.

  3. Why aren't cartels killing off the competition in the US? No decapitated people? Must be cause the US loves to consume drugs huh? Or is it that people that commit those crimes are looked for and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law? They know they can't behave like wild animals in the US.

    1. You are wrong my friend, it happens in the U.S MORE often than you think but the U.S will not disclose that INFORMATION because the public will be terrified.. I seen and heard many things that never make it to FOX news related to CARTELS.. Living in a border state is even more common than you would think.. Specially if you know somebody in the drug business they can tell you stuff that you only see in movies or 8n BB for that matter lol

    2. Oh brother another snail...
      1243 ya know law enforcement I better than MEXICO.

    3. @1:29 I'm over 40 years old I've lived in a border state all of my life... I've lived in Juarez considered one of the most dangerous cities in the world compared to El Paso considered one of the safest cities in the USA. I'm been around the block and have had my experience with the counter culture... The stuff the cartels do in Mexico does not compare to the violence in the US. 100+ homicides in Juarez this month alone... Where the rate will double in El Paso for the year only because of the Walmart shooting, 22 killed.

      The law is not enforced in Mexico allowing the same people to keep committing the same crimes. The majority of homicides go unsolved in Mexico.

    4. youve obviously never heard the watts/south central la stories. I feel safer in mex than going through those neighborhoods

    5. doesn’t happen as often as you’ve heard. There is cartel violence in America but even the dumbest cartel members know you don’t bite the hand that feeds you. Too much violence or fighting each other in the US would bring way too much unwanted attention.

    6. When do you see the news and see cartel related violence? NEVER, because it's not for the public to hear..

    7. America has the dollar which is worth a lot more thane the peso. So where do you idiots think the Mexican dealers wanna well their drugs?

    8. 224 I can tell your old school. It's not called south Central anymore, 8 years ago it was changed to south la, furthermore the gangs are not as rampant, as before.

    9. south central will always be called south central....worst hoods in America.

    10. 9:57 is right, they officially changed it to South LA... While they are terrible hoods in Compton, Paramount, Inglewood, Florence, and East L.A. IMO Skid Row is the absolute worst.

  4. "small towns devastated by the cartel's deadly drugs"...that no one forced them to take

  5. I liked when they introduced the Mississippi segment by saying "It's centrally-located". I wanted to say out loud "...with the lowest-paid fuckin cops in the country."

  6. Interestingly, La Garra is not mentioned in the video or any of the articles in the series by Courier-Journal

  7. You're exactly right. Every dealer relies on his "Mexican". The cops here know where the dope comes from. Mexicans are targets here. They lay low, in Tire Shops, restaurants, and small businesses, and supply white, black, and Asian dealers.

  8. Jalisco might have a presence in the US but their sphere of influence in the US is relatively small as compare to Sinaloa. Sinaloa has embedded itself culturally into many Mexican communities across the US. Sinaloa has basically developed, maintained and expanded on partnerships from seeds planted in the 80's that have resulted in now dealing with the US born children of their partners like the Flores brothers of Chicago. Give credit to Chapo and Mayo for understanding the short and long term goals of their organization.

    1. Yeah right any Mexican community especially in California, Sinaloa narcos is already known to be ALL mouth no balls government informants.

    2. All that is out the window with all that snitching they been doing. Last few years the cds has been getting hit hard in california specially

    3. 6:31 PM You have to give them credit they know how to choose them I suspect the Flores Twins are the main reason Chapo in chilling in prison right now. He did an amazing job.

    4. Relax Cheerleader, Sinaloa only inherited from what the Colombians already had lined out... in the 80’s Sinaloa didn’t exist and was all Guadalajara, if they would of never moved out there shit hole that’s Sinaloa they would of not be who they are now; Guadalajara is where the power is at. Escobar’s laid out the game plan originally for everyone to follow Jr. Nice try though

    5. While that may be so, they have also contributed to the incarceration of many American partners. This is why they go be the nickname “snitchaloa”. This has caused American traffickers to search for more go arable business partners such as the CJNG.

    6. Do you give them credit for being government informants as well? All of mayo’s kids have cooperated and chapo did that with the Mexican government. I believe that snake-like business model was a short term win but not a long term one

    7. Michoacán runs the show quietly and always behind the scenes fuck Sinaloa and Colombia!

    8. 1:40 is right. the chilangos con botas are running the show

  9. Cubans control a lot of the blanco trade in downtown Seattle. Gentrification shuttered many places that catered to Blacks and Mexicans. Mexicans have mainly moved operations to places like Burien, Federal Way and White Center. South Park used to be a lively Mexican neighborhood. Now white bars and restaurants are all over South Park.

  10. You're going to hear a lot about narc-terrorism now. It's what the US needs to go into Mexico without a license. AMLO is an idiot. "Abrazos no balazos." Necio AMLO. Look out Mencho. It's only a matter of time and you'll be dead an stinking.

  11. Who is el garra is he wanted here in the US?

  12. First steps for usa to declare cartels as terrorist organizations. One step closer for the usa to be able to take more dirext hands against cartels. Hellfire missiles will rain on the likes of mencho soon.

    1. Hellfire missiles in mexico? Are you some kind of stupid? We aren't some backwater 3rd world nation half a world away that no one gives A fuck we are one of the biggest trading partner to the usa and we are next to you, think before you say bull like that.

    2. 8:07 PM Keep on dreaming. As soon as the US does that expect houses to burn. A name is all you need to find out where someone lives. If you can't hit the top guys you can hit the guys at the bottom who are easier to hit. Trump is committing a mistake.

    3. Mexico will never, ever, ever let US military operations occur within their borders. You would have a revolt of the all the right-leaning military officers and political elites.

    4. Trump must get a new AUMF from Congress to attack any Mexican DTOs. All previous iterations of the AUMF only apply to AQ and “associated organizations”. Obama pushed the envelope of the AUMF by targeting ISIS—which wasn’t an “associated org” of AQ—but Trump cannot hope to apply the AQ “associated organization” label to Mexican DTOs.

  13. Anyone got any info on la garra I can’t find much it’s kinda hard to believe he operates in the US he’s a interesting player

  14. Trump just declared cartels as terrorist organizations! That is not gonna end well for them or anybody for that matter!

    1. Where’s the proof?

    2. He has 90 days. It’s not official yet

  15. It won’t let me play the video anyone got a fix

  16. Looks like the FAVORITE cartel this election under AMLO is clearly to CDS favor.. I knew it from the beginning, AMLO went to sinaloa to chapo land giving mama chapo visas and screaming "ARRIVA SINALOA" THAT AMLO HUY IS A JOKE!!!
    ONOTHER PENDEJO IN OFFICE once again, with those idiots 🇲🇽 will always keep going down


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