Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, November 15, 2019

San Jose del Cabo BCS: Armed Commando Takes Down 10 Security Guards at Hotel

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: MundoDigital y BCSNoticias
      Armed commando assaults San Jose del Cabo- CSL, BC tourist corridor hotel this morning:
On Friday morning an armed command broke into the Paradisus Los Cabos Hotel and after over powering more than 10 security guards, they were stripped of cell phones, wallets and other valuables. The gunmen tried to enter the management area but when detecting that more personnel began to arrive at work they decided to flee the premises.

Around 02:53 in the morning, 6 individuals with long and short weapons arrived at the Hotel and managed to over power the security men of the security booth. Each was subdued as they were arriving, making it possible to circumvent the security booth, because they threatened the manager and took him to the interior of the hotel.

One of the armed men stripped them of cell phones, wallets, jewels and other valuables and they were forced to lie on the ground and close their eyes. At least 10 security officers who, being surprised by the armed commando that had long and short weapons, were victimized but ultimately no one was injured nor were the criminals able to access the main facilities of the hotel.

Although that area belongs to the Tourist Police, those who arrived were the patrol officers DST-826 and DST-825 but the criminals had already fled, after detecting that the workers on the morning shift were beginning to  arrive and it would be impossible to reach the management area of the lobby of the hotel.

It was the shift manager himself, Julio César Vargas, who reported the facts and confirmed that at least 10 security agents had been the victims of the armed commando, who would have arrived aboard two vehicles and fled by the federal road toward the port of Cabo San Lucas.
In the Ministry, the complaint was filed SJC / 2486/2019 and the statement was taken from the employees who witnessed the robbery at dawn on Friday.

Fortunately, the armed gun toting thieves did not enter the guest rooms, they only managed to reach the offices of the private security service.

It should be noted that although robberies are still an on going problem, the all out cartel war that was being fought in the Los Cabos area has subsided greatly since its height 2-3 years ago and violent crime has decreased as well. 

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  1. You always have to be alert no matter the time place or circumstances no way they would have subdued me with out me taking out 3 or 4 of them and injurying the other 2 I just can't see it happening but i respect the decision of the security guards to surrender I'm just a different type of animal
    Pistolero Profesional

    1. calmate rambo! ya te quisiera ver ahi en los zapatos de los guardias

    2. Yeah ok cool story bro.

  2. No more Mexican vacations for me. Too dangerous even in the tourist zones.

    1. Yes you should stay away, from super scary Mexico....oh wait...dont criminals in the US target civilians?

  3. Amlo how much r u making????

    1. Well Sonny Boy, I am making a good living, while I am in Office, I have just padded some more money when I leave de office, had some narco homes seized and sold at auction. Sold some big azz airplanes to highest bidder, bribes come in, I don't have an account sorry I can't give to a total, but offer you some poems.

    2. I’m assuming you’re a Mexican political specialist.

  4. They will perfect technique and take on a more profitable resorts before too long. The downhill slope Mexico is on is getting steeper.

    1. Exactly what I was thinking. This was a drill to check response times, size of security staff and ease or difficulty. They are perfecting their technique.

  5. Guys, I am flying there during Thanksgiving from LA. Is it safe? Any tip to travel from the airport to the resort/ We are staying at the Paradisus wtf, it's me and my girl. Argh

    WTF is going on in Mexico? :(

    1. Talk to Chivis, she knows a lot.

    2. I wouldn't go!!!@@

    3. been here 10yrs... no dif than anywhere else... im sure there is worse going on in all ya alls back yard. Truth is... if youre too scared or worried... Cancel. We are extremely busy with flights from as far as England now... Enjoy whatever destination you choose... just dont put down ours when you got the same BS going on back at your home cities. In 2018 the US had well over a Hundred Thousand armed robberies... so come on

    4. @5:36 Thanks for your comment. I hope you know that I , PERSONALLY, am NOT "putting down" Los Cabos or any other tourist destination in Mx, I am merely reporting the news. There is NO indication that tourists / clients were targets anyway. Maybe they were trying to get to a safe. It was a coincidence that we we just had an Acapulco Hotel hold up , in case you did not see it. Buenas suerte.

    5. Look at this politically correct bullshit you people are talking,yeah mexicos safe as houses nothing violent goes on there,im just reporting the news,im not putting Mexico down

  6. el lic got popped so the violence subsided

    1. It wasn’t lic
      It was Layo and The Twins from tegoripa. Tegoripenos controlling there.
      Lic killed one of the twins cause they were getting to strong

    2. El Babay...........
      but if I remember correctly Lic and Los Damasos were going at it heavy.
      La China and El Lic are both in prison.

  7. I have stayed at that resort and it's really nice. It's a place where American tourist who have a concern for security go. Every guest I interacted with did not venture away from the hotel.

  8. Wonder if I should give back the LCabos free trip I won on the radio...?

    Canadian girl

    1. La Cabos? which one san jose or cabo sand lucas?

      Although SJ was really hot it has calmed down and presently pretty San Lucas it has always been safe.

      yearly, the U.S. government posts city and state and death circumstance of U.S. citizens [canada have likewise?]

      most deaths are drownings, OD very few are homocide. and very few deaths over all. of 25M visitors from U.S. ave 100 die in Mexico

      robberies etc are a different animal. check with the consulate office overseeing where you are travelling..they will provide the latest warnings and will actually tell you about recent criminality against citizens of you country

    2. Hi Chiv...there are lots of free Mexico trips to be won on our radio staion but I was joking about my win. A plane full of radio winning contestants heading off to a 4 star all inclusive 'resort' is not appealing lol.

      Yes, Canada has a government site for traveling to foreign lands (coups, weather warnings, crime etc.)

      I've been to Tijuana once years ago from San Diego. Definitely a very limited experience.

      Canadian girl

    3. Canadian Gurrrrrrrrl---
      I knew you were messing around I almost said something but then I thought better of it--because what if?

    4. This one is on the trans-peninsular, that's where a bunch of migrant construction workers from Guerrero have been brought in to build all-inclusives, against the perceived threat of crime in the cities themselves. It's fairly isolated with a lot of distance between it and the Gendermeria station on the east side of CSL.

      There are a couple of isolated residential areas nearby full of middle class international type people, and a whole lot of desert to the north until you get to the south side of La Paz.

  9. Copycat robbery of Acapulco robbery of tourists. Another avenue of crime. When's enough, enough?

  10. This is what we call a Cinderella ending on this site, sadly enough. No one injured? Thank God for that.

    A truly inspirational story. Maybe there is hope after all....

  11. Yeah, from the looks of this story, cartel violence has decreased (full of sarcasm).

    1. Almo don't worry, things r mr. President

  12. Mr Lopez Obrador is balazos time! Use your soldiers get rid off of that bad mexican caca.

    1. No senior I offer poems welcome to Mexico.

  13. Bet you the guards were unarmed.

  14. Fack el Cabo, he was probably one of the assailants...
    Seriously, this crap looks like sabotage or a fabrication to get a pay rise, or to steal the security contract by another unhappy private security corporation, same thing Blackwater did in Benghazi after getting kicked out of Iraq and before going and creating ISIS to keep gett8ng their fair share of bounty from fighting the "terrorist organizations" they themselves create since the day after president W "mission accomplished" speech after winning the iraq war in two weeks, a war then Blackwater dedicated themselves to losing for the next 15 years at a cost of billions and billions of dollars to the american taxpayers...

  15. Nice of them to not kill the guards.

    1. Really nice guys. I am going to cabo

  16. Wow its almost as bad as LA, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, DC, New York, Miami, etc
    One Goverment and One Cartel-simple work together

    1. Your over blowing it, you know MEXICO is a lawless country. People getting killed everyday, and barely any arrests.

    2. In usa pl get arrested n get the death penalty but still ppl out doing crime

    3. I can cite crime reports from the 70s onward in the USA matching most of the cime in Mexico with the exception of a couple of things.

  17. Avendaños and guzmans a lot of other families from culiacan have all their money invested in that area it became the money laundering playground of the new age drug smugglers together with quintana roo and mazatlan

  18. Lets see. A couple of armed robbers enter a hotel and subdue 10 guards in an attempt to steal money. They fail. Everyone lives but every starts talking about how dangerous los Cabos is. 2 days ago a 16 year old kid walks into a school and kills 2 other students while injuring 3 others. Yet the USA is safer? I live in Los Cabos. I feel safer here than in any major city in the USA. Stop buying into the media frenzy and look at the facts. In 2017 3.5 million Americans visited Mexico. 4 were killed in tourist areas. FOUR!!!! That's a good night in Chicago!! Or Detroit!! Or New York!!!

    1. New York’s morder rate

    2. How many of those ppl killed in Chicago,NY or Detroit were tourist..If you are going to do comparisons be fair...if you want to count tourist deaths in mex,then just count tourist death in the US and not the total for any given year

  19. More happens in Chicago on a Sunday afternoon. It is everywhere folks

    1. Bullshit, Chicago has crime but not like some cities in Mexico.

    2. 416 MEXICO has more homicides than the cit of Chicago. MEXICO is the homicide capital of the world, along with a president that is blind to what is going on around him.

    3. At least you can call the cops and they show up to make arrests. Not just accept bribes and let criminals run amok again

    4. Oceans eleven was just a movie cabron

  20. never rely on a mexican security guard...

  21. Now they are attacking hotels great, Thats just what tourist want to hear. Mexico is a lawless country especially when the President let Chapito free, wrong person to be President. Thats why Mexicans are considered dumb people

  22. Third comment that doesn’t go through I didn’t even use any profanity this site is compromised and made to make Mexico look like is hopeless.... I sense a political agenda....

  23. It's sad to see all the people that are so gleeful in their Mexico bashing. It’s also frustrating to see that while what's been written here has some truth to it, it's not the whole truth. Mexico has perception problems because very few want to write about anything good happening here and we don't have any effective paid marketing. I always say that for every one bad thing written or said you have to have 10 good things written or said to make up for it. So this is now out there for everyone to see. I made my call to the hotel and spoke to one of a number of colleagues there and he confirmed that the robbery did not happen at the hotel itself but at the security stand that sits between the two hotels (Las Ventanas and Paradisus) on a service road. No hotel guests were ever in danger. One has to wonder what these not-too-bright robbers actually thought they would get at 3:00am from hotel staff and why they thought they needed guns at all? They could have walked up and gotten the same thing, unarmed. A bunch of wallets with pesos and Nokia cell phones...not hardly worth it. Anyway, I work in tourism here in Cabo and I hate to see this kind of reporting without anyone confirming facts. Of course your readers saw "armed command broke into the Paradisus Los Cabos Hotel" and thought they were in the hotel (because that's what you reported), and THEY WERE NOT IN THE HOTEL. No manager was taken inside the hotel, either. The hotel was not entered and has a completely separate entrance. I see a couple of other people commenting that are frustrated, like me. If facts coming from within the destination don't get published, it's true testament to the fact that there's a shameful bias here. If there is one rat there are many and it's the same with truth and lies.

  24. So, you haven't posted my comment. I live here in Cabo, and have an ethical commitment by way of my business not to invent, or embellish, and tell the truth. You want to let people believe inaccurate reporting it seems.


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