Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Mexican National Guard to Crack Down on Uber as Drug War Rages

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat TY Gus Bloomberg
Taxi drivers gather to protest ride apps in Mexico City on Oct. 7.

Mexico’s militarized police force, already grappling with a surge in drug violence and immigration, has a new mission: to stop people from hailing an Uber at airports.

The Mexican National Guard has been charged with conducting sting operations at the country’s 56 airports to make sure that only taxis with a federal permit are allowed to load passengers, according to a statement by the Ministry. The operation comes after the Ministry met with the nation’s taxi association, and will include government communications and transportation officials.

The Uber crackdown adds to the workload of security forces who already are struggling with rising homicides this year. President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who has drawn criticism for releasing the son of drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman after a gun battle this month, has also assigned the Guard to stop undocumented immigrants along Mexico’s southern border in response to requests from U.S. President Donald Trump.

The Uber announcement triggered an immediate backlash on social media, with people wondering if airport raids are really the best use of the national police force, especially after a recent shootout in Michoacan left 14 state police officers dead, and another in the state of Guerrero left one soldier and 14 civilians dead.

“The use of public force in sting operations at airports would represent a threat to users’ rights to choose their mode of transport,” Uber said in a statement, adding it was willing to engage in negotiations with the government to improve competition in the sector.

In response to the criticism, Deputy Interior Minister Ricardo Peralta said the assignment won’t represent any “special” operations since the restrictions of who can operate in federal areas are already mandated by law. The taxi association said it was surprised to hear Peralta’s comments, which appeared to dial down the tone of the agreement, Reforma newspaper reported, and that they would engage in blockades if it is not honored.

Earlier this month, 4,000 taxi drivers took to Mexico City’s streets, blocking major avenues and access to the capital’s airport to protest against digital ride-hailing platforms like Uber, Didi and Cabify.

In 2016, the country’s antitrust regulator Cofece said taxi services at the Mexico City airport were operating under relative monopolistic practices that were causing inflated prices.

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  1. Cowards! That's the best use they can give to the national guard? Taking away jobs. Go fight the real bad guys fkn pssys

  2. Crackdown on Uber and let the drug guys and murderers carry on. ?? Brilliant.

  3. With all the crime, it's absurd they are going after Uber drivers.

    1. Uber drivers kill innocents, put them in the trunk. Becarefull Uber is death.

  4. Mexico is a joke lol

  5. Taxi Unions got rid of Uber.

  6. Kicking uber out will stop homicides. Didn't know uber drivers were killing their customers.

  7. Central America is causing increase in crime.

  8. Which is more important Uber drivers or the high homicide rate.?

  9. What about jaywalking!? Why dont they crack down on that? People do it all around and it really is dangerous! I think public security services really need to get their priorities right and bust that jaywalking mafia out there!

  10. AMLO!

    UBER? Great use of resources you idiot!

    It’s clear you are owned by the taxi unions, and Cartels.

    Is is any wonder your government is Joke?

    To all you AMLO defenders who support him because of the few pesos he gave to your grandmother or the kilo of “frijoles” he gave your aunt for her vote; the “War on UBER” proves your man AMLO has his priorities in the wrong place.

    “Bueno... voy por el kilo de tortillas, y luego al jale.”


    1. What part of Mexico you from Queso?

    2. @3:57

      Del Norte.


  11. Politics at its finest. Some business owners pockets weren't feeling as full as they once did so he reaches out to a politician and makes a donation (bribe) in order to get the government to turn things in his favor.

    It happens everywhere. Not just Mexico.

    I'm sure there is a paper trail as to who signed off on the operation. Follow the paper trail and if possible vote the person out of office or expose them with investigative reporting.

    Sadly, the vast majority of us whine instead of taking action. Me included.

  12. sry for beeing OT but i thought this might be a good read as well and some add. background info i wasnt aware of it.

    keep on BB

  13. Amlo nothing has changed. If not worse. U aren't worth nothing u are a big lie.

  14. This is beyond ridiculous. You build a new national 'police force', murders are up, and you say you will use 'hugs not bullets' to combat the violence. So then you send them after Uber to placate the taxi drivers union. This guy did a great job in saying what he wasn't gonna do, but now what he is gonna do to control the violence.

  15. haha MAke mexiko great again. OMlo´s way.. HAHA laughable.. by the way you must come someday yo mejico to see how these "taxistas" "drive" just imagine, they pass you by the right side, and in a fight. they arrive to it like flies...

  16. ... Many People Bash Amlo, But What Good Did Peña Nieto Presidency Bring? ... The Uber Issue Was Ongoing During His Term Also ... Would Any Of The Other Presidential Candidates Been Better Or Worse? ... By The Way @8:19 AM, None Of My Family Recieved Anything From Amlo For A Vote ... Sorry You Had To Eat Those Beans And Smile At Your Loving Grandma Or Aunt ...

    1. @11:35
      AMLO wants to use the National Guard against UBER.

      Maybe the National Guard has a better chance against working people trying to make extra money because they certainly couldn’t handle CDS 😂

      Looks like you, your family and others who voted for AMLO are part of the problem, and have blood on your hands for having voted for the Clown in Chief. He’s your “Hope and Change” (or some shit like that), Obama used to sucker millions.

      *Germans voted Hitler and the National Socialists into power, and look how that turned out.

      Oh.... I buy my beans at Soriana, and Grandma (God rest her soul), was taken care of when she was alive. 🙂


  17. If the National Guard don't stop Uber, the taxis will ruin Mexico City. Can't argue with that logic. It's Mexico City.


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