Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Ovidio Guzmán 'ordered' feds to free his girlfriend at AICM ... she had with her at least two kilos of cocaine

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat Vanguardia and La Silla Rota

Oops he did it again.... Ovidio Guzmán 'ordered' feds to free his girlfriend at AICM ... she had with her at least two kilos of cocaine

 Ovidio también ordenó a gobierno de AMLO liberar a su novia en el AICM, aseguran

A week after the 'Culiacanazo', according to national security sources, Ovidio,  the son of "El Chapo" gave the demand to the command at the AICM to free the detained woman. Ovid Guzmán López , aka El Raton , the son of the  drug trafficker ,  Joaquín  “ e l Chapo” Guzmán , former leader of  the Sinaloa Cartel  (CDS) ordered the release of his girlfriend who had been arrested at the International Airport of the City of Mexico (AICM) one week after the failed operation where he himself was released after being captured.

This was revealed by the La Silla Rota portal , which cites sources of national security of the government of President  Andrés Manuel López Obrador , of which they did not reveal their identity, indicate that they had contact with  Ovidio once again  after elements of security stopped  a woman from a flight in South America that was destined for the city of Culiacán, the operation center of the  Sinaloa Cartel , which quotes national security sources from the government , indicated  that they had contact with  Ovidio again after security elements carried out an investigation of a woman from a South American flight.

When performing the inspection through the scanners, the elements of the National Migration Institute (INM) and the Federal Police (PF) detected a surprise.

The person, who failed to give her name, had clothes impregnated with at least two kilos of cocaine, according to the sources consulted. Upon being discovered in the review area, the person asked to make a call.

The woman, who apparently is Ovidio's girlfriend,  was discovered having the cocaine during the area of ​​assessment.  The woman asked to make a call which connected her to Ovidio Guzmán López, who gave the order to the airport security personnel  to release her because she was his “girlfriend ”.

The sources consulted did not detail the way in which the release was carried out.

The staff consulted mentioned that protocol is supposed to be followed once a risk situation is detected, the elements that made the arrest must notify the FGR and Interpol to verify if there is an international criminal record on the basis of the Single Criminal Investigation System (SUIC).

Failure to do so violates the action protocols.

In recent years, the federal government has initiated different methods of  investigations, and has even changed personnel assigned to the AICM because of different allegations of corruption inside the airport.

The federal zone is known as one of the main transfer points of different cartels that enter cocaine, weapons, clothing, as well as undocumented through international flights that are destined, mainly Mexico City, border states, the United States, as well as different parts of the world.

Corruption within the AICM has resulted in the death of people working in the customs area. Also a shooting in June 2012 in which three elements of the Federal Police died.

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  1. Lol sounds like some poor sucker actually believed she was Olvidios girlfriend.

  2. This is just so mind blowing. Your "boyfriend" is one of the leaders of one of the biggest cartels on Earth. And you're trying to smuggle 2 kilos in an international airport. This just doesn't make any sense. I'm pretty sure Los chapitos got 2 killos laying around in their house that they don't even know they have.

  3. Are you serious? Could have been anyone saying that he's Ovidio. Do you really think that Ovidio moves weight with the help of his girlfriend? LMAO. 2 kilos??? They're trafficking metric tons a month...

    1. It could have been for her personal use.... you are correct he is a large quantity trafficker, which would lead one to believe it was for her, not “moving it” for her boyfriend. And if it was her, the officials surely know who she is, and I would believe he would have a way of verifying he was actually Ovidio.... like FaceTime?

  4. This is getting so boring, the repetition, corruption that exists within the mexican government. It will never stop. Unbelievable that a drug dealer can control the president and his whole entourage. Complete disgrace to the population and what he made them believe in.

    1. 9:44 do you need something for the heartburn?
      I mean, after lapping up this steaming platterful of BS, you must be feeling bad.
      It could have been the Ukrainians' 400 pound big fat ass guy conspiring against Lopez obrador... think my güey, that what you are supposed to have a brain for.

  5. Últimamente como que el compa anda muy macho alfa. Y los disque federales allí se ven cumpliendo le en todo. No pos así quien chingados va agarrar el gobierno mexicano tan en serio? Ya que le andan complaciendo sus antojos a este wey.

    1. 'Pa k veas compa, Ovidio es mas cabron k el mencho ese.

    2. El evento en culiacan los hizo ver poderosos (que si lo son)

    3. 9:46 CHOLE, la tas cagando güey...
      guess you would be happier with hundreds of casualties and collateral damages.
      Remember there are resources in Sinaloa like weapons, trafficked y US government and their associates, much of it to support their mexican associates, criminals and drug traffickers alike, it has been going on since the 50s when the CIA imported to mexico their Group of 40 that included the big boss who ordered kiki camarena's kidnapping, interrogation and torture and his murder, Cuban felix ismael rodriguez mendigutia associate of terrorist Luis posada carriles and many other criminals.
      There are plenty of reports, Dear Chole, read some more and try and remember, everything has a start, the end tá cabron.

  6. Wow😲😲😲 he got a lot of power!

  7. Congratulations to Guzman family. They have more power than Amlo. Or Amlo is making a lot of money on bribes. Shame on u Amlo.. violence is worse than ever.

  8. El RATÓN es hijo DE LA 🐀...

  9. Anyone surprised that he has his girlfriend running 2 keys through the airport? 2 KG is not very much to move, but it's a lot to get caught with (unless you're in Mexico). I wonder if they let her keep the drugs too?

  10. I thought chapitos where big time???

    1. Sometimes, depends on which time zone they're operating in.

  11. Mexico is a bad joke.All bow to the cartels...and grab your ankles

  12. What a chump, his girls doing small loads, easy catch. Then she calls him? He has nothing on his father.

  13. Ovidio the new El Senor?

    1. No, it's El Mayo Zambada, then Ivan.

    2. Yes he is, with plenty titles, President, Pablo Escobar, and replace his father. He now the most powerful person in Mexico. Move over Caros Slim and su partner Carlos Salinas u guy r servants to President Guzman. Lol

    3. Ovidio just like his dad fucked up. Came to the spotlight for fame now after a few corridos and some time on the “top boss” list. His true masters will give him up to DEA to look good and keep the “fight on drugs” alive and money flowing to deep pockets! Same deep mafia keeps getting paid, and the replaceable faces get thrown to the lions!

    4. Nope he is the new cry baby.

    5. Lol Chapos crying in Supermax because no novels on prison tv.

  14. Looks like cds has that airport on it's knees..
    So "raton" gets girls to fly to Colombia and straps them up with coke to fly to mexican Airport?
    What happened to his fleet of Airplanes?
    I THOUGH cds only moved tons of coke, according to cds groupies lol

    1. More than likely she was gonna party in Mexico City.. tonto!

    2. Mencho took their fleet when he kidnapped them in jalisco.. It was part of the ransom

  15. Surprising to me that the gf of such a powerful figure would bother with 2keys let alone smuggle on a airplane, unless as the situation seems to suggest, the corruption runs so deep that that there is 0fear of prosecution and she can travel with whatever contraband she wishes without fear of reprisals.

    I feel that these blatant acts of authority the cartel is displaying for the world to see is embarrassing to Mexico and US and may lead to chapitos downfall, as it clearly demonstrates who the real president is. Just giving themUS Gov one more reason to want these guys, specifically Ovid as he is continuously spanking the authorities

  16. I call BS. These guys transfer tons of material. Why would he have his girlfriend bring 2 kilos?

  17. Hi Customs that is my girlfriend, she got me 2 kilos of drugs, please let her go through, lol the irony. Did they arrest her or let her go? I am sure Chapos son was supposed to give a bribe.

  18. Ovidio sent her to get the two kilos from a new supplier so they can test. He cannot leave his area of influence right now because DEA is watching his every move. It kind of makes sense to me that he would send a woman.

  19. Is there a possibility that ovidios South American counterparts sent 2 kilos with his gf so ovidio can check them out possibly for a future load? Is that so far fetched to think?

    1. that what most people are saying

    2. But dont they usually send guys down to check a substantial part of a load prior to a purchase with a new outfit?

      It makes little sense to me that they would test a mere 2kg sample prior to a bulk purchase.

      Either they're new connects and you want to test a large sample or they're trusted partners whose word on quality can be trusted.

      Remember the Chapo audio? He wanted to send a chemist down to meet with the paramilitaries to check the whole load. Not just a kilo that may or may not be representative of the entire shipment.

    3. Thsts the dumbest thing iv heard,these guys are a big cartel,they have people for that kind of stuff!

    4. what makes more sense is
      El Raton can operate in Culiacan on his own being only a half brother of the 2 brothers forming los Chapitos thus makes more sense bringing your own in here and there thats all profit as to where he must pay a cut to whomever supplies him in Mx.. look at chapo and his rival brother the guy wants his nephew's dead so he can run shit this is chapos brother the Narco life is a dog eat dog world

    5. Chema then explain why his huna got caught with jale numb nuts

  20. Chapito things he runs the show but what he doesn't realize is the largest most powerful cartel is the CIA. Once the CIA knows your face your a dead man. Ovid Guzmán López wont be sleeping very easy knowing the search bloc is after him.

    1. Why chapitos always doing dumb SH!t lol

    2. Impossible ovidio no es estupido tubo buen profesor nunca tendra que mandar a su novia el cartel TIENE GENTE en colombia o peru o bolivia para EL control calidad y GENTE para los pagos de 50 POR ciento del envio de COCAINA !en un odio de cifuentes villa que delato AL chapo lo explica bien como payant le fret maritimo y 50 por ciento de la COCAINA en el juicio del chapo !y que la GENTE piensa que ovidio que esta en los ojos de la CIA y LA dea manda a su novia para 2 kilos despues de lo que paso en CULIACAN y ablar con amlo es una mentira el cartel es UNA EMPRESA MUNDIAL casi una marca en las DROGAS nunca pasara tal cosa !son TONELADAS de COCAINA que entran en MEXICO todo los 3meses esto es una mentira !impossible

    3. Well in "his country" he's doin ok. When was the last time a drug Lord was captured. Then released? That wasnt from Mexico. Or from the 80s Columbia.

    4. There's always that cia guy... always trying to blow everyones mind

    5. CIA is not a cartel, they are a Federal Agency in the United States, lol they are a cartel.

    6. The CIA sells large amounts of cocaine, weapons, sponsors terrorist, torture people, does worst things than any Mexican cartel under the guise of a federal agency and gets away with it.

    7. 5:37 the CIA won't testify, even in their own defense...

  21. Yo PIENSO QUE no se va a acer pasar 2kilos para un control calidad con su novia !!!!el control calidad el cartel de sinaloa tienen gente en colombia ;peru ;desde AÑOS y no TIENE Falta de mandar a su novia !! No es estupido esta debajo los radares desde el aresto fallido impossible el cartel de sinaloa no trabaja a lo tonto !son mentiras tienen gente en colombia para EL control y los envios de ambas partes de DINERO y COCAINA !el chapo era muy BUEN profesor! Lo explica en un odio eregistrado por cifuentes para EL chapo que cifuentes delato un puro snich o chivato para la DEA !

  22. Chivis stop trying to sound smart

    1. @8:43 and you are dumb!
      Chivis knows her stuff. You must know something on this subject that she doesn't 🤔🤔🤔

  23. We need confirmation for sicario006 if this is true

  24. Possiblemente nadamas era un pendejo asiendose pasar como un chapito para que suelten su pareja. LOL

  25. Told you the President is on the payroll. He also said no to U.S Special forces to wipe the cartels off the face of the earth.


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