Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Sonora: Armed Hold Up on the Highway, Millions in Gold Bars Stolen

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Imparcial y Debate y Infobae
Sonora:   The theft of 47 gold bars, equivalent to 722 kilograms, was recorded Friday night when it was being transported in a vehicle of a securities company on the International Highway on the Sonoyta section.

The company produced a total of 94 ingots between July, August and September, so the armed group took half of the production of that period. The estimated value of the 47 stolen gold bars would reach a value greater than 500 million pesos, this according to El Universal, (ie approx $25 million USD.)

An armored truck of the SVD company, owned by the Noche Buena mining company, a subsidiary of the Corporation Fresnillo PLC, was intercepted by heavily armed individuals, who beat the three security guards who were traveling in the vehicle , sustained injuries and the thieves took the millions of gold bullion.

Federal Police elements were the first to move to the site after receiving the report. However, the thieves had already fled by then, leaving the injured guards. The National Guard collaborates with the Sonora Prosecutor to find those responsible for this millionaire robbery.

At the time of the robbery, the security guards carried three revolvers. The thieves beat and disarmed them, although authorities reported that the injured are stable. They do not know, for the moment, who was able to carry out the assault and what is their modus operandi.

The precious metal belongs to the Noche Buena mine, which operates in the Caborca ​​region and is located 120 kilometers from the municipal capital.
The incident occurred at 9:10 p.m. last Friday on the International Highway Road section to Sonoyta, Sonora at kilometer 157, and was reported to the authorities; the first respondents were the agents of the Federal Police.

The  Fresnillo Corporation has in the State of Sonora the gold mines Noche Buena and Herradura; In addition, it is also dedicated to the production of silver in the Saucito and Fresnillo miners, in Zacatecas and San Julián, in the region between Durango and Chihuahua, among other projects, according to the firm's information. 

The fall in the production of the Fresnillo company:

The 47 bullion that took the criminals had a value of about 524,000,000 pesos, according to the current price of the metal. According to magazine data, the Fresnillo PLC company managed to produce a total of 94 ingots between July, August and September, so that the armed group took half of the production of that period.

Last October, the economic newspaper Expansión reported that the production of Mexican miner Fresnillo had fallen in the last quarter. Specifically, gold mining fell by about 7%, to 209,800 ounces.

This fall in the production of this metal was due, in part, to a smaller volume of ore processed in the mines of San Julián, La Herradura and Noche Buena. It also registered a significant decline in the extraction of silver, with a fall of 14.5%.

According to Reuters , Fresnillo cut annual forecasts in July, to target ranges of between 58 and 61 million ounces of silver, and between 910,000 and 930,000 ounces of gold. And now, the company expects the production amounts to be in the lower range of 55 to 58 million ounces of silver, and between 880,000 and 910,000 ounces of gold , not counting the loss they face after the theft of this weekend of 47 ingots, that is, 18,800 ounces of gold. ( approx $25 Million USD more or less ).

In the past there is documentary evidence that cartels and/or organized crime smuggle the gold to be sold and thus launder money. Another post for another time.

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  1. Look our for someone selling gold bars at pawn shops.

  2. Transporting millions of dollars worth of gold by land through Mexico? Lol this company is delusional

  3. Say what you want this is hardcore CDS territory. Now some cell of theirs must be getting desperate for cash to pay their shithead followers or the entire organization is in order for them to do this. Either way these fuckers are becomming the fuckers they so much despise so they claim, or those that steal for short.

    1. They gotta pay all them guys that showed up for ovidio and ivan. 25million will do just that.or they are allowing it for showing up.its gotta be an inside job tho.revolvers? Really? Thats just dumb.25mil they shoulda got a fukn helicopter or plane

    2. Not totally CDS, they are still groups in that area that go back to Beltran-Leyva who are allied with some factions of Los Zetas and maybe CJNG nowadays and they still control much of the foothills and small towns next to the Arizona border. Neither CDS nor the military has been able to drive them out. Not for lack of trying...

  4. What is going on????? The hold country is going to the Cartel. Amlo get up tomorrow and give news conference and everything should be ok. Lol lol

  5. 25 Million dollars worth of Gold Bars, being transported in Sonora, guarded by three guys with pistols.

  6. Take it to your nearest pawn shop.��������������������

  7. That's why real mining companies fly their gold out.

  8. Why would they drive this, when they can use a helicopter to transport the gold

  9. Well damn! what an easy come up smh

  10. Inside job for sures...that much gold an just 3 guards...baboons

  11. Myself and 2 friends were hijacked in that area. Off subject, but they just found 10 more remains near puerto penasco, bringing total dead to 56. Tourism still good they are having a motorcycle rally there right now.

  12. Inside, as in corrupt government inside job.

  13. Wonder if and why they did not have a convoy of private security . Son of a gun.

  14. Several questions here.
    1. Is the truck not supposed to be bulletproof?
    2. How did they drive into a trap and could not get out even when they were in a armored van?
    3. Could they not of called for backup right there and then?
    4. Why was the van travelling alone without a backup convoy?


  15. WTF? Security carried three revolvers?

    **Do they expect robbers to show up with bows and arrows?

    The Security guards are luck to be alive!

    Its possible someone in the company set this up to get money from the sale of the Gold, while being made whole by an insurance company and didn’t want the poor security guards wacked.

    Cartel guys would not give a shit about some “paisa” guard, and would not want witnesses. They would have just shot the guards.

    Anyway. It’s likely the Gold was insured so the company will not loose out.


  16. That's better than cash

  17. Looks like a well planned job a major cartel with the manpower and resources to poll it off. I have a feeling the gold is already in transit to the next stage in handling.

  18. woa, big hit! gold is far more valuable than any drug or currency

  19. 25 million dollars in gold, if that was my money i would have flown it instead of moving it by an armed truck!! Helicopter or a private plane!! Someone needs to get fired ASAP! Good thing the guards weren't killed, im sure they have families, people who love them. That area is cartel freaking land, what were they thinking??

  20. Are you f kidding!! Three guards for that much loot and especially that part of the country where it is the most dangerous...

  21. Inside job. Either an employee from the mine or the driver

  22. Beating the guards, but not killing them, means at least one was an insider.

  23. What Will happen if IT passes?

    1. It has really gained support after the Mormon massacre took center stage. it has been spoken about for as long as I have been in Mx...but now the interest is at the highest level ever.

    2. Sinaloa is not on there lol. Mayo and Chapitos must be good money.

    3. what will happen is the cartels will be dismantled. they are terrorists orginizations. they have zero chance once this passes.

    4. So I guess I am confused as to why if this passes it affects the cartels? Unless the US gets the green light to go in and take out the cartels (IF the Mexican government allowed US Special Forces, Seals, or Delta to come in and run operations against the cartels with no Mexican interference they would have most of the leaders dead within 6 months IMO) without any Mexican interference we can call these cartels any name we want to. If we can't act it won't matter.

  24. Wait...500 million pesos and ONLY 3 rent-a-cops with only 3 revolvers transporting all that gold?! Lmao!


  25. I hope they had insurance! (Wink wink)

  26. It’s going to be hard to pin this one on the US, as the Mexico Apologists always do.

  27. Sonora is a place where there is big mines from U.S investors taking billions of mexican gold and copper from 🇲🇽 yearly because of corruption in Sonora.. When I drove by all that land and drove around mountains I looked down and saw huge holes from the mines.. I thought to myself, how can Mexico slow this? Nut I know the answer, 💰.. There are more trucks where that came from, no big deal...

  28. Lol 3 guards with 500 know one or even all of the workers gave up info for a cut

  29. if they had that kind of $ in gold they should have sent it by helicopter or private plane

  30. Jajaja....pendejos k transporte mucho oro y solo tener tres pistolas en una zona peligrosa como eso! Obviamente una persona o personas k saber de ruta, hora y contenido de ese envio.


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