Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, November 29, 2019

Tamualipas: Tropa del Infierno Convoy On the Outskirts of Nuevo Laredo

A video is circulating on social networks that shows what was initially a 21 vehicle convoy. This broadcast was edited to show only a 17 vehicle convoy. Just as well the original sound has been muted to protect the anonymous person who uploaded it online.

WhatsApp message is as follows:
The inhabitants of the city of Nuevo Laredo, in Tamaulipas, have been threatened by the armed group known as “La Tropa del Infierno”, none other than the armed wing of the Cartel del Noreste. In the message they warn that they will kill whoever "plays the reporter."

“With advance warning there is no deception, you pieces of shit. Anyone who is seen playing reporter we will fucking destroy them. And if their lucky we will burn them alive. We are the Troops of Hell. Death fears us and respects us as it should”, says the message that circulates through readings on WhatsApp and other networks.

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat   Source

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  1. 4 Gente Nueva Special Forces Tier 1 operators would wipe out these amatuer sicarios en 10 minutes with no collaterla damage

    1. You mean the way the salazar’s Wiped out the LeBarón mom and kids.

    2. Then why havent they?

    3. This clown never gets tired of writting this gente nueva crap

    4. The same way they wiped out the mormon family of innocents and children gente Nueva are a bunch of rats

    5. Are they waiting til Christmas? Maybe Santa Muerte clause can help

    6. Yeah right. They cant even wipe out menchas ppl.

    7. Well... The talking parts over...

    8. Then please get in there and help that community! And afterwards, stop in every town you pass through on the way home and formally apologize and beg for forgiveness for the terrorizing, murdering, raping, thieving and poisoning you and the Sinaloa cartel have been doing for just as long and in a much larger area! Be a legend, but in a different way! Not all heroes wear capes!

    9. Yu guys don't know shit about what's really going on out there do yu? It wasn't the Gente Nueva Del Cazador who killed the LeBaron Family, it was a cell of La Linea belonging to Juarez Cartel 🤦‍♂️ pendejos lol 😂 the LeBaron family won a suit in court for wrongful death lol good luck on getting the Juarez cartel to pay yu haha

  2. Dam cdn is real powerful now they’ve expanded big who is gonna stop them they are the new cjng

  3. if tei st3p in South Veracruz they get their assee wipped out by El Z-240 and Z-135 their both ex Marinos controlling a remnant of Fuerzas Especiales Zetas alligned with MOROS CXDXG under la orden de Vieja Guardia Zetas
    They even have rap made by CDG dudes #GRUPOOPERATIVOLOZZETAZ

  4. perfect example of a juicy target for a hellfire drone strike #HellFiresNotHugs

  5. All I want for Christmas is for Mr.Trump to classify those scums as terrorist and have predator drones in Mexico wiping them out by the dozens.

  6. So the troops of hell are killing reporters, why kill them, if they offer information to the general public.

  7. So 17 -21 trucks I wanna say 4-5 a truck but I seen a few trucks that looked like ther was people in the truck beds so just a guess about 100 armed men

  8. When the USA’s “terrorist” label is put into action these convoys will be destroyed immediately by drone missle strikes. LOL I for one cannot wait to see these wannbe drug addicted hitmen run for cover and hide. But hiding will be hard with heat detection and infared...just ask ISIS and ISIL and Al-Queada dirtballs. Oh you can’t, they were exterminated or vaporized. The leaders have only one thing going for them and that is 99% all all these ball suckers are illiterate and/or stoned at the same time and cannot even spell or write their names so they will be brainwashed with extra hits of dope not knowing they are going to be targeted for elimination. LMAO the fun has yet to begin with the POS cartels and their imminent demise through death.

    1. Take it easy man or women. Your talking just like one of them.

  9. These guys are not terrorist and apparently not under the presidential protection of globalist AMLO

  10. Will Tropa Del Infierno eventually split from CDN as well ??

  11. It's obvious that they travel with complete immunity from any government or military force against them. The criminals have more freedom than the law abiding citizens.

    1. I counted 18 trucks

    2. @2:37 dude that's the power of corruption. The government and military officials have their x-mas paid for by the cartels. Without cartels no big ticket bribes and they wouldn't want that would they???

  12. These senseless killings perpetrated by thugs who travel in convoys with impunity through certain areas are symbolic of how f’ing out of control this is. Being a bounce on the narcotic trampoline is one thing, even controlling the industry. the old school knows this. BUT INSURGENCIES ARE UNSUSTAINABLE AND WILL EVENTUALLY BE DECIMATED.

    I pray for the citizens of Mexico who have suffered at the hands of sick, sick people who only in their final moments will realize what life is meant to be as the truly important moments that can not be bought flash before their eyes. I also pray that those who know these things fix the problem. Woke Narcos and Poiticos will have to break some eggs to make an omelet but I hope they break the right eggs and create something that is palatable for all. One can dream. We are all fingers on the same hand.


  13. It almost looks like that first truck was a police vehicle....🤔

  14. or an A-10 with a minigun.

  15. Saw some of them in the town of Nuevo Laredo apparently after splitting up the larger group, just outside of Reforma in an area behind the busy business strip. They are collecting and bunkering to enclose areas of the town; it was rather obvious, and I'm told they are. Young Black American here visiting for business before the Thanksgiving holidays, and that is when I and the taxi driver saw them, and we had no where to go but to drive right through the area that 20 of them (with 3 well-equipped trucks) were occupying quite near. They looked at us as we drove by, maybe they were giving me a break due to looking like some Mexicans here. Daylight, not a care in the world, very professional looking, really smart uniforms, AK's, Kevlar or so it appeared, black masks, and it seemed that some had cameras on the helmets. Talked with some Mexican nationals around Reforma business area, and they ALL told me "we are use to it, we just continue on with our business as usual, nothing can be done." These guys are entrenching! Watch out, failed state indeed, these guys are invading. Something big about to go. Locals told me that they are collecting in their working-class neighborhoods too, sending their watchers (but not the main-force guys) into each colony to live in each area of town. Told the boss, I'm out of there for good. Oh Lordy Lordy, never saw such.

  16. Wait until American’s get involved. You will see 18 smouldering trucks on the side of the road snd a reaper drone circling


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