Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, November 7, 2019

VIDEO Added: Culiacán; Sinaloa State Policeman Gunned Down in Parking Lot

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Debate
[another version of the CDS retaliation story]
                                        Sinaloa state policeman killed with more 50 shots

This is a state police officer who was supposedly an escort of the PEP undersecretary, the man was shot in the parking lot of a plaza in Culiacán on Wednesday morning.

The events were recorded in the parking lot of a plaza in the Las Moras neighborhood, which is located on the boulevard with the same name and the Jesús Kumate Boulevard.

Despite the secrecy of the authorities, it was noted that the murdered state policeman was identified as Eduardo 'N' of Costa Rica, who apparently belonged to the Protection Services area.

After knowing the attack and that anonymous voices advanced the rumor that the deceased today would have participated in the capture of Ovid, the Ministry of Public Security denied that he was in the operation of October 17.

According to the information, the policeman was found inside his white Nissan Sentra car, which presented dozens of bullet impacts,  the caps of which were encircling the car.  There was also a long gun and a flask radio (special police accessory).

Next to the car where the dead policeman lay there was also a Ford Escape brand truck, which also had bullet impacts on the driver's side door and on the left front fender.
It should be noted that the violent murder occurred in front of a business selling meat, which was open, and around 8:00 am the employees were removed from the scene. The officer had just gotten off of his work shift and probably had stopped for an errand on the way home.

The Secretary of Security in Sinaloa, Cristóbal Castañeda Camarillo, said that this cowardly fact should not go unpunished, like all those that affect society, so immediately a search operation was deployed to locate the possible aggressors of the uniformed.
He stressed that, he will collaborate with the State Attorney General's Office to provide all the information that helps the investigation and find those responsible for this artful crime that hurts not only the police corporations but the entire Sinaloan society.

Castañeda Camarillo indicated that Eduardo joined the corporation since 2013 and belonged to the Elite Group of the State Preventive Police. He also mentioned that Eduardo was not on duty the fateful day in October of the failed attempt to arrest Ovidio Guzmán.

He regretted once again, that security forces are affected in this way, however, he said that this is a clear example of the risk in which  police officers perform daily, men and women, exposing their own lives to safeguard that of others.

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  1. Estos putos de Sinaloa se pasan de vergas nada mas porke un policia esta haciendo su trabajo.
    Pero siganle lamiendo los huevos la gente de aya a estos putos narcos y ven lo que les pasa.

    1. Y el puto del Mencho no dicen nada que no acaba de matar a 14 policias

    2. 9:14 tu estas lambiendo Los huevitos a la mencha puts...como si Los policias son honestos,ellos trabajan para El narco

    3. Mencho killed cops on rival payroll. Cds cant even control Culiacan where chapo fell and chapitos are hididing. Sinaloas falling apart!

    4. @11:56 are you reading the same things we are so they can’t control Culiacán but they rescued chapo son and paralyzed the whole city?? Just Incase you forgot how many police have mencho ambushed and killed and video tapped them too??

    5. 11:56 You dont pay much attention do you? Ivan just held the whole city hostage and beat the federal search bloc in Culiacan while freeing his brother. That sounds to me they control the entire city and probably the entire state.

    6. De que hablan si Mencho es un Angelito. Es mas lo van a tratar de canonisar en Santo algn dia.

    7. 1156 chapó was never caught in Culiacan. All the times he was caught was away from cln try again mcfly

    8. cant even control cln, sinaloa is falling apart lmao hahahhahaha.
      culiacan esta mas parado q nunka

    9. Ill make it clearer for you childs. Chapo caught in sinaloa. Chapitos getting chased in sinaloa their stronghold. Thats not power. They are on the run.

    10. Obviously 11:56 & 6:48 are just cheerleaders. These are the same people that will argue that their team is winning when the score shows something totally different. I’ll make it clear for you two kids....Learn to read and stop cheering for criminals.

  2. Replies
    1. This is the guy that hits Ovidio in the back and made him kneel

  3. Yaqui it’s great that you posted this article. It’s goes more in-depth into who he really was. This wasn’t just any cop that was killed, but an actual elite officer. And something to consider regarding his death is wether or not he was indirectly affected by what transpired the day of Ovidos capture. Perhaps he had a loved one affected by it all. Or maybe he spoke out against the Sinaloa cartel. So many scenarios. What I did notice about this story is how Riodoce news failed to mention the cartel. Last time they did Javier Valdez was gunned down because of it. Whereas La Polaka just straight out said it was the Sinaloa cartel. It seems that just about every media is going to spin things in their favor so long as their safety net is there.

    1. Rio Doce is compromised ever since Javier was gunned down, it just isn’t the same anymore, I’ve moved on

    2. Lmfao it so obvious when Sol is high and sober. You were definitely sober when u wrote this comment...G.C.

    3. 4:01- I was thinking the same thing! It's like a split personality! I like this one!

    4. Yaqui and I did discuss this article. I thought it was important to have another perspective. Generally we like other sources, and not just the same report to support the article we post, or to clarify and make it VEry clear we are unable to obtain additional sources.


  4. There was an interview with a colleague/co-founder from javier, if he could turn back time he would pressure javier to not bring the damaso interview. He was scared and said the interview wasnt worth his life. So maybe thats why RD keept silent.

  5. So this kid punked the mexican goverment for all the world to see and he feels that he shld still kill the poor cops who were just doing their job and got embarrassed. These kids are worse assholes than their dad and will end up same or worse.

    1. Totally agree with 12:23 PM! I was thinking the same thing. The kid was smirking like a brat at the Mexican government. Out of control! In the end, it won’t end up well for the kid. I think of the finish of Saddam Hussein’s sons.

  6. Mexico needs to start a nation wide public propaganda program to ask the public to alert the authorities of the presence of young men with guns and vehicles. The public has to start to care because some of their own are being killed.

    1. Its not that simple most of the authorities are corrupted. Many people have gotten killed for "snitching".

    2. @3:54
      You dip shit! There were many people carrying guns in Culiacán and where were the cops??

      At a cemetery in a major City in Mexico (I won’t say where), lots of cartel guys with assault rifles stood guard throughout the premises as the funeral services were performed. Police and State forces Were no where.

      Your idea won’t work because of corruption in my 🇲🇽.


    3. The cartels kill whistle blowers. Govt is corrupt. If you don’t know this (Bare minimum) then you seriously need to research this topic.

    4. Or just kick the American corporations out so they can stop stealing from the mexican ppl and rebuild the economy and than no one would work for the cartel and no mexican would want to immigrate to the USA, it's a win win for all and the cartels would slowly disappear

    5. when govmnt takes your guns only crooks and govmnt has guns rise up!

    6. 3:54 welcome new member, read more articles on BB, and you my son will be overwhelmed. I hate to tell you but most of the time, the police is in it together with the cartel, that they moonlight with them.

    7. Lol the authorities are the criminals too. Don't be shocked, be surprised!

    8. "MY MEXICO" give me a fuckin break

  7. There's an actual video of the assassination. I doubt BB wants to post it because it seems like BB likes misleading its readers.

    1. 421 I am happy with BB, long time viewer, lately there has been people that get off the bus and put snide remarks or belittle people. You should read the rules that are followed on the homepage, have a great day.

    2. @4:21 I truly resent your comment re: BB LIKES to mislead readers. Nothing could be farther from the truth. We may make mistakes but MISLEADING is never our intention. Perhaps you need to keep in mind that we cover alot of grey areas.......perhaps you don't know Mexico, nothing is as it seems. We reporters, who volunteer to bring you this coverage have nothing but the best intentions to bring some clarity to what the War on Drugs has done to society as a whole.
      I saw a crappy security video and decided not to use it. I have found a better one and will add it and Update.
      The Agency is sticking to their story that this particular policeman was not part of the operation to arrest Ovidio.

    3. What I love about your comments is they are starting to appear in almost every article! Which means you read bb daily. That's the definition of a troll! So which contributer has wronged you in the past? How is your relationship with your mother?

    4. Dear Yaqui- It so saddens me that there are people out there who just freaking lie! Wtf is wrong with 4:21? If this person truly believes that BB misleads it's are you on the site,much less making hateful untrue comments? Every day when I check in with BB to read the latest on the War on Drugs, I'm grateful to all of you for donating your valuable time. Grazie to all at BB for all you do to inform and educate us. Peace.

    5. @Yaqui,well atleast you posted it. You guys do a great job at filtering whatever doesn't fit your narrative. You know there's also the full video of the actual Cristóbal Castañeda Camarillo press conference. Maybe you should post that as well so that BB readers can get the info from the horses mouth, or is that too much to ask? If you choose not to I understand.

    6. If you look at the CONTRIBUTORS List on the right hand column you will see that we still have a GUEST REPORTER slot open.
      Just e-mail Chivis.

    7. @1:34 Thank you for your kind words;
      We try, Peace y Paz

    8. @1:34 I will give BB some credit, they do a good job of GATHERING the information, even if certain articles are bias or misleading. I don't see anything wrong with calling out the BS, and that's why I do it and I'll continue to do it if I find inconsistencies. In the past I have posted on the comments links to the same stories but from a different source. Sometimes they get posted, for the most part they dont. Why, I dont know but I suspect it's because an actual video of let's say the president giving a speech can't be distorted the way an article of the same speech can.

      In this particular article there is misleading information. Where is the video of the actual press conference held by Cristobal Castaneda? It's out there. If you watch the video you'll see how this article is misleading. I'd post the link but the chances of this comment being posted would diminish even more so. 🤷🏽‍♂️😂😂

      Now I know, as a moderator it's not easy reading through all the comments and filtering the good from the bad but there are a handful of BB readers who are obvious trolls and their remarks aren't filtered because one, some or all of the mods have an agenda and get a kick out of allowing those comments. Without naming some of those trolls you guys know who they are. Anywho, sorry if you took this to heart @Yaqui. I'm just voicing what I see.


  9. There is a video of it on worldstar or live leak i forgot which one, both driver and passanger on driver side get out and go to town.

  10. Chapito should have been put down when the police had him.

  11. Sad to say but Mexico is out of control. It IS a Narco state. The government is corrupt as all institutions.Too proud to ask for help!? Either pass out guns and ammo to the population and the winner takes all. Or get US help.Satellites and drones etc. could track convoys of cartels and be destroyed. Otherwise a continued downward spiral

  12. I seen the video shit crazy they followed him for sure with help from people

  13. They could be like the rest and just shoot at the police for no reason like other cartels if they have to use violence against police it’s because of a agreement was broken or something he did so he had it coming ther not so innocent police just doing ther job like you think

    1. Murder is the charge anyway you spin it. Quit justifying the unjustifiable.


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