Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

VIDEOS: "Narco-Blockade" on Acapulco - Zihuatanejo Highway with Burning Trucks and a Bus

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: ElDiario y RadioFormula
                   Armed group blocks Acapulco-Zihuatanejo highway; setting 3 vehicles on fire

An armed group closed the federal highway Acapulco-Zihuatanejo , by setting three vehicles on fire today at 6:30 in the morning. The vehicles were a passenger bus, a garbage truck and a truck.

With information from Ángeles Rodríguez, correspondent in Acapulco, Formula Group , it is an armed group that did the same thing 8 days ago to demand the departure of the National Guard and the State Police.

In addition, based on information from Twitter users, it is “ The Guerrerense Guard ” of “El Ruso”, who mocked the elements of the National Guard and National Defense Secretariat.


No victims were registered and troops from the three government orders were deployed to restore order. The event occurred at the junction of the communities of Palos Blancos and San Jeronimito, in the municipality of Petatlán.

In the same community, on November 1, alleged members of the “Guerrerense Guard” criminal group set several vehicles on fire and blocked the roads for almost eight hours.

That time about 350 people from that organization demanded that the security forces in charge of the area withdraw.

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  1. wannabe gangsters lol

  2. Nothing a few missiles would clear up. Why not, or just surrender amlo

    1. And just nuke chicago right

    2. 8:19 Are you saying mexican cartels have nukes already?

  3. Narcos burning down their country. Bunch of idiots

  4. Replies
    1. They should had shot that sob ovidio guzman on the spot, none of these narco blockade would be happening nation wide.

  5. Welp....that certainly didn’t take long >>> as my mother used to say to me when I was but a small child “monkey see monkey do”. New for the fall and winter 2020 seasons - Narco-Blockades - it’s so in right now - don’t be left out this year - get yourself an oil truck and a fire torch and see just how easy it is to run the show (hint hint - it feels GREAT!!). Thanks AMLO. You didn’t want to use bullets, electing instead for hugs. Don’t worry about the negative stories of the thousands upon thousands of innocent people (almost all of whom are Mexican) who have been killed or affected by Mexico violence, after all - what does a charred human body (extra crispy please!) have on a good strong hug and a soft blanket to boot? Nothing! That’s what. As for me, I could use a good hug myself - is it OK if I wait for the gunfire to stop before I get up to collect mine? Thx.

    1. Narco blockades have been going on for years
      Its not their first rodeo...its a strategy used to negotiate or distract and attack...the ppl in culiacan took it a lil too far when they went for the families of marinos...i see it working but backfiring in the long run...they lost a lot of support from civilians which believe it or not plays an important role in cartel wars

  6. What is the capability of Mexico's military? Yes they have soldiers but do they have the technology to track these groups with satellites? Wake up ALMO, these are terrorists, not your compas.

  7. trying to be like Chapitos but failed miserably lol..

    1. Those are the chaputos they getting hit hard by los viagras y la fm de Guerrero

  8. "And Jesus wept!"

    Hang in there AMLO. Compassionate loving hugs is touching the bad guys' hearts; they will gain enlightment to the evils of their ways. The time is near,no more dismembered bodies in trash bags, people hanging from bridges,... or emolated, decapitated, sawed or hacked to pieces, beaten to a pulp, flayed, run over, flung from heights, or made into pozole.

    Yeah, AMLO hugs and love will work... Pray and be patient people.
    I have to go, they're calling me for my psych meds.

  9. "Troops deployed to restore order ". Translation: escort the fire department to put out fires, draw straws to see which soldier has to get in front of the media to say "everything is fine folks, nothing to see here! We have everything under control!" Then quickly return to their barracks before the next episode of Cartel Crew comes on!

  10. Stupid to blame "AMLO" when there is a governor with thousands of law enforcement elements who should be controlling crime in his state, they 8nclude municipal, federal and state and no doubt more than a few private security paramilitary.
    AMLO said with huevos "no more war on drugs" because there are there huevos for that and more, unlike fecal and epn...

    1. Duub inactive president, while thousands of his citizens die yearly.

  11. Maybe AMLO thinks he is playing the role of Nero in Televisa's latest soap opera. Hugs not bullets Perez is allowing Mexico to burn while holding his kumbaya press conf. alias AMLO


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