Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Watch the Coast Guard Capture Another Narco Sub With $69 Million in Cocaine

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat TY Gus from Vice by Tim Marcin

This load was so big they needed a crane to lift it onto a ship

The Coast Guard intercepted a makeshift narco-submarine hauling a hell of a lot of cocaine in the Pacific Ocean.

The Coast Guard said Thursday that its cutter ship "Harriet Lane" seized some 5,000 pounds of the drug off the semi-submersible vessel manned by four suspected smugglers on October 23.

A boarding team was able to take control of the narco-sub before the people onboard could use a system designed to sink the craft, the Coast Guard said.

“It was an all-hands-on-deck effort to properly position the cutter and to safely make the seizure,” said Cmdr. Dorothy Hernaez, commanding officer of the Harriet Lane, in a statement.

The coke found on board was worth about $69 million. The seizure was made in the eastern Pacific in international waters after an air patrol spotted the suspected smuggling ship.
Video of the incident released Friday shows members of the Coast Guard ducking into the vessel, and chucking out bale after bale of what’s apparently cocaine.

The Coast Guard pulled so much coke off the ship that they needed a crane to haul loads of bales onto a separate ship.

It’s not all that uncommon for the Coast Guard to intercept narco-subs. In September they seized some $165 million worth of cocaine off a narco-sub heading toward the U.S. in the Pacific Ocean.

READ: So here's a Coast Guard dude just surfing a 40-foot narco-sub packed with cocaine

Before that, in June, the Coast Guard stopped a narco-sub carrying a whopping 17,000 pounds of coke worth roughly $232 million.

Still, most narco-subs go undetected. Lt. Cmdr. Stephen Brickey told CNN in July that they only catch an estimated 11% of the smuggling vessels that pass through the eastern Pacific. As the video released Thursday demonstrates, the smugglers do a decent job of camouflaging their ships.

"They blend in," Brickey told CNN. "Most of the vessel is underwater, so it's hard to pick out. They're painted blue. They match the water."

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  1. Cjgn getting ratted left and right

    1. The opposite. CJNG and the Chinese wants to disrupt and destroy the south american cocaine traffickers and cocaine industry in general.
      As i said, synhetic drugs and research chemicals are powerful stuff.
      Rich collage kids in the USA prefer Adderall/speed to help them study all weekend than do yuppie 1980s cocaine in some strip club.

  2. Less power to the criminal rats of the drug cartels. Too bad they are still able to use planes, ships to transport drugs from south america to mx all freely.

  3. Repacked and sent to Europe

  4. YES! These men and women rock!

    1. Till their identities are revealed and their family members are put in danger.

    2. Or military intelligence does a pre-emptive attack on the sicarios.

  5. Pretty sure some one is going to get killed for this.

    1. In other words some heads will be rolling.

    2. 6:48 Seems like white OXXO coolers are no longer in vogue. Black plastic bags are all the rage this season among fashionable sicarios.

  6. meh. About another 500 million made it past. It’s futile.

  7. 11%???? Rofl
    Yeah, right. The uscg in insane if they think theyre stopping that much- until like last year that special boat they made to detect these subs, HADNT EVEN LOCATED 1- now all of a sudden, theyre busting 11%???

    The coast guard is full of shit

    Former uscg

    1. Dude it's all PR to get big budgets of taxpayer money. Big budgets means big perks, pensions and kick-backs from suppliers for the UCSG top brass.

      Sure they make real busts, but their claims have nothing to do with real reality, but is all virtual reality to grease the PR machine.

  8. Great news, now the C.I.A. will take that shipment and distribute it themselves, just like IRAN/CONTRA in the 1980s

    1. Boy your smart.. should take over de Chivis post. Lol why CIA be involved in this.

  9. Excellent these persons captured with the fruits of the crime, will be serving big time in prison, kiss your freedom goodbye.

  10. Cartels are so rich why dont they invest in auto pilot for the subs so they can be unmanned and tracked and can actually go deeper under water. Maybe have a controller in a boat following it looking like a fisher.

  11. Why dont they just blow it up right there in the middle of the pacific...they are all just a bunch of crooks. The bigger guys stealing from the smaller

  12. Majority of those guys partied hard in High School (blow), no doubt. Some of the probably take steroids too, which is a drug...

  13. That was July 22nd since then th U.S. Navy and Coast Guard brought in a 40,000 pound load


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