Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, December 27, 2019

Aurora Residents Ambushed in Mexico Were Likely Targeted, Attorney Says

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat  TYGUS  NBC Chicago

Image result for Jose de Jesus Gutierrez, and daughter, Sofia Gutierrez

A father and daughter from west suburban Aurora and an 85-year-old relative who were recently ambushed in Mexico while traveling to visit family for Christmas were likely targeted, the family's attorney said.

Jose Luis Gutierrez, 52, a gardener, was shot twice by unknown attackers and left on the side of the road in Zacatecas, which is northwest of Mexico City. His father, 85-year-old Jose de Jesus Gutierrez, and daughter, Sofia Gutierrez, 19, were beaten in the incident.

Jose Luis Gutierrez sustained serious injuries and was airlifted to a hospital. The three were heading to visit their family in the western state of Jalisco for Christmas.

The ambush comes just days after the U.S. State Department urged travelers to Mexico to use increased caution after a spike in violent crime in the country.

"They target you just simply because you come from the U.S., and they know that to come to Mexico, you're probably going to have gifts, you're going to have valuables," said family attorney Manuel Cardenas.

Family members have reached out to both United States and Mexican authorities in search of answers. What led up to the incident, and who is responsible, remain unclear.

The League of United American Citizens is working to the family to make sure their relatives get medical treatment and return to the U.S.

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  1. Any chance they were in the trade? Their lawyer will know.

    1. very doubtful. these were hard working humble folks just wanting to visit family like many Mexicans do. And narcos are lying in wait like the scum vultures they are. I hope they get hem back to the U.S. and the girl may be able to give testimony as to what happened.

    2. Why would narcos do this they have money???

    3. why would narcos do this they have plenty of money?? More likely it was gangs not cartel or drug dealers.

    4. 11:53 it is a myth that all the criminals are narcos or are cartel or have money.
      Most criminals are broke asses toiling for the maruchan, but it rarely comes this easy.

  2. I used to go to Mexico three to four time a year,until two years ago. Never had any incidents not even a flat tire. Up until this year I can say I have been very lucky, I haven't even seen those convoys that people talk so much about it.I have heard other people around me talk about it and had negative incidents happen to them. One thing I do different from them, I never travel at night and I stay on the main route even if I know I have to pay "puente". I hope the best for this family that is going through these hard time. God bless them.

    1. @5:48 Why are the toll roads in Mexico considered to be safer? Can't bushwhackers just pay the toll and lay in wait just as on other roads?

    2. They help maintain the roads. Also if you heep your receipt and have an accident because of debri kn the road they will tow and repair your vehicle if you choose to. At least in Baja they do. It happened to us last year.

    3. They help maintain the roads. Also if you heep your receipt and have an accident because of debri kn the road they will tow and repair your vehicle if you choose to. At least in Baja they do. It happened to us last year.

    4. 7:13 AM Toll roads are for the most part off limits. Most have some law enforcement. Would you allow someone else to mess with your business when the people using your roads are paying to use the service? I suspect the people who build and own toll roads in Mexico are members of organized crime. Toll roads are another form of extortion so even the state has some interests in them.

    5. Their patrol by military and federal agents and safe cause you paying piso to the MAN when they charge 10-20 dollars every 50-75 miles you travel. Bajadores would be killed by own government.

    6. Tollways are the better business, mugging people that use freeways helps the tollway, luckily on the US criminals have not discovered it, but enterprising businessmen and their associates like the famous "Mac Quarters" in Illionis who was imprisoned for stealing quarters from Illinois tollway, but as soon as he was released he got himself another job with the State of Illinois...
      On the US the biggest crime comes from above, in Mexico too, but only crime from below becomes publicized, until Presidente AMLO came along, to be blamed for all the crime past, present, and future.
      Use airplanes and only travel daytime,
      but the better thing is SEND THE MONEY, AND KEEP YOUR ASS SAFE AT HOME IN THE US.

  3. Are they from Aurora Colorado?

    1. I am pretty sure it is illinois---The article doesn't specifically state but since it is a chicago news site i think it is safe to say it is.

      It happened in Zacatecas which my landscaper just took his family there for the first time in 8 years because the violence is low and his mother is dying.

      I am thinking these victims may have used the free roads to save money.

      Sad AF

    2. Heard of 2-3 groups of people getting pulled over and “charged” all happening on free roads, much rather pay the 100-200 pesos they charge to use the toll roads when I’ve gone

    3. 7:13 Who loves you, potty mouth...
      CHIBAA, have yerself a very happy new year and leave some doughnuts for the help.

  4. He said the magic words, "They target you just because you come from the US...."

    1. Duh its like come get me i have plates from the us umm duh tbey know you have gas money and you have spending money and of course drinking money i stope gling to mex in trucks till we were taking off the road on sinaloa and taken to a parcela we were lucky they took one truck a chevy tahoe and asked us where we was headed to and gave us enough gas money to reach are destination my uncle lost a finger because he coudnt take iff the ring we wgere headed to jalisco this was in 2015

  5. Aurora Illinois is about 45 min from Chicago

    Im guessn it was a robbery or the guy owed something to someone

  6. Although a terrible incident, the odds of this happening to you are pretty slim. Many thousands crossed this holiday and this is the only issue? Again, a terrible incident.

    1. What is not reported you will never know. To equate an incident that happens to be reported in the media as the "only issue" is folly. So much crime does not go reported either to the police to begin with or for the the media to pick it up for for their dubious and varied reasons.

  7. No way he owed anything. if he did he for sure wouldnt have lived. Zetas dont play when it comes to that.

  8. No loss. a hundred more like him just swam the rio grande to america.

    1. 3:22 no swimming, there are plenty 2×6 all across the Rio Grande, and milk gallon jugs to float you to the other side if there is water in the Rio Bravo, but there are even young kids escalating the best of the walls the US have to offer, we should make it an Olympic event, mexicans would gold medal and silver and bronze too, without steroids.
      Then the personal lifts and drones are coming, the US will sell billions more dollars in aerials to the mexican narcs and their dtos.

  9. I don't take anything when I go to my Rancho, but when I get there I took my sobrinos to the city and buy the gifs.

  10. One would think that with the billions of dollars the cartels have that they would pay their people enough so they wouldn't have to rob tourists.

    1. 7:06 the cartels barely make some money for themselves, you know perfecly MULES barely get to eat some grass if it is around, nobody will bother buying hay and oats for them.
      International banks of prestige have been fined billions for money laundering, some of it drug trafficking profits, other DTP have been invested, like in China, but the offshored industries are still owned by americans "victimized by piracy" from their captive communist slave laborer owners, like the chinese...

  11. Any info on wether they were travelling at night?

    1. I am in contact with the family. I am hoping for an interview but the person I am in contact, another daughter of the 52 year old victim, and others are in Zacatecas with the three victims.

      destination was Arandas, Jalisco

      The daughter says they were sleeping in the car on the side of the road where they were attacked. In Zac

  12. And why would they do such a stupid ass thing!? Hell not even in the u.s can u stop and sleep in the car while traveling!!!

    1. 6:44 there are rest areas on all US roadways, I have rested on many of them, many times because I was too drunk or too sleepy to keep driving.
      but in Mexico, you should watch your step if you go girlfriend from Arandas is a handful, she goes there with her husband every year, she is really something, I sing to her Because, of the Dave Clark Five/ youtube.

  13. My uncle recently traveled by there well in a caravan of 2 and , that this jeep truck will pull up to you and tell you to pull over to a "corralon" alot and will tax you 1,000 for each car and take what ever they want my uncle's pases see's the jeep and steps on it he was hitting 90-110 mph for about 20-30 min min before they left him alone And turned around but while being pursued they say the saw the corralon with about 100 -200 vehicles American with cars parked ..

    1. Christmas money for these idiots knowing that a legitimate job pays better.
      The ignorance this world has come to.
      Happens everywhere regardless of origin.


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