Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, December 5, 2019

BB Interviews a CDG Sicario

A few days ago, I happened to be talking to someone on the internet, and while talking about cartel activity, he suddenly caught me by surprise. This is the pre-interview, while texting. Most it's not edited, other than some obvious misspelling.

UPDATE: There has been confusion to the name El Fantasma, and some people automatically are assuming this is a specific person that is not. Some of us that follow cartel members know that the same nicknames are used numerous times by cartel members. For example, I found at least 11 Fantasmas in my database. This person is not the ones that are found on the internet:

  • Jonathan Salas Avilés, El Fantasma was with Sinaloa cartel
  • Francisco Javier Rodríguez Picante, El Fantasma, Sinaloa Cartel
  • Carlos Arnulfo Flores alias “El Fantasma” o “El Flaco” Zeta

El Fantasma: "I will confess you something. Im a ex cartel member i want no trouble with no one i did my time in jail i gave up that life back in 2011 Im From CDG."

Buggs: "We should do an interview, written, so people can learn?"

El Fantasma: "My code names were  Alacran 131 , Escorpión 130, XW 121. My boss was Tony Tormenta TT160."

Buggs: "Where you in Mexico?"

El Fantasma: "Yes"

Buggs: "I was covering the region during Tony Tormenta."

El Fantasma: "I was there when my boss was killed in matamoros in nov 5.I can still remember that day."

Buggs: "That was a bloodbath, they caught him once then released him, they tried to catch him again, were you part of the Escorpiones who tried to rescue him."

El Fantasma: "Its funny how they only said about one gun fight in nov 5 in matamoros and the were 2 gun fights thats day. Yes, I was 3 blocks aways. I was coming in from el periodico el bravo en la calle primera. I saw the cameras in front of the building. My truck got shot up by the helicopters that day."

Buggs: "Do you know who I am?"

El Fantasma: "No. I really don't want to know. Like i told you i just don’t want any trouble."

Buggs: "I am Buggs, I wrote a book about cartels events from 2008 to 2013 when I was involved. You will never get in trouble with me."

El Fantasma: "Cool! I was there when the war started between z and cdg."

Buggs: "You willing to do a written interview, we will keep your identity secret?"

El Fantasma: "Maybe. Like what kind of stuff you want to know. How the zetas pay the mexican solders 15 millions so they can come and start gun fight in matamoros , reynosa ect so the zetas has time to move in our territory. Or how the mexican government would take there payment. I started in 2008 in vallehermoso Tamaulipas. I stared as a lower rank as a FR = fursa y reacio. Those are the ones that are protecting the city every day."

Buggs: "Yes, I assure you I will protect your identity, but we can learn more about what happened then. And a little about how it is now if you know. Most of the players during Tormenta and Cardenas are no longer involved anyhow. All that info is so interesting, I wrote a lot of detail about it in my book."

El Fantasma: "Yea like the lawyer that got killed in south lay texas. Cardenas gave order to Wicho , tormenta , tyson to kill all the zetas. Tyson Escorpión 1. You have earn your way up in the cartels you have to be willing to be in gunfight, follow orders, they need to know your acutely worthy to move up ranks."

Buggs: "Yes, I wrote a lot of Tyson, was he killed during the attempted rescue of Tormenta? I saw the pictures."

El Fantasma: "I remember he gave me 10 thousand dollars when I joined. El comandante cuello was his right hand men. Every body found out that Costilla turn in Tormenta. He made a deal with the mexican marines if he turn in tormenta they would let him work. So los Escorpiónes did not want to work with el coss so el coss started to kill them."

Buggs: "Escorpoines did not want to work with El Coss?"

El Fantasma: "The cartel found out about all the CIA people in matamoros. Were they work at what areas were they work at. Nope they didn’t. El coss only protected his people, Even were they live at too."

Buggs: "Did you know Heriberto and Miguel el 40?"

El Fantasma: "El 40 fuck him aka el san judas. He was from CDG L 40."

Buggs: "That is what I heard."

El Fantasma: "El traisiono a lazcano."

Buggs: "But went with the Z after Cardenas got arrested."

El Fantasma: "Yeap."

Buggs: "I knew two people who were not tortured or decapitated in Tam, just shot in the head, it was not a cartel MO, so that is why I think they were killed by military or police, what do you make out of it?"

El Fantasma: "I will tell you something about them you will be surprised. Military will take you and torture you and if you die they will put they were involved with the cartel and make up stories. The police they will give us all the people they would capture so i interogogarlas. Yo interoge a mucha jente when i was there i wrote all that info in a notepad every name, age, ect. Police will algo give any one to the military."

Buggs: "Any info you have would be great to have (about a person missing I mentioned that I can't name)"

El Fantasma: "Well if they found their body its good. If not they could be over by the beach were they put them in tambos and burn their bodies. I been there were they burn there bodies its close the the beach in matamoros."

Buggs: "Yes, horrible that is what Z did in Allende."

El Fantasma: "The zetas will do that but their big mistake is que los entieran (bury). We would trade people police and military would help us capture zetas and we trade money for people."

El Fantasma: "The new guys, they really don’t know how to work they just think they have balls but i seen their work y nope, they don't. I wouldn’t trust them with my life. These were the men in my team; Comandante cortes escorpión 42, C Barrera, C ranger, C. Tito, E . Aka el tigre, E aka chachin and C salas."

Sometimes is hard to tell who is legit, but this person had a lot of detail, names, events, arrests, kills, etc, , , 

There is also other information that I can't really talk about for security reasons, this is the kind of stuff I use in my training to U.S. LEOs that is sensitive information. I have been approached many times to do interviews by people who claim they were involved in cartel activity but during a process of vetting, if I am not able to establish credible then I don't waste my time. The interview is raw and sometimes things get lost in translation, bare in mind when thing do  not make sense, I tried not to change the narrative.

The Interview

BB: "Tell me as much as you can about yourself that relates to the Cartel, who were you with, time frames, your position, who did you work under?"

El Fantasma: "I started in vallehermoso tamaulipas in 2008, my code names were Alacrán 131 , Escorpion 130, XW 121, I work for CDG under Tony tormenta , comandante E-1 , I was a hit men , staka, puntero, bodyguard. I was in the war between los Z & CDG in matamoros, vallehermoso, reynosa tamaulipas, santa polonia, and other cities. We help people escape from the penal in matamoros in 2010. For the war against the zetas in valle hermoso we were looking for zeta Paco Banda he was in charge of vallehermoso tam and we were also looking for zeta Apache in vallehermoso. In 2010 me and comandante Ranger were in a meeting with the mexican marine general."

BB: "Did you ever served time as a result of being involved with the cartels or the trafficking of drugs?"

El Fantasma: "I served time in Olmito, Texas."

BB: "What names did you go by while with CDG?"

El Fantasma: "My names in was going by were El Fantasma, Escorpion (see above) or my real name."

BB: "Who were the plaza bosses with CDG while you were a member and what role the Zetas play while you were a member?"

El Fantasma: "the bosses in charge those years were El coss, tormenta , wicho, Siera, the zetas were our right hand people they did the dirty jobs for the CDG  and the CDG were in charge of the Plazas and the boss zetas were our escorts when we transported drugs and money and weapons."

BB: "What was your function or role while with the CDG?"

El Fantasma: "My function in the cartel were to take care of the plaza and the boss and pick up people when they give us orders to pick them up and to be there for any gunfight."

BB: "Did you participate in any armed conflicts or executions?"

El Fantasma: "yes I was in a lot of executions we used to take the people to areas around town or outside of town I saw a lot of that every day we never killed children the children were given to the DIF those were our orders.

gunfight with the 40 = soldados, 41 marinos, 43= policía federal and special forces we try avoid fight with GAFE we used to have cross gunfight with government and zetas."

BB: "Who are the Escorpiones?"

El Fantasma: "Escorpiones were the bodyguard of tony tormenta we were train by the United States Marine ,  Kaibiles , Navy seal they got pay to train us to become good bodyguards and how to shoot and pick up people and how to be in gunfight the Escorpión were also Mexican police, soldiers, judiciales, and United States military people."

BB: "Tell me about Tony Tormenta, what kind of person was he?"

El Fantasma: "Tony tormenta aka TT160 he was a person that build a lot of houses help schools gave the people money when they need help oh i forgot Osiel wasn’t de acuerdo that his brother build los Escorpión and that's why made up the zetas. Tony was a person that would have your back when you need help."

BB: "How did they take down Tormenta and was there an attempted rescue?"

El Fantasma: "tormenta was Capture a few times that's why el lazca and 40 would always say that tormenta was working with the DEA or the us government. But his brother mario cardenas and osiel paid money so the military wouldn’t touch him any more but we all knew that he wasn’t because we would find out how he was talking  the government.

Tony tormenta dead i remember that day it was at 9am in nove 5 2010 in Matamoros Tamaulipas we all receive a call on the radio that PAPA and Comandante Tyson and some of his bodyguards were trap and there was 4 truck of f150 de soldados in colonia telmex and we had to go from our save house in colonia mexico in the street call xochimilco the hole city was crazy that 1st gun fight lasted about 3 hrs there were about 15 trucks of sicarios and comandante Barrera was the one that enter in reverse and went all the way in to get tormenta out of the house . Comandante 1 Tyson escape by the back door and got a taxi. Me and ranger move to the other street to make sure the soldiers wouldn’t flank us. The words were PAPA is free get out of there then 41 marinos are on there way to back the 40 soldados so we got out."

BB: "It is said that Tormenta was captured initially by the military. But later the military denied capturing him. There was a rumor that military was paid off to release him, can you expand if this is in fact true or if he was in fact captured the first time?"

El Fantasma: "The second battle was around 1pm in downtown Matamoros  Tam. Well all the radios sounded again saying "apollo! apollo!" "assistance! assistance!" estamos rociados desde 41. We got out from the safe house asap trying to get there getting to calle canales close to the bus station we had to find our way to get close to the boss you can hear the guns , granadas(grenades), once we got there on calle primera we had to run closer one we got there we were 2 blocks away from the boss we had a really bad gunfight. I saw a box truck were the marines were inside. The sicario aka poli got hit by a granada. Once the marines got the radio and said su jefe tormenta está muerto junto con tyson y sus escoltas ballansen Escorpiones (your boss Tormenta is dead along with Tyson and his bodyguards, leave Escorpiones). we tried to get out but the roads were blocked. My truck got shot up by the helicopter. All night the government were looking for us by air and land.  2 days later truck with our own people that were tied up and eyes cover were coming in because someone snitched a lot of information so we had to kill some of our own people. We all knew something was wrong from nov 3 2010 there was a lot of movement even the military people from United States came in with an escort going to the marine base Nov 5 2010  there was 680 mexican marines  I also saw FBI people and DEA people in the gunfight"

BB: "Did you personally know Osiel and if you did, tell us a little about him.

El Fantasma: "Osiel Cardenas he was a person wanted the job done his way when tormenta died we had a message say going to get his pay back. I was fighting the Zetas for many reasons . I remember the zetas came in and throw granadas to a kindergarten so the can calentar la plaza and the government or the people wouldn’t like us , they killed some of my family members, The people from valle hermoso and matamoros tam would tell us we saw some zetas staying at these house or they came to our store and ask us for money."

BB: "Where you fighting the Z on behalf of CDG?"

El Fantasma: "I all claim CDG the people would likes us a lot we never mess with them at all we had rules to obey."

BB: "Whos was El Diablo?"

El Fantasma: "El Diablo David rosales ? El comandante Diablo jefe de Monterrey nuevo leon he was a cool guy smart."

BB: "Did you know El Lazca or Z-40? If you can you tell us a little how they got along, or if you can tell us something that the media got wrong?"

El Fantasma: "El Z 40 or L40 aka san judas yea he always wanted to be a real boss so he knew that been in the CDG he wouldn’t never be a real boss so he switch sides. Lazcano was his boss but he and Lazcano were always together but lazcano made a big mistake on trusting him. 40 always wanted Lazcano's place so he always gave him phones that were tapped because 40 wanted to change the cartel name to treviños cartel but. The media or the news thinks that Lazcano is dead but some cartels know he's not because no one would go and pick up a dead body and everything that the news is saying is not true the cartel only let them say what they want to let you know .

I remember how the government received money they would say go do your job there a car in such place pick it up and in side there money , guns, drugs, and we will give you any guys from the streets so you can show your job the next day there the news guns , people , drugs but yea were the money the government keep their payment. Why you think when something goes wrong with American people they do the same thing so they can say they capture the people that did it or when a boss is doing wrong he would turn in a high ranker so they can stop both them and let them work."

BB: "How do you see the cartels now, as when you were involved?"

El Fantasma: "The cartels back when i was there were actually real cartels we had rules , were more discipline , we knew what to do or how to work the cartels these day there just fighting each other instead of making money and protect the territory there not discipline. They don’t get paid good they are just playing around not know how to work and they always run from gunfight."

BB: "What is your opinion of CDN/Tropa del Infierno?"

El Fantasma: CDN and Tropa del Infierno there just fight because they want to control each other i see it like the Zetas and CDG when the had the war the government wouldn’t do notting they would let them kill each other."

BB: "Who are Los Zetas de la Vieja Escuela are they the same as the CDN?"

El Fantasma: "Zetas are just the name and zetas vieja escuela are the ones that founded the real zetas like los 20’zetas the orijinales los halcones or guardias are the ones that follow the soldiers all over the streets and are the eyes of the cartels there everywhere in bus station, airports, stores, with out the halcones or guardias the cartels are Nothing."

BB: "Do you know anything about Juan Gerardo Treviño Chávez, aka El Huevo?"

El Fantasma: "El Huevo only that he had orders to keep the treviño last name as a cartel name."

BB: "Tell us the difference or what are Los Halcones, Punteros, Focas or, Células, estacas and Los Comandantes?"

El Fantasma: "Punteros or pistoleros are the ones that protect the city in 4 door trucks with 4 people in each truck comandante, sub commander and 2 low ranker with different guns and 3 granadas focas could be anything or the girls that go to the rival city and get info so they can bring back so the  cartels could invite the city celulas are just a group of people together like saying there a celula of truck coming Estacas or FR are the ones that also protects the city they have to react quickly each colonia has like 5 - 10 estacas also has 4 people on each truck or FR fuersa y reaction every cartel has different names for the people estacas , punteros , guardias , halcones , alfas, lobos, ect los comandantes they were in charge of the estacas , or the city they had more responsibility in the cartel you had to earn you way to comandante,"

BB: "What do you see with the new and recent cartels and where do you see them in the near future?"

El Fantasma: "what i see in the cartels is that they change a lot the lower cartels are just killing each other they just kids that don’t now Nothing in the future the cartel are still going to out smart the government.

I been reading the borderlands beat maybe be like 2 weeks.

I also remember el Judicial Amador from valle hermoso tam he would always capture zetas and give them to us because they killed his brother and some family the one day the zetas killed him i also remember when comandante E 1 went on vacation he would trust us Ranger and me to be in charge of valle hermoso tam."

End if interview.
We hope to get him doing a more depth interview in a podcast, coming soon.

The scene in Matamoros in 2010 when Tony Tormenta and Tyson, the leader of the Escorpiones, were killed.

Links of Borderland Beat Blog posts relevant to this interview:

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  1. Buggs, as native Mexican Spanish speaker I'd be willing to clean up and translate the interview if you want. I feel like it's probably a bit hard to understand what's going on for an english-speaking audience.

    1. Notice how the "sicario" has no real info and when he does it's info that's readily available via public domain. A lot of it is very inaccurate especially about heavy CIA involvement.

  2. Its all about the money. I have no faith in the government. I hope cartels can one day be united. Smart and prosper with out the bloodshed.

    1. That would be wonderful
      One cartel

    2. Interesting thought.

    3. He's part of the lower hierarchy. The upper hierarchy is the politicians, bankers, arms dealers, federal agencies, military officers ,etc

      Remember the cartels were "born" because the goverment started the war on drugs. Prohibition and the black market is what gives them power.

  3. Thanks Buggs!. Waiting for 006 comments lol

  4. I thought Trope del inferno was CDN's armed wing. I don't think they fight each other.

    1. On every truck there are both signs CDN and Tropa del Infierno

    2. That is correct. The interviewee is clearly confused.

  5. He says that Lazca isn't dead?

    1. Curious what his take is on the photos.

    2. He mist be drunk or something.

    3. Na man hes not dead but im pretty sure he just doesn't work anymore he parted ways .

  6. Looks like the death of tony tormenta is what let the zetas treviños become the drug cartel they are until this day.

    CDN terrorists and all the other narco terrorists must be obliterated from planet earth, they got no choice. If they want world stability.

    1. Apparently AMLO made his choice of not labeling cartels terrorists. This should give one the insight of the erroneous actions by the Mexican president.

      World stability is an illusion my friend. Political interests are why may countries are destabilized globally.
      Who listens and who cares depends on one's ability to overcome moral responsibilities. As you can see not many have come to those defenseless people who continue to suffer worldwide.


    2. 1:22 AM What are you going on about. The main contributor to world instability on planet Earth is the American criminal organization and its 10 crime families. If they hadn't interfered in the 80s against Escobar and the Guadalajara Cartel their wouldn't be the violence we are seeing today. The only way to weaken the cartels is to legalize their main revenue source. After they do that then they could make them disappear.

    3. Tony Tormenta was a drug user and a drunk. I don’t know what is he talking about.

  7. Meh. All well known info. Learned nothing new/interesting.

  8. Wow! Very cool and interesting, but how can we verify as readers that he's legit?

  9. Enjoyed the interview, good work

  10. Interesting. I'm a CDG fan from Europe and I would like to talk to that guy. Where and how did you find him?

    1. A CDG fan?? Can a person be more of a low-life than you??

    2. Seriously? A cartel fan? You need to check yourself. Maybe a futbol fan makes sense, but a cartel fan? Do you have a hat or TShirt or bumper sticker or something?

    3. A CDG fan? This isn't a football team 😭

    4. A fan of CDG? They are not a sports team dude @5:51

  11. As for l 40 everybody know hes was already a very important figure in the gulf cartel he was in charge of collecting money from all over their territory and was the boss of the Veracruz plaza tampico plaza and nuevo laredo plaza the main reason he and the zetas left was because el coss killed his right hand man and when he told wl metro 3 to turn him over metro 3 refused that another way you can tell this guys full of shit alot of gulf and zeta bosses confirmed this

    1. yeah 40 took of Veracruz, when Z14 got whacked out there during horse challenge, His own security dudes took him out under the order of Trevino's, and they blamed it on Police raid

  12. Hello buggs.

    Did rise makaveli passed?

  13. Congratulations on great article. I very surprised this guy is still alive. I am here on the frontera been watching the since Don Juan left to prison. Don Juan was a great Leader. These guys just kill each other and don't know to run a business, just bunch dumbasses.

  14. He says maybe 2 weeks, Whats does he mean by that? I wonder what he thinks of Amlo.

  15. Cool interview always learn government of Mexico is in cahoots, with cartels.

    1. Has been for decades. Why else would US intelligence be infiltrated or blindsided by these corrupt officials.
      Payments and collaborations with cartels are one now than ever before.

    2. What??? No Way!!!

  16. This guy is a joke ! There is only one El Fantasma and he worked for El Señor Chapo and was trained by el Señor Bravo

    1. 40 was known as el fantasia because on day he would be in tamaulipas and the next he would be in Sinaloa

    2. @Chivis but only one was prior military and actually trained to fight

    3. You 2 are the biggest CDs nutthuggers in history

    4. El Señor Metro 3 ... Who killed him ? Was El Condor[zetas] that important ?

    5. 40 never got 50 miles near Sinaloa

  17. No MMS bugs who the fuck did u interview jaja no MMS wei enserio did u interview that Facebook sicario of rodrigo Gmz or that other one que de ponen guero Haha. U want a real interview wei ala otra. Message me csbron este pendejo de la interview no sabe ni vergas wei tr lo juro que no. Yo si jale pa la company en el 2004-05 y en el 2010 . Yo me enfrente a afis y chapos cuando si empeso la Guerra no mmds. El de la entre entrevista no sabe ni lo que hablas pero dice que no quiere problemas jajaja pinche joto mentirosa. Si quieres una entrevista con el sicario activo del cdn de la tropa del infierno ya to la consigo wei. Pero dejense de mmds poniendo falsos y mas sobre la raza no como esas golfas vendidas

    1. Apoco. Pos llega le con los hechos y nada de relatos muñeca. Vamos a ver que tan cierto es lo tuyo.

    2. Buggs i did (chores) for the original Z back in o4 o5 in and around the 5 manantiales 43=(policia municipal) would say sir to me when they came for their pay at one of the bosses house and i was just a guy doing small chores such as pick ups and deliveries. I never carried a firearm 43 would escort me i can only speak for myself i was not given any info other than what i needed to know.i was paid in dollars/pesos/drugs . Once in the town of Allende i picked up a paper bag with cash inside i delivered this bag of cash mixed dollars and pesos it was short i was sent back this time with 4 men i never met in a newer truck they where not your average Mexican all 4 were taller than i and stocky we arrived at bar there were 2 43s inside and the owner bartending guys i was with they never pulled out any weapons though they all had handguns attached to their upper thighs not the hip and in the truck 3 had cuernos anyway one says grab him they grab bar owner in front of the 2 43s started beating his face severely the 43s never said a word until they wer asked if they had a problem all they said was no jefe para nada. I was givn a code that changed weekly if i was pulled over by police from around the 5 manantiales all i did was givem the code and id be let go. I sometimes would pick up the chief of police and drive him to my boss for meeting id use drugs while driving with him he'd just laugh about it. I dont want this published just thought id send a lil info on what i know Buggs im like your guy el fantasma i have a fam and ive paid my dues did time and lost alot im still paying for my mistakes im drug free only smoke bud now and dont associate anymore i knew some guys they knew some guys the boss of those guys seen me clean cut nice hair cut but tatted all up without shirt or pants so i was approached by some guys to meet another guy who took me to the boss who very nicely asked me if id do him a favor i was not going to say no . the rest is history i began doing chores.never became a Z simply never said no to a Z when asked i just wanted to stay alive is all. I got names addresses but i cant givem them out familia would be in danger so can not do that . hope it answers some questions.

    3. VERY interesting....totally believe it all

    4. Er...Mr. Anonymous 8:32 said “I don’t want this published.” It’s right after he said he would use drugs while driving a high ranking civil servant.

    5. I think 7:21 is a jealous rival who maybe knew someone from Z.... 8:32 sounds legit and we would like to hear more from him... u should be cool disclosing some stories anonymously homey

  18. An In-depth analysis & information of how corruption and foreign powers have caused many of these atrocities in Mexico.
    Moreover, a lesson for all others to understand the importance of living.
    All this from a former cartel member who saw the truth.

    Kids stay in school.

    1. Ohh no,blaming every other country on the planet

    2. 4:29 sorry to incommodate you Queen of Denial,
      Truth is out like a cat outta tha bag, 7:33 wins by a mile of tronco...

  19. So this guy is claiming Lazcano is still alive? How embarrassing it would be for the Mexican government if he actually appeared alive.

    1. Doubt the Mexican government cares much.
      Embarrassment is the least of Mexico's worries. The continuous display of collusion by government agencies with cartels is well known among nations.
      Probably still receiving money for his disappearance.

    2. This guy is lying

  20. Really hope Amlo plan work, but don't , have much hope. All my friends and family have paid Cartel for Piso r kidnapping. We just can't afford to go back.

    1. I have family members who have retired in Mexico & can't sell due to lack of funds. Other than those who have money (cartel leaders) who would prefer to kill u and take everything. The insecurity in Mexico has impacted many good people with no involvement in criminal activity.


  21. Fascinating read, thank you!

  22. I would like for him to respond on the corpse of Z1.

    1. Guzman Decena Z1... He died in a confrontation. You mean Z3? Lazcano? His body was taken by Z-40 as a trophy.

    2. El Z1 died in 2002 long before the wars as we know them began.

  23. Thanks Buggs. Could have been more raw and blood-drenched. Unlike many BB readers, I openly admit my fascination with cartel torture, kidnapping and murder. But I've never hurt anybody and don't wish to.

  24. This guy is legit

    El E1

  25. They do pick up dead bodies!

  26. So.... Mexican Police and Military are actually mercenaries?

    Corruption at the local and federal level is incredible!

    So much for patriotism and rule of law.


  27. Wow! What a seriously great read!!! I have been a BB daily visitor for 7 or 8 years now and I must say y'all only get better and better!

  28. Would not be surprised one bit if lazca pulled a nazario moreno and faked it.

    Also, in the movie traffic they implied that amado faked it with the plastic surgery. Who thinks lazca and/or Carrillo Fuentes are alive and well?

  29. Ask him whos winning cdg or cdn in la frontera chica plz!

  30. Saludos pa la raza de moros desde la colonia nuevo paraiso

  31. "Mexican marine general"

    uhmm marines don't have generals...

    1. 1:41 Mexican Marine Infantry might have ginirals, check that will ya?
      Then bring me some coffee.

    2. Yes they do you idiot

  32. I always thought that punteros were cannon fodder. Like if there was a confrontation they would be at the very front, the first to die.

  33. so lazca is still alive? nooo

  34. You know what you should do a story on is when they cartels any of them have a shoot out with the military the gov/media labels it as an ambush like why would the cartels want to shoot out on their turf with the military or state police it would just heat up their location it doesn't make any sense instead of investigating where these criminals are the military just rides around looking for trouble and the innocents die

  35. He just signed his death warrant agreeing to this interview. With all the aliases and knowledge of the cartel, disclosing as a new reader of BB, he's already dead. Question this post, sorry Buggs. Certain info should have been withheld.

    1. Who would Kill him?
      The people he talks about are either dead or in prison the CDG he knew is now gone, new players, new enemies, new everything. Cdg has been shit for a long long time now.

  36. Can you please have him clarify what he means regarding Lazca? It sounded as though when said Lazca isn’t dead...that would be very hard to believe in lieu of the photos of him in the morgue.

  37. Anyone who kills cjng are a friend of mine. Cjng kill infants and the elderly

  38. That Lazcano is alive has been rumored for a while now in Tamps

    1. Rumors of dead cartel leaders is more common than house wives gossiping. Plus, I heard Z1 has been working for Tupac on an island with Elvis and now Epstein.

  39. I keep telling you guys but you won't accept this. 10 years or so back a kid I use to mentor when he had no father, his mother asked me to teach him to work, I own an automotive shop. I had a falling out with his mlm other, this boy was 11 or so at the time. 12 years later I reunited with this boy now a man, invite him back to the shop I mentored him. He tells me the story how he joined the army, how they recruited him to the DEA, how they made him dress is Mexican federales uniforms and what he told me was some crazy shit! I didn't believe him at first, after the details he conveyed, I realized he was telling the truth.

    1. So spit the details. We don't care about your preface

  40. CDS y Los Aretes(Inge) worked together up until his capture there was never any beef, they both used Teo to clean TJ... Chivis lets do an interview for the Pacific Coast

  41. Hoping for more details on Arturo Guzman Decena(Z1) and Lazca

  42. So you just question the cartel and what he does and just totally ignore that the CIA was in matamoros and FBI and DEA so because we seen what he clearly stated we should question why the fuck was the U.S government's sicarios were there in the first place to cause more chaos like always help others start wars that cause thousands of innocent lives .

    Thanks buggs i appreciate the interview but start questioning the right stuff because learning from the cartels isnt helping obviously or what do your u.s government contacts will silence you from saying so .

  43. So you just question the cartel and what he does and just totally ignore that the CIA was in matamoros and FBI and DEA so because we seen what he clearly stated we should question why the fuck was the U.S government's sicarios were there in the first place to cause more chaos like always help others start wars that cause thousands of innocent lives .

    Thanks buggs i appreciate the interview but start questioning the right stuff because learning from the cartels isnt helping obviously or what do your u.s government contacts will silence you from saying so .

    1. That definitely left me wondering why wasn't more questions being asked.

  44. Very interesting interview, Buggs! Thank you for your time and effort.

  45. Everything he said about 40 and Lazcano you get from the internet. He did now know these guys. Notice that he never affirms that he did know them, but just repeats rumors about them. These cartel people are a bunch of liars, totally untrustworthy. El Lazca is as alive as Santa Clause.

  46. He was an Alacran/Escorpion/XW, meaning he would not have detailed info on Zetas. He did not work with them. He was one of Tony Tormenta's men.


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